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Sri Vyasa Puja Offering

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
11 December 2011


On Gurudev's appearance day in 1997, the devotees were making a Vyasa Puja book and somebody asked me suddenly, "Can you write something for Gurudev?" So, when Gurudev was starting his 69 year, in 1997, I wrote a Vyasa Puja offering.

On that day, I gave this offering to Gurudev, and after he read it he gave me the paper back and said, "You can read it." I read it in front of everybody instead of a lecture, and I remember Gurudev said, "It is too much..."

I wrote that offering in Bengali and it is hard for me to give the explanation in English, but I will try to tell something. Actually, I am not actually a literature man—sometimes something comes, and this is how I wrote it, but Gurudev was very happy.

Before I read the offering, I remember I first recited this sloka,

সাক্ষাদ্ধরিত্বেন সমস্ত-শাস্ত্রৈ-
রুক্তস্তথা ভাব্যত এব সদ্ভিঃ ।
কিন্তু প্রভোর্যঃ প্রিয় এব তস্য
বন্দে গুরোঃ শ্রীচরণারবিন্দম্ ॥

saksadd-haritvena samasta-sastrair
uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih
kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam

"I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru, who is said by all the scriptures to be the Lord Himself, and considered to be so by the sadhus, yet is also the Lord's beloved devotee."

(Sri Sri Gurvastakam, 7)

আপনাকে জানাই কোটি দণ্ডবতৎ নতি ।
চিরদিন ওই পদে থাকে যেন মতি ॥

apanake janai koti dandavat nati
chira-dina oi pade thake yena mati [1]

I offer you ten million prostrate obeisances. My desire is to forever remain at your feet.

I am offering crores and crores, millions and millions of dandavats at your lotus feet. My whole life, birth after birth, I want to pray to you that I may keep my mind, my heart and soul—my everything!—at your lotus feet. That is my desire. Only give me that kind of energy that all my life, until death, my mind may be at your lotus feet.

মায়া পাশে যদি ফাঁসি যে কোন সময় ।
তরিবার লাগি যেন, ডাকি গো তোমায় ॥

maya pase yadi phamsi ye kona samaya
taribara lagi yena, daki go tomaya [2]

I can be strangled by the noose of maya at any time, but I am calling out to you for help.

If I have any problem, if I fall into the illusory environment, I will call you so much, "Please rescue me from this kind of illusory environment!"

সাধু, গুরু, বৈষ্ণবের গানে, সুখ পাই ।
যখন যা খুশী মনে, তখনি তা গাই ॥

sadhu, guru, vaisnavera gane, sukha pai
yakhana ya khusi mane, takhani ta gai [3]

The glories of the sadhu, gurus, and Vaishnavs bring so much happiness. When I feel this joy, I suddenly start to sing myself.

I always want to glorify the sadhus, gurus, Vaishnavs, and at that time I feel pleasure, I become so happy that I have become like crazy—I am just singing whatever comes to my mind, some crazy things.

পাপ পুণ্য লাভ ক্ষতি, নাহিক বিচার ।
জানি, বৈষ্ণব কৃপাতে সব যাবে অনাচার ॥

papa punya labha ksati, nahika vichara
jani, vaisnava krpate saba yabe anachara [4]

I know nothing about piety or sin, gain or loss. I know that by the mercy of Vaishnavs, all bad things will go away.

I do not think about anything, I know nothing about any sin or piety, profit or loss. All I know is that by the mercy of the Guru and Vaishnavs all kinds of bad elements, all anachar, is removed from the heart.

তাঁদের গুণগান-শক্তি, মোর কভু নাই ।
তবু পাগলের মত, কি যে যেন গাই ॥

tandera guna-gana-sakti, mora kabhu nai
tabu pagalera mata, ki ye yena gai [5]

I will never be able to glorify their qualities. Still, like a madman I am singing whatever comes to my mind.

I have no power to sing your glorification, but I am crazy, so I am trying to sing something.

