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Sri Vrindavan Dham Parikrama

Monday, 12 November 2018
Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh



pujya-sri-guru-varga-vandita-mahabhavanvitayah sada
bhakter nirmala-nirjharasya nibhrtam samraksakam sadaram
vande sri-gurudevam anata-sira acharya-varyam nijam

"I bow my head in eternal obeisance to my Gurudev, the best of acharyas, Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj. He is the ever vigilant, stalwart guardian of the current of pure devotion whose highest form flows from our most worshippable Sri Rupanuga Guru-varga in their exclusive dedication to Mahabhav, Srimati Radharani."

tirtha-phala sadhu-sanga,sadhu-sange antaranga,
sri-krsna-bhajana manohara
yatha sadhu, tatha tirtha,sthira kari’ nija-chitta,
sadhu-sanga kara nirantara
The result of visiting a place of pilgrimage is sadhu-sanga (pure devotees’ association) and being drawn to the exclusive service of Sri Krishna. A place of pilgrimage is where a sadhu (pure devotee) is. Always keep the association of pure devotees and firmly fix your mind by such association.

vaisnavera pada-dhulitahe mora snana-keli
tarpana mora vaisnavera nama
vaisnavera uchchhistatahe mora mano-nistha
vaisnavera namete ullasa
"The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs' name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of Vaishnavs, and I am elated at the name of Vaishnavs."

gangara-parasa ha-ile paschate pavana
darsane pavitra kara—ei tomara guna

"If the Ganges touches someone, they are purified some time later; but one becomes purified just by seeing you, O Vaishnava Thakur. Such is your power."


During the evening programme on Sunday.





On Monday, the parikrama begins in the morning, after honouring prasadam.




The first stop: Sri Sri Radha Damodar Temple.





Srila Jiva Goswamipad's samadhi-mandir.



The holy samadhi-mandir of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu.



Murti of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu inside his samadhi-mandir.


The bhajan kutir of Srila Rupa Goswamipad.


Samadhi-mandir of Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami.


The famous room where Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad stayed and translated Srimad Bhagavatam after taking sannyas. It was at this place that he felt the inspiration and urge to bring Krishna consciousness to the West.



The next place is the sacred forest Sri Nidhuvan.























Sri Sri Radha Raman jiu Temple


Sri Radha Raman jiu who famously appeared from one of the salagram silas of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami.




Samadhi mandir of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami.



The place where Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami discovered Sri Radha Raman Deity.



The next holy place.





Samadhi-mandir of Srila Lokanath Das Goswami


Samadhi-mandir of Srila Narottam Das Thakur



And samadhi-mandir of Srila Vishvanath Chakravarti Thakur.



In the courtyard of Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda.




Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda jiu.



Temple of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath jiu.





Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Gopinath jiu.








Sri Vamsi Vat
















The Temple of Gopeshwar Mahadev.




Temple of Lala Babu







At Sri Brahma Kunda, located nearby.



Sri Ranganath (Rangaji) Temple: a temple of Lord Vishnu lying upon Ananta Sesh.





The final stop of the day is the temple of Govindaji where Srila Rupa Goswami worshipped Lord Govinda.









Returning to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.






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if somebody says something bad to you, you must embrace them.