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1 January 2020 (preaching programme)

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Duration: 36 min • Size: 16 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Krishna-Centred Renunciation
'I am not saying that you must leave your house and go live in the jungle. This is false renunciation. We are told by Srila Rupa Goswamipad to practise yukta-vairagya. It means, "Grhe thako, vane thako, sada Hari bole dako: whether you live in a house or in a forest, always call out the Holy Name."'

Live for Guru
'We love ourselves more than anybody else – we do not even know what it is like to love others. People talk about love, but all the love in this world is just lust. Whatever you can see in this world is not love – it is full of lust. The real love is the love of Vraja gopis, Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaj. It is necessary for disciples to have this kind of love for their guru.'

His World, His Will
'Everything happens by His will. Nothing can happen without the will of the Lord. The Lord arranges everything, and in one moment you may not need to go anywhere anymore, all your work may finish. We do not have any power. We only think that we can do something because we are possessed by ego.'

Escaping Foreign Land
'We are possessed by a ghost, by illusion, and the Lord comes to this world and goes door to door, telling us, "This is not your home! You live in a house thinking it is yours, but you are only a guard in this house, you are not its owner. Come back to God, back to home." To return to your home, you must start preparing yourself now.'

Non-Sectarian and Non-Liberal
'In the Age of Kali, there is no other path except the path of chanting the Holy Name. That is why we must always chant the Holy Name of Krishna – when we are eating, lying down, sitting or doing anything else. Try to also serve Vaishnavs and try to engage yourself in the brhat-mridanga of this Math.'

Adjust Your Faith and Priority
'We must wear tilaks, neckbeads. Seeing you, people will criticise you, they will insult you. Let them say whatever they want, we do not have any objection. They do not feed us – Tulasi feeds us. Gurudev has given me Tulasi neckbeads and told me to wear them, then I will wear them. If you live practising Krishna consciousness like this, nothing bad can happen to you.'


1 January 2020 (Speaking online to Singapore and Malaysia)

Internal Relationship with Sri Guru
"Actually, Gurudev's property is not his temple, buildings, car, etc. All this is not Gurudev's property. Gurudev's property is his heart, his love and affection. Gurudev has given me some of that property and I must distribute it to you all."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 6 min)


3 January 2020 (morning class; Vijayawada)
Do Not Delay
"Those who say that they will practise Krishna consciousness when they retire are actually cheating Lord Krishna. When a representative of the Lord comes to you, do not lose time. Take initiation, surrender and take shelter of the Lord through the guru."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min)

Golden Opportunity
"Krishna has given us this opportunity, we must not wait for a long time. The Lord's representative has come to us to tell us what is necessary for our spiritual life. If you want to get love and affection of your Gurudev, follow Gurudev's instruction with chastity."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)


3 January 2020 (evening class; Vijayawada)
Joy of Sankirtan
"Chanting the Holy Name in good association is the highest attainment in this age of Kali. Through chanting the Holy Name we can get the highest service of the Lord and the Lord's associate. You must think and realise one thing perfectly..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Beacon Light for Lost Souls
"In this age of Kali, there are so many conceptions, there are so many gurus, but actually Sri Sukadev Goswami and Srila Vyasadev have told what is the real conception in Srimad Bhagavatam. If you read scriptures, you will see what is the real conception."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Our Dear and Near
"You must understand who your real relative is. Krishna is your real relative, and Krishna will not leave you. If you chant His Holy Name, if you remember Him, He will always help you, He will always support you. It is necessary to have the strongest faith."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Uncompromising Chastity
"This is an example for you all. This is a lesson for you all. You must have chastity for your Guru. Chastity is the main thing. Everybody has a guru, but not everybody has proper chastity to their guru."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min)

On Dawdling and Patience
"Take shelter of a real guru. You must not delay. And have patience—no matter how long it may take, we must have tolerance and give honour to others. If you can join this family and this unlimited service, then one day you will get service. There is no doubt about that."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)

Hijacked Souls
"We are very fortunate because we were born in India and we can freely chant the Holy Name, but in many countries there are restrictions against following the religion of this culture, but they still secretly practise Krishna consciousness properly."
Download / listen to the audio (4.8 Mb, 12 min | Class & Kirtan)


4 January 2020 (Nama-hatta, Vijayawada)
Main Goal
"We are fallen souls, but on the other hand we are also very fortunate because we have got connection with Mahaprabhu's line, Srila Rupa Goswami's line—we have taken shelter of a bona fide guru and we are trying to follow his order."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Keep Sankirtan Fire Ablaze
"Sometimes you think that there are only very few of you devotees here, but you must start the fire, and the wind will come. If you engage yourself in sankirtan-yajna, you can make Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sriman Nityananda Prabhu happy through that."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 3 min)

Sacrifice Your Life
"People will not listen to you because they have too much attachment to materialist life—they cannot sacrifice anything; but you must sacrifice your life for your guru, Vaishnavs and Bhagavan. That is called surrender."
Download / listen to the audio (0.9 Mb, 2 min)


4 January 2020 (Nama-hatta, noon, Vijayawada)
Now Is the Time
"Do you think that you can chant the Holy Name and serve Deities or the Lord in any birth? This lifetime is a great opportunity, the best opportunity—you have got a human body now, and now is the perfect time to serve devotees and Vaishnavs."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Leave Maya's Service
"Maya Devi is so strong—you have so much material attachment. This is why you cannot join, you cannot come to service plane—you are not taking advantage of this greatest, highest service opportunity."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 3 min)

Before Too Late
"When you have teeth, you have to take care of your teeth; what your teeth are gone, you will not be able to eat properly. When you have a guru, the guru gives everything to you, but when you reject him and do not follow his instruction, then you will repent and think."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 2 min)

Sincere Service Mood
"Krishna Himself says, 'I do not take anything from a non-devotee's hand. If My devotee gives Me something with devotion, that is sufficient for Me.' You can be doing something external, but it may not be service—you must serve with heart."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)


4 January 2020 (Evening class, Vijayawada)
Come with Us
"The Harinam is extremely powerful in this age of Kali—chanting the Holy Name is the only way we can get to our real home. Those who can do Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama in good association of devotees and chanting the Holy Name are very fortunate souls."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

"I Am Saranga's Murari!"
"Remembering the last day of Nabadwip Dham parikrama, I want to tell you some very important thing. We always glorify Mamgachhi (Modadrumdwip) and speak about the birthplace of Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur, but there is also one small temple beside it..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Not Just Words
"I will tell you another pastime of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chanting the Holy Name. The Holy Name is not only some letters. This Hare Krishna maha-mantra is pure, and this pastime is the evidence of that."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Purity of Heart
"Only a only bona fide guru, who descends from Goloka Vrindavan, an associate of the Lord, can distribute this Holy Name in this world—if you take initiation from such guru, you can get real benefit in your spiritual life. But it is necessary to be a real devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 3 min)

Run After Devotion, Not Visaya
"We say we want devotion, but at the same time we want this, that, we want a house, we want opulence, etc.—Krishna will give everything to you, 'Here, take it!' but you will not get pure devotion..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)


5 January 2020 (Vijayawada)
Surrendered Service
"I see that how much you try to make me happy. You are giving everything you have—man, buddhi, anankar (mind, intelligence, ego)—to the Lord, to their guru. That is called surrender mood. You give everything you have for the service of the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min)

Seva Opportunity
"You must practise properly. I am also inviting you all to our temple. I have told you—I am giving you an opportunity to serve. Actually, it is very hard to get there—you cannot serve big things with little sukriti."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min)

My Last Word
"Atma-nivedanam is surrender. Surrender means you must give everything you have. You must stop thinking about other things. To be surrendered means, 'All I know is my Lord—I only know my Guru, I do not know anybody else. This is my last word.'"
Download / listen to the audio (0.7 Mb, 2 min)

Courtyard of Vrindavan
"The kind of kirtan you can chant depends upon your adhikar, and the quality of your kirtan depends upon your devotion. Srila Narottam Das Thakur sings, 'Vrndavane chabutara tahe mora mano-ghera—My entire mind dwells within the courtyard of Vrindavan.' But we all know where our mind goes..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Entering Higher Study
"Why do the teachings of Sri Rupa-Raghunath not enter our ears? What is the purpose of this body? How can one live in Mathura? What is the result of sincere service? What is the reason of our suffering? What is devotion?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Outdoors Preaching Campaign
"It is necessary to try. Try and try, and you will be successful. You do not have to leave your work for this. You can go on Saturday and Sunday, or every day. Try to give more time to service, then you will be successful. I have told you how to do it. If you do in this way, you will be successful."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 5 min)


6 January 2020 (Noon class, Vijayawada)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 19 min • Size: 9.2 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Madhava Tithi
"A 'Madhava tithi' means Krishna's tithi, or lunar day. Actually, all tithis are Krishna's tithis, but the ekadasi tithi is the most favourite tithi of Lord Krishna. Devotees follow ekadasi, but they actually engage themselves in eternal service."

The Pride of the Prideless
"Krishna tests us in many ways to see how much patience and tolerance we have, to see with how much love and affection, with how much attachment we can serve the Deities. It is necessary to have humility."

Inconceivable Mercy
"Through the Holy Name, we can get service to the Lord—we can get the right to cook for the Lord, to worship the Lord, to worship and serve Vaishnavs. This is the highest path in this Age of Kali, and it is necessary to have the greatest fortune to receive this kind of service."

Learn from Lord's Pastimes
"Actually, when people covert Hindus into Christians, Christians into Hindus or bring lower caste people to Hinduism, they do not think about anyone's benefit except their own benefit. However, you can see that although Mahaprabhu defeated Keshav Kashmiri Dig-vijayi and Prakasananda Saraswati, He did not become proud but thought in a very humble way, 'I am giving them real benefit—I am their servant, and they are engaging Me in their service.'"

Appreciate Service
"You must do everything—every single thing is service. When it is necessary to do something and the opportunity comes to you, you should do it immediately—do not wait for others to do it. You must understand this because this is very important for our spiritual life."


12 January 2020 (Bengali; morning class at Sri Ganga Sagar Temple)

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Duration: 30 min • Size: 14.2 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Sincerity in Service
"What is the reward of service? The result of service is getting more service. Gurudev told that the ball will always come to the feet of those who want to play football. But we are scared to play football and hide in the room, how will the ball come to our feet then?"

Love and Preaching for the Lord
"Desire is there, it is all right, but it should be directed in the opposite direction. Love should be for the Lord. You take so much trouble to walk to a place of pilgrimage, but what is the use? If you do not hear Hari-katha, if you do not hear what the Lord and His devotees say, you will not get anything."

Wrong Vision
"When you study in primary school and the teacher talks to you about some university topics, you will say that the teacher is a fool because you do not understand anything. It is necessary to have the capacity to understand the highest things..."

Root of Unhappiness
"Those who steal something may continue stealing, but they feel disturbed inside and worry that their crimes can become exposed. Those who commit offences never feel happiness or peace. Such life is a sign of bad intelligence and bad fortune."


12 January 2020 (Bengali; noon class at Sri Ganga Sagar Temple; anniversary programme)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 53 min • Size: 24.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Increase Glory of Temple
"You should print and distribute books. A temple is meant for preaching. When devotees stay at the temple, they must preach the whole day. You must think how you can increase the glory of the temple. You must preach for the temple nicely, beautifully."

Coming to Ganga Sagar
"Many people want to come to Ganga Sagar. There is a common thought that you should visit all the holy places many times but come to Ganga Sagar only once. Why only once? Because it is very hard to come here, so when people came here once, they did not want to come back..."

Service Eyes
"If you come to the Deity, thinking, 'I am coming to see the Deity,' or, 'I will go to see Jagannath,' you cannot get the darshan of Lord Jagannath or the Deity like this. If you come to see Jagannath, you will see some wooden Deity—you will not see Jagannath, the Lord."

Know Your Place
"Srila Narottam Das Thakur sings, 'My mind dwells within the courtyard of Vrindavan.' We sing it, repeating his words, but does it mean that we also dwell in Vrindavan? We can only think about this high ideal. Those who have the right can meditate on that; otherwise, if you meditate on this without first attaining the qualification, you will be going down the path of imitation. Live according to your capacity."

Cannot Have Your Feet in Two Boats
"You must serve and worship Nitai if you are to cross over this ocean of material existence. There are certain things that are against spiritual life, against Krishna consciousness. You must always keep away from anything that is against devotion. Always accept what is favourable to devotion and always reject what is unfavourable to devotion."

Our Exclusive Duty
"People can open many temples and do many things, but our duty is to serve devotees, to cook and offer bhoga to the Deities, to take care of all temple services properly. We can see how the great Vaishnavs lived. We must think about their example and follow it."

Gist of Pilgrimage
"What does it mean to chant the Holy Name? Service to Vaishnavs is at the root of everything. When Gurudev and Vaishnavs say something, you must follow it to a T. This is the meaning of visiting Ganga Sagar."


12 January 2020 (Bengali; evening class at Sri Ganga Sagar Temple)

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Duration: 41 min • Size: 19.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Daily Duty
"Make sure that not a single day passes without chanting the Holy Name and serving Vaishnavs. What is service to Vaishnav? Does it mean feeding them? No. Service to Vaishnavs means living following their words. You must make sure that not a single day passes without Vaishnav seva."

Unfaltering Determination
"The Lord tests His devotees in many ways, He gives them various austerities and pain. But when you get austerities and pain, if you do not leave the Lord, if you do not leave your spiritual life, do not leave your service to the Lord and to your Guru, then you prove that you are a devotee."

Live Within Service
"Our minds live in all kinds of places and situations, but now we can focus it on chanting the Holy Name. We must always keep our mind within service. As far as possible, avoid outside talks, outside discussions and association with non-devotees, then you will come to the Lord."

Clouded Intelligence
"People come to the temple to serve the Lord, but they cannot leave their egos. Many people come to take initiation, but does everyone actually take it? Many only pretend that they take initiation. There is a limit to Gurudev's patience and tolerance."

Play of Maya
"Maya gets her power from the Lord, and having got this power, she can remove the soul from the service to the Lord and engage it in her own service. This is what is called Maya's play. You must fight against illusion—every day. How will you fight against it?"

Answers to Many Questions
"You should get Guidance 3 and read it. There are many beautiful things written in it. At the end, there is a chapter called '108 Questions and Answers'. You should read it every day during the class. You can see there what is called sadhu-sanga and many other important things."


18 January 2020 (First Programme at New Uluberia Temple, Bengali evening class)
উলুবেড়িয়ায় হরিকথা
ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রী শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের পদ্মমুখনিঃসৃত শ্রীহরিকথামৃত: "যাঁরা এখানে উলুবেড়িয়ায় সিনিয়র ভক্তরা আছেন, তাঁরা অনেক দিন ধরে চেষ্টা করছেন, অনেক দিন ধরে আপনাদের গ্রামে গ্রামে, দরজায় দরজায় গিয়ে বলেন, ‘বল কৃষ্ণ কহ কৃষ্ণ কর কৃষ্ণ শিক্ষা’—এই কথা ভিক্ষা করছেন আপনাদের জন্য । যাঁর ভাগ্য হয়েছে, যাঁর পূর্ব্ব পূর্ব্ব জন্মের সুকৃতি ছিল, তাঁরা এই সাধুসঙ্গের প্রভাবে এসে সাধুসঙ্গ করেন, তাঁদের হৃদয়টা একটু পরিষ্কার হয়েছে, হৃদয়টা নির্ম্মল হয়েছে । ওই সিনিয়র ভক্তরার এখন অনেক বয়স হয়ে গিয়েছে, কিন্তু তাঁরা আপনাদেরকে নবদ্বীপ, পরী, বন্দাবন, অনেক জায়গায় জায়গায় নিয়ে যান যাতে আপনি সত্যিকারের কৃষ্ণপথে আসতে পারেন—তার জন্য তাঁরা আপ্রাণ চেষ্টা করে গিয়েছেন ।"
পাঠ শুনতে/ডাউনলোড (17.2 Mb, 41 min | ১৮ জানুয়ারি ২০২০)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 41 min • Size: 17.2 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Remember Where You Belong
"You must remember this line: this is the line of Sri Rupanuga. Those who practise this line in strict adherence to their Guru cannot be obstructed by anything. We must follow the Rupanuga line of Gaudiya Vaishnavs—if we step outside this line, we will not be able to attain anything."

Acquire Transcendental Vision
"We come here just for one day to chant some kirtan and take prasad, but it is not so simple. Taking prasad is also Krishna consciousness, but Prabhupad Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur said that if, when you take prasad, you think, 'Oh, he did not give me fried aubergine!' then this is not honouring prasad—it is only eating aubergine."

Eradicating Aversion
"We do not like to read, we do not get any energy—we have no enthusiasm or eagerness for service! We took initiation and received the Holy Name many years ago, but our spiritual practice is gradually diminishing. First, surrender must come. Spiritual life cannot begin without surrender."

Symptoms of Spiritual Practitioner
"You must understand what spiritual practice is. You must use all your senses in the service of the Lord and in the service of your Guru and Vaishnavs. If you do not do this, you will not get any result. You must try and practise very hard."

Exclusive Devotees Have No Complaints
"The more one serves the Lord, the more service they receive, and if somebody tries to keep away from service (if somebody shrinks from service), service gradually runs away from them."

Serve with Heart and Soul
"I know these are harsh words, and you may feel upset to hear this, but I always speak straight and I have always spoken straight all my life. There is nothing for you to feel upset about. What I am saying is for your own good."

Are You Drawn to Service?
"Do you feel drawn towards service? Do you feel drawn towards the Lord? Do you feel drawn to Hari-katha? Look within yourself and see how you feel when the service to the Lord is obstructed. Is this kind of love coming to you or not?"

Be Exclusive and One-Pointed
"I told it to you before, and I am telling it to you now also: you cannot do two things at a time. You must serve your Guru, Vaishnavs and the Lord with one-pointed, exclusive sincerity and determination. Your mind must be pointed in one direction."


20 January 2020 (Bengali; evening class at Uluberia Temple)

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Duration: 60 min • Size: 28.6 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Pure Kirtan Springs from Heart
"When you sing a song, it gratifies the senses of the singer and the listeners. But if you chant the kirtan of the Lord, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Lord Gaura Hari, Lord Sri Krishna become happy. So, our guru-varga tells us to always chant such kirtan. It is necessary to chant kirtan with your heart."

Loving Relationship and Obedience
"Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur says, 'By honouring the Lord's prasad I shall conquer all material diseases.' We take so much of Lord's prasad daily, but do our material diseases go away? It means that there is some error on our part. It is very easy to give advice or guidance to others, but it is very hard to imbibe it within your own heart."

Stumbling Along
"Surrender means you must be humble. You have a great hope to become a Vaishnav, but then you stumble over the 'trnad api sunichena' sloka. Practising Krishna consciousness following the whims of your mind is not real Krishna consciousness."

Build Service Relationship
"When Nityananda Prabhu becomes pleased, then we will build a service relationship with Him. We must chant Nityananda Prabhu's kirtan (sing the glories of Nityananda Prabhu); we must please Him."

Repairing Bad Fortune
"The Lord has made very beautiful arrangement for us, and He has sent us to this human birth, but if we misuse this human birth, then our fortune is very bad. Gurudev has given you shelter and got you a ticket to Vrindavan, but if you get off in Bardhaman in the middle of the way, then it is your misfortune."

Chastity and Purity of Association
"The religion of the soul is to serve the Lord, and if you do not serve the Lord, it means you are serving Maya. We want to leave Maya (illusory environment), but we cannot do it on our own."


January 2020 (Bengali; preaching programme)

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Duration: 13 min • Size: 6 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Extent of Sincerity
"Many of us come to the temple, but do we all really practise Krishna consciousness? We must understand to what extent we are practising Krishna consciousness. We must think about the extent to which we have been able to become sincere and how much insincerity there is still left in us."

"Please Wake Up"
"One moment you practise Krishna consciousness, but the next moment you speak about other things. To be able to worship eternally, it is necessary to have sincerity. You cannot get any result without sincerity. Your service must be eternal—you must serve every day without fail."


January 2020 (Bengali; preaching programme)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 4.9 min • Size: 11 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Ten Offences
"This Age of Kali is an ocean of faults, but it has one great quality—the Supreme Lord appears in this age in the form of His Holy Name. We are chanting the Holy Name so much, but why are we not able to get any result? Why do we not understand anything?"

If You Want to Get Right for Service...
"If you want to get the right to serve the Lord, you have to go through austerity and hardships. You must cook for the Lord, you must offer bhog for the Lord, you must offer worship to the Lord. You must practise eternally, every single day without fail."


22 January 2020 (Preaching in Betur)
Align Your Mind, Words and Deeds
"You have just said that you are running behind, but then you actually go first. You must not be a hypocrite or duplicitous. When you say something, you must do it also. Your words and your actions must be aligned."
Download / listen to the lecture (1 Mb, 2 min | Bengali)


22 January 2020 (Evening class at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Betur)
Golden Chance
"By a great fortune, you have got this service to the Lord in the house of your Guru, you have got this opportunity to stay an serve at the temple. Those who stay outside can also come in the evening, chant kirtans and practise here. The Lord has given you this chance."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Proper Attachment to Service
"It is said in the scriptures, that if you are doing the puja of the Deities and Gurudev comes to the temple at that time, you must leave the puja and come to pay obeisance to your Guru. Why did you have to sit and wait for me when I had told you I was coming later and do the kirtans, speak, etc. The main thing is the service to the Lord—you must always do it with heart and soul."
Download / listen to the audio (0.9 Mb, 2 min)

Can You Not or Will You Not?
"You must chant the Holy Name, you must practise Krishna consciousness if you want to get the Lord, and if you think you do not need all this, then I will not say anything more. If you think you do not need all this, if you do not need the Lord, then well and good—then leave it all."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)


18 January 2020 (First Programme at New Uluberia Temple, Bengali evening class)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 120 min • Size: 58 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Opening Temple—Opening Your Eyes
"Gurudev chanted some kirtan and said, 'Your inauguration is done.' He did not tell me to make any fire sacrifice. However, the people in this world do not understand it. They become upset, 'Oh, we did not have a fire sacrifice at our home.' That is why we have to arrange all this."

Live As a Member of Krishna's Family
"Those who know their identity (who live as eternal servants of Krishna) understand that the Lord is the master of everything in this world, and they do not see anything as theirs. We do not prohibit you to continue your life, but whatever you do, live as a member of Krishna's family."

Meaning of Surrender (1)
"What are the six limbs of surrender? 'Goptrivte varan' means Krishna takes care of us. 'Atma-nivedana' means you must submit everything—your body, soul, mind, intelligence, ego, everything—at the holy lotus feet of the Lord and Gurudev."

Meaning of Surrender (2)
"Prabhu, I want to face difficulties in Your service! If I try to do Your service and some problem comes, let it come! Come what may! Let as many problems come as possible! I will take everything on my shoulder. You are giving me problems, and I will tolerate all difficulties and patiently carry on serving You."

How to Pray to Vaishnav Thakur
"When will Sri Chaitanya bestow His mercy on me? When will I be able to come to the shelter of Vaishnavs' holy feet? When will I be able to pay obeisance to Vaishnavs? When will I be able to show respect to Vaishnavs? When will I leave this material ego?"

Orphaned and Blind
"Why does it say here, 'This orphan is crying in distress' (anatha katare tei kande)? It is necessary to understand the meaning of these words. Does it mean somebody has lost their parents? Devotees do not call their biological parents 'parents'—they know that Krishna is our father, and Krishna is our mother."

Satisfying Lord and Your Soul
"It is necessary to be intent on the satisfaction of the soul. If the practitioner of exclusive devotion is not intent on the satisfaction of their soul, they begin to slacken in their spiritual practice."

Trade Secret of Krishna Consciousness
"When you keep holy association, it will awaken loving closeness to the Lord and service propensity in your heart. To love Him means to hear about Him, to speak about Him, to meditate on Him. We must always speak about Him."

Taste for Hari-Katha
"It takes a very great fortune to be able to live the life in the shelter of Hari-katha. Those who have internally taken shelter in Krishna-katha are truly qualified for devotion—at this stage, the soul does not have any low desires anymore because all material desires become removed."

Eternal Nourishment
"The seed of devotion actually means satisfying the Lord. By the mercy of pure saintly persons, devotees should water this seed with the water of sravan and kirtan (hearing and chanting) — then their taste for the discourses about Krishna will grow day by day."

