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The Glories of the Gita



gita-sastram idam punyam, yah pathet prayatah puman
visnoh padam avapnoti, bhaya-sokadi-varjitah [1]

1 This Bhagavad-gita scripture is the bestower of all good. One who regularly studies it with devotion will attain to the holy abode of Lord Visnu, the plane of freedom from all distress, fear and sorrow.

gitadhyayana-silasya, pranayama-parasya cha
naiva santi hi papani, purva-janma-krtani cha [2]

2 For a self-controlled person who seriously studies this Bhagavad-gita scripture, not a trace of sin from this life or even from the previous life remains, as all the sins of such a person are burnt to ashes.

malanir mochanam pumsam, jala-snanam dine dine
sakrd-gitambhasi snanam, samsara-mala-nasanam [3]

3 As a person bathes every day to cleanse the body, similarly, by bathing only once in the waters of the Bhagavad-gita (reading the Gita once with devotion) all the dirt of painful material existence is washed away.

gita sugita kartavya, kim anyaih sastra-vistaraih
ya svayam padma-nabhasya, mukha-padmad vinihsrta [4]

4 The Gita should always be sung with devotion. This divine song emanated from the holy lotus mouth of the Supreme Lord Himself, Lord Sri Krishna. What more can any other scriptures give?

bharatamrta-sarvasvam, visnor vaktrad vinihsrtam
gita-gangodakam pitva, punar janma na vidyate [5]

5 By drinking the Ganges waters of the Gita (by singing the Gita with devotion), the nectar of the Mahabharata emanating from the lotus mouth of Lord Visnu, one will never take birth in the material world again.

sarvopanisado gavo, dogdha gopala-nandanah
partho vatsah sudhir bhokta, dugdham gitamrtam mahat [6]

6 All the Upanisads are as the cow, and the milker of the cow is Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda. Arjuna is the calf, the nectar of the Gita is the milk, and the fortunate devotees are the enjoyers of the milk.

ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam
eko devo devaki-putra eva
eko mantras tasya namani yani
karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva [7]

7 There need be only one scripture—the holy Gita sung by Sri Krishna; only one worshippable Lord—Sri Krishna; only one mantra—His holy names; and only one work—devotional service to the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna.




⇐ 18: The Path of Liberation

The Glories of Srimad Bhagavad-gita from Sri Vaisnaviya-tantra-sara ⇒



1 Observing the Armies
2 The Constitution of the Soul
3 The Path of Action
4 The Path of Knowledge
5 The Path of Renunciation of Action
6 The Path of Meditation
7 Knowledge and Realization of the Supreme
8 The Merciful Absolute
9 The Hidden Treasure of Devotion
10 The Divine Glories of the Lord
11 The Vision of the Universal Form
12 The Path of Devotion
13 Distinction Between Matter and Spirit
14 The Three Divisions of Material Nature
15 The Supreme Person
16 The Godly and Ungodly Natures
17 The Three Types of Faith
18 The Path of Liberation
The Glories of the Gita
The Glories of Srimad Bhagavad-gita from Sri Vaisnaviya-tantra-sara