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Kirtans Glorifying
Sri Nityananda Prabhu



by Srila Narottam Das Thakur


nitai-pada-kamala koti-chandra-susitala
ye chhayaya jagata judaya
hena nitai vine bhai radha-krsna paite nai
drdha kari' dhara nitaira paya [1]

Cooling like ten million moons, Nitai's lotus feet soothe the world with their shade. O brother! Without Nitai, you cannot reach Radha-Krishna. Firmly grasp Nitai's feet.

se sambandha nahi yara vrtha janma gela
tara sei pasu bada durachara
nitai na balila mukhe majila samsara-sukhe
vidya-kule ki karibe tara [2]

The life of one who had no connection with Nitai passed in vain. Such an animal is very wicked. What will learning (aristocratic birth) do for one who was immersed in worldly pleasures and never called aloud, 'Nitai'?̇

ahankare matta haina nitai-pada pasariya
asatyere satya kari' mani
nitaiyer karuna habe vraje radha-krsna pabe
dhara nitaiyer charan du'khani [3]

Maddened with pride, forgetting Nitai's feet, I accept untruth as truth. When Nitai bestows His mercy you will reach Radha-Krishna in Vraja. Grasp Nitai's feet!

nitaiyer charana satya tanhara sevaka nitya
nitai-pada sada kara asa
narottama bada duhkhi nitai more kara sukhi
rakha ranga-charanera pasa [4]

Nitai's feet are truth, and His servants are eternal. Always aspire for Nitai's feet. Narottam is very sad: "O Nitai! Make me happy. Keep me beside your reddish feet."




Nitai Guna Mani Amara

by Srila Narottam Das Thakur


nitai gunamani amara nitai gunamani
aniya premera vanya bhasala avani [1]

Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, my Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, brought a flood of divine love and inundated the earth.

prema-vanya laye nitai aila gauda-dese
dubila bhakata-gana dina-hina bhase [2]

Nitai brought a flood of divine love to the land of Gauda. The devotees immersed themselves in it, but the unfortunate floated on its surface.

dina-hina patita pamara nahi bachhe
brahmara durlabha prema saba kareyache [3]

The sinful, unfortunate, and fallen did not desire this divine love, which is difficult for even Brahma to attain, yet Nitai begged them to accept it.

abaddha karuna-sindhu katiya muhana
ghare ghare bule prema-amiya ravana [4]

Nitai cut a canal into the sealed ocean of mercy and a flood of nectarean divine love spread to every home.

lochan bale hena nitai yeba na bhajila
janiya suniya sei atma-ghati haila [5]

Lochan Das says, "Anyone who did not serve Nitai knowingly committed suicide."




Akrodha paramananda

by Srila Lochan Das Thakur


akrodha paramananda nityananda raya
abhimana-sunya nitai nagare bedaya [1]

The angerless, prideless, supremely joyful Nityananda Ray wanders throughout the towns.

adhama patita jiver dvare dvare giya
hari-nama mahamantra dena bilaiya [2]

Going from door to door to the homes of the lowly and fallen souls, He distributes the Hare Krsna mahamantra.

yare dekhe tare kahe dante trna dhari'
amare kiniya laha bhaja gaurahari [3]

With straw between His teeth, He says to whoever He sees, "Purchase Me: simply serve Gaurahari."

eta bali' nityananda bhume gadi yaya
sonara parvata yena dhulate lotaya [4]

Saying this, Nityananda rolls on the ground like a golden mountain rolling in the dust.

hena avatare yara rati na janmila
lochan bale sei papi ela ara gela [5]

Lochan Das says of one who has not developed attachment to this Avatar, "Such a sinner simply came and went."




dayal-nitai chaitanya ba’le nach’ re amar’ man’
(ekbar) nach’ re amar’ man’, nach’ re amar’ man’ [1]
(eman’ dayal’ to nai he, mar’ kheye prem’ deya)

Dear mind! Dance and chant, 'Merciful Nitai! Chaitanya! Dayal Nitai! Chaitanya!' (Dance, my mind! Dance! There is nobody as merciful as Them! They give divine love for the Lord even to those who beat Them!)

(ore) aparadha dure yabe, pabe prema dhana
(o name aparadh’-vichar’ to nai he)
(takhan’) krsna-name ruchi ha’be, ghuchibe bandhan [2]
(krsna-name anurag’ to habe he)

Listen! Offences will go away, and you will get transcendental love for the Lord! (There is no consideration of offences in chanting Their Names!) (Then,) you will get taste for the Holy Name of Krishna and your bondage will be destroyed. (You must certainly get loving attachment to the Holy Name of Krishna!)