Align Your Life
"Devotees aspire for unhappiness to make the Lord happy, 'Give me unhappiness. It is all right, no problem! If it makes You happy, give me unhappiness.' This is such a high conception! It is easy to say things and to preach, but it is very difficult to do it."

Two Keys to Success
"I offer thousands of obeisances at the feet of those who have come to love Sri Guru Thakur. It can be a very small girl, it can be a very small boy, they can be invalid, they may have no qualities, but if the person loves Guru Thakur, Hari Thakur, I will offer my obeisance to them again and again."

Ekadasi Vrata (1)
"Gurudev told to follow ekadasi, Mahaprabhu told to follow ekadasi, so we are doing it. We do not want to enjoy any result, so we do not follow ekadasi hoping to get any result. We must follow ekadasi to show our love for the Lord."

Ekadasi Vrata (2)
"Scriptures say that everyone must follow ekadasi from eight to eighty-eight years old. Women think that if a girl fasts, her husband will die or face some ill fate. How can that be? If the Lord is pleased, can any ill fate befall on a boy or a girl? It is a misconception."

Practise Day and Night
"You must think about the Lord incessantly. Always practise Krishna consciousness, day and night. Serve the Lord with all your limbs—serve the Lord with your mind, body, ego. Submit everything you have at the holy lotus feet of the Lord. You must not forget the Lord in happiness and in sadness."

If You Want, You Can
"If you tell something to a tiger or a lion, they cannot leave their habits, but if you want, you can give up fish, meat, onion and garlic. If you want, you can chant the Holy Name. You think, 'Oh, I cannot give up fish and meat, how can I take initiation?' If you want, you can give it up. If you want, you can do everything."


27 January 2020 (Bengali; preaching programme in Basirhat)

Futile Efforts
"If you chant the Holy Name but this material mentality does not go away, then it means you are not chanting the Holy Name. You will have to leave everything and go away. Why can you not understand this?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Immerse Yourself In Kirtan
"If you practise spiritual life and become tired, start slacking, 'I cannot do it any more!', it means your mind is sick. Our mind is always swayed in different directions. However, if you want to keep your mind steady and peaceful and direct it towards the Lord, you must loudly chant the Holy Name."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Serve with Care
"You come to the temple, you come to take initiation, you come to offer obeisance to the Lord, and the Lord knows everything very well—He knows what you have on your mind and with what purpose you do all that. He can see everything..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Travel Light
"No matter what pain, what austerity, hardship, what danger comes, no matter what difficulty comes, no matter what obstacles come, I will take everything on my head—I will never recoil. It is necessary to surrender to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs with this kind of mood."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

My Nearest and Dearest
"Whatever happens happens by the wish of the Lord, and whatever happens is for the better. There is no time to think about all this. Do not waste your time. We must always live amidst spiritual life, amidst the worship of the Lord, amidst chanting the glory of the Lord and our Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Thrive Spiritually
"How many days will you be here in this world? One day you will leave. Take shelter of a bona fide Guru and practise Krishna consciousness without any slacking, without any reluctance—always chant the Holy Name tirelessly, always serve the Lord tirelessly."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Greatest Hindrances
"No matter how much service I do, no matter how much I chant the Holy Name, if I at the same time commit offences to the Holy Name, then all result of that service will be distorted. You must always remember this."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

No Place for Whimsies
"Should we be offering flowers to Gurudev's photo or should we be following what Gurudev says? You must become determined in your life and serve the Lord unswervingly, in one way or another: I have to serve the Lord, and I must cross the ocean of material existence."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Staunch Stance
"You learn this and other things by heart, but it is not so easy to follow this in your life. You must first establish this in your own life. First learn to be like this yourself, then you can give advice to others."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Be Firm
"If your heart becomes perverted, the words of Sri Rupa Raghunath will not enter your ears. We are attached to the material world, we are covered by the illusory environment; that is why all these talks do not and will not enter our ears."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Clean Your Mind
"The Lord can understand very well why you come to Him, with what intention you come to Him. You cannot cheat Him. You can cheat everyone, but you can never cheat Guru, Vaishnavs, and the Lord. All your tricks, cheating, lying, etc. will be exposed."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)


28 January 2020 (Bengali; morning preaching programme in Basirhat)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 38 min • Size: 18 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Search for Reality
"You must attain such a thing by attaining which you will not want anything more. You must look for such a thing that will completely satisfy your desire. This 'thing' is reality. Search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful. Reality is beautiful, and you must search out and learn about this reality. However, it is not enough to only hear it..."

Greatest Conquest
"You are your own friend, and you are your own enemy. You say that you have conquered the whole world, but have you been able to conquer your own self? Have you managed to control your own senses?"

Wasted Love
"We have so much affection to this material world, to our material family, but the days are passing in vain! Days and nights are passing. You are saying that your age is increasing, but this is not so—your age is only decreasing every day, every second."

Go Beyond Your Mindset
"We will not become successful for as long as we cannot understand the real thing. People can understand and change when they are young, but once you have learned some rules or traditions, you already think that it is the best way and that there is nothing beyond what you know."

Faith Must Come from Heart
"Devotion and faith must come from heart. We must chant kirtan with heart because kirtan comes from heart. You must call out to the Lord from within your heart. You wear a garland, wear Tulasi beads, put tilaks, but Gora knows what you are doing and hiding."

Bizarre Life
"Many people do kirtan for the pleasure of their own senses and for the pleasure of other people's senses—to please people's eyes, ears, nose, minds and so on. What sort of world is this? It is like a trick, a show. While I affectionately take it as my own, days pass by in vain."


28 January 2020 (Bengali; evening preaching programme in Basirhat)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 32 min • Size: 15.4 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Lord's Liberal Mercy
"The Lord is so merciful! The Lord bestows His mercy even on those who come to kill Him, as was the case with Atasur, Bakasur, Batsasur, Putana and many others, but we chant the Holy Name so much, we do so many things, and nothing happens to us. Why?"

Deepest Distraught and Desire
"What to speak of hankering and longing for nectar, we are not even trying to get it. If only you could take the association of genuine sadhus who do not understand anything except service to the Lord!"

Can We Ever Do It?
"If only you just once thought about the Lord in the same way that you think about yourself! The Lord does not stay with those who have ego—with those who are proud of wealth, proud of knowledge, proud of beauty; the Lord throws to such people whatever they want, but He does not stay with them."

Find Evidence
"Just as it is very hard to find a genuine disciple, it is also very hard to find a bona fide guru. To become a guru, one must first become a disciple. You must judge for yourself: to what extent do I follow Gurudev's instruction? You must examine yourself and find evidence of the extent to which you follow Gurudev's instruction."

Living in Mathura
"Staying in Vrindavan and pretending to be staying in Vrindavan is not the same. We come to Vrindavan for service. Otherwise, your body is in a holy dham, but your mind, heart, and soul are all scattered everywhere else—you cannot stay in a holy dham like this."

Make Your Heart Pure
"If you want to get the Lord in this world, if you want nectar, then you must throw all material desires away. You must have no interest, no desire for anything in this world—you must not even look in this direction."

Run Behind Genuine Krishna Consciousness
"I am explaining these things to you, but you easily become enamoured by illusion. Brahma comes to you with some things, and you become charmed and run there. Indra comes to you with some wealth and opulence, and you run to Indra. We must run after genuine Krishna consciousness, after the Lord and the divine love for the Lord."


29 January 2020 (Bengali; morning preaching programme in Basirhat)

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Duration: 57 min • Size: 27.4 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Serve with Love
"Many serve the Lord, but why is it said that we must worship the Lord and the holy Deity of the Lord with faith? In front of others, people like to show that they are very humble, but there are very few people who will listen to every word and, crying, come to pray. There is no need to show monkey renunciation to impress others."

Deep Renunciation
"You can give up everything—you can give up money, you can give up women, but it is not possible to give up pratistha, name and fame. Materialists can come to the Lord's lotus feet, but at this time their minds go, 'Knock-knock. I have given this to the Lord, but what have I got in return?'"

Perverted Taste
"Those who are foolish have no intelligence, and they behave like children. We too are like small children who like to eat soil, but the Lord does not let us eat it because we are His children."

Life of Awakened Consciousness
"What is a temple? A temple is a centre of Hari-kirtan. There are many temples in this world now, but are they all centred on Hari-kirtan? Those who stay at the temples and can understand this know that a life in Hari-kirtan is the life of awakened consciousness of an infinitesimal jiva soul."

Genuine Spiritual Life
"There is no difference between entering a temple and entering a house life if you enter it in a spiritual way. Those who live in a spiritual way always make sure that whatever they do is done for the worship of their Supreme Lord."

Service Through Self-Abnegation?
"Many people say that the Lord is served by inflicting suffering and struggle onto one's soul (through self-abnegation). Others will say, 'There is no point in serving the Lord by making your soul suffer. Eat whatever your soul wants!' What is the soul?"

Service Is Not a Play
"We are not afraid to commit a sin for our own pleasure—but when we try to serve the Lord, we always worry whether we are making a sin: 'How can I serve the Lord? What if I commit a sin?'"

Brahmans' Position
"All Vaishnavs are brahmans, but brahmanism stands on the lowest steps of the ladder of Vaishnavism. If a brahman practises Krishna consciousness in realisation of sambandha-jnana, then he can become a Vaishnav—by the mercy of Vishnu, he can be saved from the hands of impersonalists and become an 'unadulterated brahman', or Vaishnav."

Hari-Katha or Self-Deception?
"If, by our great fortune, we are anxious to serve the Lord, then it will enter our ears. We must be able to hear and keep Hari-katha within our hearts. Those who are unfortunate may think they have heard Hari-katha, but they have not actually heard the proper meaning—they were cheated."

"I Have Come to Help You"
"I have not come here to take your help—I have not come here to give a lecture. I have come here only to let you practise Krishna consciousness. I come to give you some consciousness so that you can practise Krishna consciousness in your own life."

Do Not Be Duped
"If we listen to non-devotional talks or take advice from non-devotees, then we will spend millions of lifetimes in illusory bondage serving every single atom of this material world. We must not listen to anything non-devotees say."

Penniless Life
"'Please make me Your slave and pay me the salary of divine love! O Lord! Please engage me in Your service. This will be my salary, this will be my reward.' This is our only prayer."


29 January 2020 (Bengali; evening preaching programme in Basirhat)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 6.5 min • Size: 14 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Have Proper Motive
"Genuine Gaudiya Vaishnavs of Rupanuga Sampradaya worship Krishna only for one reason—out of love and affection. It is necessary to love the Lord. Do you understand what I am saying? It is necessary to hear about this and to have the proper motive."

Leave World of Stool and Urine
"We must always think about these things. It is necessary to have a strong desire. It is necessary to try and try. You cannot understand how merciful the Lord is. The Lord is searching for us. We are the Lord's lost children who have left the Lord and come here, but we must again return to Him."

Serve with Love
"You can even make a temple, but the Lord will not be pleased by that. It is necessary to feed the Lord, it is necessary to love the Lord, it is necessary to serve the Lord with faith and affection. The Lord must be served with love."


30 January 2020 (Bengali; noon programme in Uluberia)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 53 min • Size: 24.1 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Repeated Prayer, Repeated Plight
"What I am saying now is important—it is important for those who want to practise Krishna consciousness, who want to get the Lord, who want to come to the Lord. Those who have no eagerness, who have no desire, who do not try will not be interested to hear it... "

Watch What You Wish For
"Why should we practise Krishna consciousness? The people of this world worship the Lord for three reasons. Remember what these reasons are. We must always remember and keep this in our hearts."

Lord's Mercy
"The Lord is very merciful. You know that the Lord rescues and bestows His mercy even on those who come to kill Him—and not just those who come to kill Him, but those who come to kill Him when He was a small baby!"

Pure Ego
"'Having submitted my heart and soul to my Gurupadpadma, I have got this chance to perform archan for the Lord.' The final preparatory step is to make sure your mind is at the holy lotus feet of Sri Gurupadpadma."

Beautiful Pastimes (1)
"Today is the appearance day of Vishnupriya Devi. You know that Vishnupriya Devi, who is Maharabhu's potency, appeared in Nabadwip Dham as a daughter of Sanatan Misra. It is also the appearance day of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami, Pundarik Vidyanidhi and Srila Raghunandan Thakur, and the disappearance day of Sri Visvanath Chakravarti today."

Beautiful Pastimes (2)
"We carry stool in our stomaches, but once we pass stool, if we look behind, we feel repulsed and hold our nose. In the same way, you must give up visaya (material world and everything related to it)—you must have no attachment to it."

Beautiful Pastimes (3)
"You do your puja, offer some flowers, ring the bell, offer bhog, and you think that it is all there is to it. You do not think how you can please the Lord. If you hear about the Lord and His devotees, it can bring you great benefit."

Take Service Seriously
"We have come here in this Age of Kali, having got a human birth after many lives. We only dance and chant, 'Hari bol! Hari bol!' but we have not learnt the meaning of what we are doing. Always chant the Holy Name. Take service to the Lord seriously—serve the Lord with love."




5 February 2020 (Sri Ekachakra Dham)
Facing Austerity
"Whatever you want to do, you must have the strongest desire. Even in the material life, does anything come without austerity? No. Therefore, 'I want austerity! I want problems! If more problems come, it is OK, let them come! I want to see how many problems you can give me, Prabhu.'"
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Distinction of Sri Rupanuga Line
"In this world, people serve the Lord in three ways. First, somebody worships the Lord because they are afraid. Second, people worship the Lord because have some material desire. Third, somebody worships the Lord out of duty. This is not right."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Treacherous Desires
"If you have some material desire and want it to be fulfilled, Krishna will give that to you happily. On the other hand, Krishna says, 'I am not a fool—why will I give them visaya? Instead, I will give them My lotus feet and make them forget visaya!"
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Inconceivable Mercy
"We can understand Krishna consciousness if we have a desire to serve the Lord—if we have enthusiasm. You can see how merciful Lord Krishna is, but Mahaprabhu is more merciful than Krishna, and Nityananda Prabhu is even more merciful than Gauranga."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min)

Victory over Visaya
"If we take prasad, all kinds of bad elements, bad diseases will be removed; if we chant the Holy Name, all Nama-aparadhas will go away; if we do service, all seva-aparadhas will go away—we do it, but why are we not getting the result?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 6 min | 5 February 2020)

Power of Sukriti
"Sanda and Amarka taught Prahlad Maharaj nonsense things, but Prahlad Maharaj did not take that association. Prahlad Maharaj had some previous sukriti (actions related with the Lord), and through that sukriti he could receive the proper teaching from Narad Goswami."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

"If you have fifty kilogrammes of rice on your head, you feel so much pressure—even if you come into an A/C room, you will not get any comfort there because you have heavy things on your head. We still have ego, we still cannot even understand that we are eternal servants of the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 5 min)

"You recite mantras for the archan, you chant that the cloth is clean, the chamara is clean, the peacock fan is clean, the pancha-pradip is clean, etc. Everything is clean, but do you ever think, 'Is my mind clean?'"
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

Zest for Service
"I think that the Lord arranges everything that is necessary for His service—only our desire, wish, will is necessary. If you have desire ('I will do it!'), you will succeed. It is necessary to have desire, otherwise sitting idle, laziness will not take you far."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 6 min)


5 February 2020 (Evening Bengali class, Sri Ekachakra Dham)

Service Quality
"It is necessary to always be alert and make sure there is no defects in your service. When you are giving something to your Guru, you must always see if that thing is clean and neat or not. We make sure everything is clean, but last we should see whether our mind is clean or not."
Download / listen to the audio (7.2 Mb, 17 min | Bengali)

Deeply Anxious to Serve
"Many of you are householder devotees, living in your homes—you also offer bhog to the Lord every day and take prasad, but can you say that your material illusion (prapancha) has gone away? Why is it not going away?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Spiritual Trade-Off
"Dhruva Maharaj went to the forest and spent there five years sitting in one place, unswervingly meditating on Krishna. He did not meditate on the Lord to get the Lord—he actually meditated on the Lord to get the throne of his father's kingdom!"
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Greatest Wealth
"We say all these big, big things, we give lectures, but to what extent are we able to practise it? Just think about it—how hard it is to practise atma-nivedanam, how hard it is to give everything to the lotus feet of the Lord..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Never Too Early, Never Too Late
"If you serve and run behind the Lord's devotees—then the Lord Himself will run behind you to serve you! You will not have to run behind the Lord, the Lord Himself will run behind you to catch you—if you can serve devotees properly. However, you cannot serve devotees without being a devotee yourself..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Capturing Lord's Heart
"Krishna is very merciful. If you can do just some small service to Him with heart and soul, you can capture the Lord. Krishna is saying, 'I do not give My mercy to anyone so easily, but when I do give My mercy to someone, I do not leave them.'"
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Life of Loving Service
"You must remember one thing. There is no relationship between our bodies and the Lord. It is our soul, what we call 'I', that has a relationship with the Lord, and the soul (atma) knows perfectly well what Paramatma wants, what Paramatma needs. The body does not and cannot know this."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Our Dearmost
"Who is there in this world who is truly close and dear to you except for Nityananda Prabhu? Who else can you call your dear and near? If you can get the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, you will get the mercy of Gauranga. Nityananda Prabhu is Guru-tattva. You cannot get anything without the mercy of Gurudev..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Worshipful Mood
"...We worship Suddha Saraswati, it is necessary if you want to get the result. Unless we get the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, we will not have any brain. We must have the mercy of Nitaichand. When will we attain His mercy?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Eternal Life Membership
"What makes the Lord happy? Where does the Lord mostly stay? He is there where devotees speak about Him. When such discussions take place here in Sri Ekachakra Dham, Nityananda Prabhu becomes very happy, and Hadai Pandit, Padmavati Devi become even happier—devotees comes and talk about their son, glorify their son. If you listen to such talks with heart and soul, very attentively, Nityananda Prabhu truly becomes happy and pleased with you."
Download / listen to the audio (5.2 Mb, 13 min | Bengali)

Evening Kirtans
 Sri Guru-charana-padma  Kabe Sri Chaitanya more karibena daya  Ohe Vaisnava Thakur  Nitai-pada-kamala  Emana durmati  Suddha-bhakata-charana-renu  Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna  Hari Haraye Nama Krsna  Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
Download/listen to the audio (17.5 Mb, 42 min | Kirtan)


6 February 2020 (Morning Bengali class; Sri Varaha Dvadasi)

At Sri Ekachakra Dham: Morning Kirtans
 Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari  Thakura Vaisnava-gana  Nitai-guna-mani amara  Gaurangera dyuti pada  Dasavatara Stotram  Gaya Gora madhur svare  Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
Download/listen to the audio (12.1 Mb, 34 min | Kirtan)

Spiritual Diligence
"Students study a little by little every day and at the end of the year they take an exam, when it is understood whether or not they have been studying diligently or not. In our spiritual life also, we must study and learn little by little every day."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Perfect Chastity
"You are always so busy with your work—you are always so busy only with the happiness of your body, with money, food, clothes... You must follow this. If a doctor gives you prescription but you do not follow it, your disease will not be cured."
Download / listen to the audio (4.9 Mb, 12 min | Bengali)

Follow Mahaprabhu's Teachings
"It is not easy to understand how much devotion who has. That is why, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu always taught others, and it is necessary to discuss what Mahaprabhu taught us. We must always try to understand it and follow it."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 10 min | Bengali)

Lord Varahadev's Appearance
"Today is the appearance day of Lord Varahadev. There were two gatekeepers, Jay and Vijay, in Vaikuntha. They guarded the door of Lord Narayan's room and made sure no disturbance came to Lord Narayan and Laksmi Devi."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Embracing Hardships
"Troubles, problems, disturbances—so many things will come. If you run away, then you must know that you could not do any service. If you can overcome all obstacles and troubles, then you will be a gainer. The most important thing is to have patience."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Service: Labour of Love
"If you spend your days in laziness and sleep, this is not Krishna consciousness. We do not want to live amidst austerity, but those who are truly Gaudiya Vaishnavs, they want austerity. 'O Lord, whatever austerity You give me amidst Your service, give it! I do not mind any unhappiness as long as You are happy.'"
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min | Bengali)

Parikrama Plans
"One year, I want to make a parikrama of Gauda Mandal. I will see if I get an opportunity this year, after Gaura Purnima. We have not made this parikrama for a very long time. Also, I have told you before that I will extend the parikrama by one day, and then we will be able to take darsan of all places."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Service Plans
"Now all works are finished here, and I had one more thought last night when you were taking prasad. During the festival, you have to sit in the cold. I am looking now for a place where I can make a place for a prasadam hall..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Spend Your Time Wisely
"When your eyes close (when you die), you will have to leave everything behind. You must all try to do some service. Even if you just sweep the dust of this holy abode, it is good. Nobody knows what kind of sukriti you get when you clean the temple of the Lord..."
Download / listen to the audio (6 Mb, 15 min | Bengali)


6 February 2020 (Evening Bengali class; Sri Varaha Dvadasi)

Chasing Away Ghosts and Nonsense
"You know, sometimes you become possessed by a ghost—this is when you start thinking about your house or you think about other things. What is the remedy for this?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Devotion Is Not Cheap
"Nityananda Prabhu's mercy is such that He rescues whoever simply falls before Him—He does not consider who is higher, who is lower. However, the problem is that if you fall at His feet but think about other things in your mind, then what result will you get?"
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Hens, Bats, and Bananas
"The Lord does not want any tune, melody or anything like that. If you just call the Lord by chanting His Name ('Krishna! Krishna!'), that is sufficient. He does not want any tune. The Lord wants to know if your heart, mind, soul and everything else is at His feet or not."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min | Bengali)

Nityananda Prabhu's Arrangements
"When Mahaprabhu took sannyas in Katwa, Mahaprabhu became extremely agitated and anxious to go to Vrindavan, and Nityananda Prabhu confused Him and took Him from Katwa to Shantipur. Another time, when Sivananda Sen, together with Nityananda Prabhu, was taking all the devotees to Puri, they were passing a village called Denur..."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Importance of Hearing and Listening
"Those who hear about the Lord from their Gurudev with heart and soul, very quickly become fixed in their spiritual life and develop attachment to the Lord and their service. Those who do not listen will not get this result."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Fighting Prejudices
"The Holy Name of the Lord can be chanted at any time. It means that there is no certain time when you can chant the Holy Name and there is no certain time when you cannot chant the Holy Name. If you can chant the Holy Name even at the time of death, you will reach perfection."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min | Bengali)

Eagerness and Enthusiasm
"It is those who have eagerness and enthusiasm that have come. You cannot get Nityananda Prabhu's mercy by sitting at home and doing nothing—it is necessary to step forward. You must come forward..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Clean Hearts
"Because we cannot give up these small things, we will not be able to get Nitai—we will not get Gauranga. Until and unless your heart becomes pure, how can Bhakti Devi come to your heart? You must have place for her to come—she wants to come to a clean place."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Material Perils
"If you dig in the west, you will get one thing, if you dig in the south, you will get another thing; if you dig in the north, you get something else; but if you dig in the east, you will get the true wealth—you will get devotion. Desires for enjoyment, liberation, and perfections will be all around you, but the real treasure—devotion—is only in one direction."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Learn to Rely on the Lord
"What a bad position the jiva souls of this world are in! They cannot rely and depend on the Lord. They do not understand that the Lord is the protector. As soon as you think, 'I have no guardian,' enemies will attack you from all sides and enter your heart."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Digesting Mercy
"If somebody accepts a guru but does not accept the guru's chastisement and guidance, then you can understand that this is not a disciple. There is a seed of spiritual benefit planted within chastisement and guidance."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)

Our Primary Need
"We must understand how necessary Sriman Nityananda Prabhu is for our spiritual life. Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's glory is unlimited. It is not possible at all for such a low soul as myself to speak about them, so I am finishing here and I am again begging you all—please engage yourself in the service of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu."
Download / listen to the audio (5.7 Mb, 23 min | Bengali)


7 February 2020 (Bengali; morning programme at Ekachakra; Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's appearance day)

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Duration: 64 min • Size: 30.6 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Value Your Time
"We have time to practise Krishna consciousness now, and we must value this time. Time and tide wait for none. Day by day, our age is not increasing—it is decreasing. We have to spend half of the time we are alive on sleeping, but how much of the other half of our time do we give to the Lord?"

Gaudiya Vaishnavs' Service
"Taking shelter of Gurudev and surrendering to him, we should come to Gurudev and listen about the glories of the Lord not with the hope to get something but out of love. Gaudiya Vaishnavs and the Vaishnavs of Sri Rupanuga Sampradaya worship and serve the Lord out of love."

