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Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
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Fri, 26 July 2024

'You have been chanting kirtan here for so many years, but, having heard that kirtan, how many people are genuinely practising Krishna consciousness, tell me? Until and unless we realise within our brains that I and my body are not one and the same thing, we will not be able to understand what brings benefit to the soul.'

Love for Gaudiya [by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad]
"We pray that your practice, behaviour, language, taste, moral regulations and religious faith become aligned with the precepts of Gaudiya. Please gradually give up non-gaudiya elements within your Gaudiya identity and show the ideal of Gaudiya to the entire world. May you not mutilate the paramount ideal of the Gaudiya precepts by coveting to participate in that which is not Gaudiya."


Today in the calendar: Krishna Panchami. Disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami Prabhu.

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."

"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti, some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all devotees."

"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay' to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."


In honour of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswamipad:

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami's Miracle
"You have heard about the Deity of Sri Radha-Raman in Vrindavan. When Gopal Bhatta Goswami lived in Vrindavan, he every day worshipped twelve pieces of Govardhan sila..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 7 September 2013 | Bengali)

Strongest Faith (2) Gopal Bhatta Goswami
"You have eyes in your heart, and if you have such feeling towards the Deity in your heart and do your service with such faith, then you can easily see Krishna everywhere, hear Krishna-nama everywhere, nothing else besides Krishna-nama will enter your ears..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min | 10 March 2015)

Prayers to Sri Vaishnav Thakur:

SONG: Ei-bara karuna kara | এইবার করুণা কর
"O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of your feet."

SONG: Ohe Vaisnava Thakura | (ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর
"O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant. Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after you."

SONG: Ki-rupe paiba seva | কিরূপে পাইব সেবা
"I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"

SONG: Dhana mora nityananda | ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ
"The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs' name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."

SONG: Ye anila prema-dhana | যে আনিল প্রেমধন
"Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"


Thu, 25 July 2024

Come to Serve Devotees
'Please come and do the dham parikrama. Come for a few days, do some service there. Coming for a festival means engaging yourself in service. If you do not serve pure Vaishnavs, you cannot become a pure Vaishnav; if you do not serve devotees, you cannot become a devotee. Remember this.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)


Exclusive Conception of Srila Prabhupad's Line (part 4, last)
[By Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj]
'I think I have done something today to give vent to the feeling of my gurudev, to make his position clear. You are helping me to take so many beautiful and so many valuable things out of my inner heart. It is through your help that these old memories are becoming again fresh to me, and I am forced to take these things that I have got from my gurudev's wealth out of the inner nature of my previous life. I am again given an opportunity to see that treasury.'


Wed, 24 July 2024

Love for Lord, Love for Yourself
'When you live in Krishna's family, you use everything in His service, so whatever you do, you do it for the Lord. Did Arjuna not kill all his relatives? Krishna Himself says, "Arjuna, I have already killed them," but we see that actually Arjuna did that – it was done through him. So, if you love the Lord, you must be ready to do anything for Him.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)


Слава Шри Симантадвипа
Однажды в Сатья-югу Шивджи Махарадж стал танцевать повторяя Святое Имя Гауранги. Увидев состояние своего супруга, Парвати Деви спросила у него: «Почему ты всё время взываешь: „О Гауранга! О Гауранга!“? Кто этот Гауранга? Когда я вижу, как ты танцуешь, и слышу Имя Гауранги, у меня сердце тает. Мне кажется, что все мантры, тантры и т.д., которые я слышала до сих пор, — это всё мусор для души! Расскажи мне о Гауранге. У меня такое чувство, что если я буду служить Ему, то я обрету жизнь».


Exclusive Conception of Srila Prabhupad's Line (part 3)
[By Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj]
'I consider myself a student, a faithful student, so I try my best to stick to what I have got from my gurudev. I want to keep my position there, according to what I heard from him, and I do not want to mutilate it in any way to suit my purpose. I try not to do that. So, of course, others may do different things for big propaganda as they think better, they are now free, but I am not a member to that.'


Tue, 23 July 2024

Cutting Illusory Bondage
'Remember this. I want to pull you out of your bondage and engage you in service to Radha-Govinda and Gaura-Nitai. This is my purpose, and it is for this purpose that I have take so much trouble to come here.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)


Exclusive Conception of Srila Prabhupad's Line (part 2)
[By Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj]
'Prabhupad's attention was always towards the basis: pour water onto the root, pour water onto the root, and the fruit will come of itself. Our training is in this line. The highest ideal is always on our heads, it is the prospect of our future life, life after life – it cannot be finished; rather, we shall foster pure hope that one day we may be taken in to that camp.'


