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— { Sri Sri Prapanna-Jivanamritam } —
atha mangalacharanam—
Auspicious invocation—
gaura-vag-vigraham vande, gaurangam gaura-vaibhavam I make my obeisance unto the Deity, Gaura-Saraswati—the personified message of the Golden Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu—whose bodily luster is of a beautiful golden hue, like that of the selfsame Lord Gaurasundara; who is the personal expansion of that Supreme Lord Gaurahari; who is always intoxicated by preaching the message of that Golden Lord; and whose divine beauty blooms in the revelation of Lord Gauranga's mercy potency. (This is the fundamental meaning of the verse. Within the scope of the Sanskrit language, various expanded purports may be drawn from the original.)
guru-rupa-harim gauram, radha-ruchi-ruchavrtam Perpetually do I sing the glories of Lord Gauranga, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Hari, embraced by the heart and halo of Sri Radhika, and who has descended as the Divine Master. In this holy abode of Sri Navadvipa Dhama, He is absorbed in the pastimes of profusely chanting the holy names, dancing in ecstasy. (As with verse two, expanded purports may be drawn from this verse.)
srimat-prabhu-padambhoja-, madhupebhyo namo namah Again and again I make my obeisance unto the eternal personal servitors of my Divine Master, who drink the nectar of his lotus feet. I pray they may be graciously pleased in tasting this Life-Nectar of the Surrendered Souls.
A humble petition—
"tad-vag-visargo janatagha-viplavo "Even if every stanza is imperfectly composed, that is, unlucidly expressed, the sins of the people are totally vanquished by those expressions or books in which the glorious holy names of the Infinite Supreme Lord are described—since the pure devotees hear those holy names (from a qualified preacher), they solitarily sing those holy names (even in the absence of others), and they chant the unending glories of those holy names (in the presence of a deserving listener)."
"abhivyakta mattah prakrti-laghu-rupad api budha "O learned personalities, this treatise, composed of the divine qualities of Lord Hari, will fulfill your cherished wishes despite the fact that it is presented by me, a very insignificant person. Does not the fire ignited from pieces of wood rubbed together by a lowborn barbarian dissipate the impurities in gold?"
yathokta rupa-padena, nichenotpadite 'nale As Srila Rupa Goswamipada has (in his humility) expressed that gold can be purified with fire lit by a barbarian, similarly, the pure devotees' grief born of their separation from the Lord may also be dispelled by this book (which will light the lamp of their divine love for the Lord).
antah kavi-yasas-kamam, sadhutavaranam bahih O saintly devotees, please purify this wrongdoer who on the pretext of saintliness desires in his heart the prestige of a poet, and who is thus afflicted with the practically incurable disease of insincerity.
krsna-gatha-priya bhakta, bhakta-gatha-priyo harih Tidings of Lord Krishna are naturally very dear to the devotees, and tidings of the Lord's devotees are also dear to Him. Since narratives of both the Supreme Lord and His devotees can be found within this book, I have hope, O pure devotees, that you may be propitiated hereby.
svabhava-krpaya santo, mad uddesya-malinatam O pure devotees, by your natural divine grace, kindly purify me of ill motives (offenses) and accept this treatise. Certainly you will do so, because you are the ocean of causeless mercy.
atha grantha-parichayah—
Introduction to the book—
atra chananya-chittanam, krsna-pada-rajojusam Carefully compiled in this book is the nectar of the deep, heart-revealing transcendental messages of those devotees whose hearts are unalloyed; who are servitors of the dust of the lotus feet of Krishna; who perform their every act for Krishna; who are filled with insatiable desire exclusively in love of Krishna and sustain their lives on Krishna's remnants alone; who desire only Krishna's pleasure and serve the servants of Krishna; whose hearts burn in separation of Krishna and overflow with ecstasy in the association of Krishna; whose relative and friend is Krishna; and whose one and only beloved is Krishna. Along with these expressions of the devotees are carefully collected the words of supreme nectar—springing directly from the lotus mouth of Lord Govinda—which vanquish the heartbreak of the devotees; which fulfill the devotee's hopes and earnest aspirations; which destroy all doubt and sever the knot of ignorance; which are dazzling with transcendental wisdom and astonish the heart by miraculous waves of divine rapture, which are the great panacea for the devotee's heart afflicted with the piercing pangs of separation; which are incited wholly for the devotee irrespective of his qualification or disqualification, so much so, that the Lord is bound by His pledge to give Himself to His devotee; and which openly proclaim with great ecstasy that His very nature is to be subjugated solely by the affection of His devotee, reassuring His devotees in all circumstances. O pure and spotless devotees, may you drink deeply the quintessence of these divine elixirs.