Perverted and Transcendental Charm
"What will you get by going there and staying in a hotel? All kinds of wrongdoings and atrocious things happen there. You will find only all dirty things there, but there is a very beautiful place right next to it, a place where Nitayananda Prabhu's worship is going on eternally."

Our Greatest and Only Friends
"Gurudev and Nityananda Prabhu are your greatest friends. They show us the road to Krishna, 'If you take this road, you will come to the Lord.' The holy lotus feet of Sri Guru and Nityananda are our only hope! There is nothing in this world except their holy lotus feet. Do you understand it?"

Faith vs Acceptance
"It can be seen in this world that those who are proud of their knowledge can develop faith in the Supreme Lord, but when they debate about the basics of grammar, it can be detected whether they have accepted the Lord. When our material desires stop completely, then the teachings and pastimes of Sri Rupa-Raghunath will enter our ears—not before that."

Pull of Maya
"Having opened many temples, our Guru-varga has given us many opportunities for service, but what of that? Are you able to stay without illusory bondage? It is not easy for us to leave the world of Maya and come here. Maya will keep pulling you in the other direction."

Wrong Preoccupation
"We always think about our bodies and homes—we always think how to live and sleep comfortably. We feel attached to trifle things. That is why it is necessary for everyone to take shelter of Nityananda Prabhu. The problem is that because of small, trifle things, because of various obstacles and problems, we cannot come to this line easily."

World of Uncertainty
"'I will practise spiritual life at the end of my life, but now I will enjoy family life at home.' Intelligent people will never say this. You can never say when one is going to die..."

Inglorious Life
"It is necessary to do first of all that without which your life will pass in vain. If you do not do other things, there is no loss. Those who sacrifice their life for the service of the Lord are very fortunate, and their life is glorious."


7 February 2020 (Bengali; noon programme at Ekachakra; Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's appearance day)

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Duration: 49 min • Size: 23.5 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Life in Sadhu-Sanga
"If we practise sravan and kirtan in sadhu-sanga, if we hear Hari-katha from the holy mouth of Sri Guru and sadhus, we will get supreme benefit. If you do not have taste for hearing it, then discourses about the Lord will never enter your ears. It is necessary to hear about the Lord the whole day, twenty-four hours a day."

Immerse Yourself in Kirtan
"The most important for us is Nama-sankirtan in sadhu-sanga: chanting the Holy Name in holy association. Even if you practise meditation or yoga, you will not feel as much joy as you can get by singing kirtans."

Path to Promotion
"If you can get this job and can do it properly, then you will always be promoted, never demoted. If we can stay at the temple and practise Krishna consciousness, if we can serve Sri Guru and Vaishnavs, then all difficulties, pain, struggle and suffering will be nothing."

Service Is Not Formality
"The Lord is so merciful—He will never suck your blood. He does not want your blood. If you can give your heart and soul to the lotus feet of the Lord and His devotees, then you will get the highest benefit."

Eternal Service Consciousness
"Service must be eternal. Just as we eat, sleep and go to the bathroom every day, we must similarly serve the Lord every day. It is necessary to think what is necessary for the Lord; you must think about the interest of the temple and Gurudev, then it will be service to Gurudev."

Giving and Taking Prasad
"We will not stay in this world for long. We have crossed innumerable lifetimes—even if we live for one hundred years, what is one hundred years compared to eternity? If you spend your time laughing and playing, gossiping and talking nonsense, then such a life is useless."

Control Your Urges
"Nobody prohibits you to sleep, but remember that the more you increase your sleep, food, fear and sex (ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam cha), the more it will increase. The more you eat, the more you will want to eat; and the less you eat, the less you will want to eat."


7 February 2020 (Bengali; evening programme at Ekachakra; Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's appearance day)

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Duration: 82 min • Size: 39.1 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Sinful Souls' Scrape
"Is there anyone as merciful as Nitai in this world? He rescues all the fallen, lowly souls like ourselves. We are stricken with so many faults and flaws. We live committing so many mistakes, amidst so many faults! How long we have been living committing mistakes, how many offences we have been committing birth after birth!"

Two Unexpected Questions
In the middle of the class at the holy Sri Ekachakra Dham, on the holy appearance day of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, an elderly devotee suddenly gets up and ardently asks His Divine Grace...

Do Not Lose This Pull
"I pray at the holy feet of Nityananda Prabhu that everyone may practise Krishna consciousness, so that you may feel this pull towards Nityananda Prabhu every day and that you may not fall into the bondage of the illusory environment once you return to your homes."

Great Mercy for Great Hearts
"You say all the time, 'Please give me mercy,' but these are just some words you learn by heart and keep repeating. 'Gurudev, please give me your mercy', 'Gurudev, please give me your mercy'—but do you really want mercy? Ask yourself this. Do you really want your Guru's blessing?"

Kali-Yuga Servants
"When we do service, we do not think it is service—we do it as a duty. We always think about our own happiness. We do not do service; instead, we dump work on our Gurudev, expecting him to do it, because we do not have the qualification to do service. This is our situation in this Age of Kali."

Why Have You Come?
"You have come to Lord Nityananda Prabhu. I saw people coming to Nityananda Prabhu and throwing money at Him. Is this service, tell me? People also throw prasad, and it sometimes falls somebody's leg. People used to often do this before. Do you know why?"

Practise and Pray
"It is necessary to always maintain chastity. We must not go anywhere and everywhere. everyone has come with a return ticket and will jump back into the ocean of Maya again—drowning and struggling in that ocean, you will become busy with your lives. Leave this family of Maya and come to the family of Krishna."


8 February 2020 (Evening class at Sri Ekachakra Dham)
Grand Festival
"Without Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, without Gurudev's mercy, we are not able to do it. We do not know for how many days in this life we can do this service like this, but we are always enthusiastic, we are always trying to serve Gurudev or Nityananda Prabhu, and it is Their matter whether they will accept our service or not."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)

My Gratitude
"So many devotees are helping us with this festival—somebody cannot help physically, but they are helping through their mind, through their funds, etc. I am not only thanking them, I am very grateful to them because they are doing so much for Gurudev."
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Guard Your Service Life
"Whatever problem comes, we will not run away from our service. Problems will always come—we are in the battlefield, and we will fight against maya until our death. That is our conception. We will not fight against men, but we will fight against ourselves."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 8 min)

Do Not Fear Sacrifice
"Life should be for service. What the guru and Vaishnavs tell, that is service, and you must serve with love. You must sacrifice in your life. Those who can make sacrifice in their life, they get the real benefit."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Hidden Service
"Srivas Pandit's faith is super strongest. Everybody's faith is not like that. When somebody puts some poison in others' brain, they change their mind. Our faith must be strong. Practise, practise and practise."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)

Spiritual Promotion
"You struggle so much in your life, but how many days have we got in this lifetime? We do not want to be demoted. We want to be promoted, and this promotion will come through service—through the service to the guru and Vaishnavs. That is the main thing."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Puja with Love
"Pujari must serve with love and affection. When you do puja, you must do it with love, wearing clean clothes, etc. Actually, I have always been afraid to do puja. I never go inside the Deities' room. Gurudev also said he was afraid..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)


13 February 2020 (Except from a preaching programme; appearance day of Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur)

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Duration: 8 min • Size: 3.5 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

What Will Become of You?
"I am telling you today with folded palms: please think what will happen to you after you leave this body. What will become of you? What body will you get? Controlled by the greed of your tongues, you cannot take shelter at His holy feet."


15 February 2020 (West Bengal preaching; morning programme)

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Duration: 60 min • Size: 27.4 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Our Golden Chance
"He is the one owing to whom we have come to this world, owing to whom we have got a human birth and from whom we have got everything in this world. What the Lord has given us is incomparable, but what can we give to the Lord in return?"

Detach Yourself from Mental World
"By constantly keeping saints' association, the greed that we feel towards some temporary, fleeting interests and because of which we cannot practise Krishna consciousness will go away one day."

Awaking from Lethargic Sleep
"The religion of this Age of Kali is Harinama-sankirtan (congregational chanting of the Holy Name). Mahaprabhu, the Lord Himself, offered His Holy Name to everyone. He came to this world with this highest gift..."

Become Aloof to Material World
"Those who can see this without becoming affected can truly practise Krishna consciousness. Anyhow, this is how we must practise spiritual life. Our behaviour and practice must be right, then we can practise Krishna consciousness."

Calling Out for Mercy
"One of the Names of Mahaprabhu is Sri Krishna Chaitanya: He is Krishna who gives consciousness (chaitanya) to others, and He is Chaitanya who gives Krishna to others. Is there anyone as merciful as You are in this world? You advent in this world to rescue fallen souls, but there is no one as fallen as I am in this world."

Cultivate Your Heart
"We only always think about our material life: How will I eat? How will I dress myself? How will I sleep? How will I live? Do you know the reason why you do not like to hear the Holy Name of Lord Krishna, why you are speaking during Hari-katha and feel envious?"

Imperilling Imprudence
"As the result of great fortune, we have got an opportunity to hear and chant Hari-kirtan, but we waste this chance. You are thinking, 'I still have time. I can eat and live as I want, at ease, and when I die, then we will see what happens.' Yes, true, you will see then."

Take Shelter
"There is no need for anything—there must be only devotion. You cannot please the Lord through any material activities, knowledge or mystic powers—the Lord is pleased only through devotion. And one must genuinely love the Lord, not out of some sense of duty."


15 February 2020 (Excerpt from a preaching programme)

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Duration: 26 min • Size: 12.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

My Question to You
"Once again, we have gathered here as each year. You have all assembled here—so many people listen to Hari-katha, listen to the message of the Lord. We have been practising hearing and chanting in the line of pure devotion for so many years, but...."

"Theirs Not to Reason Why"
"Why must we serve the Lord? What should be our motive? What will I get by serving Him? We always think of what we gain or lose by doing something. But Vaishnavs never think about themselves—they always think about the Lord, their Guru and other Vaishnavs..."

Move Forward
"If you go to primary school, it does not mean that you must stay there forever—you must progress to high school, then go to college and university. Similarly, you must move on in the line of devotion. You must progress to college and university. The problem is that you are not ready to give up small things to attain something big..."

Gift of Willpower
"If you have no desire, then nobody can force you and you can never accomplish anything. It is necessary to want to change. Attachment to meat and fish is not this kind of addiction that cannot be given up—if we want, we can leave it."

Ultimate Remedy
"I am asking you again and again: please come to this genuine path. Come truly, not to show anything to others. Mahaprabhu says, 'I have brought medicine to destroy illusion!' What is this medicine?"


16 February 2020 (West Bengal preaching; morning programme)

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Duration: 87 min • Size: 42 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Life Suffused with Kirtan
"If you chant kirtans all the time, eternally, then some feeling will awaken within your heart. What is the use chanting only once a year? If you think it is all right to do so, then you can also eat once a year only. Can you live if you eat only once a year? So, just as you eat every day, you must chant kirtan every day, eternally."

Listen with Your Heart
"Now please listen attentively, do not speak. Do not let your mind wander to other places and switch off your phones. Listen to Hari-katha for one hour. You have been chanting kirtans, and now you must listen attentively, with your mind and heart."

Internal and External Transformation
"Only taking initiation is not everything. It is necessary to please the Lord. What makes the Lord happy? 'I only took initiation, but I do not practise anything, I do not listen to what Gurudev says; I live as I please.' This is not right."

Create a Relationship
"We have so many friends, relatives, and we are busy trying to satisfy and please them—we keep connection with them, but we do not keep any connection with our Guru and Vaishnavs. You think you have taken initiation or make a programme once a year, and that is sufficient, but it is not so."

Always Think about Hari-Katha
"Time is passing so fast. Time and tide wait for none. Today is passing, and when you go to sleep, you wake up to the next day. There cannot be forty-eight hours in a day. So, always think about Hari-katha."

Connection with the Transcendental
"If you can submit everything at the holy feet of Lord Govinda, you can attain everything. There is no other way. Otherwise, you can chant the Holy Name of the Lord so much, but does it produce any difference? Does anyone become transformed by chanting these Names?"

Inane Interests
"The problem is that we live in this world, but we cannot understand anything. People are always busy with prajalpa (idle talks, gossips) and gramya-katha (village talks), all the time talking about this, about that. We must instead think, 'How can I find the Lord?'"

Bhakta-Vatsala Krishna
"If the Lord catches somebody, He does not leave them. But it is necessary to become fit for being caught. Gurudev has given us the Holy Name, but can we keep this Holy Name? Our hearts are full of ego, lust, anger, greed, illusion, madness, envy, jealousy. What Gurudev gives can never stay in such a place."

Become Pure Servant
"Do you think you can get the Lord by doing 'namah', 'namah' or by going to the temple in the evening and offering some flowers and incense? You must serve the Lord in various ways. Only putting a garland on His neck and offering some flowers and incense is not all that there is to the service of the Lord. Do not be like this."

Come to Worship the Lord
"Come here. I want people to practise Krishna consciousness, to serve and worship the Lord. Do not come with material desires. 'Grhe thako, vane thako, sada Hari bole dako: whether you stay in a house or in a forest, always call out to the Lord.'"


16 February 2020 (West Bengal Preaching, Bengali class)
Our Mistake
"You are doing so many things in this world, but you are not doing the one thing which is necessary for your life. You love your family who are merely disguised dacoits, but you do not love the Lord. We do not do that which is the most important duty in human life."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 5 min)

Spiritual Diet
"We need this, that, and think we cannot do without it, but if you take only what is necessary to maintain life, that is sufficient. It is not necessary to want more than that. The more you want, the more restless and unhappy you will be."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min)

"Does It Cross Your Mind?"
"We chant so many rounds of the Holy Name—but why are we not getting the result? 'By honouring the Lord's prasad I conquer all worldly illusions'—but we take prasad every day, but our material diseases are not going away. So what should we do?"
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Unload Yourself
"You take a fifty-kilo sack of cauliflower on your head. You will feel pain, you will struggle—if you come with this sack to an A/C room, will you be happy? No, you will not—because you have all this load on your head. What kind of load do we have on our heads? Not cauliflower..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Universal Remedy
"You must never think, 'I am doing something, I am serving the Lord!' If you start thinking like this, you are in a big danger. How will such ego go away?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 4 min)

Test of Attachment
"The Lord tests us in many ways. Krishna tested Kunti Devi, 'If they get their kingdom back, will they forget Me?' but she understood it. We, on the other hand, get all kinds of wealth and forget the Lord. "
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 6 min)

Wrong Employment
"You used to serve the Lord at the temple, and now? You have time now, my friend. Gurudev has opened a large factory, and there are many vacancies available. Come to this factory."
Download / listen to the audio (0.5 Mb, 1 min)

Step Forward
"You have heard today beautiful Bhagavat-katha. If we do not try to practise ourselves, if we do not make a step forward, then we will not be able to understand anything. You must be careful in your life."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

Value of Faith
"Gurudev says that if you practise Krishna consciousness, you must get the result; if we can think about Vaishnav Dham, about Vaishnavs, then we will be able to serve in the Lord's abode. Such faith must be there."
Download / listen to the audio (0.9 Mb, 3 min)


17 February 2020 (West Bengal, preaching programme)

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Duration: 16.9 min • Size: 38 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

"We say many things and chant the glories of Lord Krishna so much, but there is no use. No matter how much we chant the Holy Name, chant kirtan, do mala, we still cannot move forward in our spiritual life or cannot attain any perfection in our spiritual life (bhajana-siddhi). Why?"

Ignorance Is No Excuse
"One time, somebody asked Guru Maharaj, 'If one does not know how to read and write (never went to school) and commits offences to the Holy Name without knowing about it, does that excuse them?' Guru Maharaj replied, 'No, it does not.'"

Where There Is No Will There Is No Way
"We do not want to practise Krishna consciousness. You think you cannot practise, but the truth is that you do not want to practise. We are scared, thinking, 'What if I love the happiness and comfortable life that I have in this world?'"

Mind Over Matter
"We like to say, 'Eat whatever your soul (heart) desires.' But the soul always stays inside, it is the mind that lives in the external world. The soul does not want all this food. The soul is related to the Supersoul, and the soul only knows what the Supersoul wants."

Choice Is Yours
"If your mind wants it, you can sit and watch films in the cinema, or if your mind wants it, you can sit at home and watch TV series. But if your minds wants, you can also chant the Holy Name. Which will you do? Will you eat soil or sweets? Think about it and decide for yourself."

Load of Luggage
"The problem is that we cannot attain pure attraction and attachment to Lord Krishna because we have a fifty-kg sack of rice on our heads. We are so heavily burdened that we cry, 'Oh, I cannot take it anymore!' Somebody will take us to an A/C room to give us some relief, but will we feel peace there?"

"She had come to kill the Lord, but the Lord bestowed His mercy on her. How merciful He is! If somebody comes to kill us, we will kill the person to defend ourselves, but the Lord gave her mercy. This is Mahaprabhu's teachings: 'Instead of ill-treating others, nurture them.'"

Internal Poison
"We cry, 'I want a house!', 'I want money!', 'I want a car!' and the Lord says, 'All right, here, take it.' The Lord gives you a lollypop and goes away, taking devotion away from you, and you will sit with your money and enjoy, but one day you will also have to suffer."


18 February 2020 (West Bengal, morning programme)

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Duration: 16 min • Size: 36 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Deposit Your Heart
"To cross the river, you need to have money to pay—you need to have a deposit. This deposit is not money—you only need your mind, heart and soul. Each of you must make your deposits. If you want, you can do it."

Special Price
"You must serve Govinda with your mind, heart and soul. When Mahaprabhu went to Kashi with the Holy Name, He said, 'There are no customers, but how can I take My goods back? I will sell them then without any price to anyone and everyone then!' The price for His gift is faith."

Watch Your Step
"The scriptures say, 'Go this way, and you will come to the Lord,' but you go in the opposite direction. Will you come to the Lord like this? You will not. That is the problem. We do in the opposite direction—we are not practising Krishna consciousness properly, we do not serve the Lord properly."

Primary Realisation
"Until and unless this knowledge of our actual selves comes to us, nothing will come to us. Do you understand it? Without understanding who we are, we remain bound by the illusory environment, Maya. Until we surrender to the Lord and His devotees, Maya will never leave us and run away—she will always keep us ensnared."

Full-Hearted Appeal
"When a husband goes to work, his wife stays at home and waits, 'When will my husband come back?' This kind of anxious eagerness must be there for the Lord, 'When will my Lord come? When will my Lord come?' If you do not have this kind of eagerness, you will not get anything."

'My Constant Sadness'
"This is my constant sadness, the source of my pain. There are over six billion people in this world, but I think that not even 600,000 people chant the Holy Name in this world. This is less than even 1% of the total population in this world. What will become of them? I often think about it."

Become Devoted
"The more this material world holds you, the more you worry—the more money you have, the more you think about it (How can I protect it? How should I spend it?). But Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu left everything as stool and urine..."

Decision Is Yours
"One day you have to die, but what have you been doing in this world? You will have to give answer when the time comes. Be ready for that. Do you want to live a pure life of service to the Lord or do you want to dance and enjoy with skulls on your neck?"


18 February 2020 (West Bengal, evening programme)

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Duration: 11.4 min • Size: 26 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Be Serious
"You speak much, you use your mouth to eat food, but you must first think how many times a day you pronounce the Name of the Lord. Gurudev told that we must chant sixteen rounds of the Holy Name, but how many people do this?..."

Result of Proper Practice
"When can you say that somebody is your family? Who is your greatest friend? I have told you one example that shows what the love for the Lord and the relationship with the Lord must be like. This kind of love comes through spiritual practice – when you practise and practise, it gradually comes."

Keep Your Vision Clean
"There is no scent of lust in prema (transcendental love). Pure love for the Lord is very high – it has nothing to do with the love that you know in this world. This is what we must think about, but instead we always think about dharma, artha, kama, moksa."

Awake, Arise
"We are very unfortunate because we have got this rare human birth, but we are wasting this lifetime. This is my pain. There are over six billion people in this world, but not even 0.1% chant the Holy Name here. What will become of all these people? But even though we have got initiation, we also do not study, do not practise..."


19 February 2020 (West Bengal, preaching programme; Vijay Ekadasi)

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Duration: 12.3 min • Size: 28 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Nature of Niskinchan Vaishnavs
"They abandon all their material happiness and only live to please the Lord and their Sri Guru. They do not have any desires or attachment to the material world or anything in it. How many of us have become like this? You can examine yourself. It is not necessary to examine others. We must examine ourselves..."

Purifying Engagement
"You can realise it yourself: how many days have you been in this world and how many days, and how, have you kept yourself engaged in discussing and hearing about the Lord and Sri Guru? This opportunity does not come all the time."

Be on Guard
'There is one thing you must always remember. As long as you have material attachment, Hari-katha will not enter your ears. Maya is there, and she is always looking for holes, always waiting, "When will this devotee leave my Prabhu's service?" and as soon as she gets a chance, she pounds at you.'

Serve Attentively
'It is necessary to always give your mind, heart, everything to the service of the Lord. Try to practise as far as possible, and you must make it possible. At the same time, we must keep ourselves away from offences to the Holy Name and service.'

Power of Association
'Do not cheat, do not waste your time – leaving everything else, always be attached and attracted to the service of your Guru. This is the main thing for us. We must always keep holy association because by the influence of holy association, all our faults can be removed and good qualities can come.'


20 February 2020 (West Bengal, preaching programme)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 44 min • Size: 19.4 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

My Soul's Well-Being
'Great devotees do not worry about their life – they know this material body of blood and flesh will be gone one day, so what is the use worrying about it so much? But we cannot tolerate any austerities or pain. We always try to ensure happiness for our bodies.'

Unhealthy Mindset
'When a ghost possesses somebody, the person's intelligence becomes covered: they do not understand who they are, they cannot recognise themselves or others – in other words, they become mad. We are also like that: as if possessed by a ghost, we are conditioned souls, captured by Maya.'

Sincere Faith Does Not Come from Knowledge
'To know the Lord, it is necessary to have sukriti. If you have sukriti from your previous lifetimes, you can get sadhu-sanga. As the result of sadhu-sanga, you can develop faith, and as the result of faith, you will again engage in sadhu-sanga. Even those who have attained perfection must practise spiritual life.'

Best Birth
'We want to be born even as an insect but not as Brahma. Whichever birth we get, we only pray to be born in a devotee's house, even as a dog. We want to be born as servants of the servants of the servants of the servants.'

Faith and Determination: Foundation of Krishna Consciousness
'If we can chant the Holy Name at our last moment, we can achieve everything, but do you think the Holy Name will come to everyone's mouth at the end? We do not think about the Holy Name the whole year, then how can you think about the Holy Name at the time of death? It is necessary to practise starting from now. Not from tomorrow. From today – from this very moment.'

One-Pointed Life
'We must always remain engaged in the service to the Lord – somehow, anyhow. At the same time, you must give up everything that opposes devotion. Gurudev's order is mercy, and carrying out his order is what is called service.'

Chanting or Vomiting?
'Stealing means using the Lord and making trade with the Lord or Gurudev. Some claim, "I am Srila Sridhar Maharaj"s disciple" and do business using their Guru. People come to a house, say, "Radhe! Radhe!" and get alms. They vomit the Lord"s Name and then eat that...'


21 February 2020 (Hooghly district, afternoon preaching programme)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 80 min • Size: 38.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Examine Yourself
'There is one more thing that I tell you all the time. You must remember this. We chant the Holy Name so much, but why are we not getting the result? Even if you chant the Holy Name and hear about the Lord for millions of lifetimes, you will not get the Lord. Why?'

Be Honest and Sincere
'Surrender is the root of devotion: humility, self-submission, accepting the Lord as your guardian. Krishna is your maintainer, guardian. Once you remember this, humility and self-submission will come to you, you will have faith that Krishna protects you. We must not be hypocritical about this.'

Assimilate the Substance
'For many years, you have been giving donations to the temple, you have been doing so many things, and you have been coming to the temple, but the problem is that nobody can actually understand what the real thing is. Coming and going to holy places is not the main thing – it is simply an eye-exercise.'

Getting Older but None Wiser
'Who would have thought that we would get his human birth? We have got it as the result of great fortune. The difficulty is that many of you have grown old now. When you were young, you ran after so many things, you wanted to achieve so many things. Now you have grown old and cannot do anything...'

Senses vs. Soul
'I told you about it yesterday also. You must listen carefully and remember these things (keep them in your heart). If you ask the Lord for money instead of devotion – if you keep pulling His arm, crying, "Give me this", "Give me that", the Lord will give you anything you ask for.'

