Our Disciplic Succession:
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
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Sri Guru-Parampara

(Sung on the appearance days of the Lord, as well as the appearance and disappearance days of Sri Guru-varga luminaries; verses 1 to 9 are composed by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur)


krsna haite chatur-mukha, hana krsna-sevonmukha,
brahma haite naradera mati
narada haite vyasa, madhva kahe vyasa-dasa,
purnaprajna padmanabha gati [1]

krsna haite – from Krishna; chatur-mukha – Four-Headed (Lord Brahma); hana – became; krsna-seva-unmukha – devoted to service of Krishna; brahma haite – from Brahma [came]; naradera mati – Narada's devotional propensity; narada haite – from Narada; vyasa – Vyasadev; madhva – Madhvacharya; kahe – is called; vyasa-dasa – Vyasa Das (servant of Vyasadev); purnaprajna – Purnaprajna (possessing complete spiritual wisdom; Madhvacharya's name before taking sannyas); padmanabha – Padmanabha's; gati – shelter, refuge.

[1] Through Krishna, Lord Brahma became devoted to Krishna's service. From Lord Brahma, Sri Narad Goswami received devotional propensity. From Narad Goswami, the line continues through Sri Vyasadev and then through his servant Srila Madhvacharya, also known as Purnaprajna, who is the shelter of Sri Padmanabha Tirtha (his disciple).

nrhari madhava-vamse, aksobhya paramahamse,
sisya bali angikara kare
aksobhyera sisya jaya-tirtha name parichaya,
tanra dasye jnanasindhu tare [2]

nrhari – Nrihari; madhava-vamse – offspring Madhav; aksobhya paramahamse – paramahamsa Aksobhya; sisya bali – as disciples; angikara kare – accepted; aksobhyera sisya – Aksobhya Tirth'a disciple; jayatirtha – Jayatirtha; name – by the name; parichaya – known; tanra dasye – his servitude; jnanasindhu – Jnanasindhu Das; tare – on account of, because of.

[2] Madhvacharya accepted Nrihari, Madhava and paramahamsa Aksobhya as his disciples. The line then continues through a disciple of Aksobhya called Jayatirtha and his servant Jnanasindhu on account of his service mood.

tanha haite dayanidhi, tanra dasa vidyanidhi,
rajendra haila tanha haite
tanhara kinkara jaya-dharma name parichaya,
parampara jana bhala-mate [3]

tanha haite – from him; dayanidhi – Dayanidhi; tanra dasa – his servant; vidyanidhi – Vidyanidhi; rajendra – Rajendra; haila – became; tanha haite – from him; tanhara kinkara – his servant; jayadharma – Jayadharma Muni; name – by the name; parichaya – known; parampara – disciplic succession; jana – know; bhala-mate – well, properly.

[3] After Jnanasindhu comes Dayanidhi. Dayanidhi's servant is Vidyanidhi. After Vidyanidhi comes Rajendra. Rajendra's servant is known as Jayadharma. You should know this disciplic succession properly.

jayadharma-dasye khyati, sri-purusottama-yati
tan'ha'te brahmanya-tirtha suri
vyasa-tirtha tanra dasa, laksmipati vyasa-dasa,
tanha haite madhavendra puri [4]

jayadharma-dasye – for servitude to Jayadharma; khyati – renowned; sri-purusottama-yati – an ascetic Sri Purusottam; tan'ha'te – from him; brahmanya-tirtha – Brahmanya Tirtha; suri – pandit; vyasatirtha – Vyasa Tirtha; tanra dasa – his servant; laksmipati – Laksmipati; vyasa-dasa – [is] Vyasa-das (servant of Vyasa Tirtha); tanha haite – from him; madhavendra puri – Madhavendra Puri.

