Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama: Day Two
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
pujya-sri-guru-varga-vandita-mahabhavanvitayah sada
bhakter nirmala-nirjharasya nibhrtam samraksakam sadaram
vande sri-gurudevam anata-sira acharya-varyam nijam
"I bow my head in eternal obeisance to my Gurudev, the best of acharyas, Srila
Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj. He is the ever vigilant, stalwart guardian of
the current of pure devotion whose highest form flows from our most
worshippable Sri Rupanuga Guru-varga in their exclusive dedication to
Mahabhav, Srimati Radharani."
prerakam prachya-paschatya-sisyanam bhakti-vartmani
bhakti-nirmalam-acharya-svaminam pranamamy aham
"I offer my respectful obeisances to Swami Bhakti Nirmal Acharya, who is
energetically inspiring all of Eastern and Western disciples on the path of
pure devotion."

The morning arati of Sri Gaurasundar.

Sripad Ashok Prabhu (on the right) leading the arati.

After the ekadasi paran and taking darshan of Sri Nrisighadev, His Divine Grace
arranges three buses to take devotees to the ghat from where the
sankirtan and parikrama are to begin.

Waiting for everybody to gather.

On the ferry from Svarup Ganj ghat to Sri Mayapur ghat.

Sripad Tyagi Maharaj waiting for the second ferry to take devotees across the Ganges.

Samadhi mandir of Srila B.D. Madhav Maharaj, the first (brief) stop during the parikrama.

The Deities at the temple.

The second stop is Sri Nandan Acharya Bhavan.

Samadhi mandir of Srila Bhakti Kiran Giri Maharaj who joined and led Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama from Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math for a few decades. He spent his last days at Sri Nandan Acharya Bhavan and left his body here a few years ago.

Srila Bhakti Kiran Giri Maharaj

Samadhi mandir of Srila Bhakti Saranga Goswami Maharaj.

The next place visited is the samadhi mandir of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad (Iskcon temple).

At Sri Yogapith, the birthplace of Sriman Mahaprabhu.

Sri Sachi Mata with baby Nimai

Sri Yogapith Temple

At Srivas Angan

Sri Advaita Acharya Bhavan.

Sri Gadadhar Pandit's house.

Holy samadhi-mandir of Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad

Some of the slokas adorning the holy samadhi mandir.

Samadhi place of Chand Kazi who broke Mahaprabhu's mridanga and was afterwards recued by Mahaprabhu.

Arriving at Sri Jagannath Mandir, devotees honour prasadam.

The evening arati.

The parikrama party returns shortly after 8 p.m. and joyfully concludes the parikrama at the temple.

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