Today in the calendar: Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj (a diksa and sannyas disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad, the first Gaudiya Math preacher in the West).

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must still give them 'jay' on this day."



In honour of Sripad Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj:

Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj remembers:

When I got sannyas, Sripad Bon Maharaj was present there, as well as many others also. Sripad Bon Maharaj remarked, "Prabhupad has got a high satisfaction by giving you sannyas. We have never seen so much satisfaction in him at the occasion of any other sannyasi. He is highly satisfied with conferring sannyas to you."

....When Sripad Bon Maharaj returned from England, he put so many disturbing questions to our Guru Maharaj (Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad), "What do you know about that country? They are so brave, so gorgeous! Staying here, we cannot have any proper estimation of the civilisation in London at present. We are all ignorant. If we are to preach in London or Europe, we will have to be trained in a different way!" That was his advice to our Guru Maharaj, and Guru Maharaj, being pressed, rather attacked by his own disciple in such a way, withdrew himself by saying, "This is not our way of thinking. Our Guru Maharaj, Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj, did not even know how to sign his name, but we think that all the scholarship, wealth, everything is there in a nail of his toe." Guru Maharaj represented himself in a mild and humble way, but there was also professor Sanyal present there, and he came out like a tiger at our Bon Maharaj, "Have you lost all you have got from Guru Maharaj?! You are bold enough to talk in such a boisterous way? Have you forgotten how to behave with your Divine Master?" He was furious; Bon Maharaj had to check himself. Anyhow, Prabhupad said about him, "Bon Maharaj went to preach in my first year in England and in my second year in England." Prabhupad had gone through it using Bon Maharaj.

So, when I heard that Sripad Bon Maharaj had returned from Europe and put forth so many arguments of the Western persons saying that they could not be answered, I wanted to hear what those questions were that could not be answered. He reluctantly spoke about the arguments he had had to face there, and I began to answer them one by one. Then, when Sripad Bon Maharaj could not say anything more, Srila Swami Maharaj [Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj], who was present at that round table meeting, said, "Here, Europe is defeated by Asia!"

* * *

...At that time, all the preachers had been taken back from the compass of the country and were concentrated to work in Kolkata—they used to have to go door to door collecting bhiksa (alms, donations). Sripad Bon Maharaj's party, he and one or two brahmacharis, went to some part of Kolkata for collection. Generally, seeing some gentleman standing by, one of the members of the party would run up to him and say something like, "We come from Gaudiya Math, we want to make some collection. Dear sir, you are a devoted person of this locality, please make some contribution." So, one time, Bon Maharaj asked some gentleman to give him some addresses of good benevolent gentlemen whom they could approach to get some money for their purpose. The gentleman showed Bon Maharaj the way saying, "Just go to that house, you will find the right person there." Bon Maharaj went there in good faith. When he knocked on the door, the door was open. A lady came out. Seeing him, she said, "Oh, you are a sadhu! What do you want from me?" The gentleman who had directed Bon Maharaj there, was laughing behind him—the lady was a prostitute. Bon Maharaj was perplexed—it was a lady. Anyhow, he still gave her the letter of invitation saying, "We have got such and such festival, we want you to come and we want to ask you for some contribution." I do not know if the lady had given him anything or not, but all the people around were laughing. After that, Bon Maharaj came back to Prabhupad and said, "Prabhupad, I will not go for any collection again." Prabhupad asked him, "Why? What has happened?" Bon Maharaj related the incident saying that some rogues had guided him to a prostitute's house. After that, Prabhupad delivered a lecture: "There are many of you who have left their own property, but still I send you out for collection. Do you think that I am doing wrong? I am not. The visayi (materialists) always want to entrap us within their material life, but we must learn to utilise everything and anything in the service of Krishna, then only are we saved; otherwise, if we leave, give everything away, all this visaya (material elements) will be left there and as soon as it gets any chance, it will come to bite me. So, whatever comes to us, we should deal with everything in such a way that rather, 'Whatever I shall come across, it will give me some impression to remember Krishna—everything should utilise me for a particular service to Krishna.' If left there, they will be enemies, but they should all be turned into friends. They will help me, remind me, excite me in the service of Krishna. We must have this kind of adjustment in this world. So, nothing should be left off. 'Nirbandhah Krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam uchyate: when one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krishna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness.'"