সাধু, গুরু, বৈষ্ণব, কৃষ্ণের প্রাণধন ।
তাঁদের পদ-জল-রেণু-মাগে মোর মন ॥

sadhu, guru, vaisnava, krsnera prana-dhana
tandera pada-jala-renu-mage mora mana [6]

My mind prays for the foot dust and the water that washed the feet of the sadhus, Gurus, Vaishnavs, who are life and soul of Krishna.

Sadhu, Guru, and Vaishnavs are the heart of Lord Krishna, and I always pray for the water that washed their feet.

মনের পিপাসা বড় সাধু সনে বাস ।
সর্ব্বস্ব ত্যজিয়া তাই করি অভিলাষ ॥

manera pipasa bada sadhu sane vasa
sarvasva tyajiya tai kari abhilasa [7]

My mind thirsts for living in the association of sadhus. Giving up everything, I long for this only.

I always desire, always ask in my mind that I may stay with the sadhus, so that I may hear Hari-katha from the sadhus, and for that I have renounced everything, for that I have come to your lotus feet. This is my only desire.

তাঁদের চরণে কত কোটি পাপ করি ।
মন তবু পড়ে থাকে ওই পদ ধরি ॥

tandera charane kata koti papa kari
mana tabu pade thake oi pada dhari [8]

How many millions of sins do I commit at your feet? Still, you keep me at your lotus feet, and I am clasping them.

We make so many offences, but still you keep us at your lotus feet...

আরও কত বলে মন, কোটি দুঃখ সহি ।
জন্মে জন্মে যেন আমি, ওই পদে রহি ॥

arao kata bale mana, koti duhkha sahi
janme janme yena ami, oi pade rahi [9]

My mind also prays that no matter how many millions of miseries I have to tolerate I may still be at your feet birth after birth.

I suffer so much, tolerate so much, but in my mind I always pray that I may stay at your lotus feet birth after birth.


First was this prayer, and then I wrote something in glorification of Gurudev, about his appearance day.

হঠাৎ দেশে উঠল সারা, শহর থেকে সকল পাড়া,
বিচিত্র কুতূহলে ।
সকলে আজ আনন্দেতে, একত্রে সব উঠল মেতে,
নাচে গায় দলে দলে ॥

hathat dese uthala sara, sahara theke sakala pada,
vichitra kutuhale
sakale aja anandete, ekatre saba uthala mete,
nache gaya dale dale [10]

All of a sudden, throughout the land, in all wards of the town, there arose a peculiar delight. Today everybody is filled with bliss and all together dances and sings in many crowds.

Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami wrote something about the time when Mahaprabhu appeared, and here it is something like that—everybody was affected, in all towns and villages, all over the world. It was so much. When Gurudev was born in Bamunpara, everything suddenly changed as if some mystical power appeared. Everybody was very happy and they were glorifying, singing. When that boy was born, something suddenly changed, just like it was when Mahaprabhu appeared.

ভক্তগণ সব অবিরত, শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি দিচ্ছে কত,
শ্রীমঠেতে আসি ।
গৌড় দেশের হৃদয় মাঝে, যেন সকল, দুপুর, সাঁজে,
বাজছে মোহন বাঁশী ॥

bhakta-gana saba avirata, sraddhanjali dichchhe kata,
sri-mathete asi
gauda desera hrdaya majhe, yena sakala, dupura, samje,
bajachhe mohana vamsi [11]

The devotees keep bringing so many offerings, coming to the holy temples. That day, in the heart of Gaura-desh, morning, noon, and evening as if merged and there sounded a stupefying song of flute.

On that day so many devotees came over and brought so many gifts. Everybody went to the temple. It happened in Bamunpara, the heart of Gauda-desh, and at that time everything became one—there was no morning, no evening, no sun, nothing. People kept coming and going; and they could hear somebody playing the flute.

শুভ ১৮ ই ডিসেম্বর, কৃষ্ণ-দ্বিতীয়া বুদ্ধবার,
বর্দ্ধমানের আকাশ করি আলো ।
বামুন পাড়ার বামুন ঘরে, জনম নিলা জীবের তরে,
অপূর্ব্ব সুন্দর সিশু মোহনিয়া ভালো ॥

subha atharoi disembara, krsna-dvitiya buddhabara
barddhamanera akasa kari alo
bamuna padara bamuna ghare, janama nila jivera tare,
apurva sundara sisu mohaniya bhalo [12]

On the auspicious day of December 18, on the second night of the waning moon (Krishna-dvitiya), Wednesday, a ray of light fell from the sky. In the district of brahmans (Bamunpara), in a house of a brahman, for the sake of jiva souls there took birth an unprecedentedly beautiful child, attracting all good.