Desires and Forgetfulness
'Do you know how much suffering there is in hell? When you heat oil in a pot to fry eggplant, we will be also thrown like this in boiling oil. Prahlad Maharaj was a small boy of five, but his father, a demon, did so many awful things to him. But Prahlad Maharaj never prayed, "O Lord, please do not make me suffer so much."'

Irresistible Service Drive
'There is a sloka in Srimad Bhagavad-gita where Krishna says to Arjuna that when somebody shows much eagerness to serve the Lord, the Lord gives them intelligence [how to get service]. Do you want to hear about service drive?'

Devotees Are Devoted
'Wherever devotees go, they always chant the Holy Name of the Lord. Whatever pain, struggle or difficulty they face, they know that everything happens by the wish of the Lord. So, although he went to hell, he did not have any problem there, and he soon returned from there. The Lord protected him.'

Lord Is Always Merciful
'The Lord is always merciful to us. He is always with us. We must always remember this. Never forget this. You always forget everything – you are the soul who are forgetful of Krishna. I have mentioned the pastime of the demoness Putana today...'


21 February 2020 (Hooghly district, evening preaching programme)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 75 min • Size: 35.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Detach Yourself from Illusion
'We do not get to hear about the Lord all the time: we are always only busy thinking about ourselves (we are always busy with our body, life force, mind and ego). We never think about the benefit of our souls. But this body is temporary, it is made of flesh and blood – this body can never have any relationship with the Lord.'

Tenacious Tenants
'You are only renting this place in the world. The Lord has kept you here in a rented place for some time – you will stay here as long as you are "paying the rent" to the Lord. When your "rent" is over, the Lord will remove you slowly from this place – then everyone will chant "Bolo Hari" and take you to the crematorium.'

Nurture Natural Devotion
'Anyhow, when the time comes, we have to leave, but we have got this rare human birth now, so we must know what we must do with this rare human birth and what we need. We must not only know it out of duty.'

Eternal Loving Worship
'"When will I see my Prabhu? When will I get to do some service for Him?" This is what we must always think about. This kind of pull of love should be there towards the Lord, then it will be bhajan (Krishna consciousness, or spiritual life).'

Essential Admonition
'We chant the Holy Name a lot, but if you keep pouring water into a glass and see that it does not become full, it means there are some holes, and all the water is flowing out. We chant so much, we do so many things, but why is nothing happening to us?'

Where Is Substance?
'It is necessary to make some effort. You must want it, then you will get mercy – until and unless you have a strong desire to get the mercy of the Lord, you will not get it. It is necessary to have desire, and it is necessary to try.'

How to Capture the Lord
'Among the sixty-four limbs of devotion, there are five main practices, and among those five main practices, there are two main: sravan and kirtan. Many people think that they want to practise on their own – they want to go to Vrindavan or Prayag, practise there and go to the Lord. But it is necessary to rescue the jivas of this world also!'

Pillars of Spiritual Life
'One time, somebody asked Srila Prabhupad, "You have so many followers, are they all your disciples?" Srila Prabhupad replied, "No. Not everybody who is here is my disciple." Disciples are those who can take chastisement: who can place it on their heads and mould themselves accordingly. The others are not disciples. What is called a spiritual life? Srila Prabhupad explains it also.'

Undiluted Spiritual Life
'We must live following the proper line. The more you increase material wealth, the more ego you will have. You keep thinking, 'What must I do?', 'What must I do?' and a lot of problems will come. One time, somebody gave one rupee to Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj...'

Power of Sambandha-Jnana
'King Chitraketu had many subjects and queens, he had much wealth, but he was not happy inside. Angira Rishi thought, "If I try to give him some good advice, it will not enter his ears because he wants a son. No matter what I tell him, he will only want to have a son."'


22 February 2020 (Hooghly district, evening preaching programme)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 29 min • Size: 12.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Worship Is Not Doll Play
'If you do not feel enthusiastic to serve the Lord, if you are not eager to serve the Lord, if you do not feel happy to chant the glories of the Lord, then you must understand that there is some fault in you. It is not possible to serve Krishna without sadhu-sanga because those who try to do that do not know proper rules and procedure.'

Believe and Surrender
'It is necessary to have faith and to surrender properly. It is necessary to stay within service at every moment. Many think, "I cannot do this", "I cannot do that", but we do not do anything! Gurudev does everything. If I do not do some service, the service will not stop – Gurudev will do it. Always remember this.'

Intoxicated with Animal Life
'Materialistic people are attached to material things and this material family life, always busy with their grandsons and granddaughters. It does not occur to them that "Here, look at this cow that goes out to eat grass on the street and returns to its cowshed in the evening! Are we not just like that?"'

Cherish Your Service
'Chatak birds always look at the sky, waiting for some raindrops to come. Just like such chatak birds, we must always be waiting, "When will Gurudev give his order to me?" This order is what mercy is. If Gurudev says, "Do this job," that is mercy. Mercy is service, nothing else. You can get the Lord through devotion, but what kind of devotion should that be?'

Love Your Lord, Love Your Service
'Everybody can do service according to the capacity. Devotees love the Lord depending on the quality of their devotion. But we always pray to the lotus feet of the Lord but then do everything bypassing Him...'


23 February 2020 (Hooghly district)

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Duration: 21 min • Size: 9.1 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

'Every day, our days are passing – our life is passing as we spend it always thinking about our body, food, clothes, sleep and so on. Once my soul leaves this body – once it comes out – do you think this body will be able to say anything? It will not. Then, you can understand what our identity is. You must understand it from now on.'

Think About Yourself
'You must prepare, mould, yourself in this way. Think about these things, about yourself! You always think about your body; nobody thinks about themselves. This body will fall dead in a few days, but you worry so much what you will eat, where you will sleep, where you will stay. Always busy with these worries, you have no time to think about the Lord. As the result, we will have to come to this world again and again.'

Walk the Walk
'If you are to go back to your home, you have to be prepared to walk the path. There is no plane you can catch to get there. Your home is in Goloka, Vrindavan, and you must walk there yourself. You must walk along and recognise the road step by step. Start walking now! Not tomorrow – now!'

Are You on the Right Path?
'We must follow the proper line. We go sightseeing, we go here, we go there, but this will take us nowhere. You go sightseeing, see some bus and, thinking that it looks very nice, jump on it, but that bus will take you only up to bhukti, mukti and various siddhis, but you will not reach bhakti.'


26 February 2020 (Preaching programme in Kinkarbati)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 58 min • Size: 28.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Become Good Listener
'When will the inspiration to hear and glorify sadhus awaken within us? When we learn to serve the Lord with love. This is not some service that you do out of duty, out of fear or in the hope to get something in return. Those who listen about the Lord and serve the Lord with love feel very eager to hear and speak about the Lord, and as they listen and listen about the Lord, their devotion gradually increases.'

Eternal Engagement
'If you do not serve all the time – if you do not offer worship and bhog all the time, if you do not chant kirtans all the time – you will get rusty. And one year later, Yama will come pulling you and your life will come out. Everything must be done every single day without fail.'

Serve Intently
'If you eat snacks, you get gas; similarly, if you gossip and talk about material things, the result of such activities will slowly take you away from the line of devotion. That is why always remember and follow Mahaprabhu's advice.'

Worse Than Death
'If you do not listen to what your Guru tells you, your material desires will grow. You will get money, wealth, cars, but as your material attachment and attraction grows more and more, you will one day be removed from spiritual life and Krishna consciousness.'

Increase Your Devotion
'...Not everybody is like that. That is why it is always necessary to practise. The practise of devotion to the Lord is this: taking sadhus' association, chanting the Holy Name of the Lord, listening to Srimad Bhagavatam, residing in Mathura and worshipping Deities with faith.'

Real Substance of Devotion
'If I put on some ankle bells and started singing lila-kirtan, everybody would be riveted. ...Who can understand these things? Who will understand what I am saying? Who has the capacity to understand it? Who has got this kind of devotion to understand it?'

'"I am such a great offender, I feel so ashamed!" – such humility must come to us. "I am the biggest offender in the world, I am the greatest sinner, but I am not even trying to give up my offences and sins! It makes me feel even more ashamed. I am not even trying hard!" This is the truth, is it not?'

Exclusive Self-Realisation
'If we think about the Lord, if we spend the whole day on the Lord, if we cook for the Lord every day, work for the Lord every day, if our whole life is for the Lord – when all our mind, body, soul and ego are for the Lord – then we will be able to understand how much illusion we were in.'

Keep Your Focus Straight
'We must understand these things so that we never try to run away from dangers. We must face and cross over all dangers. No matter what difficulties come, you must never place those difficulties on Gurudev's shoulders. Our focus must be to please the Lord.'


MARCH 2020


2 March 2020 (Sri Nrisingha Palli, morning class)
Sri Nabadwip Dham Pracharani Sobha
"Actually, by the mercy of Gurudev, we are starting to arrange the parikrama of Sri Sri Nabadwip Dham. This year, we started the arrangement many days before. You can see in the internet that we have been doing 'Sri Nabadwip Dham Pracharani Sobha'..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 8 min | Kirtan & Class)

Prime Festival
"Gurudev wrote a very nice poem, you can read it and see how strongly he is writing about Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrima. And Gurudev told me to go door to door, come inside each door and please pull them to come and join Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 5 min)

Importance of Sri Nabadwip Dham
"We must understand clearly how important Sri Nabadwip Dham is. All the demigods do not get a chance to serve the Lord, but they also want to be born in a human body to serve the Lord, they wait, 'What will I get a human body and serve the Lord?'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 8 min)

Watch Your Step
"We must utilise our life in this way. Do you undertand it? We must think how much our devotional life is increasing, we must think when we increase our devotion. It is necessary to think about this. And we must not ask the Lord for anything."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Material Greed
"People worship Me and ask Me to fulfil their material desires, but I am not a fool. They want to take soil, eat cow dung and stool, but I will not give it to them. Instead, I will give them Myself, then they will forget all about these material desires."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min)

Undaunted Devotion
"Always be careful. When we have some material desires, we cannot understand Krishna consciousness because when your material desires are very strong, then you cannot hear properly. This is what happened once to Chitraketu."
Download / listen to the audio (5.9 Mb, 17 min | Class & Kirtan)


2 March 2020 (evening class)
Evening Kirtans
• Vandana • Krsna haite sevon mukha • Sri Guru charana-padma • Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more • Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara • Nitai-pada-kamala • Emona durmati samsara bhitare • Gaya Gora madhur svare.
Download / listen to the audio (12.9 Mb, 38 min)

Complete Engagement
"Everybody has got birth and entered this world, but we do not know what will happen in our life—that depends upon the Lord. We must use this body for the service of the Lord—we must use all senses, all parts of this body, mind, etc. properly."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Our Target
"Sri Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama is very important for our life. What is necessary so to preach Krishna consciousness—to preach the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, to go door to door. This is the main thing in our lives."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min)

Loving Service
"A husband loves his wife, or a child loves his parents—we must serve the Lord with even more love and affection than that. We must really, truly understand these things."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

Selfless and Unconditional Service
"Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sometimes there is some comparison of the devotees of Krishna and the devotees of Lord Rama. We must be anxious to make our Guru and Vaishnavs happy. This is our main purpose in life."
Download / listen to the audio (7 Mb, 2.4 min)

Double Lock Your Mouth
"I want to tell you something about the obstacles in our spiritual life. Besides that, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and Srila Gurudev also, always warn us against para-charcha. Always keep yourself engaged. Those who criticise others do not realise what it does to their practising life."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 1.2 min)

Concentrate On Your Life
"When we speak Hari-katha, it is easy to say things, but it is very difficult to actually apply it for ourselves. It is necessary to practise it yourself first. We say we will start practising from tomorrow, but no—start now. There is no time."
Download / listen to the audio (5 Mb, 2.2 min)

Hanuman's Service Drive
"I will give you some example of Hanuman's love for Rama, of his desire to serve Rama. We can see how much Ramachandra loves Hanuman and how much Hanuman loves Him. It is necessary to have such service desire."
Download / listen to the audio (6 Mb, 2.3 min)

Plane of Faith
"If you have no faith, then it is a problem. Our life is always based on faith. This is what our guru-varga and Gurudev say—we must have faith in that. We must tell, tell, and tell ourselves that every day, then faith will come."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 1.7 min)

Concluding kirtans
His Divine Grace concludes the evening class on 2 March 2020 with 'Sarvasva tomara charane sampiya' and 'Hari Haraye Nama Krsna'.
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min)


3 March 2020 (Evening Programme)
Sri Nrisingha Palli : evening kirtans
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj chants Vandana prayers and holy kirtans prior to the evening class:  Sri Guru charana-padma  Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more  Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara  Nitai-pada-kamala  Emona durmati samsara bhitare  Gaya Gora madhur svare Jaya Radha-Madhava  Hare Krishna maha-mantra  Jaya-dhvani.
Download / listen to the audio (14.7 Mb, 35 min)

Parikrama Plan
"We are very happy that our Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama is going to start soon. However, there is one thing that you all must remember. From next year, our parikrama will be five days, independent from where we do it—from the main Math or from here."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

"By seeing you all I become blessed and inspired"
Srila Bhakti Kusum Ashram Maharaj's speech in English during the evening class: "First of all, I would like to offer my humble obeisances to Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj who all these years has been proceeding this Sri Nabadwip Dham with Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, representing the Founder Acharya of this Mission, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, as well as his beloved disciple and successor Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | English)

Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (1)
"You all say that you will come and tolerate so many austerities wherever I am. Hearing and seeing this, I get enthusiasm to do this parikrama. There is one thing, however, that I have never told any year, but I want to say it today."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (2)
"We come, dance and say 'Hari bol! Hari bol!' but we have not been able to capture anything within our hearts. We have only seen some beautiful buildings, temples, etc. You go to Mayapur, you goggle at great buildings, many things, etc. but this is not the point! You must understand what is the result of this parikrama."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)

Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (3)
"You must not imitate the behaviour of the Guru and Vaishnavs. There are such people in our country. Such aul, baul, kartabhaja, neda, etc. people chant kirtan showing ecstasy, they do so many things, but true saints do not behave in this way."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (4)
"Many also cannot come, but we do not know when we have to leave this world. However, you all have come here despite all the difficulties, you are fortunate. This is your own house, and I am your own."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (5)
"I also pray to you all—I pray that your feet dust will always remain on my head. You must not come to grasp my feet; rather, if I can take the feet dust of all those who come to do this parikrama, then I will consider myself fortunate."
Download / listen to the audio (5.5 Mb, 14 min | Bengali & Kirtan)


4 March 2020 (Morning Bengali class; Adhivas of Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama)
Charity Begins at Home: Practise Yourself First
"We can say many things, but the main thing is to what extent can we actually manifest it in ourselves? It is easy to say these things, but it is very difficult to practise these things in our life. To what extent do we practise it ourselves?"
Download / listen to the audio (4.3 Mb, 11 min | Bengali)

"You must always remember how we must practise Krishna consciousness properly. It is necessary to wake up early, to come for the mangal-arati, to chant kirtans in the morning. Bhagavan Gaura Hari is always satisfied through kirtan-seva..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Stay Within Service Line
"Always remember that you are all members of this Chaitanya Saraswat family. If you leave this family, you will be in danger—you can be removed from the service of the Lord. Gurudev has taken you out of maya's family and made you all members of Krishna's family. This is your great fortune."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

"Give Me Your Mercy"
"I know what I am saying is heavy and you may not like it. When Gurudev gives you service, that is his mercy, but instead, when Gurudev gives you service, you forget about it. When you call me, you keep telling me, 'Gurudev, please give me your mercy!' but you think that it is not necessary to do what I have told you to do."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)

Soul-Searching and Hole-Searching
"You can examine yourself and check it yourself—you are practising Krishna consciousness, you are chanting kirtans, chanting many rounds of the Holy Name, but are you getting the result?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Service Hardships
"If some obstacles or danger come when you are doing service to the Lord, this is the Lord's mercy. What is more important, the guru or his photo? What is bigger, the word of the scripture or the word of the guru?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)


4 March 2020 (Late afternoon programme, prior to evening arati; Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama adhivas)
Late Afternoon Kirtans
Entering the assembly of Vaishnavs and devotees, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj chants several kirtans before commencing the pre-arati late afternoon class: Parama karuna Gaurangera duti pada Yasoda Nandana Krsna Hare Krsna maha-mantra
Download / listen to the audio (7.7 Mb, 19 min | Bengali)

Careless Life
"The Name of Krishna is so sweet. Always remember what I am telling you. When you lose appetite, you become worried, but when you chant the Holy Name less, it should worry you even more. Still, we do not want to chant the Holy Name..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)

Bankarai Krishna's Trick
"On the one hand, the Lord says He will not give you material things, and on the other hand, He says that He will give you material things. How can that be? Krishna is known as Bankarai, it means He is very crafty—whenever something goes one way, Krishna always finds a clever way around it."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min | Bengali)

"We worship Lord Sri Krishna, who is so merciful, but Gauranga Mahaprabhu is even more merciful. Nityananda Prabhu said, 'Prabhu, what are you doing? If You do not rescue them, then why is Your name patita-pavan?'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Stench of Barren Hearts
"The holy narrations about the Lord—Sri Rupa-Raghunath katha—will never enter our ears and will never take a seat within our hearts for as long as we have material desires. Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj said very beautiful words..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

Chitraketu's Example
"Always remember this and always be alert. Whatever your situation is—whether you live in a forest, in a jungle or anywhere else—always chant the Holy Name, and you will get supreme benefit."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 10 min | Bengali)

Evening Arati
Amidst holy Vaishnavs and fortunate devotees, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj leads the evening arati at Sri Nrisingha Palli Temple chanting Nitai Chaitanya arati Gaura Arati and Saraswat Arati.
Download / listen to the audio (11.6 Mb, 28 min)


4 March 2020 (Evening class, Bengali; Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama adhivas)
Live In Sadhu-Sanga
"It is necessary to keep good association. Do not gossip, do not discuss 'village talks,' 'village news'—only glorify Lord Krishna, only glorify the Supreme Lord, then you will get supreme benefit."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Entering Line of Devotion
"Bona fide disciples always place the order of their Guru on their heads and follow that. Many think, 'I have taken initiation from a very big guru.' There is no question of somebody being a big guru or a small guru. When you get enrolled into a school, you must study and practise."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Qualities in Vaishnav Domain
"When it comes to Vaishnavs, there is no question of someone being small or big, this is not external, material world where people judge who is whose disciple, where people think that you must pay obeisance only to those who are older. Everybody has different kind of devotion, and everybody should be given honour."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)


4 March 2020 (First day of Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama, evening Bengali class)
Evening Kirtans
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj chants the glories of the Lord and Vaishnavs amidst the holy assembly at the evening programme on the first day of Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama: Vandanam Gurudev bada krpa kara Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari' Thakura Vaishnava-gana Nitai-guna-mani amara Yadi Gaura na ha'ta tabe ki ha-ita Hari Hari viphale janama Hare Krishna maha-mantra
Download / listen to the audio (14.8 Mb, 36 min)

Preparing for Parikrama of Antardwip
"Tomorrow is the parikrama of Sri Antardwip, it is the island of atma-nivedan, or saranagati. We sing about 'goptrtve varan' (embracing Lord's guirdianship), but these only words for us—we do not apply it in our own lives. We forget that Krishna protects us."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)


6 March 2020 (Second day of Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama, evening Bengali class)
"Walk here with your head and heart. Every single particle of dust here is the holy dust from the lotus feet of Vaishnavs and great souls who are here in Sri Nabadwip Dham. All demigods come here and roll in the holy dust of this abode, but we cannot see it."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

World of Spiritual Practice
"Do you know what is the most important thing? The main thing is that we must practise Krishna consciousness... The problem is that we cannot tolerate anything, we have little patience. Can you not manage without grains on ekadasi? If you try, you definitely can."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Take Care
"Always practise Krishna consciousness—having taken shelter of a bona fide Guru, you must practise Krishna consciousness. This is the main thing in our life. It is necessary to take the mantra, no doubt, but initiation is not only taking the mantra."
Download / listen to the audio (5.4 Mb, 13 min | Bengali)


7 March 2020
"Do not listen to what pleases your mind; listen to what gives benefit to your soul and pleases the Lord. If you do not like it, you must make it so that you like it. If the medicine tastes bitter, you still have to take it (you know that it will cure your disease). If you do not feel like to listen to Hari-katha, you must still listen to it."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Sri Guru's Shelter
"We must listen to the glories of Sri Madhavendra Puri—Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (the Supreme Lord Himself) gave His mercy to and took initiation from his disciple. Madhavendra Puripad had one disciple named Ramachandra Puri...."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Evening Kirtans
• Jaya Dhvani • Vandana • Gurudev bada krpa kari • E-bara karuna kari • Akrodha paramananda • Yadi Gaura na haite • Bhajahu re mana • Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
Download / listen to the audio (11.7 Mb, 28 min)


8 March 2020
Be Studious, Be Serious
"Engage in eternal service, eternal practice of Krishna consciousness. The more you go towards Maya, towards material life, the more suffering and misery you will get from Maya. Do not see Gurudev as an object of enjoyment instead of serving him. Do not see the things that are meant for the service to the Lord as objects for your enjoyment."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Tolerate and Manage
"It is necessary to tolerate so many things and to have so much patience. When you have a body, you have to struggle and suffer—everyone struggles with their bodies in various ways and then leaves..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Be Strict and Straight In Your Behaviour
"You put tilaks, chant the Holy Name on the beads, but be careful, make sure you do not behave in such a way that somebody can see your behaviour and say that you are doing wrong. At least, keep looking at your Guru's face—you must think, 'If I do something wrong, it will tarnish my Guru's name.' Always be careful with your behaviour. 'Sadhu' means 'sat', they will always live a pure (sat) live. Always try to live a clean, pure life."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)

Niskam Bhakti
"Call out to Gurudev in your heart. It is not necessary to say anything out loud. If you come to tell this to me in front of everyone, it means you want everyone to know it. Most of the time, instead of Krishna consciousness people put on a show and pretend, but unconditional service is not the same as conditional service."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)


9 March 2020 (evening programme; Nrisingha Palli)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 43 min • Size: 19.4 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Remembering Devotees (part 1)
'There are devotees who always do service, but their names do not come to my mind, and I feel very shy because of that. What can I do? I am very busy with so many things. Gurudev has given me many responsibilities, that is why I can forget something, but you are all in my heart. Always remember this. I have not forgotten any of you.'

Remembering Devotees (part 2)
'There are devotees who always do service, but their names do not come to my mind, and I feel very shy because of that. What can I do? I am very busy with so many things. Gurudev has given me many responsibilities, that is why I can forget something, but you are all in my heart. Always remember this. I have not forgotten any of you.'


10 March 2020 (morning programme; Nrisingha Palli)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 43 min • Size: 19.4 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Run from Maya, not from Home
'Guru Maharaj often said that foreign devotees have one advantage: they do not have so much attachment to their family, but Bengali devotees are very attached to their families. People do not have faith that the Lord will protect everything....'

Challenging Choice
'If you make a step towards Maya, she will catch you by your legs and pull you away to the prison-house. But if you make a step towards the Lord, the Lord will take you to the path of devotion and bring you to His own abode. Now you can choose – will you go towards Maya or towards the Lord?'

Always Keep in Touch
'Do not cheat me! I have entered into some relationship with you. You have done this parikrama for several days, and we have formed some relationship, so please keep in touch – phone me, write me letters or emails, try to find out how I am – so that this relationship does not break.'

Grand Assembly
'Today is anandotsav (joyous festival) of Sri Jagannath Misra, and Gurudev always made a Visva-Vaishnav Raja-Sobha ('Royal Assembly of Worldwide Vaishnavs') on this day. It is the day when Vaishnavs from all over the world assemble together...'

What Is Your Greatest Joy?
'We must always think about it: what is our greatest happiness? I feel very sad because somebody left yesterday saying that his daughter-in-law was going to deliver a baby. Because his daughter-in-law had to give birth to the baby yesterday, he ran back home.'

Messengers of Highest Giver
'On this day, it is not only Jagannath Misra and Mother Sachi who rejoice. Yesterday was a happy day for all gods and goddesses, for the whole world, and today is a joyful festival, but seeing that everyone is rushing to leave and jump back into their material life, I feet very sad.'