Prayers to Sri Vaishnav Thakur:

SONG: Ei-bara karuna kara | এইবার করুণা কর
"O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of your feet."

SONG: Ohe Vaisnava Thakura | (ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর
"O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant. Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after you."

SONG: Ki-rupe paiba seva | কিরূপে পাইব সেবা
"I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"

SONG: Dhana mora nityananda | ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ
"The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs' name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."

SONG: Ye anila prema-dhana | যে আনিল প্রেমধন
"Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"


Mon, 22 July 2024

In Search of Reality
'Param Guru Maharaj's commentary on Srimad Bhagavad-gita is called "Hidden Treasure" – if you read his interpretation, you will discover the hidden treasure. He also has another book called Search for Sri Krishna. In this world, you can see a beautiful girl, a beautiful tree or mountain, but Krishna possesses the highest beauty. So, search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)


Exclusive Conception of Srila Prabhupad's Line (part 1)
[By Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj]
'Our Prabhupad did not allow these things. Do your duty on your plane, and what you deserve will come to you naturally. That was his instruction all through, not only temporarily but all through. Do not go to be a disbeliever, very eager to see the final result; otherwise, you will get Maya instead of Yogamaya.'

Do Not Compromise with Maya
"So many problems came in their time, and they did not back off—they spoke the truth; but we are ready to compromise our principles—we compromise what Mahaprabhu teaches us with other things. Srila Sridhar Maharaj saw a big dream that Mahaprabhu's proper conception would be preached all over the world by Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, and that is happening now. We must not surrender to maya."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 11 min | 7 June 2019)


Sun, 21 July 2024 (Sri Guru Purnima)

Action and Reaction
'This is how we survive in this world, killing millions of living entities. We do all these actions, but do you know what kinds of reaction we will have to reap as the result? Nothing but hell. For those who live like this, there is no other way but to go to hell. There is a solution though.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)



Today in the calendar: Purnima. Sri Guru Purnima. Appearance of Srila Vyasadev. Disappearance of Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu. Beginning of Chaturmasya Vrata.

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."

"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti, some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all devotees."

"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay' to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."


In honour of Sri Chaturmasya-vrata:

"Chaturmasya is good, but chaturmasya does not mean you must keep a beard, grow long hair and not eat something, but secretly do nonsense. This life is not for enjoyment only. You must be always careful with the food..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 4 min | 1 July 2012)


In honour of Srila Vyasadev:

"You have heard of the Upanisads, Vedas, Vedanta, and the other scriptures which were revealed in India in written form five thousand years ago. Previously, this knowledge existed as sruti-mantram, spoken words, and it was transmitted by rsis and munis to their disciples through sruti-mantram. At that time there were no books. Vedavyas has very mercifully given us the written form of sruti-mantram: the Veda. He divided the Veda (sruti) into four parts: Rg, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva. He also composed the supplementary literatures (smrti) like the Mahabharata, which is called the fifth Veda. The gist of the Vedas can also be found in the hundreds of Upanisads he wrote. The great rsis, Vedic research scholars, have also presented the Vedic knowledge in the Puranas. Thus, through the great rsis, this transcendental knowledge is being revealed in this mundane world, and when necessary, from time to time, an incarnation of the Lord manifests by whose divine mercy we get a connection with that transcendental knowledge.

"These Vedic literatures mainly try to give us transcendental knowledge, and for our benefit they have proclaimed, "Srnvantu visve amrtasya putra: you are all the sons of nectar, transcendental nectar; you are from the nectarean ocean. Dive deep into that nectar!" We are all parts and parcels of the Lord, therefore we are spiritual relatives."

(Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, Original Source)

namo 'stu te vyasa-visala-buddhe
yena tvaya bharata-taila-purnah
prajvalito jnana-mayah pradipah

Obeisances unto Srila Vyasadeva—
O Srila Vyasadeva of formidable intelligence, whose eyes resemble the long petals of the blooming lotus flower, and who ignited the lamp of knowledge, filled with the oil of the Mahabharata—I offer my obeisances unto you.