[4] Jayadharma's renowned servant is Sri Purusottam. After him comes learned Brahmanya Tirtha. His servant is Vyasa Tirtha, and Vyasa Tirtha's servant is Laksmipati, after whom comes Madhavendra Puri.

madhavendra puri-bara, sisya-bara sri-isvara,
nityananda, sri-advaita vibhu
isvara-purike dhanya, karilena sri-chaitanya,
jagad-guru gaura mahaprabhu [5]

madhavendra puri – Madhavendra Puri; vara – great; sisya-bara – great disciple; sri-isvara – Sri Ishwar; nityananda – Nityananda; sri-advaita – Sri Advaita; vibhu – all-pervading Lord; isvara-purike – to Ishwar Puri; dhanya karilena – bless; sri-chaitanya – Sri Chaitanya; jagad-guru – Jagad-Guru (the guru of the whole universe); gaura – Gaura (Golden Lord); mahaprabhu – Mahaprabhu (Great Master).

[5] The great disciples of illustrious Madhavendra Puri are Sri Ishwar Puri, Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Omnipresent Lord Sri Advaita. Jagad-guru Sri Chaitanya (Gaura) Mahaprabhu blessed Ishwar Puri (by accepting Ishwar Puri as His guru.)

mahaprabhu sri-chaitanya, radha-krsna nahe anya,
rupanuga janera jivana
visvambhara priyankara, sri-svarupa-damodara,
sri-gosvami rupa-sanatana [6]

mahaprabhu sri-chaitanya – Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu; radha-krsna – [from] Radha-Krishna; nahe anya – non-different; rupanuga janera – of Rupanuga followers [followers in the line of Sri Rupa Goswami]; jivana – life and soul; visvambhara – Vishvambhar's [Mahaprabhu's]; priyankara – very dear associates [are]; sri-svarupa-damodara – Sri Svarup Damodar; sri-gosvami rupa-sanatana – Sri Rupa Goswami and Sri Sanatan Goswami.

[6] Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is non-different from Sri Sri Radha-Krishna and is the very life of Rupanuga followers. Vishvambhar's dearest associates are Sri Svarup Damodar, Sri Rupa Goswami and Sri Sanatan Goswami.

rupa-priya mahajana, jiva-raghunatha hana,
tanra priya kavi krsnadasa
krsnadasa-priya-bara, narottama sevapara,
yanra pada visvanatha-asa [7]

rupa-priya – dear to Sri Rupa Goswami; mahajana – great soul; jiva-raghunatha – Jiva and Raghunath; hana – are; tanra priya – his dearmost; kavi – poet; krsnadasa – Krishna Das [Kaviraj Goswami]; krsnadasa-priya-bara – dearmost of Krishna Das; narottama – Narottam; seva-para – devoted to service; yanra pada – whose feet; visvanatha-asa – are aspired after by Sri Visvanath [Chakravarti Thakur].

[7] Sri Rupa's dear associates are the great souls Sri Jiva and Sri Raghunath, and their dear follower is the poet Sri Krishna Das. Sri Krishna Das's dearmost servitor is the devotee Sri Narottam, whose holy feet are aspired after by Sri Visvanath.

visvanatha bhakta-satha, baladeva jagannatha,
tanra priya sri-bhaktivinoda
maha-bhagavata-bara, sri-gaura-kisora-bara,
hari-bhajanete yanra moda [8]

visvanatha – Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur; bhakta-satha – associate devotee; baladeva – Baladev Vidyabhusan; jagannatha – Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj; tanra priya – his dear associate; sri-bhaktivinoda – Sri Bhaktivinod Thakur; maha-bhagavata-bara – great maha-bhagavata soul; sri-gaura-kisora-bara – Sri Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj; hari-bhajanete – in worshipping and serving the Lord; yanra moda – whose pleasure.

