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We are insignificant souls attempting to fly across the infinite sky, like fledglings with so much desire but practically no capacity. Seeing the great valiant devotees like Garuda effortlessly soaring over forests, mountains, rivers, seas and oceans, we may realise that we are but neophytes—fledglings of finite capacity. Nonetheless, ought we not feel the desire to fly? Furthermore, who, however great a personality he may be, has ever been or ever will be able to cross the ocean of the boundless glories of the Supreme Lord? Thakur Sri Vrindavan Das, the Vyasa of Sri Chaitanya-lila, has openly stated:
“lag bali’ chali’ yaya sindhu taribare (Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, Adi 1.71) “(Even) the unlimitedly powerful Sri Balaram (Sri Anantadev) tries to cross the ocean of the Lord’s glories (attempting to sing all the glories of the Lord using His thousands of mouths), but He never reaches the shore. Rather, that ocean expands more and more.” Thus, we can see no reason for a fledgling to feel ashamed of his limited capacity; what, then, is his defect in trying to fly? In the present day and age, the entire universe exalts in the vibration of the divine ecstatic wave of the wealth of pure Hari-Kathamrita, the nectarine tidings of the Supreme Lord, that continuously flow from the holy personage of our Supremely Worshipful Divine Master, Universal Preceptor Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. He is the King of kings of the tridandi sannyasis, and his pious pure devotees who have had the fortune of imbibing from him their heart of heart’s love for Sri Krishna’s devotion, carry with reverence the triumphant victory flag of param vijayate Sri-Krsna-sankirtanam—the supreme victory of the congregational chanting of the holy names, as preached by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself personified as Sri Sri Gaura-Nityananda. This mission is the treasured life and soul of Srila Sridhar Maharaj’s Eternally Worshipful Lord and Master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. By this method of the grand congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, the devotees in the noble humility of devotion carry and distribute their wares from door to door. They bring the divine message that expands the mellows of love for Sri Krishna, the Sweet Absolute. And the only payment they ask for in exchange for their ‘merchandise’ is the simplest sincere faith, however meagre it may be. From our Divine Master’s holy talks, as recorded from his recent conversations with his learned Eastern and Western devotees (until last year when he departed from this earthly plane), some drops of the nectar of his revealed conclusive truths par excellence (su-siddhanta) have been carefully preserved in their natural unparalleled beauty and compiled herein as Sri Bhakti Raksak Divyavani—“Sermons of the Guardian of Devotion.” From forty centres throughout the world, utilising many approved methods and in numerous languages—via video/audio tapes and books, the spiritual practices and precepts of His Divine Grace are being fearlessly preached by the souls surrendered unto his lotus feet which are the abode of all courage. At the present time, only his benedictine grace is the universal dispensation to break the perpetual slumber of the souls sleeping in the lap of illusion—sanctifying and blessing them by establishing their intrinsic spiritual identities and awakening their God-realisation. Blessed with blooming hearts, they now constantly chant the unending glories of the Supreme Saviour of the fallen, the Primeval Origin of all incarnations of Godhead, Sri Sachinandana Gaurahari. As in the divine language of Sri Prabodhananda Saraswatipad:
kaivalyam narakayate tridasapurakasa-puspayate (Sri Chaitanya-chandramrita, 5) “The yogis’ most worshippable goal of merging with the Absolute appears as hell; the religious sense-pleasure seekers’ sought-after reward of entrance to heaven is seen as an imaginary insignificant flower in the sky; the senses, which are indomitable for the whimsical sense-enjoyers, appear as a defanged black cobra; the entire universe is perceived as the embodiment of the ecstasy of Krishna; and even the exalted post of Lord Brahma, Lord Indra, etc., fervently sought after by the most elevated of the demigods, is seen as comparable to the position of an insect—for those devotees who have been blessed with the supreme fortune of receiving the merciful glance of the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Ever do I sing the infinite glories of that Supreme Lord Sri Gaurasundar.” Conditioned souls as we are, it is an honest fact that we have nothing to boast about. Yet, when we feel we are bereft, we are reminded of this poetic line, and we realise that our true wealth really is— guru-gaurave garvita dhanya mora
“Blessed are we in Sri Gurudev’s bounty; With this conception, all our hopes, our prospects, our honour, our good name everything will become as brilliant as the early morning sun (“guru-gana-sire punah sobha paya sata-guna—all desirable objects, when offered to our Gurus, become glorified one hundredfold, as Their crown-jewels”). In the presence of the self-effulgent sun we can never feel ourselves to be destitute. In conclusion, while admitting the probability of flaws in our rendering, I would consider it well to petition the good readers by quoting these illustrative verses of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur:
“sri-guru-charana-krpa samarthya labhiya
By the grace of Sri Guru’s lotus feet,
O devotees, please hear me:
But you, O devotees, are the attendants of her garden,
Being pleased by such tender care,
“sakala vaisnava-pade mora namaskara, I respectfully bow to the lotus feet of all the Vaishnavs, praying that there is no offence in this attempt to please them.
Most humbly,
Foreword • Introduction • (1) Homeward Journey • (2) The Direction to Your Wealth • (3) The Success of Faith • (4) The Honest Inquirer • (5) Unconditional Service • (6) The Highest Conception of Conduct • (7) The Grand Victory of Love • (8) The Brightest Sun • (9) Faith in the Land of Sacrifice • (10) Beyond Doubt • (11) The Guardian-ruled Family • (12) Every Word is a Song • Pranati-Dasakam
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