That day was Wednesday, 18 December, and Gurudev's tithi is Krishna-dvitiya, a beautiful baby boy was born in Burdwan district, in a town Bamunpara ('a brahmans' town'), in a brahman's house. He did not take birth for himself but to rescue the jiva souls all over the world.

শ্রীতরঙ্গিণী দেবী মাতা, নিতাই পদ, নিত্য পিতা,
শ্রীদেবকী-বসুদেব সম ।
গুরু রূপে নন্দকুমার, যেন কৃপা করিলা এবার,
জীবের নাশিবে রজঃ তম ॥

sri tarangini devi mata, nitai pada, nitya pita,
sri devaki-vasudeva sama
guru-rupe nanda-kumara, yena krpa karila e bara,
jivera nasibe rajah tama [13]

Mother Sri Tarangini Devi and eternal father Nitaipad are like Sri Devaki and Vasudev. The youthful son of Nanda came in the form of a Guru to bestow His mercy and destroy the ignorance and passion in the jiva souls.

He came just like Lord Himself, Nanda Kumar Krishna, to rescue us, to remove the raja guna and tamo guna.

সেই শিশু আজ মহাজন, ভক্তি সুন্দর গোবিন্দ ধন,
জগতের অনন্ত গৌরব ।
ব্রহ্মাণ্ড ভোদিয়া গোলোক ধাম, সর্ব্বত্র প্রকাশ তোমার নাম,
হে প্রভু, তব সেবা-সৌরভ ॥

sei sisu aja mahajana, bhakti sundara govinda dhana,
jagatera ananta gaurava
brahmanda bhodiya goloka dhama, sarvatra prakasa tomara nama,
he prabhu, tava seva-saurabha [14]

That child is now a great soul, the treasure named Bhakti Sundar Govinda, the never-ending glory of the world. You revealed Goloka Dham in this universe; my Lord, your name is now renowned everywhere, and there can be felt a sweet fragrance of your service.

That boy has now become a Visva Guru!

তোমার কোমল মুরতি আজ, গাঁথা রয় যেন হৃদয় মাঝ,
চিন্তিব ও পদ নিতি ।
ভক্ত সজ্জন মিলে কত, মহিমা রচিবে শত শত,
কে কত গাহিবে তব গীতি ॥

tomara komala murati aja, gamtha raya yena hrdaya majha,
chintiba o pada niti
bhakta sajjana mile kata, mahima rachibe sata sata,
ke kata gahibe tava giti [15]

Your present form is very soft and graceful, and I keep it as if tied within the core of my heart. I will eternally meditate upon your feet. So many great souls and devotees will come and compose hundreds of verses, but how many of your glories is one able to describe?

পাইয়া তব শীতল চরণ, মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষী করিবে বরণ,
পরাবে ফুলের মালা ।
জীবের লাগি ধরিলে কায়া, তোমার ভয়ে পালাবে মায়া,
জুড়াবে জগত জ্বালা ॥

paiya tava sitala charana, mangalakanksi karibe varana,
parabe phulera mala
jivera lagi dharile kaya, tomara bhaye palabe maya,
judabe jagata jvala [16]

Attaining your cooling lotus feet, those who desire true welfare will worship and garland them. You accepted a body for the sake of the jiva souls. Seeing you, maya will flee in fear, and the burning fire of this world will be soothed.

You feet are very cool, and when you were born in this human body, Maya ran away in fear and all world became pure.