[8] Visvanath Chakravarti's associate devotee is Baladev Vidyabhusan. The line then continues through Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj, his dear associate Sri Bhaktivinod Thakur and the great maha-bhagavata soul Sri Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj who delights in his service to the Lord.

tadanuga-mahajana, sri-krsna-kirtana-dhana,
yeba dila puri jaga-kama
sri varsabhanavi-bara, sada sevya sevapara,
tanhara dayita-dasa nama [9]

tad-anuga-mahajana – his exclusive follower and a great soul; sri-krsna-kirtana-dhana – the wealth of Sri Krishna-kirtan; yeba – who; dila – gave; puri – fulfilling; jaga-kama – the yearning of the whole; sri varsabhanavi-bara – great Sri Varsabhanavi (Sri Radha); sada – always; sevya – served (the object of service); sevapara – engaged in service; tanhara – Her; dayita-dasa – Dayita Das; nama – name.

[9] Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj has an exclusive follower, Sri Dayita Das, who gave the wealth of Sri Krishna-kirtan to this world fulfilling everyone's yearning and who is a dear servitor of Sri Varsabhanavi (Sri Radha), who is an eternal object of service and an eternal servitor of the Lord.

tad-abhinna deha-divya, svarupa-rupa-raghu-jivya,
sada sevya yanra padapadma
su-siddhanta murti-dhara, sri-sridhara guru-bara,
rupanuga-sadhu-sreya sadma [10]

tad abhinna – non-different from; deha-divya – divine body; svarupa-rupa-raghu-jivya – Svarup Damodar, Rupa Goswami, Raghunath Das Goswami, Jiva Goswami; sada sevya yanra padapadma – whose lotus feet are always worshipped; susiddhanta – highest devotional conclusions; murti-dhara – worshippable embodiment (murti); sri-sridhara – Sri Sridhar; guru-bara – great guru; rupanuga-sadhu – [for] saints in the line of Srila Rupa Goswami; sreya-sadma – abode of benediction, auspiciousness.

[10] Possessing a form that is non-different from Sri Svarup Damodar, Sri Rupa Goswami, Sri Raghunath Das Goswami and Sri Jiva Goswami, whose holy lotus feet are served to eternally, Sri Sridhar is a great guru and the worshippable embodiment of the highest devotional conception; he is an abode of benediction for the saints in the line of Sri Rupa.

tanra priya mano'bhista, sthapane sada-sachesta,
bhakti-sundara sri-govinda nama
tanra priya manonita, achara-prachare rata,
bhakti-nirmal sri-acharya nama [11]

tanra priya – his dear associate; mano'bhista – inner desire; sthapane – to establish, to realise; sada-sachesta – always trying hard; bhakti-sundara sri-govinda – Sri Bhakti Sundar Govinda; nama – [his] name; tanra priya – his dear; manonita – chosen; achara-prachare – practising and preaching; rata – devote to; bhakti-nirmal sri-acharya – Sri Bhakti Nirmal Acharya; nama – [his] name.

[11] Srila Sridhar Maharaj's dear associate who always endeavours to fulfil his cherished desires is Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Srila Govinda Maharaj's dear chosen successor, who is devoted to practising and preaching, is Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj.

[tanra srestha sisya-bara, guru-sevaya avirata,
bhakti-tilaka sri-niriha nama]

tanra – his; srestha – dearest; sisya-bara – great disciple; guru-sevaya – in the service to his guru; avirata – incessantly; bhakti-tilaka sri-niriha – Sri Bhakti Tilak Niriha; nama – [his] name.

[Srila Acharya Maharaj's dearest great disciple is Sri Bhakti Tilak Niriha Maharaj, who always lives in the service to his guru.]

ei parampara dhana, sabe gaura-nija-jana,
tandera uchchhiste mora kama [12]

ei parampara – this disciplic succession; dhana – wealth; sabe – all; gaura-nija-jana – dear followers of Gaura; tandera – their; uchchhiste – remnants; mora – my; kama – yearning.

[12] I yearn for the remnants of all the dear followers of Gaura who are the wealth of this disciplic succession.

— : • : —


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Sweet Dreams
'If Krishna calls, I am going, but those who are sleeping will sleep through the whole of their life. They will not be able to get there—they will come and go and will always sleep.'



Somebody does service, and somebody is an obstacle to service.
This always happens—it is games of Maya Devi.