(takhan’) anayase saphal’ ha’be jivera jivan’
(naile jivan’ to michhe he)
(krsna-rati bina jivan to michhe he)
(sese) vrndavane radha-syamer’ pabe darasan’ [3]
(gaura-krpa ha’le he)

(Then,) your life will be easily successful! (Otherwise, life is useless.) (Without attachment to Krishna, life is useless). (In the end,) you will be allowed to behold Radha-Shyama in Vrindavan. (If you get the mercy of Sri Gaura.)




Nitai amara dayara avadhi

by Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur


are bhai! nitai amara dayara avadhi!
jivere karuna kari,' dese dese phiri' phiri',
prema-dhana yache niravadhi

Brother! My Nitai is the extremity of mercy! Bestowing mercy on souls, He roams from place to place, endlessly begging everyone to take divine love for the Lord.

advaitera sange ranga, dharane na yaya anga,
gora preme gada tanu-khani
dhuliya dhuliya chale, bahu tuli' hari bole,
du-nayane bahe nitaiyera pani

Rejoicing in the company of Advaita, being unable to maintain His composure, He begins to roll on the ground, overcome with divine love for Gora. He staggers as He walks, chanting, 'Hari bol!' with upraised arms, tears streaming from His eyes.

kapale tilaka sobhe, kutila-kuntala-lole,
gunjara antuni chuda taya
kesori jiniya kati, kati-tate nila dhati,
bajana nupura ranga paya

His forehead is adorned with a tilak mark, His curling locks sway to and fro, with a bun tied on top of His head with a string gunja seeds. His waist, resembling that of a lion, is adorned with a blue dhoti, and there are anklebells tinkling joyfully on His feet.

ke kahu nitaira guna, jive dekhi sakaruna,
hariname jagata tarila
madana madete andha, visaye rahala dhandha,
hena nitai bhajite na paila

Whom shall I tell about Nitai's qualities? Seeing jiva souls and feeling deep compassion, Nitai delivered this world through the Holy Name. Those who, blinded by Cupid's intoxicating charm, still had some doubt about it did not worship this Nitai.

bhuvana-mohana vesa! majaila saba desa!
rasa vese atta atta hasa!
prabhu mora nityananda, kevala ananda-kanda,
guna gaya vrndavana dasa

Dressed in a way that attracts and charms the entire universe, He captures everyone with His beauty, wherever He goes! Overcome with ecstatic devotion, He roars with laughter! My Lord Nityananda is the root of pure happiness. Vrindavan Das is singing about His glory.



nitai mora jivana dhana, nitai mora jati
nitai bihane mora ara nahi gati [1]

Nitai is my life, my treasure. Nitai is my family. I do not know anything except Nitai.

samsara-sukhera mukhe tule diba chhai
nagare magiya khabo gaiya nitai [2]

I will throw ash into the face of material happiness and will go begging in town, chanting Nitai's Name.

ye dese nitai nai, se dese na yaba
nitai-vimukha janara mukha na heriba [3]

I will never go to the places where there is no Nitai. I will not see the faces of those who are averse to Nitai!

ganga yanra pada-jala, hara sire dhare
hena nitai na bhajiya duhkha peye mare [4]

Lord Siva (Hara) holds on his head the water of the Ganges that washes His feet. Those who do not worship this Nitai live and die in misery.

lochana bale mora nitai yeba nahi mane
anala bhejao tara majha-mukha-khane [5]

Lochan says, 'Throw fire into the mouths of those who do not respect my Nitai!'



daya kara more nitai! daya kare more
agatira gati nitai, sadhu loke bale

Please be merciful to me, Nitai! Please be merciful to me! All sadhus and people say that Nitai is the path for the strayed.

jaya prema-bhakti-data-pataka tomara
uttama adhama kichhu na kaila vichara

You carry the victorious banner of the giver of loving devotion, and You never consider who is high and who is low.

prema-dane jaga-jane mana kaila sukhi
tumi hena dayara thakura ! ami kene duhkhi ?

You made everyone happy by bestowing upon them the gift of divine love. O Lord! You are so merciful! But why am I unhappy?

kanurama dasa kahe—ki baliba ami
e bada bharasa mora kulera thakura tumi

Kanuram Das says, 'What am I to say? You are the Lord of my family – that is my great hope'





by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur


nadiya-godrume nityananda mahajana
patiyache nama-hatta jivera karana

(1) In the land of Nadia, on the island of Godruma, the magnanimous Lord Nityananda has opened up the Marketplace of the Holy Name, meant for the deliverance of all fallen souls.

