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Sri Gurvastakam

By Srila Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur


tranaya karunya-ghanaghanatvam
praptasya kalyana-gunarnavasya
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [1]

samsara – material world; dava-anala – forest fire; lidha – devoured, licked; loka – world; tranaya – relief; karunya – merciful; ghanaghanatvam – thick rain cloud; praptasya – possessing; kalyana – auspiciousness; guna-arnavasya – ocean, waves of good qualities; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[1] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who is an ocean of good qualities and auspiciousness and who, as a thick rain cloud of mercy, brings relief to this world devoured by the forest fire of material existence.

mahaprabhoh kirtana-nrtya-gita-
vaditra-madyan-manaso rasena
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [2]

mahaprabhoh – Mahaprabhu; kirtana – kirtan; nrtya – dancing; gita – singing; vaditra – playing instruments; madyan-manaso – intoxicated at heart, or mind; rasena – relishing; romancha – hairs standing on end; kampa-asru-taranga – trembling and streams of tears; bhajo – feeling; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[2] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet Sri Guru, whose eyes shed streams of tears, who feels trembling and goosebumps as he relishes the intoxicating dancing, singing and playing instruments in Mahaprabhu's kirtan.

yuktasya bhaktams cha niyunjato 'pi
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [3]

sri-vigraharadhana – worship of holy Deities of the Lord; nitya – eternally, every single day; nana – various; srngara – dressing and decorating the Lord; tan – His; mandira – temple; marjanadau – cleaning; yuktasya – engaged in; bhaktams cha – all devotees; niyunjato 'pi – and engages; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[3] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who unwaveringly engages himself and all devotees in various services related to the worship of holy Deities of the Lord, including dressing and decorating the Lord and cleaning His temple.

svadv-anna-trptan hari-bhakta-sanghan
krtvaiva trptim bhajatah sadaiva
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [4]

chatur-vidha – four types of prasad (chewed, sucked, licked and drunk); sri-bhagavat-prasada – of the Supreme Lord; svadv-anna-trptan – satisfied by taking delicious food (rice and other preparations); hari-bhakta-sanghan – devotees of the Lord; krtvaiva – making; trptim – satisfaction; bhajatah – worships, serves; sadaiva – always; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[4] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who always serves the Lord's devotees by satisfying them with four types of delicious prasad of the Lord and thereby feels satisfied himself.

vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [5]

sri-radhika-madhavayor – of Sri Radha-Madhav; apara- – boundless; madhurya-lila – sweet, amorous pastimes; guna – qualities; rupa – beauty; namnam – Names; prati-ksana-asvadana – relish at every moment; lolupasya – feeling anxious to; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[5] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who longs to relish at every moment the boundless sweet pastimes, qualities, beauty and Names of Sri Radha-Madhav.

nikunja-yuno rati-keli-siddhyair
ya yalibhir yuktir apeksaniya
tatrati-daksyad ati-vallabhasya
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [6]

nikunja-yuno – young lovers in forest nooks; rati – amorous; keli – pastimes, play; siddhyair – to carry out, perform; ya ya-alibhir – girlfriends; yuktir – reason, scheme, or union; apeksaniya – waiting; tatra-ati-daksyad – extremely skilful at this; ati-vallabhasya – extremely dear; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[6] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who is dearly beloved and very expert at facilitating amorous pastimes in forest recesses (when Sri Radha's girlfriends wait to come up with a pretext to arrange a meeting of Radha and Krishna).

saksadd-haritvena samasta-sastrair
uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih
kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [7]

saksadd-haritvena – Supreme Lord Hari Himself; samasta-sastrair – by all scriptures; uktas – said; tatha – so, similarly; bhavyata – considered; eva – indeed, certainly; sadbhih – pious men; kintu – but; prabhor – of the Lord; yah – who; priya – dear; eva – certainly; tasya – His; vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[7] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who is said by all scriptures to be no doubt the Supreme Lord Himself and considered to be so by pious souls but who is also no doubt the Lord's dear associate.

yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado
yasyaprasadat na gatih kuto 'pi
dhyayam stuvams tasya yasas tri-sandhyam
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam [8]

yasya – whom; prasadad – pleasing; bhagavat-prasado – pleasing the Lord; yasya-aprasadat – if [he is] displeased; na gatih – no way; kuto 'pi – anywhere; dhyayam – meditation; stuvams – singing in glorification; tasya – his; yasas – glory; tri-sandhyam – at the three junctions of the day (morning, noon, evening); vande – I bow; guroh – to the guru's; sri-charana-aravindam – holy lotus feet.

[8] I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, by pleasing whom one can please the Lord and without pleasing whom there is no other way; I sing and meditate on his glory at the three junctions of the day.

srimad gurorastakam etad uchchair
brahme muhurte pathati prayatnat
yas tena vrndavana-natha-saksat
sevaiva labhya januso'nta eva [9]

srimad gurorastakam – Srimad Guror Astakam (the holy eight verses in glorification of Sri Guru); etad – this; uchchair – out loud; brahme muhurte – during the brahma-muhurta period (1 hr 36 min before sunrise); pathati – read, recite; prayatnat – make an effort; yas tena – by that; vrndavana-natha-saksat – the Lord of Vrindavan Himself; seva-eva – service; labhya – attain; januso'nta – at the end of this birth; eva – certainly.

[9] One who very carefully tries to recite this 'Sri Gurvastakam' during the brahma-muhurta time will no doubt attain service to the Lord of Vrindavan at the end of their birth.


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The Gift of Vision
'We can observe and understand the Guru and Vaishnavs by the mercy of the Guru and Vaishnavs; otherwise just by their external appearance and external activities we cannot see who is a Vaishnav, or who is the Guru.'



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