রাজাসনের রাজা যেমন, তোমার শোভা আজকে তেমন,
রাজা মিছে, তুমি নিত্য সত্য ।
অগাধ তব শাস্ত্র জ্ঞানে, গোলোকের সেই নিত্য ধনে,
বিলাও ভরুক্ আর্ত্ত জীবের চিত্ত ॥

rajasanera raja yemana, tomara sobha ajake temana,
raja michhe, tumi nitya satya
agadha tava sastra jnane, golokera sei nitya-dhane,
bilao bharuk artta jivera chita [17]

Your beauty and lustre are such that you resemble today a king sitting on a royal throne. However, a king is false, useless, but you are eternally true. Your knowledge of the scriptures is unfathomable, and you distribute this eternal wealth of Goloka and fill the distressed minds of the souls with it.

You are sitting here today like a king, but a king is false, and you are eternal, you are true. You have so much knowledge, and you have brought the eternal wealth of Goloka through the Guru parampara and you are distributing it now to all souls like myself, going door to door.

পরম্পরার সূত্র ধরে, আসিয়াছ মোদনী পরে,
প্রকাশিতে জীবোদ্ধার লীলা ।
কৃপার আধার গুরুমহারাজ, তোমাতে সর্ব্বশক্তি সঞ্চার,
করিয়া স্ব-সিংহাসন দিলা ॥

paramparara sutra dhare, asiyachha modani pare,
prakasite jivoddhara lila
krpara adhara guru-maharaja, tomate sarva-sakti sanchara,
kariya sva-simhasana dila [18]

You have come in this world in this disciplic succession to manifest your pastimes of delivering the souls. Srila Guru Maharaj, a fountainhead of mercy, passed all his potency onto you and made you sit on his own throne.

চির পঙ্কিল ধরণীতলে, শুদ্ধ ভকতি প্রকট করিলে—
যেন অপূর্ব্ব চিন্ময় সরোজ ।
তার সু-মধুর দিব্য গন্ধ, তোমার মাঝারে আঁকিছে ছন্দ,
বিলাবে সকলে প্রেম-বরজ ॥

chira pankila dharani-tale, suddha bhakati prakata karile—
yena apurva chinmaya saroja
tara sumadhura divya gandha, tomara majhare ankichhe chhanda,
bilabe sakale prema-varaja [19]

On this ever covered with mud surface of the earth, you have revealed pure devotion which is like an extraordinary transcendental lotus. Its extremely sweet smell has borne a desire within you to distribute the divine love of Vraja to everybody.

তব কৃপাতরু-শীতল ছায়ায়, এ দুঃখীজন যেন ঠাঁই পায়,
ওহে দীনদয়াল ঠাকুর ।
তুমি নবোদিত নির্ম্মল ভাস্কর, দয়াময় দেব ভকতি সুন্দর,
ভাবিও তোমার কুকুর ॥

tava krpa-taru-sitala chhaya, e duhkhi-jana yena thami paya,
ohe dina-dayala thakura
tumi navodita nirmala bhaskara, dayamaya deva bhakati sundara,
bhavio tomara kukura [20]

My Lord, you are so merciful to the poor, and this miserable man has got a place in the cool shade under the tree of your mercy. You are the spotless newly risen sun! O merciful Lord, Sri Bhakti Sundar, please consider me your dog.

শ্রীভক্তিরক্ষক প্রভু শ্রীশ্রীধর, তোমাকে বানাল ভব কর্ণধার,
মো সম পতিত লাগি ।
তাই তব শুভ আবির্ভাব দিনে, গতি নাই ঐচরণ বিহনে,
এ পতিত কাঁদে কৃপা মাগী ॥

sri bhakti-raksaka prabhu sri sridhara, tomake banala bhava karna-dhara,
mo sama patita lagi
tai tava subha avirbhava dine, gati nai ai-charana vihane,
e patita kande krpa magi [21]

Lord Sri Bhakti Raksak Sridhar made you the helmsman of the world for the sake of such fallen, degraded souls like me. So, on the auspicious day of your appearance, there is no other refuge for me other than your feet, and this fallen soul is crying and begging you for mercy.


— : • : —




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'Krishna's complexion is the colour of a fresh rain cloud. His forehead is adorned with tilak, curling locks, and a fine peacock feather.'
জনম সফল তা'র

Sing five songs in the morning and five songs in the evening. Can you not find 40 minutes?