12 March 2020 (evening programme; Nrisingha Palli)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 43 min • Size: 19.4 Mb • Language: English, Bengali

Read the text:

Love Your Service
'It is necessary to serve the temple and the mission with love and affection. Whether you are happy or unhappy, whether you are struggling or not – you must serve with love and affection. If you can do your service properly, that is sufficient.'

Service Foundation
'It is possible to practise Krishna consciousness only when you have sincerity, anugatya (strict adherence, submission) and nistha (constancy). Serve according to your qualification. We do not want to be big things, it is not necessary. Only do the service that Gurudev has given you with your heart and soul.'

Guru–Disciple Relationship
'"All life is service life." What service do we do? We always serve Maya (illusion) – if you think of something in your mind and do that instead of doing what your Guru tells you to do (in other words, doing anything that is not an instruction of your Guru), that is Maya.'

Preaching Guidance
'Sometimes, you live in a grihastha house, but you have to create a temple in your house – turn your house into a temple. You must create there an atmosphere of devotional activities. You must progress in your practising life keeping the sacrificial fire of your service ablaze.'

Meaning of Surrender
'We are doing false surrender. We pay our obeisance, stand up, and Gurudev tells us, "Go this way," but we say, "Oh, Gurudev, I have some job, I need to go that way." This is not surrender.'

Demons Among Devotees
'Everybody says that I am a very angry man, that I kick everybody out. Do you know what this boy has done? Still, I gave him shelter again. I love everyone, and I wish everyone well. Everyone can come and join us, but the problem is when somebody becomes a demon.'


13 March 2020 (evening programme; Nrisingha Palli)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 84 min • Size: 37.9 Mb • Language: English, Bengali

Read the text:

Practise Daily
'It is necessary to practise every day, every morning and evening. This is the rule. It is necessary to chant Hari-kirtan every morning and evening – you must never stop it, not even for one day. Chant every morning and evening. Practise Hari-katha and Hari-kirtan, glorification of Sri Guru, Vaishnavs and the Lord.'

Our Necessity
'There are some things that are necessary for a temple (for example, a boundary wall is necessary to protect the temple from external disturbances), but we must not become attached to such things. Our priority and attachment must be sravan and kirtan.'

Seal Your Life
'We are chanting, we are glorifying, we are listening about the Lord. But are we getting the result? We take prasad every day, but can we overcome the five diseases? Why not? No matter how much service we do, all result goes out...'

Keep Your Ears Open
'Gurudev always said that it does not matter where you are, in India or outside India. It is not a question. No matter where you are, you must always stay with sadhus, devotees and maintain your spiritual life anyhow. The most important thing is that you must maintain your spiritual life.'

Live for the Lord
'We must be more serious in our practising life. It is very important for us. I told yesterday also that when sannyasis go for preaching, they may not always get a temple environment everywhere, but they must make a temple atmosphere in whichever house they go to. That is good.'

Move Forward
'We existed before this birth – before this birth, we had got many births and deaths. After many births and deaths, we have got this very rare human life. We are born now as humans, but there is no certainty that we will be born as humans again...'


28 March 2020 (Special class for worldwide devotees)
World Pandemic: Use Your Time Wisely
"All over the world, all devotees at this moment always think and are always afraid of COVID-19, coronavirus. We cannot do anything about it—when the time comes, we will have to leave our body. However, as many days as we may have, we must not waste our time! Now that all the devotees are always in their house, it is a good time—they can read many books such as Srimad Bhagavatam, Chaitanya-charitamrita and all our good books. They can concentrate their mind on Krishna consciousness and chant more rounds of the Holy Name. They can do more service in their houses."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min)

World Pandemic: The Only Relief
"In this situation that is happening in this world, only the chanting of the Holy Name, only service to the Lord can give relief to us. We must think about this, we must tell others to please avoid eating fish, meat, avoid this kind of sinful works."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Nurture Faith and Faithfulness
"You can serve by following my instruction. My instruction is chanting the Holy Name, not to spend time always thinking nonsense things, and to always practise the panchanga. Do this properly, read our Math's books. I have published many books, read those books."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Where There Is a Will There Is a Way
"Answers to questions: How should we act if somebody offends us? How can we concentrate our mind when chanting? How can we get relief from ego? How should I instruct my child? How can we develop sincerity and enthusiasm in our service?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 5 min)

Advice to Householder Devotees
"The husband will work. The wife will cook, offer the bhog, take the offered prasadam first, and then the husband will take the remnants after her. That is Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj's advice..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

"Try Your Best"
"We must try to rectify ourselves. We are everybody's servants. When you take initiation, you do not become a devotee—you only get admission into a spiritual school, but after that you must practise. You will become perfect through practise."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Proper Service Is Chaste Service
"So, there are different ways to satisfy the Lord or satisfy your guru. There is not only one source. Whatever service Gurudev gives me, I must do it attentively, with faith, and without thinking about other things."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)

Be Careful and Wise
"Do not worry—Krishna will arrange everything. It is not necessary to think about anything. None of us knows what His arrangement is, but whatever arrangement it is, I can say that it will be good for devotees. Krishna is always with His devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min)


APRIL 2020


2 April 2020 (Sri Rama-Navami, appearance of Lord Ramachandra)
"Today is a very good day—the appearance day of Lord Ramachandra. There are different kinds of moods—santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya, madhura-rasa. Moreover, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Lord are also different. You can easily understand it from the difference between Rama-lila and Krishna-lila."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min)

Reading from Guidance 4
"I am writing here something comparing the pastimes of Ramachandra and the pastimes of Krsihna-chandra, as well as Nanda Maharaj and Vasudev's vatsalya-rasa..."
Download / listen to the audio (5.3 Mb, 13 min)

Peculiarity of Lord's Pastimes
"I have read Ramayan, but I am telling you the gist point... There are many incarnations—Narayan, Ramachandra, Vamanadev, Balaram, and others, but Krishna is the full Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, Gaura-lila is even higher..."
Download / listen to the audio (7.6 Mb, 18 min | Class & Kirtan)


5 April 2020 (Holy Disappearance Day of Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj)
Unthinkable Situation
"Today is our Gurudev's disappearance tithi. Actually, never in my life did I expect that this day could come. When this tithi is coming, I always try to stay alone, but Gurudev gave me service to take care of you all, then how can I be cruel and stay alone?"
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

"Gurudev Is My Everything"
"We must not misinterpret what Gurudev told. Devotees all over the world can realise easily what is Srila Sridhar Maharaj's conception, what is Gurudev's conception, and they can understand whether they are following it or not. Your main focus must be always to please your Guru properly. Name and fame is for your guru—you must not preach for your name and fame, you must preach to please your guru."
Download / listen to the audio (5.8 Mb, 14 min)

Tirobhav kirtans
His Divine Grace sings Gurudev krpa bindu diya Emona durmati Ye anila prema dhana Sri rupa manjari pada Hari haraye.
Download / listen to the audio (9.6 Mb, 23 min)


26 April 2020 (Speaking to devotees worldwide)
No Quarantine in Practising Life
"It has been one month now since we have been indoors. It is a little boring, but we cannot do anything. This disease can affect our body and make us sick, that is why we must be always careful. We keep social distance, but not mental distance—not heart distance."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Heart of Devotional Life
"We can leave this world at any moment, we do not even know if we will stay in this world until tomorrow; but even if we stay only until tomorrow, we can still chant the Holy Name, we can remember our guru-varga, their instruction—that will be good for us."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)

Proper Receiver and Proper Mother
"(1) To be a proper receiver actually means you must attentively concentrate your mind, concentrate your life and think only how to fulfil Gurudev's desire, how to make Gurudev happy, how to make the Lord happy. (2) If a mother becomes a good devotee herself, then she will be able to teach her children Krishna consciousness properly with her good association."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Meaning of Chastity
"Chastity is a very high thing. Those who have chastity, do not think about anything else, they do not want to hear anything else, they do not want to listen to anything else, they do not want to know anything else—they only know their Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Embarking On New Life
"Today is your chance, you have got this opportunity to be admitted to this spiritual school, but only taking initiation, only taking shelter of a Guru is not sufficient—you must serve under the guidance of your Guru after that."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Go Forward
"Everybody is now staying at home—what are you all doing? Krishna has given you this time to practise. Chant the Holy Name, chant all kirtans, read books. Do whatever you can according to your capacity. Jump to the Lord and give everything to Him!"
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)


MAY 2020


3 May 2020 (Speaking online to worldwide devotees)
Your Golden Opportunity
"The whole world is shaking thinking we will die, but this is the time to chant the glories of the Lord—to glorify Bhagavan Krishna's Name, beauty, pastimes. That is why the Lord has brought this kind of situation (this lockdown) into our lives."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | 3 May 2020)

Pass Your Life in Service
"It is the religion of the ears, eyes, mind to always want to listen to some interesting things, to all kinds of stories, bad things; but we have no attachment to our service... If I am attached to my service, I will always ignore bad things, bad talks, stories. Now is the time. Pass your life in service."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

How to Increase Surrender
"Saranagati comes when you follow 100% what Gurudev told—you should try to follow 200%, then if your attempt will perhaps turn out less, it will be 100%. Always try to listen to what your Guru says, always think how to fulfil Gurudev's desire."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

No Such Thing As Personal Affairs
"You must be open—you must give everything to your Guru. Keep all your personal things, everything at your Guru's lotus feet. We must realise how we can involve ourselves, involve our own things in the service of the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (0.8 Mb, 2 min)

Everything Has Its Limit
"If you do wrong every day and you know it, it is not good. Mercy has its limit. Gurudev will not say anything, but he can tolerate it for some time, and if you keep on doing wrong every day, then Gurudev's tolerance has its limit. One day seva will run away from you."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

Affection for Devotees
"Love and affection for devotees increases by serving without offence, by chanting the Holy Name without offence, by practising properly and by not keeping in your heart any bad intention: envy is a disease, pratistha is a very big disease."
Download / listen to the audio (4.8 Mb, 12 min)

Life Sacrifice
"Gurudev told me, 'If somebody wants to chant this Holy Name, if somebody wants to join the family of Krishna and wants to spend the rest of their life living a spiritual life, you can give initiation to them.' It is necessary to sacrifice your life for the service of the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (3.6 Mb, 9 min)


6 May 2020 (Appearance of Lord Nrisinghadev, online class)
Sri Nrisingha-Chaturdasi: Auspicious Day
"Today is a very auspicious day—the appearance day of Sri Nrisinghadev. Every year we make a big festival for Lord Nrisinghadev. On this day, I am also remembering our beloved Gurudev because he joined Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math on the appearance day of Lord Nrisinghadev."
Download the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)


10 May 2020
Devotional Lifestyle
"By the mercy of Gurudev, you get the relationship with the Lord, and if you are a good practitioner, you will take care of your practising life by controlling these six urges. Those who can tolerate these six urges and who take shelter of the Holy Name of Krishna, are always victorious."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Undevotional Lifestyle
"If we think that we have these faults, then we must always try to reduce them, we must always try to avoid these faults because these faults slowly, slowly destroy your devotion. It is necessary to control the six urges and it is necessary to remove the six faults."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)

Six Good Qualities
"You must always make yourself busy with the service of the Lord, with all kinds of devotional activities. When we pray in the Vaishnav song, we ask for six good qualities, and it is necessary to have such qualities."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

"May I Always Remain a Disciple"
"Actually, what I am telling is not so easy to practise, but I am also thinking that I must speak about it—if I keep telling about it again and again, then if I listen to it myself all the time, I will be able to practise it properly one day, too."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min)

Be in Good Association and Be Good Association
"(1) Sometimes, we are staying with some bad association, sometimes we may live together, but we must ignore and avoid such kind of association. (2) It is necessary to be a proper mother—to be a mother like Yasoda, a mother like Sachi Mata, not a mother like Kaikeyi."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Krishna's Arrangement
"Krishna is always powerful, Krishna can do anything. Even what is meant to happen may not happen, and what is not mean to happen may happen. It is not necessary to be worried about it. Who will commit suicide, who will leave, who will stay—everything is Krishna's arrangement."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min)

First Requirement
"Your mind tells you, 'Oh, it is necessary to relax'—do not listen to your mind. Tell yourself, 'I have service, and I must do that service first.' It is necessary to do what is required, and your first requirement is your service."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)


17 May 2020
Mahaprabhu's Teachings (1): No False Renunciation
"A house is not a place for only enjoyment—your house is Krishna's house, Vaishnavs' house, guru-varga's house, your house is meant for the service of the Lord. It is not necessary to show monkey renunciation—you can keep your house, enjoy your life but without material attachment. Be sincere in your heart, practise with heart and soul."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min)

Mahaprabhu's Teachings (2): Never Stop Your Krishna-Sankirtan
"Engage in Krishna-seva, Guru-seva, Vaishnav-seva always, non-stop. Chant the Holy Name when you are working, taking prasadam, cooking, cutting vegetables. Always chant the Holy Name, incessantly. Never stop your Krishna-sankirtan."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Mahaprabhu's Teachings (3): No Caste Consideration
"Those who come from a lower caste, who come from a mlechha family, who come from some bad family, are not unfit to worship the Lord—they also have the qualification, the right to chanting the Name of the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)

Mahaprabhu's Teachings (4): Pillars of Renunciation
"At first, Mahaprabhu told Srila Raghunath Das Goswami to go back to his house, but after that his house became unfavourable to practising Krishna consciousness, so Mahaprabhu arranged for Srila Raghunath Das Goswami to come and meet with Him. At that time, Mahaprabhu gave him advice, 'What will a vairagi do?'...."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Mahaprabhu's Teachings (5): Exclusive Dharma
"We must know the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and we must know what for we must practise, what is necessary in our spiritual life, what are the main things in our spiritual life. Actually, there are not so many main things."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

Questions and Answers
Can a lady lead Nagar-sankirtan? What is the difference between Gokula and Goloka? Guru as Radharani or Guru as Nityananda Prabhu? Diksa-guru and siksa-guru Ratha-yatra Daily kirtans.
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min)


24 May 2020
Our Mantra
"Our main mantra is this: we must concentrate our mind, all our senses, our everything in one place—at the lotus feet of Srila Gurudev. Srila Gurudev is our only hope, we have no other way. Only Sri Gurudev can take us to the Lord and engage us in the service of the Lord. We must have a greatest desire for that, then one day we will get an opportunity to engage in service."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)

Exclusive Devotional Life
"Always keep yourself engaged in the services of the Lord from the beginning of the day, from the mangal-arati early in the morning, until you go to sleep. We must think, 'How can I serve devotees more? How can I follow Gurudev's guidance properly?'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

"There are many ways you can do dham-seva. Our guru-varga make temples in many holy places, and you can help and serve those places in whichever way you can, depending on how much capacity you have. Not everybody has the capacity to give money, but if everybody gives their heart, their support, that is sufficient."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min)

Dealing with Misconception
"When you go to sell your things, you will always preach in favour of your things. Every shopkeeper always praises his own shop—one shopkeeper says, 'My shop's sweets are very nice,' and other shopkeepers will also say, 'My sweets are very nice,' and you can decide which is better only if you taste the sweets."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)

Sri Ramananda Sambad
"Raya Ramananda is actually an incarnation of Visakha. Mahaprabhu met Ramananda Raya for the first time on the bank of the Godavari in South India. Mahaprabhu was sitting and waiting for him..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 6 min)

Questions and Answers (1)
Do we come to this line by our free will or is it a pre-defined fate? Raya Ramananda's service Building temple against government rules? Drinking milk and suffering cows? Using Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math's name for preaching?
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Questions and Answers (2)
Reading scriptures on our own? News after the recent cyclone amphan How to keep service enthusiasm? Can we sew a white outfit for Srimati Radharani? How to recognise who is a Vaishnav? What does 'prabhu' mean in Srila Guru Maharaj's arati song?
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)


31 May 2020
Your Love and Affection
"I can see devotees' faces and remember Gurudev. When I see them, when I remember their good association, good things always come to my heart, to my mind. Because everybody is giving so much love and affection to me, I am alive and I can survive."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 5 min)

Sacred Chamber of Devotional Mood
"When a country's soldiers join the military life, they promise that they will give their life for the country. In the same way, when we join Krishna consciousness, we must promise that we will give our life for Gurudev. This life is not for others! This life is for Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

"How Much Will You Sacrifice?"
"This human life is not for behaving like animals. We are not animals. We have some other service here. There are so many services. Do not be lazy. Krishna has given you this opportunity to pay more attention to the service of the Lord in your house."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

Service Abode of Eternal Happiness
"When transcendental feeling comes to you, you will not think about any disease or anything else. There is no suffering in the eternal abode of Goloka Vrindavan. We should realise the nature of that happiness. It is possible to understand that happiness through service. Pure spiritual souls are always happy."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

Simplicity and Duplicity
Simplicity — "to be a Vaishnav, to be a sadhu, you must first be simple. Do not be a 'zigzag' person. Simplicity comes through practice, and how one practises depends upon the practitioner."
Duplicity — "if you chant the Holy Name without offence, then you can feel that Krishna's Name, beauty, pastimes are non-different from Krishna. But if you chant the Holy Name and think about other things, if you have material desires, then you will not feel anything."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)

Practitioner's Pure Pride
"We are servants of the Lord, servants of Gurudev. That is our quality. That is our designation. There is no question of pride here. We are servants, we are dogs of our Guru, that is our pride. When you become a proper servitor of Gurudev, then your material pride will automatically leave you."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)

Questions and Answers
A follow-up on ladies leading sankirtan and playing the mridanga How does the gayatri mantra help us? How to serve Gurudev without thinking what benefit I get from it? How to maintain faith that Krishna will protect us? Why did Srila Gadadhar Pandit never go to Vrindavan? How can we fight pratistha? What is the proper way to ask questions? Should we be affectionate only with Vaishnavs or with everybody?
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min)


JUNE 2020


4 June 2020 (Danda-Mahotsav of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami in Sri Panihati)

Srila Raghunath Das Goswami's Exemplary Pastimes
"Today is an important day. Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, that is non-different from Gurudev's mercy, is very important for devotees. Without the mercy of Gurudev, without the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, we cannot reach our proper destination—we cannot reach Chaitanya Mahaprabhu or Lord Krishna. This is the main meaning of this festival."
Download / listen to the audio (9.1 Mb, 22 min)

Give Your Life for Service
"Everybody has to leave this world, but for as many days as we stay in this world, we must serve and give love and affection to devotees. We must give our heart, mind, body, speech, everything for the service of devotees and Srila Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Perfect House Life
"You can stay in householder life, you can stay in your house, but that house must be always a place for practising Krishna consciousness. People create a comfortable life for themselves, enjoy with their family and everything, but these are not proper grihasthas."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Pride and Devotion
"When our heart and eyes become clean, then we can see everything. Because our eyes are too much full of dust of maya, we cannot see proper things. Devotion means a very strong attachment, love and affection for Krishna consciousness."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

Gaudiya Siddhanta
"Nityananda Prabhu knows who is Lord Krishna, who is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, but He is more involved with Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Our life is also like this. We cannot think of our life without our Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Practise More and Better
"You must always stay within service. You must practise and practise every day, with attachment to your service. Also, you must think tonight what service you will do tomorrow and how you can improve and increase that service."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)


7 June 2020
Latest News
"I came back from yesterday in the evening. I had been to Nabadwip, Nrisingha Palli, and also Mamgachi, Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur's place. I am trying to do some service in Nabadwip Dham. I cannot do service alone, but everybody is helping me, and because of their help, by the mercy of Gurudev, I am able to fulfil his desire."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)

Initiating and Self-Declared Gurus: Open Address to Members of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
"It is my humble request to all of our devotees to listen to what I am saying. I am telling you what is Gurudev's opinion. I have been quiet for so many years, but I am asked all these questions and if I keep quiet, then everybody will think that I support it. There are so many things that I should clarify."
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min)

Permanent Solution
"What Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math gives is the proper treatment—it gives treatment to the jiva soul. If you give medicine to people, that is only a temporary protection, but what Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math gives, is a permanent solution."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Chaste Service Consciousness
"If somebody wants to take initiation, they must follow Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math's line; they must follow the rules and regulation. They must always take prasadam, always chant the Holy Name, and engage in service. You are not a servant of Krishna—if you are ready to become a servant of devotees, then you can take shelter of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math."
Download / listen to the audio(2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Service Without Sahajiyaism
"You must do service under the guidance of Gurudev, then you will know what is necessary to do. We are not independent, we are always under the guidance of Gurudev. We do not want to be sahajiyas. Vraja-basis do raga-marga seva, but we must follow viddhi-marga."
Download / listen to the audio (6.1 Mb, 15 min)

Perfect Vision
"We are told to be slow and steady, but when some service is going on, we sometimes do it fast because everybody's character is not the same. Being slow does not mean laziness. If you keep a perfect aim and continue steadily to your aim, then you will succeed."
Download / listen to the audio (5.4 Mb, 13 min | +Kirtan)


14 June 2020

Service Code
"We always do service with some little fault, little mistake, and the Lord does not easily accept such service, but if we ask great Vaishnavs, Gurudev, for forgiveness, they will always forgive us. That is why, it will be good if we serve the Lord through Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

Love for Guru, Not Yourself
"We are becoming very selfish—we always think about ourselves, about our own happiness, but we do not know whether happiness will come or not. The happiness you get in this material life is very temporary. We must realise what it means to be a proper disciple and we must try to be proper disciples of our Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 7 min)

Service Eagerness and Attachment
"This pure conception of Krishna consciousness is very sweet. It is necessary to connect with it and to have faith, proper surrender, humility, tolerance, and to give honour to others. Be patient. Do not be proud. Always reject pratistha. We are tiny servitors, but we will try to do small service."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Our Greatest Aspiration
"We sometimes cannot consider ourselves a proper disciple—we always consider ourselves a guru. That is the problem in our life. We have no quality, no qualification to serve Vaishnavs, but the Guru and Vaishnavs are always very kind, they will accept our service, so relying on their kindness, we will try to serve them properly."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Treasure of Devotion
"Everybody will die one day, but you have got this human body, so what is your duty? We are not meant to live like cats and dogs. We have got so many facilities—eyes, mouth, ears, etc. What will we do with them?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Questions and Answers
How to be tolerant internally, not just show it externally? What is sahajiya bhajan? How can we use everything in service, even sad and dangerous things? How can we know that Gurudev is happy with us? Western style offerings are out of place in India? How can my child get sukriti to live in Krishna consciousness? How to concentrate on Krishna consciousness when mind is distracted?
Download / listen to the audio (12.8 Mb, 31 min | +Kirtan)


21 June 2020 (Disappearance day of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, Srila Gadadhar Pandit Goswami)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 80 min • Size: 43.9 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Without Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur Our Line Is Nothing
"Today is the disappearance day of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur—he left us and entered his nitya-lila on this day. He is doing service in his abode now, but he is still bestowing his mercy on all devotees and on us. We cannot even think of our line without Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur. He is the main personality in our line."

Mandakini Dhara
"The main thing is that Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur brought to us the pure current of Mandakini, proper consciousness, and this current is still flowing in this world allowing us to get some taste of the nectar that was distributed by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur. What he has given us has never been given by anybody in this world."

Spiritual Safety
'Seeing all the devotees, I pray to Lord Jagannath and Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, "Please give devotees some energy to serve the Lord, to serve you. Please do not take away their service energy." I always pray to the Lord that He may give you more and more energy to serve devotees.'

Ignore and Avoid Misconception
'Actually, problems always come. Sometimes, some domestic problems come, but we must avoid, or ignore, that. Always ignore it. Do you understand? We should not get involved in politics. We must always be servants of devotees. That is our main vision.'

Practise and Keep Faith
'There can so many doubts inside us. Doubt is a kind of disease, and it can be removed through practice. You must remove your doubts by practising. It is also necessary to have the strongest faith.'

Family Consciousness
'It is necessary to always keep good association and to always speak Krishna-katha to each other, not any other katha. Always talk about Krishna consciousness. If you talk about family consciousness (some family problems, this problem, that problem), you are wasting your time.'

Uncover Yourself
'Ego is like a wall. The sun is rising, but no sunlight comes through because there is a wall blocking it, so you remain in the dark. Ego is like a wall, and you must break this wall.'

Opportunity to Serve
'Chanting the proper Holy Name means always thinking about the Lord, always thinking how to please His devotees and our Guru. In our householder life, or actually in every kind of life – even in the sannyasi and brahmachari life – we always think about ourselves. We gradually become selfish and start thinking only about ourselves.'

Live in Seva-Kunja
'Always live in seva-kunja (service grove). The twenty-four hours that you have is for service – the twenty-four-hours' time is not for yourself, it is for the Lord. It is necessary to always have service attachment.'