(sraddhavan jan he, sraddhavan jan he)
prabhura ajnaya, bhai, magi ei bhiksa
bolo 'krsna,' bhajo krsna, koro krsna-siksa

(2) O people of faith! O people of faith! By the order of Lord Gauranga, O brothers, I beg these three requests of you: Chant "Krishna!", worship Krishna, and teach others about Krishna.

aparadha-sunya ho'ye laha krsna-nama
krsna mata, krsna pita, krsna dhana-prana

(3) Being careful to remain free of offences, just take the holy name of Lord Krishna. Krishna is your mother, Krishna is your father, and Krishna is the treasure of your life.

krsnera samsara kara chhadi' anachara
jive daya, krisna-nama—sarva-dharma-sara

(4) Giving up all sinful activities, carry on your worldly duties only in relation to Lord Krishna. The showing of compassion to other souls by loudly chanting the Holy Name of Krishna is the essence of all forms of religion.



nitai amara parama dayala
aniya premera vanya, jagata karila dhanya,
bharila premete nadi khala

My Nitai is extremely merciful. He has brought a flood of divine love, making the world truly fortunate. He filled all channels and rivers with divine love.

lagiya premera dheu, baki na raila keu,
papi tapi chalila bhasiya
sakala bhakata meli, se premete kare keli,
keha keha yaya santariya

When the wave of divine love came, nobody was left behind – all sinners and miserable souls floated in its water. All devotees played together in this water, and somebody swam in it.

dubila nadiyapura, dube preme santipura,
dohe mili baichha khelaya
ta dekhi nitai hase, sakalei preme bhase,
vasu ghosa habudubu khaya

The whole city of Nadia, as well as Shantipur, became submerged in divine love, and both sides joined together and had a boat race. Seeing this, Nitai laughed. Everybody is floating in divine love, and Vasu Ghosh is floundering, struggling to keep afloat.




Abhisek of Sri Sri Nityananda

by Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur


jayare jayare jaya nityananda raya
pandita raghava ghare bihare sadaya

Glory! Glory! Glory to Nityananda Ray! He always enjoys Himself at the house of Raghav Pandit.

parisada sakala dekhaye parateke
thakura pandita se karena abhiseke

Personally taking care of all associates of the Lord, Thakur Pandit then arranged His ceremonial bathing (abhiseka).

nityananda-rupa yena madana samana
dighala nayana bhru-bhan prasanna-vayan

The divine form of Nityananda Prabhu is like that of Cupid. He has elongated eyes, playful eyebrows and a calm, bright face.

nana abharana ange jhalamala kare
ajanulambita mala ati sobha dhare

His limbs are adorned with various sparkling ornaments, and His long garland reaching to His knees is a beautiful sight to behold.

aruna kirana yini dukhani charana
hrdaye dhariya kahe dasa vrndavana

His two feet are like rays of sun; thus sings Vrindavan Das, holding them in his heart.



rarha majhe eka-chaka name achhe grama
tanhi avatirna nityananda balarama

There is a village called Ekachakra in Rarh-desh (West Bengal). Nityananda-Balaram appeared there.

hadai pandita nama suddha vipraraja
mule sarva pita tane kaila pita-vyaja

His father's name is Hadai Pandit. He is a pure king of brahmans. Compared to him, all other fathers are mere mockery of fathers.

maha jaya jaya dhvani puspa varisana
sangope devatagana karila takhana

When Nityananda appeared, all gods and goddesses, unseen and unheard for others, chanted loudly 'Jaya! Jaya!' and showered flowers from the sky.

krpa-sindhu bhakti-data sri-vaisnava-dhama
avatirna haila rarhe nityananda rama

An ocean of mercy, a giver of devotion and a place of residence for all holy Vaishnavs, Nityananda Rama made His advent in Rarh-desh (West Bengal).

sei dina haite rarha mandala sakala
punah punah barite lagila sumangala

From that day, auspiciousness started to increase more and more in all of Rarh-mandala.




