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Inner Fulfillment

· Part 4: The Happiest Form of Life ·


Absolute love and charm are all-accommodating. None can deny it. Love is so universal that none can say, “I do not want love.” One may say, “I do not want any grandeur, any power,” but never, “I do not want love.” Sometimes, one may even go as far as to say, “I do not want justice.” Of course, generally, it is an exception, but it may still be said, “I do not want justice. By justice that man will suffer; rather, let me suffer and that man be saved.” Just as Jesus Christ said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” By that prayer, Lord Christ set justice aside, “No, justice may go on this side; let me be the sufferer.” So, we can take the risk of dismissing justice, but we cannot avoid love. We can give up everything but that hankering for love.

If we have the eye to see, we can give up everything in the world for love, prema. Mahaprabhu and Srimad Bhagavatam came to give us that most valuable thing. In the plane of love, God takes the form of Krishna, and that is the most fundamental and the most subtle plane behind all this variegated creation. So, come to that plane. Try to penetrate into that plane where God is Krishna and where paraphernalia is Vrindavan. Try to anyhow have admission in that plane, and you will find there the happiest form of life.

Mercy is more beautiful than justice. We cannot think of blaming the spirit of justice, but, at the same time, we cannot deny that there is mercy over justice. But one who can extend mercy over justice must have power to give due compensation—the Lord has such power of compensation. Krishna is such an aspect of the Lord that He can give mercy through love and affection, and we want to live in that environment by any means. Mahaprabhu came to show that to be the plane for which we should strive. Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur said, “In no time the intelligentsia of the world will come to understand that this is the highest conception of attainment of all humans as well as of everything else in the whole of creation. The intelligentsia cannot be misguided for long by so many other proposals of the highest attainment which are only giving partial achievement. Many things are going on in religion in the name of the highest solution of our life, but what Mahaprabhu has given very soon will be detected by the intelligentsia of the world, and all will flock to the banner of Sri Chaitanyadev and will sing the glory of Mahaprabhu and Krishna.”

The fulfilment of our hearts’ satisfaction is in the Krishna conception of the Absolute. He is the Lord of love, beauty, ecstasy and happiness, which is the innermost necessity of us all. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Go straight to Vrindavan by this special train. Do not try to break your journey anywhere as that will only be a loss of time and energy.” He also said, “Whoever you find, give them Krishna consciousness!” Just as in a famine-stricken country, you will give food to whoever you find to save them, but this is a hundred times more urgent. So, you are to inject Krishna consciousness. Tell them, “A loving Lord is above your head seeing everything—you only have to connect with Him and His servants. His servants are very, very kind and magnanimous. Somehow get some connection with them and try to go to your home. Here, nowhere is home. Your home is only there.” For example, a madman may be wandering here and there, but if he is cured of his madness, he will go straight from the street to his home. He will not continue wandering in the street endlessly like a vagabond, but he will go straight home to satisfy himself and his near and dear ones, his guardians.

kim pramatasya bahubhir, paroksair hayanair iha
varam muhurtam viditam, ghatate sreyase yatah

(Srimad Bhagavatam, 2.1.12)

“Imperceptibly, many, many years pass uselessly in the life of a person intoxicated by mundane pleasures. It will be better if he realises, even only for a moment, that he is losing valuable time as he may thus become serious to attain his eternal benefit.” Here Sukadev Goswami says that one moment is sufficient to solve the whole problem of life if it is properly utilised in sadhu-sanga. Try at any cost to utilise the opportunity of sadhu-sanga, the association of Krishna’s agent. What is the necessity of living for ages and ages if we are unconscious of our own interest? One moment properly utilised is sufficient to solve the whole problem of our life because of which we are eternally wandering about in this plane. We must be wakeful to our personal interest, not negligent.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to direct us to our real interest within, “You do not know your own heart. You are a foreigner to your own heart and its demand. There is wealth within your heart, try to find it. Eliminate foreign things, and you will find your heart to be a temple of Krishna.” With the help of a proper guide, search your own heart and you will find Krishna there. This is not a foreign thing to you. Every heart is a temple of the Lord. It is your property, it is your home. Back to God, back to home.



⇐ PART 3

PART 5 ⇒


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(1) Searching for the Solution

(2) The Vision of Goodness

(3) Happiness in Higher Thought

(4) The Happiest Form of Life

(5) A Labour of Love

(6) Homeward Bound

(7) The Land of Beauty

Epilogue: The Key to it All



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Chant more and more, engage yourself more and more in service to Krishna, in chanting the Holy Name, then automatically that material desire that is like a weed will leave your heart.