On Astrology
'In our line, if you are a surrendered soul, you are always controlled by Gurudev. What for are you even thinking about yourself? Auspiciousness or inauspiciousness, whatever comes, why will we think about ourselves? We must not!'

Be Sharp
'(1) You must keep Tulasi in very strong health, and you should do whatever is necessary for that. (2) If you only follow Nityananda and not follow Gauranga, or if you sometimes follow Gauranga and sometimes do not follow Nityananda, it is not good.'

Sincere, Keen and Humble
'Humility is shown through service and through behaviour. For example, you can be humble when you can tolerate chastisement. The problem is that you must now show that you are humble outwardly but have much ego internally.'

Observing Gundicha Marjan
"Tomorrow is Gundicha Marjan, everybody will join it. You should clean the place where you are staying, and also clean your heart through chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Clean your hearts through sravan and kirtan, through practising."


23 June 2020 (Sri Ratha Yatra festival)

Special Day of Special Mercy
"By the mercy of Gurudev and Lord Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra, we are present here today, and, even though we are so far, we pay our obeisance to Them from here. I spend this Ratha-yatra time in Puri every year, but even though this year we could not go there, my mind, my heart, and everything is still in Puri with all the devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (4.7 Mb, 12 min)

Follow Rules and Regulations
"You must follow rules and regulations. Always. Follow rules and regulations properly. This is good for everybody. Our line is strict about it and we should follow these things. I know it is easy to say it, but it is hard to follow it."
Download / listen to the audio (4.7 Mb, 12 min)

Serving Gaura Nitai Deities
"The correct vision regarding Deities is that you must serve with love and affection, with full faith. It is actually a little difficult to serve Radha Krishna and Mahaprabhu, it is easier to serve Nitai Gauranga because They are always merciful and do not take any offence."
Download / listen to the audio (3.6 Mb, 9 min)

Eternal Humble Prayer
"'When will You place Your lotus feet on my head? I have no quality, no qualification, I am such a tiny thing—please accept me as Your dog. Please...' Always pray and cry to the Lord in this way. You say, 'Yes, I am giving everything to you,' but in the meantime you always keep the key with you. This is not surrender."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 8 min)

Dangerous Query
"Different Vaishnavs have different vision. They are all our guru-varga and we cannot make any offence to our guru-varga. We must give respect to what they do. That is our simplicity and our tradition. We do not think, 'Why did he do this?' What they have done is final for us."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min)

Closing Kirtan
His Divine Grace chants 'Hari Haraye Nama Krsna' and a little of the kirtan lines usually sung in Jagannath Puri Dham.
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)


28 June 2020

Asadhu-Sanga Saps Spiritual Strength
"If there is some fault in your heart, if you do some wrong and, thinking that nobody can see you doing it, you continue doing wrong, then it will slowly increase, and it will harm your spiritual life. We must always avoid bad association."
Download / listen to the audio (3.6 Mb, 9 min)

Be Responsible for Your Spiritual Life
"We must be responsible for our service and for our spiritual life, otherwise Guru and Vaishnavs will not be happy. Being responsible for your service is one of the main qualities of a servitor. It is necessary to have proper dedication and to always accept the advice of your guardian. We should not follow our mind. If we can follow all these things, then it can give a proper solution to all our problems."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 9 min)

Turn Your House Into Temple
"You can turn your house into a temple. Your house can be Goloka Vrindavan. What kind of house is that? It is a house where proper practising is going on every day. You can practise all the things that proper householders practise. What is the problem?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

On Ego and Envy
"Ego can also be good if you think, 'I am a servant of devotees.' However, envy is much worse than ego—envy is not given any place. Envy takes one to a helpless position. If you have envy or jealousy, it is easy for you to go to hell."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Emotion and Devotion
"Practise and practise, and when you make yourself perfect, then it will manifest in your dealings, in your behaviour, in your humility, etc. that you have become perfect—then you can easily understand what is the difference between emotion and devotion."
Download / listen to the audio (5.9 Mb, 14 min)

Applying Intelligence
• Is it important to study the meaning of slokas and scriptures? • We should ask our guardian, but I do not want to bother you; • How can we avoid quarrelling and fighting? • If somebody speaks bad about our guru-parampara, speaks nonsense, or does nonsense, how do we see Krishna in that?
Download / listen to the audio (4.8 Mb, 12 min)

Waning Values
"Gurudev said that the storekeeper or the temple manager will be the one who always thinks about everybody. A manager is a great servant, a big guardian. You must be a real mother. But this kind of love and affection is not there any more..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Abode of Highest Pastimes
"Whether Vrindavan is a village or a town, it does not matter. What matters is that Vrindavan is the highest place because, firstly, our guru-varga has said so, and, secondly, because we can see what pastimes go on in Vrindavan."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)


JULY 2020


5 July 2020 (Sri Guru Purnima)

Sri Guru Purnima: Remembrance Day
"Today is a very good and auspicious day, the day of Sri Guru Purnima. On this day, we can pray to our Gurudev that he may engage us in service more and more, so that we could progress in our spiritual life, so that we could submit ourselves to him as a devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

Sri Guru Purnima Kirtans (2020)
His Divine Grace sings: Gurudev krpa bindu diya Kabe Sri Chaitanya more karibena daya Akrodha paramananda Nityananda Raya Sarvasva tomara charane sampiya
Download / listen to the audio (8.2 Mb, 20 min)

Sri Guru Purnima Address
"My body is here, but my heart, my mind, my everything is with you. I am always thinking about you, I am always thinking about your good, how you can become better and better, how you can run the mission more and more successfully. Any service I can help you with, I will always try to do it, and I will try my best. That is my promise on this Guru Purnima day."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min)

Will-O'-the-Wisp of Worldly Wishes
"If you give Maya chance, then Maya will attack you. As soon as you get a weak spot, Maya will attack you. It does not matter whether you are young or old. If you try to control your elements, you can control them from a young age."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 10 min)

Eternal Priorities
"You cannot follow all the very strict rules that the six goswamis followed properly in Vrindavan. So, think only about doing your service properly, about practising properly, about avoiding bad association properly—give much importance to all this."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min)

Questions and Answers
• Should we associate with those who cannot rectify themselves? • What is full surrender? • What is guru-seva? • Can we serve prasadam while it is being offered at the altar? • Do jiva souls have bodies in Vaikuntha? • Can devotees have programmes in meat-eaters' households?
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min)


10 July 2020 (Evening class at Sri Tarakeshwar)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 84 min • Size: 42.9 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

'The Lord has created such a situation for us externally that we are staying now in our rooms. All places are closed now. But still, we have got this opportunity now to hear about the Lord. We are often busy with our work, family and material life, but by the wish of the Lord, all external work is stopped now. We must not waste this opportunity.'

Beyond Surface Understanding
'If somebody cannot overcome Maya, they will have to keep coming to this material world, wandering all over the universe, again and again – Krishna keeps Himself and His devotees far away from them.'

Read and Apply In Your Life
'Sri Gurudev is the only shelter for a disciple. Those who have become disciples live in complete adherence to their guru. If one retains independence, they cannot be called a "disciple" – they can take initiation, but if they do not accept the guidance of Sri Gurudev, they cannot be called a real disciple.'

Be a Disciple
'I want to be chastised by Gurudev—I will follow his order to a T. This should not be merely lip-deep, you must want it in writing, in your heart, and in your mind—I must hanker to be disciplined with my entire being. If you can imbibe such mood, you must certainly get benefit.'

Deities' Pastimes
'The Supreme Personality of Godhead come from the transcendental Vaikuntha Dham to this material world and reveals His pastimes—this is His avatara-lila (pastimes of His incarnations). In the same way, the worshippable Deity is also avatara-lila, also pastimes of His incarnation.'


11 July 2020 (Evening class at Sri Tarakeshwar)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 81 min • Size: 41.2 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Love for Service
'Always submit everything at the holy feet of Sri Guru and Vaishnavs. There is Lord, there is Guru and Vaishnavs above us, and we must leave everything up to them. We will do our service every day – whether they accept it or not, it is their matter – we will continue doing it every day. Always remember this.'

Practise and Preach
'Call out, "Doyal Nitai! Hare Krishna!" You are staying at home now, during the lockdown, but you must always engage yourself in reading, chanting, listening. The Lord has sent us to this world to chant His Holy Name and to preach about Him.'

Remember Your Nitya Svarup
'We did not come to the temple to be temple managers – if we just can become servants of devotees, that is sufficient. We must not have the ego that we are devotees. Our ego should be that we are servants of devotees.'

Life in Remembrance
'Chant kirtans when you are lying down, sitting, eating or doing anything else. When you chant kirtans, you can remember the Lord. When you chant 'Gurudev, krpa bindu diya' or 'Sri-guru-charana-padma', you can always remember Gurudev's face.'

Priorities in Life
'If you honour (serve) mahaprasad, your soul can become purified. If people eat unoffered food, the Holy Name will not comes out of their mouths. Why is it so? Because they eat what their wives feed them...'


12 July 2020

Price of Mercy
"There are things that money cannot buy. You can never buy love and affection with money. The kind of mercy of Gurudev you will get depends on your devotion, your faith. If you always think about yourself, you will not understand it. If you cannot sacrifice your life properly for the service to your Guru, then what kind of surrender have you done?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min)

Disciples' Plight
"We have taken initiation from Gurudev, but we do not know what the relation between a Guru and a disciple should be like. You must sacrifice your life for your Gurudev, for your Gurudev's mission, and your Gurudev's devotees. If you can give your life for all this, then you can be considered a proper disciple of your Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min)

Plane of Adherence
"Always leave everything to the Lord—whatever His desire is, that will happen. No one can stop it. It is not necessary to be afraid. If we surrender ourselves to the Guru, to the Lord, then we will have no problem."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min)

'How Much Do You Hanker In Your Heart?'
"It is not necessary to show your devotion externally. Always keep your devotion in your heart. We are not going to talk in a public place about how we worship and how we practise. How much do you hanker within yourself, in your heart? That is the question..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min)

No Hopscotchy Devotion
"You can worship Lord Siva, but do not come to Lord Siva with your material things. We must give honour and worship Krishna's expansions, there is nothing bad about it. Devotees should know everything—we cannot jump immediately to Krishna."
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min)

Simple Service, Earnest Heart
"It is necessary to have the strongest faith. You cannot see everything with your eyes. We will serve Mahaprabhu, devotees, our Guru, and whether they accept it or not, that is up to them. Simple things are sufficient for us."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

Debunking Proximity Complex
"If you become too familiar with the Guru, you can make more offences. It is very difficult to avoid it. Association means a heart-to-heart connection. It is not a bodily association. We always give honour to Gurudev very carefully."
Download / listen to the audio (4.3 Mb, 11 min)


19 July 2020

Devotees' Humility
"Devotees are always humble. Whatever they do, they always think, 'Gurudev is my own'—that is the real connection with Gurudev. Those who are qualified will not tell anything about their practising life—they will only think that they are simple, small persons who have no quality, no qualification. This is how devotees show their devotion."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min)

Relation With Guru: Watch Out
"Srila Gurudev gave much honour and much respect to everybody, both his godbrothers and his disciples. However, a disciple should also understand—if Gurudev gives me respect, it does not mean I will now jump and sit on his head."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)

Maintaining Gurudev's Legacy
"They do something but they cannot understand how much offence they are making. We must understand how to make Gurudev happy, how to follow Gurudev's line, and how to maintain Gurudev's legacy. We must think about these things."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)

Worshipful Stance
"We chant the Holy Name, we practise kirtan, and we should do that in a worshipful mood. We can only worship Radha-Krishna's combined form and their lotus feet. We do not want to become sahajiyas. There are things that we must understand within ourselves but cannot express to others."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Emotion and Devotion
"If you stay with a great sadhu, if you practise properly, if you follow rules and regulations, then your material desires will be removed. I can challenge anyone that it is so. Devotion comes automatically through humility, tolerance, giving honour to others, through proper practising."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Exclusive Devotional Vision
"We must follow our guru-varga's instruction and ideal. The main thing for us is that we must make our Gurudev happy, so we will not come to pass judgement about what Gurudev has told, we must follow whatever Gurudev says."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Kali-Yuga's Saviour
"There are so many stories in this world, but we must follow scriptures—we do not follow gossips. We must believe what Srimad Bhagavatam says. In the age of Kali, it is necessary to give Krishna-prema through chanting of the Holy Name."
Download / listen to the audio (5.4 Mb, 13 min | Including kirtan)


26 July 2020 (Speaking online to devotees in Vijayawada)

Reaching Devotees' Hearts
"You are very fortunate souls—you are all staying under the guidance of Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, you are practising properly—it gives very much happiness to me."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min)

Perfect Result Comes Through Perfect Practice
Glory of our family members in Vijayawada: "When I was at your house, I saw your service mood, and your mood is very pure and very perfect, you have a simple heart. You all live perfectly and you make your Guru happy properly. You understand how to reach the Lord and how to reach Goloka Vrindavan. I am sure that you will get benefit through your service mood."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)


26 July 2020

Our Programme
"My service is that I want to make everybody happy. You are all Gurudev's devotees, well-wishers, friends, that is why I want to serve you all. We still cannot gather many people, but we are trying to preach and serve devotees from afar as much as possible."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min)

Sanctity of Initiation
"What is called initiation? What is initiation about? People say, 'We all know the Hare Krishna maha-mantra—we can chant it easily on our own and get our benefit.' This is not so. We can chant, we can do service and other things, but without proper guidance, without a guru, all our attempts will be unscientific."
Download / listen to the audio (6 Mb, 15 min)

Cooking: Integral Part of Practising Life
"You must understand that when you come to practising life, you will get some austerity. Try to practise properly. Try to change yourself. This is how you can proceed in your spiritual life. I know it is sometimes very difficult, but you must still try to follow what I am saying, you must still try to cook, try to serve. That is good for you—you will get more energy for service, you will get more happiness in your heart."
Download / listen to the audio (4.9 Mb, 12 min)

Adjustment of Consciousness
"You are the property of your Guru, you are not anybody else's property. Devotees always practise wherever they go. If you are staying with some nondevotees for some purpose, you are not going to stay there for a long time, so stay there but you must practise there—you must chant, etc."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Royal Road to Success
"As many days we are alive, we will always remember our Guru, we will always chant the Holy Names and we will always concentrate our mind on the service of the Lord. That is the main thing for us, and this is what everybody should follow."
Download / listen to the audio (3.6 Mb, 9 min)




2 August 2020 (Afternoon class, speaking online to devotees in Australia)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 23 min • Size: 11.2 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Increase Your Spiritual Life
'Good association cleans devotees' hearts. Sometimes, when we do some service, we can become tired, or we are practising, but we can become tired through our practising. If we get good association, we can get some energy through it and Maya will also not be able to get an opportunity to attack us.'

Pillar of Surrender
'I am not a property of my parents, wife, husband or anybody else – I am a property of my Guru. I am Gurudev's property and it is his matter how he will use me. Our duty is that we must always try to serve him, and whether he will accept this service or not, it is up to him. This is how you can surrender.'

Shift Your Focus
'We only feel skin attachment to our parents, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives, but we have no connection with the Lord, with our Gurudev. You are spending energy for your own enjoyment now, but you must instead spend this energy for the enjoyment of the Lord.'

Give More Energy and Time
'In our spiritual life, we must take initation from a bona fide Guru, and you have done it – you have taken initiation from a bona fide guru. Now your duty is to practise Krishna consciousness properly. You must give more energy and more time for the service to the Lord, for the service to your Guru.'


2 August 2020

Step Up Your Service
"We should not waste our time on our own enjoyment, we must give our time for the enjoyment and happiness of our Lord, our Gurudev. I know everybody will be working, it is Monday, the first day of the week days, but we must still do some service for Baladev Prabhu's appearance day. Remember this. If you only fast and give some flower to Gurudev, that is not sufficient."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min)

Disciple's Core Quality
"To receive and digest chastisement, it is necessary to have tolerance. How many devotees can tolerate chastisement? Very few. When Gurudev chastises you, you must be quiet—you have no right to say a single word."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min | 2 August 2020)

On Cows and Baladev-Tattva
"(1) Krishna likes cows, and if we can make cows happy, Krishna will always be happy. (2) Sachi Mata understood that Nityananda Prabhu was non-different from Baladev—that Baladev Himself had come as Nityananda Prabhu."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Sweeter Than the Sweetest
"Krishna's pastimes are very sweet. Krishna's beauty, Krishna's pastimes, Krishna's love, Krishna's smile, everything about Him is sweet, sweeter, and sweeter than the sweetest..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min)

Prasadam—Pivot of Practising
"You are not to take what is not offered to the Lord. Always take prasadam, then all your diseases will be removed. Always cook with care and always make sure what you have cooked is edible. If the cook is not good, then neither Krishna, nor Gurudev will be happy."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Clear Conception
"You can read Srila Sridhar Maharaj's book Sri Sri Prapanna-jivanamritam and remind yourself of many good things (practise smaran). I have also given you books—Guidance 4, Guidance 3. You can read all these books and you can get everything in them."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

Ideal Service Mood
"In this world, there are all sorts of misconceptions prominent all over the world, but you must establish the conception of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, the conception of Srila Sridhar Maharaj, Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. When you get some pleasure in your heart through service, then no matter how much disturbance comes, nothing will be able to stop you—you will still feel more and more enthusiasm, attachment and enjoyment through that service."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 9 min)


3 August 2020 (Sri Baladev Purnima; speaking online to devotees worldwide)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 72 min • Size: 38.7 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Appearance of Lord Baladev
'Baladev Purnima is a very auspicious day. In Bengal and all over India, local devotees celebrate this day as Rakhi Purnima. But we do not follow Hinduism. We are followers of Vaishnavism and Mahaprabhu's line, Rupa Goswami's line, that is why we are celebrating Baladev Purnima on this day.'

Understanding Baladev's Glory
'Gurudev appears with the power of Nitai Thakur eternally. Baladev Prabhu does not appear now, Nitai Thakur is also not manifest, so Their pastimes have stopped – this is not true. Gurudev comes in the form of Baladev, in the form of Nityananda and brings the souls who have taken shelter in him to Gaurasundar. Their appearance pastimes are happening eternally – They eternally appear in the form of the guru.'

Sticking with Pure Life
'It is very rare to find a soul who can understand these pure things, this love and affection. A pure guru gives love and affection, gives shelter, and even if the disciple does something wrong, gurudev still accepts their service. The guru tolerates everything, and those who have a pure heart can easily understand it...'

Spiritual Balance and Maturity
'You must always choose that which Gurudev arranges and take a decision based on Gurudev's desire. You must surrender properly. You must become a property of your guru, then you will feel, "I will do whatever gurudev says. It is his matter how he will use his property." Your desire should not matter. Only his desire will matter.'

Understanding Gurudev
'Yes, it is very difficult to understand the guru, and it is very difficult to understand Nityananda Prabhu. On the other hand, Gurudev is always merciful, he always gives love and affection to everybody, but not everybody can accept it.'


9 August 2020

Festival of Sheltered Souls
"What is our goal in the age of Kali? We worship Radha-Krishna's combined form that comes in Kali-yuga as Gauranga Mahaprabhu. However, first, before worshipping Gauranga Mahaprabhu, we are to take shelter of Gurudev. First we must take shelter of Gurudev, only then will we worship Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

"I Am Very Proud of You"
"I am very proud of you all because our Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math devotees have humility, tolerance, they give honour to others, and they show others perfect behaviour, perfect practice and perfect mood. Humility, tolerance, etc. is the religion of Vaishnavs. It is their quality, their ornaments, their glory. Vaishnavs are always humble, they always emanate lustre and delight."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 7 min)

Blossomed Relationship
"I know very well 'my parents,' 'my sister,' 'my husband,' 'my wife'—these are mine, but we do not think that the Lord is mine, that Gurudev is mine. How many per cent devotees can feel that?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Realm of Inconceivable Pastimes
"Bad things, good things happen, but we harmonise—we think that everything happens by the will of the Lord. If you practise properly, then you can step by step proceed to your real goal and enter the real nitya-lila—then you will see Radha-Krishna's pastimes everywhere."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min)

Primary Advice
"We have some consciousness in this human body, we must use it properly. Our duty is to do our service properly, to try more and more and more, to do more and more for our Guru's happiness, to try to make our Guru happier and happier. We will always try our best."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Service, Karma, and Devotion
"You cannot buy guru-bhakti with money. Guru-bhakti comes through love and affection, it comes from within one's heart—it comes by practising, by giving your heart. Those who are surrendered souls, are always busy with service—maya cannot attack them."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Is "Madhava-tithi" only ekadasi? What is your advice to those who want to take initiation? What do we read on Janmastami day? Is it possible to take medication on Janmastami?
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)

Proper Line—Proper Success
"We always run behind false renunciation, false ego, we have so many bad elements, so many desires. If you think in a proper way and practise under the guidance of a bona fide guru, you will succeed. Those who have proper quality and qualification, can surrender within one minute."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 3 min)


12 August 2020 (Sri Krishna Janmastami Maha-Mahotsav)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 55 min • Size: 29.4 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Prayerful Meditation
"Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani are our meditation, we always worship Them, but we do not want to become sahajiyas—it is not cheap, it is the highest attainment! We must pray to the Lord today. We must express what is our present position. We are in this situation at present—how can the Lord rescue us from this kind of situation?"

Misconceptions about Lord Krishna's Appearance
"Without Lord Krishna's appearance life is meaningless. If you read Srimad Bhagavad-gita, you can easily understand the meaning of Janmastami and who Krishna is. People can say many things, but our vision is not like that—we see it in a different way."

Entering Another Plane
"If you can fulfil Gurudev's desire, if you can follow everything and become a 100% devotee, a surrendered soul, then you will have the strongest faith that what Gurudev said ('If you follow Krishna consciousness properly, you will not have to come again') is the truth."

Approaching Krishna's Pastimes
'Gurudev told us to follow the rules set by Srila Sridhar Maharaj, so we read Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita all day on this day. In the evening, after chanting some songs, at 9 or 9.30 p.m., you can read something about the pastime of Krishna's appearance.'

Account of Krishna's Appearance
'I am telling you what Sri Sukadev Goswami spoke from the tenth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. This is a chapter about the mystery of Baladev's and Krishna's appearance to destroy Kamsa.'

Devotees' Character
'Can an ordinary devotee appeal to Krishna to help or protect them just as Prahlad Maharaj appealed to Sri Nrisinghadev? If we should never ask the Lord for protection, then what about "avasya raksibe krsna visvase palan", which is one of the six limbs of surrender?'

Always Remember, Always Serve
'You will all go to your homes after this festival, but you must serve Krishna not for this moment only. Remember Krishna always, at every moment. Do not forget Krishna. Always remember Krishna, always chant His Holy Names and chant about His beautiful pastimes.'


