Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Visiting Sri Godavari (Day Three)
Saturday, 5 January 2019
Kovvur, Andhra Pradesh
Photographs courtesy of
Sri Vasudev Krishna Prabhu and
Sri Purna Prajna Prabhu
pujya-sri-guru-varga-vandita-mahabhavanvitayah sada
bhakter nirmala-nirjharasya nibhrtam samraksakam sadaram
vande sri-gurudevam anata-sira acharya-varyam nijam
"I bow my head in eternal obeisance to my Gurudev, the best of acharyas,
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj. He is the ever vigilant, stalwart
guardian of the current of pure devotion whose highest form flows from our
most worshippable Sri Rupanuga Guru-varga in their exclusive dedication to
Mahabhav, Srimati Radharani."
tirtha-phala sadhu-sanga, | sadhu-sange antaranga, |
sri-krsna-bhajana manohara |
yatha sadhu, tatha tirtha, | sthira kari’ nija-chitta, |
sadhu-sanga kara nirantara |
The result of visiting a place of pilgrimage is sadhu-sanga (pure
devotees’ association) and being drawn to the exclusive service of Sri
Krishna. A place of pilgrimage is where a sadhu (pure devotee) is. Always
keep the association of pure devotees and firmly fix your mind by such
dasa dinera ka-katha yavat ami jiba'
tavat tomara sanga chhadite nariba
nilachale tumi-ami thakiba eka-sange
sukhe gonaiba kala krsna-katha-range
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, "What to speak of ten days, as long as I live
I will not be able to give up your company. You and I shall remain together
at Jagannath Puri. We shall pass our time together in joy, talking about
Krishna and His pastimes."
(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya, 8.240-241)

Kovvur is to the north-east of Vijayawada, it is about a three-hour train ride.

The gate of Sri Ramananda Gaudiya Math.
Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj remembers in his Autobiographic Talk:
"When I was called from Uttar Pradesh to join the Madras party, before that my name was Sri Ramendra Sundar Bhattacharya. But now he converted my name into Sri Ramananda Das, and with this name he sent me with a group to find out the place of the conversation between Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sri Ramananda Ray, and to install the Pada-pitha there.
"At that time I delivered a short lecture in Rajmahendry about that conversation of Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sri Ramananda Ray at Kobhur, and I heard from Sripad Krishnadas Babaji Maharaj that Sripad Bon Maharaj was of the opinion that this speech was extremely appreciable, and that it contained the most precious Teachings. Hare Krishna.
Question: Does that Temple where you installed the Pada-pithis still exist today?
"Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Yes. During our time the Deities were installed by Prabhupad, but there was only that Pada-pith mandir. A separate mandir was established after Prabhupad, perhaps by Sripad Bhakti Vilas Tirtha Maharaj."

Sri Ramananda Gaudiya Math.

Their Lordships Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha-Nayanabhirama jiu.

The very place where Sriman Mahaprabhu met and spoke with Sri Ramananda Ray:
"Mahaprabhu could recognise Ramananda Ray as the proper person to hear
Krishna-katha from. Before that, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya sent Mahaprabhu,
'Prabhu, would You like to hear some Krishna-katha? Would You like to meet
somebody? You are going to South India, and there is a devotee there just
like You. You can meet him on the bank of the Godavari River...'"
~ Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj

Mahaprabhu revealing His sad-bhuja rupa to Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya.

Mahaprabhu meeting with Prakasananda Saraswati.

Devotees honour prasadam at Sri Ramananda Gaudiya Math.

Coming to the bank of the Godavari River.

"The famous talks between Ramananda Raya and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took place on the banks of the Godavari river. The name Godavari is significant, for it indicates that place where the highest fulfillment of our spiritual senses was given. The fullest engagement of all our senses was announced there on the banks of the Godavari: 'Your senses are not to be rejected. If you can give up the spirit of exploitation and renunciation, then your senses will have their fulfillment with Krishna. Those tendencies bar your approach to Krishna. To properly approach Krishna, you will have to utilize your senses to the fullest extent.' That was dealt with on the banks of the Godavari."
(From Search for Sri Krishna)

His Divine Grace chants kirtan and speaks a little at the ghat.

From Sri Sri Prema-dhama-deva Stotram:
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
The famous conversation of Lord Gaurasundar with Ramananda Ray on the banks
of the Godavari River is known as the Ramananda-samvad in the Sri
Chaitanya-charitamrta. In those discussions, the highest form of
dedication is pure love of God in a heart free from fruitive aspirations and
scriptural calculation. Also, Lord Krishna, who appeared as the son of Nanda
Maharaj, was ascertained as the sole recipient of the sweetness relished in
the mellows of parakiya-rasa. I offer my obeisances to that beautiful Golden
Lord, Gaurangasundar, the divine form of Krishna prema.
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
Lord Chaitanya showed that there are various relationships which exist in
connection with Lord Krishna. Those relationships begin with servitude, and
progress to friendship and parental love, extending to a conjugal
relationship. But the epitome of charm and beauty is reserved for the son of
Nanda Maharaj in the forest groves of Vrindavan. That is service to Srimati
Radharani in conjugal love, and is known as parakiya. Sri Gaurangadev
embodied this sort of divine aspiration. I offer my obeisances to that
beautiful Golden Lord, Gaurangasundar, the divine form of Krishna prema.
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
Lord Gaurangadev explained that a devotee in passive adoration enjoys the
happiness of being free from all material miseries, and a devotee in
servitude relishes the pleasure of contentment. A devotee in friendship
becomes overwhelmed with happiness arising from close affection, whereas a
devotee in the parental mood is free from any trace of calculation,
experiencing deepened affection in ecstatic joy. Lord Chaitanya further
revealed that the devotee in conjugal love known as svakiya only partially
relishes the sweetness of this mellow, due to a tinge of scriptural
etiquette. However, when the conjugal mellow is beyond scriptural
restrictions, then spontaneity and freedom, added by the mood of vamya, the
highest expression of divine pleasure in the Lord's service, is bestowed. Sri
Gaurangadev gave license to these high ideals. I offer my obeisances to that
beautiful Golden Lord, Gaurangasundar, the divine form of Krishna prema.
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
Sri Chaitanya revealed the nature of the ever-fresh Pastimes which He
performed in Nabadwip to Ramananda Ray, whose fortune is beyond this world.
Lord Chaitanya also manifested His form as the cowherd boy Syamasundara,
which was endowed with the mood and luster of Sri Radha and couched in pure
dedication. When Ramananda Ray glimpsed the matchless beauty of the Lord's
figure, he fainted before the tender lotus feet of the Lord. Following this,
Sri Gaurangadev restored His eternal servant's consciousness. I offer my
obeisances to that beautiful Golden Lord, Gaurangasundar, the divine form of
Krishna prema.
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