Sri Sri Nityanandastakam

by Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur


sarach-chandra-bhrantim sphurad-amala-kantim gaja-gatim
hari-premonmattam dhrita-parama-satvam smita-mukham
sada ghurnan-netram kara-kalita-vetram kali-bhidam
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(1) I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, whose bright face outshines the full autumn moon, whose pure complexion glistens, whose gait is like that of an intoxicated majestic elephant, who is always mad in Krishna-prema, who is the personification of pure spiritual energy, whose face wears a gentle smile, whose eyes are always rolling due to His absorption in Krishna-prema, whose lotus hand gracefully carries a staff, and who, by the performance of Nama-sankirttan, pierces the influence of kali-yuga.

rasanam agaram svajana-gana-sarvasvam atulam
sada-premonmadam param aviditam manda manasam
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(2) I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who is the mainstay of all rasas (mellows of devotional service), who is the be-all and end- all of His devotees, who is beyond compare, who is the master of both Vasudha and Jahnava-devi who consider Him more dear than their own lives, who is always maddened in Krishna-prema, and who is unrecognised as the Supreme Lord only by those of apathetic disposition.

sachi-sunu-prestham nikhila-jagad-istam sukha-mayam
kalau majjaj-jivoddharana-karanoddama-karunam
harer akhyanad va bhava-jaladhi-garvonnati-haram
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(3) I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who is very dear to Sri Sachi-nandana, who is worshiped by the entire universe, who is the embodiment of happiness, whose infinite mercy is the means for delivering the souls who are drowning in the age of Kali, and who by performing Sri-Harinama-sankirttana eradicates the swelling of false pride in the ocean of repeated birth and death.

aye bhratar ninam kali-kalusinam kim nu bhavita
tatha prayaschittam rachaya yad-anayasata ime
vrajanti tvam ittham saha bhagavata mantrayati yo
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(4) I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who said to Sri Krishna Chaitanya, "O brother Gauranga! What will be the destination of the sinful souls of kali-yuga and how will they be redeemed? Please devise a method by which they will easily attain You."

yathestham re bhratah kuru hari-hari-dhvanam anisam
tato vah samsarambudhi-tarana-dayo mayi laget
idam bahu-sphotair atati ratayan yah pratigriham
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(5) I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who, wandering throughout Bengal, approached the door of every home, and with upraised arms exclaimed, "O brothers! Without inhibition all of you together, continuously chant Sri-Harinama. If you do so, I will ensure your deliverance from the ocean of material existence."

balat samsarambhonidhi-harana-kumbhodbhavam aho
satam sreyah-sindhunnati-kumuda-bandhum samuditam
khala-sreni-sphurjittimira-hara-surya-prabham aham
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(6) I eternally worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who forcibly swallows the ocean of repeated birth and death like the Agastya Muni that made all the oceans dry up by drinking only a palmful of water, who is the rising full moon (the friend of the night-blooming lotus) which causes the ocean of the saintly persons' welfare (their bhavas) to swell, and who is the sun whose brilliant rays dissipate the darkness of ignorance cast by the various classes of miscreants.

natantam gayantam harim anuvadantam pathi pathi
vrajantam pasyantam svam api na dayantam jana-ganam
prakurvantam santam sa-karuna-drig-antam prakalanad
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(7) I eternally worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who wandered on every path in Bengal dancing, singing, and calling out "Haribol! Haribol!" and who, inconsiderate of His own self, lov- ingly bestowed merciful sidelong glances upon those who were not compassionate to even their own selves.

su-bibhranam bhratuh kara-sarasijam komalataram
mitho vaktralokochchhalita-paramananda-hridayam
bhramantam madhuryair ahaha madayantam pura-janan
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi

(8) I eternally worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krishna-bhakti tree, who held the supremely soft lotus-hand of His brother Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, whose heart became filled with the highest bliss when they gazed into each other's lotus faces, and who wandered here and there delighting the townspeople with His sweetness.

rasanam adharam rasika-vara-sad-vaisnava-dhanam
rasagaram saram patita-tati-taram smaranatah
param nityanandastakam idam apurvam pathati yah
tad-anghri-dvandvabjam sphuratu nitaram tasya hridaye

(9) May Sri Nityananda Prabhu place His lotus feet in the heart of one who lovingly recites this unprecedented and supremely potent Nityanandastakam, which is full of spiritual rasa, the greatest treasure of the pure devotees qualified to relish such transcendental rasa, and the storehouse of the very essence of such rasa. It bestows liberation to fallen souls who simply remember Nityananda Prabhu's sublime qualities.



Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita: Adi-lila, 5.181-197
by Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami


naihati-nikate 'jhamatapura' name grama
tanha svapne dekha dila nityananda-rama

Near the town of Naihati, in the village of Jhamatapur, Lord Nityananda Rama appeared to me in a dream.

dandavat haiya ami padinu payete
nija-pada-padma prabhu dila mora mathe

I fell at His feet, offering my obeisances, and He then placed His own lotus feet upon my head.