16 August 2020

Thorns of Spiritual Life
"We think there is so much suffering, so many problems outside, but we do not think that we have some problems inside us. Sometimes, some good symptoms come to us in our service, but at this moment some bad elements come and Maya takes us away from the service."
Download / listen to the audio (5.4 Mb, 13 min)

Surrendered Existence
"Practise all this, then you will understand what is necessary for your spiritual life and what this human body is for. You have got this human body by a great mercy of the Lord, and you must use this human body, every part and parcel of this body, for the service of the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 6 min)

Practising Deficiency
"We sometimes do not understand why we lose our faith, why we cannot give our heart, mind, everything to the service of the Lord—this happens because there is practising deficiency. Many things can come, that is why we can lose our faith, lose our Krishna consciousness life."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Do Not Get Swayed
"When Maya attacks you, when Maya gives so much trouble to you and so many problems come to you, will you remember Me or will you forget Me? It is up to you. If you can remember the Lord despite any difficulties, then it is very good."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Priorities In Spiritual Life
"If every householder devotee says, 'I have some job in my house, I cannot do it,' then who will serve at the temple? Even if you live in a house, you must live as a proper householder devotee. Turn your house into a temple."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)


22 August 2020 (West London Temple Anniversary)

West London Temple: Auspicious Day
"It is a very auspicious day today for the London devotees, as well as all over world. Gurudev can see everything, he is watching everything because all devotees are fulfilling his desire. It is our happiness that we can be together, without any false ego."
Download / listen to the audio (5.9 Mb, 14 min)


23 August 2020

Spiritual Sustenance: Association and Service Mood
"Wherever there is a Vaishnav, wherever there is connection with a Vaishnav and great devotees, it will always be good for us. So, we must be always determined, always intent on good association. It is necessary to have a good intention to become a good devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

Spiritual Sustenance: Exclusive Mood
"Devotee must be always careful and serious about their service—devotees always think about Krishna. Any time, all the time think about Krishna. You must utilise your heart, your, everything for the service to the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Fruits of Inconceivable Mercy
"Nityananda Prabhu's and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy is inconceivable. Therefore, our devotees must always be inspired, must always preach properly. They should live and behave properly, they should do their service properly, and they should talk humbly."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

Absorbed in Service
"Why will devotees leave their service? They must do their service until death! But such is human nature, what can you do?... When Krishna came to Vidura's house, Vidura's wife did not know anything, she was so overwhelmed and excited."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Corrupted Life
"We are not political men. Our 'candidate' is only Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We do not involve ourselves with politics or politicians. We do not want any political party movements. There is corruption in every country..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Worshippable Sita Thakurani
"Advaita Acharya's wife, Sri Sita Thakurani, is worshipped by everyone all over the world. I have not read much about her, but we know that when Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born, Advaita Prabhu sent her with some gifts to Jagannath Misra's house..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

Service Succession
"Will you follow the instruction of the scriptures or will you follow your Gurudev's instruction? That is our question. What is important for you? You will never get the mercy of Krishna without worshipping Radharani..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min)


26 August 2020 (Sri Radhastami, noon; Speaking online to devotees in Australia)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 14 min • Size: 5.3 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Radhastami: Careful Worship
'We must always worship Radharani's lotus feet very carefully. Sri Uddhav Maharaj says in Srimad Bhagavatam that we must be very careful about Vraja-gopis' footdust. Uddhav Maharaj said, "I cannot worship Vraja-gopis' lotus feet. I can only worship their footdust."'


26 August 2020 (Sri Radhastami, evening)

Sri Radhastami
"Srimati Radharani appeared in this world in Dvapar-yuga on this tithi of Sukla-astami (eighth day of the bright moon), Visakha-naksatra, in the month of Bhadra. Every year, our temples here in India and all of our temples all over the world celebrate this festival on this day..."
Download / listen to the audio (10.2 Mb, 25 min)

Attainment of Divine Love
"Krishna and Kasna (the Lord and His devotee) are both transcendental, and the nature of the relationship between them is called devotion or divine love (prema). The devotees who take shelter of divine love always serve and love the object of their love—the Supreme Lord; the Lord also always relishes loving relationship with His exclusive devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (10.4 Mb, 25 min)

Where Angels Fear to Tread
"In our life, there is too much much lust, too much anger, too much enjoyment, too much involvement with the material life—how do you think you will get that transcendental ecstatic taste, how do you think you will understand those paramour loving dealings? These are very high things. It is better not to read about those pastimes."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)

Sri Radha-Tattva
"You can get Krishna-prema by the mercy of Srimati Radharani. Yet people do not know what is Radha Kunda and what is Shyama Kunda. Materialists and those who are always engrossed in material enjoyment cannot understand Radha-tattva. Radha-tattva is an extremely highest topic."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)

Perfect Service
"We must always remember Vrindavan in our hearts, that is good for us. We must always meditate on the astakaliya-lila, which means we must always keep space in our hearts so that Radha-Krishna could play there. Keep some place for Srimati Radharani, Krishna, and Gurudev in your heart, that will be a perfect service."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min)


30 August 2020 (Appearance of Lord Vamanadev, Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu)

Lord's Avatar
"It is a very auspicious day today because it is Vamandev's avirbhav. Every year on this dvadasi, we first perform archan for Vamandev, then offer some sweet rice, and with that sweet rice prasadam we do the paran (break our fast) on the dvadasi day...."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min | Bengali & English)

Kasyap Rishi's Advice to Aditi Mata
"Only those who forgot Krishna have this kind of intelligence, this kind of sense that they think, 'He is bad, he is good.' If we have any relation with the Lord, then we will have no enemies. Kasyap Rishi advised his wife Aditi, 'Reject that which is imaginary, which is lies, and worship the Lord.'"
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)

Appearance of Lord Vamanadev
"The proper time came and the Lord appeared first in the heart of Kasyap Rishi and then came to the womb of Aditi Mata. When the Lord Himself entered her womb, Brahma and all demigods began to pray to the Lord showing a very exalted mood. Everything around became very auspicious..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Satisfying the Lord
"Bali Maharaj asked Vamanadev, 'O brahman, what do you want? Tell me, and I can give You anything you wish.' Vamanadev replied, 'I do not want much. I know you have everything but I want only something small.'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Early Pastimes of Srila Jiva Goswami
"Although Jiva Goswami was a very small baby, when he saw Mahaprabhu's beauty, he keep it in his heart and always thought about it—whether he slept, ate, or was awake, he all the time was thinking about the beauty of Mahaprabhu. When he was studying later, he always thought about Gaura Nitai's form, Gaura Nitai's beauty and pastimes."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)

Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu's Mercy
"We are giving our full obeisance to him from here. We pray to his lotus feet, 'We are fallen souls, Prabhu, we have no quality, no qualification. Wherever you are staying now, Prabhu, please make us your foot dust and keep us under your feet.'"
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Appearance of Universal Guru
"You all know who is Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur. He is there in our guru-parampara. Our Param Gurudev Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj wrote his pranam mantra, and everything is there in that mantra..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)

Great Desire for Service
"Follow what your Guru tells, remember your Guru and the Lord, sing kirtans, practise properly every day—join the programmes, classes, kirtans, etc.—then you will get that aspiration for the service of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. If you have a great and proper desire for service, You get a chance to serve Him."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)


31 August 2020 (Appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

Online Assembly of Dham-Bhusana Vaishnavs
"We have got an opportunity to speak and hear about Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur in this class amidst the pandemic situation through the medium of zoom. Today is a very auspicious day, and we have all gathered here today to observe this holy day..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)




1 September 2020 (Disappearance of Srila Haridas Thakur)

Proper Service Life
"The Lord becomes happy through kirtan. What does it mean to serve Deities with faith? We have no right to enter the Deities' room to worship the Deities, we have no right to enter the kitchen to cook, but we can connect everything we do with the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 10 min | Bengali)

Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (1)
"Today is the disappearance day of Srila Haridas Thakur. We can speak and hear today about the glories of Srila Haridas Thakur. Singing the glories of the Vaishnavs rescues and protects the jiva soul."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (2)
"When Srila Haridas Thakur lived in a bhajan kutir in Benapole, many people used to come to him, and the local landlord Ramachandra Khan became envious. He arranged for a very beautiful young prostitute, 'I will pay you. You have to seduce him by hook or by crook!'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min | Bengali)

Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (3)
"One day, Srila Haridas Thakur told Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, 'Prabhu, when You come to live in Puri, I will stay there with You.' Mahaprabhu agreed, and, as He was staying in Kashi Misra's house in Puri, He asked Kashi Misra and Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya to arrange some place where Srila Haridas Thakur could make his bhajan kutir."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)

Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (4)
"The next day, Mahaprabhu came to Srila Haridas Thakur in the morning. He asked, 'What is the news, Haridas?' Srila Haridas Thakur said, 'As You wish, Prabhu.' Then, Mahaprabhu ordered all the devotees to circumambulate Srila Haridas Thakur with kirtan..."
Download / listen to the audio (5 Mb, 12 min | Bengali + Kirtan)


6 September 2020

No More Wasting Time
"Now, all countries are one by one lifting lockdown and we are again getting chance to preach and do sankirtan—we must restart our preaching. As it is, we have already lost almost six months of our spiritual time, we do not want to lose another moment."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Guru-Varga's Prasad
"We always tell what Srila Guru Maharaj, Srila Gurudev and all the godbrothers of Srila Guru Maharaj told about Srila Guru Maharaj, we always enjoy taking their prasad. That is our happiness. If we hear from our guru-varga and read their lectures, it is good for us."
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min)

Devotion to Devotees
"Some preach that you must become a Krishna-bhakta, but we do not preach like this; we preach that you must be Krishna's devotees' devotee. First become a Vaishnav-das, then a Guru-das, and only after that a Krishna-das. First you must be a servant of Vaishnavs."
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 7 min)

Service Zest
"Now disciples live in the lap of luxury. They blackmail Gurudev saying, "If I do not get this, I will leave the temple!" Such is the service in this world. If your service is conditional, then this is not the proper relationship between the Guru and the disciple. That is why doubts start coming, 'Will I enter that planet?'"
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Supreme and Inconceivable Glories of Sri Guru
"What are your glories, Gurudev? Your glories are known to all liberated souls—the entire Goloka-mandal sings your glories—but I am a fallen soul, how shall I talk about Gurudev? Gurudev's position is extremely high, talks about him are very high."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)

Entering Transcendental Plane
"You cannot worship the Lord with a mundane body. Only an eternal, transcendental body can worship or serve the Lord. If you serve the Lord thinking that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and you give your everything for the service to Krishna, then your body becomes transcendental."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min)

Purposeful Preaching
"Preaching is necessary. When you preach, you get pleasure, you get everything. I have told you that when I tell something, I myself get energy—devotees listen to it and I am also listening to it and I myself become purified..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)


13 September 2020

Devotees' Core Principle
"All Gaudiya Vaishnavs follow ekadasi tithi, and it is good for you also to follow it because even Sriman Mahaprabhu Himself told to do so. If we want to follow Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, we must follow His instruction."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min)

Sustaining Mahaprabhu's Line
"Mahaprabhu's line was maintained by Srila Narottam Das Thakur, Acharya Srinivas, Sri Shyamananda Prabhu. After them, so much darkness came down upon the sky of Gaura-desh. The preaching movement again emerged through Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

"I Am Proud, I Am Astonished, and I Am Grateful"
"Wherever I may be, I come back to Kolkata on Sunday just to get your good association. I see your smiling faces and I know that your love and affection has no alloy—your love and affection is not cheating, it is actual love and affection."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Ekadasi Struggle?
"You think that you will break ekadasi, that you will do what you like in your life, but you do not think that after that austerity will come—you have no idea what hell is like, what kind of austerity you will get there. What austerity is there in following ekadasi?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Redundant Rituals
"Those who do not follow Krishna consciousness, who are not devotees, can do follow as many Hindu rituals and rules as they like, but we do not do it. We know that we are jiva souls—we are eternal servants of the Lord, and we always remember that."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min)

Primary and Paramount Necessity
"Teach Srimad Bhagavad-gita everywhere, it will be good. Most people cannot understand Srimad Bhagavatam or Chaitanya-charitamrita, it is very difficult for them, but everybody knows Srimad Bhagavad-gita, so everybody can easily understand its message."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)


20 September 2020

Continuing Service Movement
"We can practise Vaishnav-sanga, sadhu-sanga from anywhere. We must always remember Krishna, chant the Holy Name, practise and do our service from wherever we are. We must continue our service movement."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min)

Keep Your Guru In Your Heart
"Our hearts are always full of kanak, kamini, pratistha—we always think about our own enjoyment, we always think about our own safety. It is necessary to have the strongest faith. You must keep some place in your heart for your Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

Unparalleled Vairagya
"Always read the pastimes of great Vaishnavs. We can read their biographies and see how much tolerance they have, how much austerity they got in their spiritual life. If we think about it, we will be astonished—we cannot imagine how austere their life is."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

Pillars of Devotional Life
"We must leave everything for the happiness of the Lord, for the happiness of our Guru. We must learn how previous Vaishnavs maintained their lives, and we must follow their example, their path. We must try to live and maintain our life the way sadhus do. We must try to do that. We must try to practise that."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)

Best Behaviour
"Everybody must live in harmony with each other. If we think we have become great devotees, it is wrong because we are fallen souls and we are only trying to serve our Guru under his guidance. This is our main aim in life. We must fight against ourselves."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Repository of Nectar
"Gurudev explains this sloka very nicely. When somebody is taking and relishing honey, some drops fall from their mouth, and Srila Sridhar Maharaj is collecting these drops. This is actually the essence of our spiritual life."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 3 min)

Awkward Medicines and Health Issues
"You must maintain this body well. If the doctor has prescribed some medicine for your disease, then you should take it because it is necessary for your health, but if the doctor prescribes eating meat, etc., you should not follow it."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)

Adjusting with Others and Yourself
"If somebody preaches, it is good! Why will we criticise them? People come for Krishna consciousness and we do not care who comes from what country, who is lower, who is lowest. Only if somebody is bad association, you must always avoid such association."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)


27 September 2020

"We should always remember devotees' service mood. Embracing bhakta-bhav, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared as a devotee and He shows what is the mood of a devotee. We can see His teachings and realise what is necessary to have if we want to have the mood of a devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (10.7 Mb, 26 min)

"My Nature"
"Whenever I get time, I like to read books. To this day, I still like reading. I have a habit to always read. Whenever some new books come out, I read it. Actually, I do not want to teach anybody, I want to learn myself more and more. That is my nature."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Good News
"I have got some good news today, not everybody may have heard it, so I want to tell you about it... I have been praying to Krishna for that—and now they have filed a case, I am sure one day justice will happen."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Father-Son Pastime
"It is stated in Sri Hari-bhakti-vilas that those who observe this ekadasi attain a liberated form upon leaving their body. I will be reading about a pastime of Sri Govinda from Gopal-champu by Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu. Listen to it properly. This is a pastime of Nanda Maharaj and Lord Krishna, and it happened tomorrow, the day after ekadasi."
Download / listen to the audio (10.3 Mb, 25 min)




4 October 2020

"Try Your Best"
"You must depend upon Gurudev in everything—give everything to your Guru. All Vraja gopis gave everything, their deha (body) and dehi (the very soul), to fulfil the desire of Lord Krishna. Our guru-varga are not ordinary persons. I am sure that those who follow Gurudev and have taken shelter at the lotus feet of Gurudev, will reach their destination."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Surrendered Soul's Solace
"Through our qualification, we will not get anything, but we can get everything by the mercy of the Guru. Yet the problem is that some material things always come to our life. We are supposed to be surrendered souls—if you are a surrendered soul, then what should be your thoughts?"
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 1 min)

Approaching Bhagavatam
"One must not read Bhagavatam or give Bhagavatam class for money, wealth, property, pratistha, etc. You must listen to Srimad Bhagavatam from a pure Vaishnav who knows Bhagavatam and who knows the meaning of Bhagavatam."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Disciples' Dedication
"Devotees always want to learn—they want to know more. It is necessary to have desire to learn, to practise more and more; it will be good for us all. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself comes as a devotee and shows us what is necessary and how we must be practising. If we learn His teachings properly, we will get so much benefit through that."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)

Restaurant Devotion vs Pure Devotion
"We work outside, we do not cook and take some food in a hotel (shop, cafe, restaurant) where they mix veg and non-veg food. It is a problem. It is possible to do this for one-two days as an exception, but if you do it every day saying, 'Oh, I have no energy to cook!' This is wrong. It is better if you cook and do the offering, then it will be pure devotion."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

"Separation is a very high thing, you cannot imagine it. What sort of separation is there in Vrindavan? When Uddhav Maharaj heard about it, he was astounded. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu showed this separation mood in Gambhira..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Loving Care and Service
"There is love and affection in Vaishnavism. This is what Mahaprabhu showed by His own example. Krishna shows it too—He is merciful even to those who come to kill Him. This is what true religion is. You should understand that Vaishnavism comes from the original source."
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min)


11 October 2020

"Please Be Careful"
"Please be careful. I am concerned about you all because if your health is good, then you can do more and more service. We have this body and disease will come, but we must not 'invite' disease ourselves. This is my request for everybody. If you can do what I am saying, I will be very happy."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

"The Unrenounceable"
His Divine Grace reads a chapter from Guidance, Volume 3, for the benefit of all souls: "I will discuss today about kanak, kamini, pratistha, about anartha and paramartha. 'Even if you renounce everything, there is still something that cannot be renounced—that is either ‘paramārtha’ (greatest wealth; spiritual asset) or ‘parama anartha’ (greatest evil; unwanted elements)....'"
Download / listen to the audio (8.7 Mb, 21 min)

Sincere Chanting
"This Hare Krishna maha-mantra is not just alphabet letters—it is the pure Name. So, it must be chanted with service mood. If you always show that you are chanting japa, but your mind always goes to bad elements, your heart is covered by bad elements—that is not good."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

Parts of Service Life
"(1) Mahaprabhu said, "Follow pure ekadasi." If the ekadasi day becomes viddha, there is no fast on this day. (2) Someone will say that this is too much, this is fanaticism, but this is what real chastity is. (3) You have all these bad things in you, but if you surrender properly, you can transform everything into service."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min)

Cruelty-Free Service Life
"We must give love and affection for everybody. There is a soul existing in the body of every bird, beast or any other living entity, and therefore Krishna is also present there. We have got this human body after 8,400,000 births, but our bad fortune is that we still cannot understand it."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

"If You Love Me..."
"When you give some offering or puja to your Guru, you think it is only a photograph, but no, you must have strongest faith that Gurudev is there. You think, "We give a garland to Gurudev's photograph, it is just a formality, Gurudev does not really accept it"—why do you think so?"
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Service Aspiration
"Serving your Guru, serving the Lord is the main thing. I have already shown you how you can go to the spiritual world. Whether you get there or not does not depend upon your age or life duration—it only depends on your service, it depends on your heart."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)


17 October 2020 (Divine Appearance Day of His Divine Grace, Sri Vyasa Puja Maha-Mahotsav; Worldwide address)
"Inconceivable, Unbelievable, and Unimaginable"
"Everybody is giving their love and affection and all together making this day for me. Actually, I am getting shy to make my birthday festival, but devotees are always enthusiastic to make this festival, even in this pandemic situation..."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 10 min)

Clearing Contradictions
"Everybody's vision and feelings are not the same. Sometimes, you look like a man, but at other times, you deal or talk with others like a demon. Krishna lives in all living entities. However, we sometimes see there is also a demon living in the heart of the jiva soul."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

A Very Busy Day
"Phone calls have been coming today from all over the world starting from 3:30-4 o'clock in the morning. Everyone is calling me continuously. Not only in foreign countries they are making big festivals today, but also in all the temples, centres here in India..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min)

Service with Full Enthusiasm
"The most important thing is that all the devotees are with me. 'Maharaj, where you are, that is Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math—and we will go wherever you are!' When I hear devotees say this, my heart overflows."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)


17 October 2020 (His Divine Grace's Divine Appearance Day; speaking to devotees in Vijayawada)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 12 min • Size: 5.7 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

'You Are My Great Friends'
'Actually, I was not born in a very big family. I was born in a small and low family, but by the mercy of Gurudev and all the devotees' love and affection, even those who are senior to me, who are my guru-varga, are giving me so much love and respect. This is my real wealth and my great fortune. This is not an ordinary matter for me; it is something great.'


17 October 2020 (His Divine Grace's Divine Appearance Day; speaking to devotees in Russia and Ukraine)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 8 min • Size: 3.7 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

'I Am at Your Service'
'I have seen how many times Gurudev went abroad to reach out to you all, to touch your heart and how much love and affection he gave to you all. Gurudev chose me as his perfect dog for his service, and I am always at your service: you can use me in any way, in any place.'


17 October 2020 (His Divine Grace's Divine Appearance Day; speaking to devotees in London)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 20 min • Size: 8.2 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Enriched with Service
'So many phone calls have been coming the whole day from early in the morning – they are giving me so many good wishes. It is giving me much inspiration and enthusiasm for service. I am getting power and much energy from the devotees.'

Internal Inconsistencies
'We say humbly that every jiva soul is part of the Lord, but sometimes, along with the Lord, there can also be some bad thoughts, some devil working in our hearts. That is a big problem. These things depend upon one's devotion and faith.'

Big Temple Is Not All
'Even if there is a small temple, a small place with five–ten people staying there, but if they always glorify Gurudev, always singing the songs of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and preach about Mahaprabhu, that is sufficient for us and that is more important for us.'

Servitor's Pride
'Gurudev always told that in this Age of Kali, it is very difficult to conquer Maya, the illusory environment, and it is very difficult to conquer pratistha (name and fame). You can conquer kanak (thirst for money) and kamini (attraction to women), but it is very hard to give up pratistha.'


17 October 2020 (His Divine Grace's Divine Appearance Day; speaking to devotees in South Africa)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 9 min • Size: 3.6 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Practise, Preach and Proceed
'We must always be careful. We must preach Mahaprabhu's message properly, and we must go door to door distributing His message everywhere. This is the main duty in our lives. If you make big buildings, big houses, what is the use if devotees do not live there?'


17 October 2020 (His Divine Grace's Divine Appearance Day; speaking to devotees in Colombia and Venezuela)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 23 min • Size: 10.8 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Serve Carefully
'You cannot proceed in your spiritual life, you cannot prosper in your spiritual life without service to Vaishnavs and devotees. It is necessary to serve devotees. This is the main thing in our lives. This is our Vaishnav culture.'

'My Actual Happiness'
'It is the quality that matters: devotees are giving themselves, giving their hearts to their guru... When I see devotees all over the world bowing themselves down at the lotus feet of Gurudev, that is my actual happiness, this is what actually pleases me.'

Always Chant
'When you are resting, taking prasadam or even going to the bathroom, you can also chant the Holy Name at that time but without beads. Always chant loudly; when you see devotees, say, "Hare Krishna!" Always chant Krishna's Name, it is good for you.'


18 October 2020
My Fortune and My Promise
"Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math is my real family. I am very fortunate and very grateful. I will try to serve all the devotees to the best of my ability until my death, until the moment I leave this body. That is my promise."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Rare Jewels
"I always remember so many great souls who are not with us anymore. So many householder devotees have made this kind of sacrifice—actually, they look like householders, but their mind, heart, their everything is more than a sannyasi."
Download / listen to the audio (7.6 Mb, 18 min)

Root of Devotion
"If you want to conquer illusory environment, it is necessary to have the mercy of Guru and Vaishnavs. Guru-kripa is the root of your creeper of devotion. If you cut your creeper at the root, your devotion, your practice will dry just like a tree dries up when uprooted."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)

Remembering Right Things
"First practise chanting the Holy Name, concentrate your mind on service, and when you come to the highest position in your worship (bhajan), then you can ask such questions. We must first practise Krishna consciousness properly, chant the Holy Name, because our heart, mind is always busy with nonsense things."
Download / listen to the audio (4.7 Mb, 12 min)

Shifting Priorities
"Why is it necessary to be sad? It is maya that always makes us unhappy. Whether you are happy or unhappy, always remember Lord Krishna. That is the ultimate advice. Always chant the Holy Name, never forget the Lord—not when you are happy, not when you are sad."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)


25 October 2020
Loving Service
"You are all liberated souls, you are trying to make your Guru happy—you are giving everything for the service of your Guru. You are doing this and getting taste. You can enter your home through your service mood."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)

Do Not Jump Into Maya
"If you send a letter to the Lord, you will not get any answer, but if you send a letter to your Guru, you will immediately get an answer from the Lord because Gurudev is the closest, dearmost friend of the Lord. We must proceed in our spiritual life following this process."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)

Srila Lochan Das Thakur Mahasay
"Srila Lochan Das Thakur is a follower of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu—he belonged to His line. Srila Lochan Das Thakur was born in Burdwan district and he was a disciple of Sri Narahari Thakur. The name of Srila Lochan Das Thakur's father is Sri Kamalakar Das, and his mother's name is Sri Sadanandi..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min)

About Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhar
"Know your place when you serve, do not cross the line. Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhar are extremely high Deities. They are worshipped only in very rare places, that is because the relationship between Sri Gaura and Sri Gadai is a very confidential, very high."
Download / listen to the audio (4.6 Mb, 11 min)

Fundamental Mood of Kirtan
"The perfect mood is humility, tolerance and giving honour to others. Chant the Holy Name without offence, try to engage yourself in the service of the mission, of your guru. Chant without offence, serve without offence, and you will succeed in your spiritual life."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Sincere Ego-Free Relationship
"Everybody's focus must be one—everybody must think that we are all godbrothers and godsisters, and our main goal is to serve our Guru, to please our Guru. This is not a competition. This is not some fight. Do not become jealous. If envy comes to you, then you yourself will be getting pain from that—you yourself will be losing."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min)

Nonsense Sacrifice
"People used to cut people's necks, and now in lieu of that, since it is not possible to kill people, they kill a buffalo... People cannot control their material desires, anger, and many other bad elements within. They will suffer in the age of Kali!"
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)




1 November 2020
Our Main Problem
"Our main problem is that we are always busy with our body. Almost the entire world is always thinking about their temporary bodies. Such is our situation. Almost everybody here is very much attached to their body."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Search For Original Source
"We always want pleasure, happiness, love affection, but we will never get it from this material world. Our Gurudev has told us very clearly how we must practise, how we can attain our destination, where the source is and how to reach that kind of source. Those who can give proper attention to this, must succeed."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min)

Vyasadev's Gift (1)
"When Gurudev was in Australia in 1992, he gave one lecture. I have got the Bengali translation of that lecture and was proof reading it today. It is a very nice lecture, I want to tell you about it."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min)

Vyasadev's Gift (2)
"Who we are? What must we do? How can we get relief? This is all transcendental knowledge of atma-tattva. Those who do not see anything [who have no real, transcendental vision] ask so many questions, but we must understand what is the main purpose of this life. If you read Srimad Bhagavatam, you will understand it."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

Leave Questioning Mood
"I have told you—there is only one question, and the answer is also only one. Surrender to the Lord. Have full faith. Shyness, shame, fear—keep everything at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna, Srimati Radharani, or Gurudev. Do not see things in the mundane, material way. You must see everything in the transcendental way."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)

Fancy Living, Shallow Thinking
"People live like cats and dogs—they use their life for animal enjoyment and have no appreciation, no time to respect sadhus and to follow Krishna consciousness. All the great sadhus and all scriptures tell us about devotion to Lord Krishna, but we have no time to read about it—we always think about our body."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Service Hankering
"You can make your Guru happy even through some small service. The most important thing is that whatever service you do, you must do it with your heart. Whatever you do, do it properly. This is how you can make your Guru happy with your service."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 8 min)


2 November 2020 (Nrisingha Palli)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 40 min • Size: 16.1 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Search Out the Source
'Our relationship is spiritual: we are souls and we are related to the Lord. Until and unless we develop, or revive, this relationship in our hearts, we must keep looking for the source, which we have come from and which we must search out. We must search for that place.'