(Mangalacharanam, Srimad Bhagavad-gita)

The Greatest Gift of Sri Vedavyas
A wonderful extensive talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj describing the holy appearance of Srimad Bhagavatam:
"Srimad Bhagavatam is the oldest and finest book of Krishna consciousness. Vedavyas had composed all the scriptures, but he still did not feel happiness in his heart. He started searching what had happened..."
Download / listen to the audio (17.7 Mb, 43 min | 17 June 1992)


In honour of Sri Guru Purnima:

Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Vani
A quote of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad that is much appreaciated by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj and is framed and hung in many of the temples: "If someone does not consider it necessary to faithfully follow their Guru and the Vaishnavs, their endeavour to serve the Lord is not service to the Lord—it is service to maya."

Sri Guru-Tattva: The Captain of Your Boat
"If you serve your Guru properly, if you have devotion to the Guru, then you will be able to remove the bondage with the modes of material nature, and through that relationship with your Guru you can get service to the Lord and finally reach your destination."
Download / listen to the audio (8 Mb, 24 min | 22 July 2013 | Mostly Bengali)

Sri Guru Purnima: Remembrance Day
"Today is a very good and auspicious day, the day of Sri Guru Purnima. On this day, we can pray to our Gurudev that he may engage us in service more and more, so that we could progress in our spiritual life, so that we could submit ourselves to him as a devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 5 July 2020)

Sri Guru Purnima Address
"My body is here, but my heart, my mind, my everything is with you. I am always thinking about you, I am always thinking about your good, how you can become better and better, how you can run the mission more and more successfully. Any service I can help you with, I will always try to do it, and I will try my best. That is my promise on this Guru Purnima day."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min | 5 July 2020)

Will-O'-the-Wisp of Worldly Wishes
"If you give Maya chance, then Maya will attack you. As soon as you get a weak spot, Maya will attack you. It does not matter whether you are young or old. If you try to control your elements, you can control them from a young age."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 10 min | 5 July 2020)

Eternal Priorities
"You cannot follow all the very strict rules that the six goswamis followed properly in Vrindavan. So, think only about doing your service properly, about practising properly, about avoiding bad association properly—give much importance to all this."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | 5 July 2020)

Key to Guru Puja
"Gurudev had explained and taught me that when you make a festival not much is necessary—a festival means Vaishnav seva, bhakta-seva. Guru-seva is not engaging your Guru in service—it means serving your Guru, serving his devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min | 9 October 2018 | Bengali)

Sri Guru's Forgiving Mercy
"Gurudev is always merciful. I can give you an example of how merciful Gurudev is, I can tell you one story. Disciples always do wrong, but Gurudev is always merciful..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 7 min | June 2010)

Part 1: How to See the Guru: Mercy
Clear guidance on how to understand who the Guru is, and how a sincere disciple should see the Guru: the Guru is not only a mahabhagavata (a great devotee), he is nondifferent from Krishna Himself.
Download / listen to the audio (6.4 Mb, 14 min | 25 September 2014)

Part 2: How to See the Guru: Chastity
The main quality of a sincere disciple explained by several examples: one-pointed attention, rejecting the unfavourable, intense attachment to service and devotees, faith, and careful choice of association.
Download / listen to the audio (7 Mb, 15 min | 25 September 2014)

  Sri Guru and His Grace
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj has been recently repeatedly stressing the importance of reading this holy book, recalling many examples and guidenlines found therein. Presented here in English for online reading, and in Bengali and English for downloading.


Krsna haite chatur-mukha | কৃষ্ণ হৈতে চতুর্ম্মুখ
Gurudev! krpa-bindu diya | গুরুদেব! কৃপাবিন্দু দিয়া
Gurudev bada krpa kari | গুরুদেব! বড় কৃপা করি’
Samsara-davanala | সংসার-দাবানল
Sri-guru-charana-padma | শ্রীগুরুচরণ-পদ্ম


In honour of Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu:

Sri Sanatan-Siksa
The first lecture in the cycle of lectures given by His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj in 2015, dedicated to the teachings of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu and Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu.


Sri Rupa-Sanatan Siksa (EPUB file, 0.5 Mb)
"Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita: Sri Rupa-Satana Siksa, read and expounded by His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj." An electronic version of the published previously online matter available now for download, reading and worshipping on phones, tablets, eBook readers, etc.