'utha', 'utha' bali' more bale bara bara
uthi' tanra rupa dekhi' hainu chamatkara

"Arise! Arise!" He told me again and again. Upon rising, I was astonished to see the beauty of His divine form.

syama-chikkana kanti, prakanda sarira
saksat kandarpa, yaichhe maha-malla-vira

He had a bright, whitish complexion. He was seven feet tall and had a strong, stout figure like that of a great wrestler. His exalted beauty was just like that of Lord Balaram.

suvalita hasta, pada, kamala-nayana
patta-vastra sire, patta-vastra paridhana

He had very pleasantly formed hands, arms and legs, and eyes like lotus flowers. He wore silk cloth and a silk turban on His head.

suvarna-kundala karne, svarnangada-vala
payete nupura baje, kanthe puspa-mala

He wore golden earrings on His ears, golden armlets and bangles. He wore tinkling ankle bells on His feet and a flower garland around His neck.

chandana-lepita-anga, tilaka suthama
matta-gaja jini' mada-manthara payana

His body was anointed with sandalwood pulp, and He was nicely decorated with tilaka. His intoxicated movements surpassed those of a dancing elephant.

koti-chandra jini' mukha ujjvala-varana
dadimba-bija-sama danta tambula-charvana

His face was more effulgent than millions upon millions of moons, and His teeth resembled pomegranate seeds because of His chewing betel.

preme matta anga dahine-vame dole
'krisna' 'krisna' baliya gambhira bola bale

His body swayed to and fro, absorbed in ecstasy, and He chanted "Krishna, Krishna" in a deep voice.

ranga-yasti haste dole yena matta simha
chari-pase vedi achhe charanete bhringa
parisada-gane dekhi' saba gopa-vese
'krisna' 'krisna' kahe sabe saprema avese

He moved like an intoxicated lion with a strong, knotted bamboo stick in His hand. On all four sides His devotee-associates, dressed like cowherd boys, surrounded His lotus feet like a swarm of bumblebees and chanted "Krishna, Krishna," absorbed in ecstatic love.

singa vamsi bajaya keha, keha nache gaya
sevaka yogaya tambula, chamara dhulaya

Some of them played horns and flutes, and others danced and sang. Some of them offered betel nuts, and others waved chamara fans about Him.

nityananda-svarupera dekhiya vaibhava
kiba rupa, guna, lila--alaukika saba

Thus I saw the opulence of Lord Nityananda Svarup. His wonderful form, qualities and Pastimes are all transcendental manifestations.

anande vihvala ami, kichhu nahi jani
tabe hasi' prabhu more kahilena vani

I was overwhelmed with transcendental ecstasy, not knowing anything else. At that time Lord Nityananda smiled and spoke to me as follows.

are are krsnadasa, na karaha bhaya
vrindavane yaha,--tanha sarva labhya haya

"O my dear Krishna Das, do not be afraid. Go to Vrindavan, for there you will attain all things."

eta bali' prerila more hatasani diya
antardhana kaila prabhu nija-gana lana

After saying this, He directed me toward Vrindavan by waving His hand. Then He disappeared with His associates.

murchchhita ha-iya muni padinu bhumite
svapna-bhanga haila, dekhi, hanachhe prabhate

I fainted and fell to the ground, my dream broke, and when I regained consciousness I saw that morning had come.

ki dekhinu ki suninu, kariye vichara
prabhu-ajna haila vrindavana yaibara

I considered what I had seen and heard, and concluded that Lord Nityananda Prabhu had ordered me to go to Vrindavan at once.

sei ksane vrndavane karinu gamana
prabhura kripate sukhe ainu vrindavana

That very second I immediately started for Vrindavan, and by Lord Nityananda Prabhu's mercy I reached there in great happiness.

jaya jaya nityananda, nityananda-rama
yanhara kripate painu vrindavana-dhama

All glory, all glory to Lord Nityananda Rama, by whose mercy I have attained shelter in the transcendental abode of Vrindavan!





⇐ The Glories of Sri Nityananda Prabhu
in the Scriptures

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Sriman Nityananda Dvadasakam
The Divine Pastimes of Sri Nityananda Prabhu
The Glories of Sri Nityananda Prabhu in the Scriptures
Kirtans Glorifying Sri Nityananda Prabhu:
Nitai Guna Mani Amara
Akrodha Paramananda
Dayal Nitai Chaitanya bale
Sri Ajna-Tahal
Nitai amara dayara avadhi
Sri Sri Nityanandastakam
The Divine Form of
Sri Nityananda Prabhu