Chapter summary—
dvitiyadhyayake nama, sri-sastra-vachanamrte In the second chapter, entitled Sri Sastra-vachanamritam, The Nectar of Scriptural Word, various scriptural quotations regarding surrender to the Supreme Lord have been compiled.
trtiyato 'stamam yavat, sri-bhakta-vachanamrte Chapters three to eight inclusive are entitled Sri Bhakta-vachanamritam, Words of Nectar from the Devotees. Beautifully expressed by the lotus lips of the pure devotees of the Lord, many stanzas describing the six limbs of exclusive surrender are quoted therein.
anakulyasya sankalpah, pratikulya-vivarjanam These six chapters have been compiled, each consecutively dealing with the six limbs of surrender, which are as follows:
1. To accept everything favorable for devotion to Krishna
adhyaye navame nama, bhagavad-vachanamrte In the ninth chapter entitled Sri Bhagavad-vachanamritam, Words of Nectar from the Supreme Lord, nectarean stanzas emanating directly from the lotus mouth of the Supreme Lord have been compiled.
dasame charamadhyaye, chavasesamrtabhidhe Absorbed in thought of the Divine Master and Lord Sri Krishna, the tenth and final chapter entitled Sri Avasesamritam, The Divine Remnants of Nectar, was composed as the epilogue of the book.
uddhrta-sloka-purve tu, tad artha-suprakasakam Prior to each stanza quoted, an aphorism illuminating its inner purport has been carefully entered according to my best insight.
bhagavad-gaurachandranam, vadanendu-sudhatmika Being revealed by the Lord Himself adopting the heart of a devotee, the stanzas of pure nectar emanating from the moon of Sri Gaurachandra have been entered along with the stanzas of the devotees.
prapattya saha chananya-, bhakter naikatya-hetutah Many expressions of exclusive devotion (ananya-bhakti) have been recorded herein, since exclusive devotion is most intimately related to surrender.
bhagavad-bhakta-sastranam, sambandho 'sti parasparam Actually, Words of Nectar from the Supreme Lord, Words of Nectar from the Devotees, and The Nectar of Scriptural Word are all seen to be interrelated. Still, they have been portrayed separately due to their individual importance.
pratya-dhyaya-visesas tu, tatra tatraiva vaksyate The unique characteristic of each chapter will be accordingly expressed therein. Now (in this respect), we may have some general deliberation, in the line of the great devotees of the Lord.
Theme of the work—
sarvantaryamitam drstva, hareh sambandhato 'khile Some consider saranagati to be that God consciousness which is realization of the one non-differentiated nature in all beings and objects, by seeing the Supreme Lord as the indwelling Supersoul of everything. However, such a conception falls within the category of calculative devotion (jnana-bhakti). It is not in the line of unadulterated pure devotion (suddha-bhakti).
nityatvan chaiva sastresu, prapatter jnayate budhaih By scriptural reference, the learned know of the eternality of surrender to the Lord, since the futility of human life without that surrender is elucidated therein. In this way, the eternal constitution of surrender is established.
nanyad ichchhanti tat pada-, rajah-prapanna-vaisnavah Because the devotees who have surrendered unto the dust of the lotus feet of the Lord never aspire for anything else whatsoever, the learned affirm that surrender is the attainable goal of all endeavors.
bhava-duhkha-vinasas cha, para-nistara-yogyata Only by surrender to the Lord can one gain freedom from the miseries of birth, death, disease, and infirmity; fitness to deliver others from those miseries; the holy abode of Lord Vishnu; and the devotional service of Lord Krishna.
sravana-kirtanadinam, bhakty-anganam hi yajane Everything is accomplished by surrendering unto the lotus feet of Sri Hari, even for one who is unable to execute the integral practices of devotional service based on hearing and chanting.
sakhya-rasasrita-praya, seti kechit vadanti tu Some claim that surrender is generally in the relationship of friendship (sakhya-rasa). But it is complete fallacy to think that surrendered souls have no entrance into divine relationships headed by consorthood (madhura-rasa).
sakrt pravrtti-matrena, prapattih sidhyatiti yat Since surrender is achieved by turning to the refuge of the Lord just once, we should earnestly discuss the subject to enable the longing for surrender to be born in us.
api tad anakulyadi-, sankalpady-anga-laksanat Furthermore, since the constituent parts of surrender—based on acceptance of the favorable and rejection of the unfavorable—have been referred to by authorities and cited in the Scriptures, the great devotees of the Lord teach us the necessity of studying and culturing the art of surrender.
bhavarti-pidyamano va, bhakti-matrabhilasy api One who is severely afflicted by fear of living in the material world, or, one who, despite having an aspiration for the Lord's service, is nonetheless bound with adversity—such persons, finding no alternative, surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
asrayantara-rahitye, vanyasraya-visarjane The state of finding no other alternative occurs in two ways: in the event of having no other shelter, or in the event of abandoning one's existing shelter.
mano-vak-kaya-bhedach cha, tri-vidha saranagatih One surrenders by thought, word, and deed. Complete surrender in all these aspects promptly affords full success. Otherwise, the fruit attained will be proportionate to the degree of one's surrender.
The unprecedented, gracious reward of surrender—
apy asiddham tadiyatvam, vina cha saranagatim Without unconditional surrender (saranagati), one cannot conceive of oneself as 'belonging to Him.' And this is why the learned sing (par excellence) the glories of surrender's ability to yield her unprecedented, gracious fruit.
athava bahubbir etair, uktibhih kim prayojanam Otherwise, what would have been the need for so abundantly singing her praises? Only by unconditional surrender unto the lotus feet of Govinda is all perfection attained—nothing remains to be attained.
sri-sanatana-jivadi, mahajana-samahrtam Even though touched by one as lowly as me, please, O learned devotees, drink this nectar gathered by the great souls headed by Srila Sanatana and Sri Jiva.
iti sri-prapanna-jivanamrte
thus ends the first chapter
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