SONG: Sri Sad-Goswamy-Astakam | শ্রীশ্রীষড়্­গোস্বাম্যষ্টকম্
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Six Goswamis, namely Sri Rupa Goswami, Sri Sanatan Goswami, Sri Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Sri Raghunath Das Goswami, Sri Jiva Goswami, and Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami, who are always engaged in chanting the Holy Name of Krishna and dancing. They are just like the ocean of love of God, and they are popular both with the gentle and with the ruffians, because they are not envious of anyone. Whatever they do, they are all-pleasing to everyone, and they are fully blessed by Lord Chaitanya. Thus they are engaged in missionary activities meant to deliver all the conditioned souls in the material universe."

SONG: Ei-bara karuna kara | এইবার করুণা কর
"O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of your feet."

SONG: Ohe Vaisnava Thakura | (ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর
"O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant. Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after you."

SONG: Ki-rupe paiba seva | কিরূপে পাইব সেবা
"I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"

SONG: Dhana mora nityananda | ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ
"The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs' name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."

SONG: Ye anila prema-dhana | যে আনিল প্রেমধন
"Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"



Sat, 20 July 2024

Example of Vaishnav Quality
'Such was Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj, and such are Vaishnavs of the highest qualification. We do not think about their examples – instead, we think that we have become Vaishnavs. People do not understand these things. I am telling you all this so that you can learn something about how we should serve our guru, Vaishnavs and the Lord.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)


—{ Teachings to Sri Sri Rupa-Sanatan }—

Sanatan-Siksa: "You Are Mine!"
"You will start the service to Krishna in Vrindavan and preach to others what the Vaishnav etiquette is. This is your duty—I am giving you this service. Then Mahaprabhu put His hand on Sanatan's head and blessed him, 'It will all be revealed to you.'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 7 min)

Sanatan-Siksa: The All-Attractive Lord
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, Chapter 24: "The amazing qualities of the Lord are such that even the self-satisfied, the great renounced persons are also drawn to the causeless devotion to this wondrous Lord. He is such that anyone's mind can be attracted to Him."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 6 min)


Fri, 19 July 2024

Highest Vaishnavs and Pseudo Vaishnavs
'One does not become a Vaishnav just by adopting some external insignia. They are always humbler than blades of grass, more tolerant than trees, and they always give honour to others. These are the signs of a Vaishnav. Vaishnavs always try to give honour to others, try to show love and affection to others.'
Download / listen to the audio (48.4 Mb, 96 min | 19 January 2019 | Bengali)


—{ Teachings to Sri Sri Rupa-Sanatan }—

Sanatan-Siksa: Hero and Heroine
"Vrajendra Nandan Krishna is the best of heroes, and the best heroine is Radha Thakurani. Hearing about Krishna's qualities, one after another, brings satisfaction to the ears of the devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)



Guidance Vol 1
(PDF, 1.5 Mb)
Traducción ESPAÑOLA
Русский перевод

Guidance Vol 2
(PDF, 3.8 Mb)
Traducción ESPAÑOLA
Русский перевод

Guidance Vol 3
(PDF, 3.7 Mb)
Traducción ESPAÑOLA
Русский перевод

Guidance Vol 4
(PDF, 4.7 Mb)
Traducción ESPAÑOLA
Русский перевод

Sri Upadesh 1

Sri Upadesh 2

Sri Upadesh 3

Sri Upadesh 4

Sri Puri Dham


Sri Nabadwip Dham


Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya-Mukta-Mala (English)
[PDF, 24 Mb; Updated 26 Mar' 2024]





Archive of Updates
Ekadashi Guidance
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Chanting the Holy Name

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GUIDANCE 2021 (epub)
(Last update: 7 Apr. '24)




Nityananda Consciousness
'It happened in a place not so far from here, in a town within Gaura mandal—Jhamatpur Baharan..'





23 JULY (TUE). Krishna Dvitiya. Disappearance of Tridandi-swami Srimad Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj.

26 JULY (FRI). Krishna Panchami. Disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami Prabhu.

28 JULY (SUN). Krishna Astami. Disappearance of Srila Lokanath Goswami Prabhu.

31 JULY (WED). Krishna Ekadasi. Fast on Kamika Ekadasi.



1 AUGUST (THU). Krishna Dvadasi. Ekadasi paran is at 5:09:44–9:31:46.

4 AUGUST (SUN). Amavasya. Festival in honour of the disappearance of Om Visnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Astottara-sata-sri Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.

8 AUGUST (THU). Gaura Chaturthi. Srila Vamsi Das Babaji Maharaj's disappearance.

10 AUGUST (SAT). Gaura Sasthi. Appearance of Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Vijay Trivikram Maharaj.

11 AUGUST (SUN). Gaura Saptami. Departure of Sripad Ananga Mohan Das-Adhikari Prabhu.

13 AUGUST (TUE). Gaura Navami. Disappearance of Tridandi-swami Bhakti Prasun Bodhayan Maharaj.

16 AUGUST (FRI). Gaura Ekadasi. Fast on Pavitraropani Ekadasi. Beginning of Sri Sri Radha-Govinda's Jhulan Yatra. Beginning of the month-long Sri Hari Smaran Festival at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.

17 AUGUST (SAT). Gaura Dvadasi. Ekadasi paran is at 5:15:51–5:17:56. Disappearance of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu and Srila Gauri Das Pandit Goswami. Sri Sri Krishna's Pavitraropana Festival (the day when the holy thread is bestowed).

19 AUGUST (MON). Purnima. End of Sri Sri Radha-Govinda's Jhulan Yatra. Appearance of Lord Sri Baladev. Fast until midday.


27 AUGUST (TUE). Krishna Astami. Sri Sri Krishna Janmastami: Appearance of Lord Sri Krishna (midnight). Complete fast until midnight, then no grains (only anukalpa).

28 AUGUST (WED). Krishna Navami. Janmastami-vrata paran is at 5:19:11–9:31:37. Sri Nandotsav. Appearance of Visva-varenya Tridandi-swami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad.

29 AUGUST (THU). Krishna Ekadasi. No fast.

30 AUGUST (FRI). Krishna Dvadasi. Fast on Paksavardhini Mahadvadasi.

31 AUGUST (SAT). Krishna Trayodasi. Paksavardhini Mahadvadasi paran is at 5:20:17–9:31:23.



2 SEPTEMBER (MON). Amavasya.

8 SEPTEMBER (SUN). Gaura Panchami. Appearance of Sri Sita Devi, the consort of Sri Advaita Prabhu.

10 SEPTEMBER (TUE). Gaura Saptami. Sri Lalita Saptami: Appearance of Sri Lalita Devi.

11 SEPTEMBER (WED). Gaura Astami. Sri Radhastami: Appearance of Srimati Radharani. Fast until noon.

14 SEPTEMBER (SAT). Gaura Ekadasi. Fast on Parsva Ekadasi and in honour of Lord Sri Vamandev's appearance. Sri Hari's parsva-parivartan: the Lord turns on His other side.

15 SEPTEMBER (SUN). Gaura Dvadasi. Appearance of Lord Sri Vamanadev. Ekadasi paran is at 5:25:15–9:29:41 after the worship of Lord Sri Vamanadev. Appearance of Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu.

16 SEPTEMBER (MON). Gaura Trayodasi. Appearance of Srila Sach-chid-ananda Bhaktivinod Thakur.

17 SEPTEMBER (TUE). Gaura Chaturdasi. Disappearance of Srila Haridas Thakur.

18 SEPTEMBER (WED). Purnima. Visvarup Mahotsav. End of the month-long Sri Hari Smaran Festival at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.


19 SEPTEMBER (THU). Krishna Dvitiya. Disappearance of Tridandi-swami Srimad Bhakti Vilas Tirtha Maharaj.

28 SEPTEMBER (SAT). Krishna Ekadasi. Fast on Indira Ekadasi.

29 SEPTEMBER (SUN). Krishna Dvadasi. Ekadasi paran is at 5:29:47–9:27:57.



2 OCTOBER (WED). Amavasya.

3 OCTOBER (THU). Gaura Pratipad. Grand festival in honour of the appearance of Om Visnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Astottara-sata-sri Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj.




Sri Gaudiya Calendar 2024–2025 (pdf)



1) Criticise sadhus, Vaishnavs
2) Consider Lord Siva and gods to be independent of Lord Krishna
3) Consider Guru to be an ordinary mortal man
4) Criticise scriptures
5) Interpret the Name with the help of a dictionary, etc.
6) Consider the Name imaginary.
7) Sin and chant to remove the sin.
8) Consider chanting equal to pious activities.
9) Instruct faithless people in chanting; inattentive chanting.
10) Remain attached to things, your body, etc.


If your ear always hears other people's talks, some other material talks, how will you get taste for chanting the Holy Name?