Unique Gift to the World
'Vyasadev composed Srimad Bhagavatam from four main verses. Prior to that, he had already written many Puranas, including Padma Purana, Garuda Purana and Agni Purana, Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Mahabharata, but even having composed all those scriptures, he did not feel happy at heart...'

March On
'We have come to this battlefield, and we must fight against Maya (illusory environment). We are fighters. Taking drums and karatals and chanting the Holy Name, we must fight against Maya. If you run away from this battlefield, you will have to surrender to Maya. We cannot do that.'

Intense Service Life
'We must always practise Krishna consciousness. As long as you have service, you must always do service. Do more and more service. Day and night, always do more and more service. We must not make any excuses.'

Patience, Faith and Affection
'We must serve our guru. Until the guru is satisfied, you must carry on doing and doing your service. Do not lose patience. The problem is that we lose patience easily. We lack patience. Our patience will be tested many times, so we must have a lot of patience.'


3 November 2020 (Nrisingha Palli)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 55 min • Size: 24.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Worship Gauranga
'The highest worship of Sri Gauranga is through sankirtan-yajna (the sacrifice of congregational chanting). It is necessary to practise and gradually progress. But first comes faith. This is how you must chant kirtans also. Chanting kirtans is not about tune.'

Keep Your Fire Ablaze
'When a soul forgets Krishna, Maya attacks it. In other words, as soon as we are taken out of the Lord's service, Maya will take this chance and attack us. We must never stay out of sadhus' association.'

Happiness Is Service
'Anxiety, disturbances, and struggle in the material life is the cause of bondage – it does not bring any benefit to your life. If you can accept all the disturbances, troubles, and misery for the Lord's service, you will get a great benefit – your misery is the price for the Lord's happiness.'

Make Kirtan Your All-In-All
'By studying scriptures you cannot get direct service, but if you chant the Holy Name, you can get everything directly. Chanting the Holy Name increases the joy in the Lord's heart – He cannot turn His eyes and look in another direction when one chants His Holy Name.'

Qualification for Kirtan
'I have to say these things, and who listens to it and who does not, it is your matter. Those who listen will pass. Those listen to these things and follow these things will come to the Lord. Mahaprabhu also told everything...'

Sadhus' Surrender
'Guru Maharaj said that in Kali-yuga, there are some people who put tilaks on, wear neckbeads and live as sadhus, but if you get to know them better, you can see that their actual behaviour is contrary to what a sadhu should be like.'

You Must Want To Learn
'The problem is that people do not want to study, do not want to to learn anything. When you come for kirtans, you must take a book with you and chant from the book. Come, chant and learn the kirtans; otherwise, you will not get anywhere. If your Guru or Vaishnavs tell you to do something, but you do not listen, where does that take you?'


7 November 2020 (Tarakeshwar)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 105 min • Size: 54.2 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Damodar's Pastimes
'Damodar means "dam-yoga-udar": "udar" means belly and "dam" is a rope. In this month, Mother Yasoda tied Krishna to a mortar. That place is still there in Gokula, Vrindavan. When Krishna was tied to the mortar, He broke two trees. Do you remember who came out of those trees?'

Cannot Have Foot in Both Camps
'Why will we leave Krishna consciousness? Why do we go to surrender to Maya? If we surrender to Gurudev, then Gurudev will engage us in the service of the Lord as surrendered devotees. But if we surrender to Maya, she will keep us as her prisoners.'

Our Highest Treasure
'Srimad Bhagavad-gita is our main scripture, you must have read it. You will see there sankhya-yoga, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga. It was written by Vyasadev who wrote so many scriptures. But even having written all these scriptures, Vyasadev still felt discontented...'

Two Books for Preaching
'You should read this book. I have written so many books. It is necessary to read them. There are two small books coming out soon, 'Prakrita Utser Sandhane' (In Search of the Original Source) and 'Parama-ananda-maya Dhamer Dhan' (Gift of Transcendental Abode). You can take these books and preach what is written in them.'

Clear Message
'It is not necessary to collect an ocean of knowledge from the scriptures. The only necessity is your chastity and faith in the divine Name of the Lord. How are we getting email, telephone, and television? Through sound. In this material world it is possible, so why is it not possible to connect with the transcendental world through sound?'

Srila Prabhupad's Appeal
'Srila Prabhupad's words are very beautiful, but it is very difficult to realise this – if you cannot feel the spiritual taste and cannot be like that, then it is very difficult. Read these things nicely.'


8 November 2020 (Adhivas of appearance day of Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj)
Our Great Fortune
"Today is a very auspicious day because tomorrow is the appearance day of our Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math's Founder Acharya—our Param Gurudev, Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. I am giving my full humble obeisance at the lotus feet of my beloved Gurudev, and our Param Gurudev...."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Appearance and Early Days
"The name of Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's father is Upendra Chandra Bhattacharya. His birthpalce is in Hapaniya. His mother's name was Sri Gauri Devi. By the will of the Lord, when Srila Sridhar Maharaj appeared, he was the eldest son. How did his parents get this kind of son? There is some history behind it."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Powerful Preaching
"When Srila Sridhar Maharaj left his house and joined Gaudiya Mission, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur was very pleased. Even before taking sannyas, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj was a great preacher. He was always very enthusiastic to preach."
Download / listen to the audio (4.3 Mb, 11 min)

"Service Is My Vow"
"Many people ask me, many people criticise me, but I am a fallen soul, I only know what Gurudev told me—he told me, 'Service is the vow, service is the life force, and service is the duty.' This is what I am following."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min)

Forgetting Yourself
"Give respect to everybody. Basically, tridandi sannyas means to be humble, tolerant, and give honour to others. However, I am bound to say that sometimes they take sannyas or saffron, and their ego becomes very big. They forget that they must serve more. It makes me very sad."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min)

Joy of Good Association
"I do not want to go preaching alone, when there are only two-three devotees. I always want devotees' association. 'Ekaki amara nahi paya bala hari-nama-sankirtane. When I am alone, I get no strength to chant.' Devotees' enthusiasm gives me inspiration."
Download / listen to the audio (5.2 Mb, 13 min)


9 November 2020 (Appearance day of Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj)
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Expanding Gaudiya Math
"Even though I have heard about this a hundred times, it is still my bad fortune—I am a fallen soul—I still have no quality, no qualification to glorify Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Despite this, I will try, by the mercy of Gurudev and devotees, to describe something that I did not mention yesterday."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 10 min)

Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Scriptural Expertise
"Srila Sridhar Maharaj wrote many articles, many works in this life. Srila Prabhupad told about his writing, 'If you can publish this kind of Hari-katha in our monthly newspaper, it will increase the value of our publication.' Srila Prabhupad also remarked that Srila Sridhar Maharaj was 'sastra-nipun' [expert in scriptures]."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Emporium of Greatness
"Even Srila Sridhar Maharaj's godbrothers wanted to hear his Hari-katha because only he could explain Srila Prabhupad's teaching authentically. Srila Sridhar Maharaj did not want to be a king, but he made so many kings in his life. We hear of many symptoms of a Vaishnav, and we see that Srila Sridhar Maharaj possesses all of them."
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min)


13 November 2020 (Preaching programme in Adra/Panskura, Hooghly)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 52 min • Size: 21.6 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Sincerely, Conscientiously and Without Offences
'The Hare Krishna maha-mantra is a sound vibration. If we can chant this sound vibration sincerely, conscientiously and without offences, why can we not reach the Lord? This is what our Guru and Vaishnavs tell us. We can reach the Lord through the medium of the Holy Name if we can chant the Holy Name genuinely.'

Greatest Benefactors
'If you have no fortune, you will not be able to get it. Unless you have such fortune, you cannot serve the Lord, you cannot serve Vaishnavs, you cannot hear Hari-katha, you cannot take shelter at the holy lotus feet of a bona fide guru. It takes spiritual merit of thousands and thousands of births.'

Learn to Call the Lord
'Babies first learn to call their mothers or fathers. If you do not learn to call the Lord, you can never learn to chant the Lord's glories. You must call the Lord by His Name. When you have children at home, you call them by their names, and you keep calling them until they turn. You must show the same for the Lord – you must call out to Him until He turns.'

Loving Service Connection
'Babies first learn to call their mothers or fathers. If you do not learn to call the Lord, you can never learn to chant the Lord's glories. You must call the Lord by His Name. When you have children at home, you call them by their names, and you keep calling them until they turn. You must show the same for the Lord – you must call out to Him until He turns.'

Exclusive Enquiry
'Why must we chant the Holy Name? Why must we practise Krishna consciousness or worship God? What will God give us? This is what we think. If we do not get anything, we do not want to continue serving.'

Rare Birth, Rare Gift
'What does "bringing benefit to others" mean? Does it mean giving people a kg of rice or giving 5 kg of flour by ration? People will eat it for a few days, and it will all come out as stool. After that, they will want more. But there is something that you can get and all your desires will be gone. This is what we must want and what we must look for.'

Devotional Progress
'Mahaprabhu said that nobody can attain the goal of their life without practice. First comes sukriti, then faith, then sadhu-sanga. After that, there is bhajana-kriya, practice. After that, there is anartha-nivritti.'

Step on Clean Path
'Unless you stop doing these four things, you cannot come to this path. You think, "Whatever. I will see when I die! I will eat nicely now." That means cats and dogs eat whatever they see, and you also eat in the same way.'


15 November 2020 (Sri Govardhan Puja Adhivas)
Sri Vraja-Mandal Tattva
"When Krishna wanted to appear in this world, He ordered Srimati Radharani to also come to this world, but Srimati Radharani said, 'I cannot come to a place where there is no Vrindavan, no Yamuna, no Giri Govardhan!' So, Sri Krishna personally brought some land from His own abode. That is why Sri Vraja-mandal is non-different from Goloka Vrindavan."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 8 min)

Appearance of Sri Giriraj Govardhan
"There is one island province to the west of India called Salmalidvip. This is the place where Govardhan appeared as a son of Drona Parvat, Drona Hill. When Govardhan appeared there, all demigods became very happy and showered flowers from the sky..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min)

Sri Govardhan Puja
"Tomorrow is the day when Nanda Maharaj made Govardhan puja, and after that, in Kali-yuga, this annakut utsav was arranged by Sriman Madhavendra Puri. Everybody must worship Govardhan to the best of your capacity."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

Do Not Play With Fire
"If you commit aparadh, you can lose your service. You must control yourself. Give up ego. You think you are managing the temple? Who are you? Have you forgotten your identification that you are a servant of the Lord? Please do not fight. You have so much service in this world—do your service. Do your service within your capacity, and do not cross the line. This is very dangerous for your spiritual life."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min)

Gupta Govardhan and Other Esoteric Pastimes
"There are nine islands in Nabadwip, and Srila Sridhar Maharaj discovered the aparadh-bhanjan-pat and Gupta Govardhan in Koladwip. It is Govardhan as it is, but Srila Sridhar Maharaj himself identified Sri Govinda Kunda and said that it was Gupta Govardhan...."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Internal and External Evolution
"No matter what problems may come, you must not leave your service. Today doing, tomorrow not doing—not like that. You are an eternal servant, you are not a servant for two hours. Everybody wants to get to their destination, but some come late or miss their train."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 9 min)


17 November 2020 (Preaching programme in Radhapur, Hooghly)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 63 min • Size: 26.6 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Satiating Hunger for Hari-Katha
'The thing is that you must understand why sadhus come to people's houses. I do not come to anybody's house to waste their rice. I come hoping that I can help you in some way, hoping that you can get some help through me. I know that I am an ordinary man, but I cannot deny what my Guru Maharaj has given me.'

Service Arrangement
'If you have a strong desire, you can hear about the Lord and you can serve devotees. And there is proof to that. People know that I go for preaching in a car, so many say, "Maharaj does not go to poor people"s houses. He goes to rich people"s houses." But what kind of poor house did I go to the other day?'

Humble Service Mood
'Do not show your ego and pride to the Lord. The Lord never stays where there is ego. Those who have a high birth, knowledge and wealth are very proud of themselves, but the Lord is more merciful to those who are poor and needy.'

Attaining Unattainable
'If we chant the transcendental sound vibration properly, sincerely, every day, why cannot we come to the Lord? We definitely can! Gurudev says that we can do it, and if Gurudev says something, then it must happen – we must be able to reach that abode if we can sincerely practise Krishna consciousness.'

Advent of Govardhan
'When Lord Krishna prepared His advent, He ordered Srimati Radharani, "You must come too," but Srimati Radharani refused, "I will not come. There is no Vrindavan, there is no Yamuna, there is no Govardhan – I will not go there!" Then, Krishna came to this world bringing Yamuna, Vrindavan and all other paraphernalia to make sure that Radharani would come too.'

Worship of Govardhan
'Nanda Maharaj had many cows, and if there was no rain and wind, how will the grass grow? And if there was no grass, what would the cows eat? So, Nanda Maharaj would worship Indra, and all the Vraja gopas and gopis followed his example.'

Govardhan-Dhari Gopal
'Madhavendra Puri walked from Bengal or Odisha all the way to Govardhan. He came to Govinda Kunda and was sitting on the bank, chanting the Holy Name. One day, a twelve-year-old boy came to him...'

Search and Surrender
'If you send a letter to the Lord, you will not get a reply, but if you send your letter to your Gurudev, if you speak to your Gurudev, then you can get some news about the Lord. Therefore, it is necessary to come to a bona fide guru. When you take shelter at a bona fide guru and get sadhu-sanga, you must practise Krishna consciousness.'


18 November 2020 (Disappearance of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Srila Prabhupad)
Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad's Mission
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj reads and translates from Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya-mukta-mala [the text of the chapter is presented here], "We have heard a hundred times that if we glorify Vaishnavs, it gives great benefit, but even though we have heard it a thousand times, how much are we able to glorify Vaishnavs from our heart? How much can we serve Vaishnavs with heart and soul? This is the question. I do not know such words to describe the glory of this kind of personality, but I have heard something from Gurudev's lotus mouth and I want to say something from what I have heard..."
Download / listen to the audio (8.4 Mb, 20 min)


20 November 2020 (Preaching programme)

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Duration: 64 min • Size: 26.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Result of Great Fortune
'Nobody can practise Krishna consciousness without being a fortunate soul. There are so many people in this world, but they do not want to understand these things. They always live amidst their ego and pride...'

Beyond the Walls of Your Ego
'When you come to Goloka, you will get love and affection, peace. You cannot get these things by worshipping Kali. When you worship Kali, you only think of enjoyment, and when you think of enjoyment, it only leads to fights and quarrels.'

Hanker and Try
'Mother Yasoda wanted to bind Krishna, but every time she tried to do it, the rope was two fingers too short. These two fingers are desire and mercy. Desire means trying, making an effort. For Krishna, you must try and try continuously, without stop. "I am tired", "I do not like to do it" – no!'

Govardhan's Arrangement
'In the west of India, somewhere near Karnataka, there is an island called Salmaladwip. I do not know the modern name, but the name mentioned in our scriptures is Salmaladwip. Created by the Lord, that island is formed by a mountain that is higher than even the Himalayas.'

Krishna, Stealer of Pride
'Waking up, He came out of His room and saw that His mother had prepared so many nice things. He took one sweetball. Mother Yasoda saw it and scolded Him, "Hey! Put that down! Do you not know that it is Indra-puja day today?"'

Annakut Mahotsav
'Do you know who made an annakut mahotsav in Kali-yuga? Sri Madhavendra Puripad, who is the root guru of our sampradaya. He also worshipped Govardhan and Govardhan-dhari Gopal. If you read Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, you will find this pastime narrated there very beautifully.'

Who Are You? Where Are You?
'We are suffering from the agony of the three-fold miseries because we have forgotten the Lord. To give us a solution from this misery, the Lord Himself says that we must take shelter at His holy lotus feet.'

Enter Service Plane
'We must feel that the Lord is our own. We must feel a pull towards service. There must be seva-pravrtti, service mood, service drive. This is what we must be attracted and drawn to. Giving honour to somebody, or respecting somebody, means showing affection to them.'

Taking the Holy Name
'Why do people chant the Holy Name but do not get the result quickly? Because they make offences. Learn the ten offences by heart and avoid them. If you chant the Holy Name in this way, you will get the result quickly.'


21 November 2020 (Evening class, Tarakeshwar)

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Duration: 119 min • Size: 59.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

My Worst Misfortune
'The Lord Himself says, "I have kept all My power within My Holy Name, and you can chant My Name at any time." You can chant the Holy Name at any and every time – when you are on a bus, when you are driving, when you are eating, lying down, sitting.'

Live for Service
'If we are walking down the street and see some cows' dung or dogs' stool, we do not step on it but walk around it. In the same way, many obstacles and bad, dirty things will come on this path of devotion. We must avoid all that. We must not smear those things on our bodies.'

Remembering Gadadhar Pandit
'You should accept even committing an offence for the service of the Lord, but you should never accept any offence for your own enjoyment. But we do just the opposite. We are not afraid to commit any sin for our own enjoyment...'

Advaita Acharya's Mystic Personality
'Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu is a particle of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mahavisnu, the primeval all-cognisant Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore, he belongs to Visnu-tattva, being non-different from the Lord.'


22 November 2020 (Disappearance of Sri Gadadhar Das Goswami, Srila Dhananjaya Pandit, and Srila Srinivas Acharya Prabhu)
Core of Life
"We always want the association of the grantha-bhagavat and Vaishnav-bhagavat—if we can get this kind of association, it is very good for us. All Vaishnavs, all guru-varga come to this world to give nourishment to such fallen souls as myself. Otherwise, if such personalities did not come to this world, what hope would we have?"
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min)

Sri Gadadhar Das Goswami
"Sri Gadadhar Das Goswami is an eternal associate of Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sriman Nityananda Prabhu. At first, he lived in Katwa, and later, after Mahaprabhu's disappearance, he moved to a village on the bank of the Ganges...."
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Appearance of Acharya Srinivas
"Having received Mahaprabhu's blessing and mercy, Chaitanya Das and his wife returned to their house in Gaura-desh. Their son was born and, seeing his beautiful son, Chaitanya Das immediately declared, 'I will give this son to the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu for His service.'"
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Acharya Srinivas: Collecting Mercy
"Srinivas Acharya received Sri Narahari Thakur and Govinda Gosh Thakur's mercy from his childhood. Later, when Acharya Srinivas's father left his body, Srinivas and his mother then came to his mother's family house in Jajigram..."
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Acharya Srinivas: Rescuing Scriptures
"So many things are written about Acharya Srinivas. There is a famous pastime of Srila Srinivas Acharya and Raja Birhambir. Srila Srinivas Acharya, Srila Narottam Das Thakur, and Srila Shyamananda Prabhu were once travelling with all the books of Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Sanatan Goswami, and others..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 5 min)

Take Care of Yourself
"Always do service, always think about your Guru, think about your spiritual life. This is what I want from you. Devotees go to work, but they must think about their spiritual life—they must set some time for their spiritual life, spiritual benefit."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)


27 November 2020 (Nrisingha Palli)

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Duration: 31 min • Size: 12.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Kirtan – Highest Practice
'Kali-yuga people do not want to study, to learn anything. They do not want to read books. People are busy with their mobile phones, television, the internet and the wifi connection. Kali-yuga people's minds are always fickle. These fickle minds should always chant kirtan, then they will become peaceful.'

Three Pillars of Spiritual Life
'Mahaprabhu made such a nice arrangement for this Kali-yuga. In Satya-yuga, people used to meditate for thousands and thousands of years, famishing their bodies to almost nothing.'

Outer and Inner Surrender
'Our main purpose in life is to be able to submit all these senses, submit everything that is good or bad within us, at the holy feet of our gurudev and the Lord. Our duty is to submit ourselves at the holy feet of the Lord. We must never forget this. We must always think about it.'

Drowning in Maya
'The more you run towards Maya, the more Maya will attack you. We say, "I will leave my family", "I will leave my family", "I do not want to live with my family", "I will do this, that" – and we want to leave our material life, we may have left it, but the problem is that material life is not leaving us.'

Still Waters Run Deep
'We are attacked by six robbers who take everything from us. When lust attacks, you feel greed, hankering, you behave bad; when anger attacks you become angry, and so on. In my life, I have tried to raise so many people, I have tried to make good men out of them...'


29 November 2020
Ongoing Agenda
"By the mercy of Gurudev, I am today in Nrisingha Palli. I know that it is our zoom programme today, but I also had so much service here at the construction site today and there is still much left to do tomorrow—and it turned out that the connection here is very nice. So, I am giving this online class today from here."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)

Sober Householder Life
"Even if you live as a householder, you can still try to preach. It is possible. I am telling to everyone—the minimum requirement for all householders is that you must give 50% of your labour to your family and minimum 50% to your Gurudev. You must spend minimum 50% of your time on service and spiritual life."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Learn, Practise, and Preach
"We must preach properly. We must reach everyone, door to door. Practising must be door to door! I like this kind of preaching that was inaugurated by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, Srila Prabhupad. Mahaprabhu said, 'Preach village to village!' Srila Prabhupad said, 'Go door to door!' and our Gurudev and Guru Maharaj said, 'Reach to everyone, heart to heart.'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)

Duare Duare Prachar
"This is very urgent, very important. You may have a temple, and you think, 'Oh, I am opening a centre, everyone must come to me!' It is not so easy for people to come to your temple in this age of Kali! You have to take your temple and go to everyone's door!"
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min)

Superficial Speculation
"(1) This is what is said in the scriptures. If your position is like this or you can bring yourself to this position, or level, then, yes, Krishna will hear your prayer. (2) Why was it necessary? What is the reason of it? We cannot judge what is necessary and what is not necessary. If something is to happen by the will of Krishna, who can stop it? It does not depend on us or anybody else."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

Cow's Milk
"What makes you think you can take such a decision not to offer milk to the Lord? I do not support this. You must offer milk to the Deities, and if you personally do not like to take milk, that is your decision. We do not take any food—we take prasadam."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

Danger of Deviation
"This is the first explanation Krishna gives. When Arjuna heard it, he was not happy—he still did not want to fight. Only when Krishna spoke about bhakti-yoga did Arjuna gradually start to understand it and eventually changed his mind. However, we think in another way..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min)

My Solace
"Gurudev is always in my heart, and I think and understand that I am also always in Gurudev's heart, then they can only try to throw me out of a building, but they can never throw me out of Gurudev's heart and out of devotees' hearts. That is my solace."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min)


30 November 2020 (Speaking to devotees worldwide)

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Duration: 49 min • Size: 26.4 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Understanding Religion of Kali-Yuga
'So, today is Rasa Purnima. This day is celebrated in many places, that is why I said that I could give another class on this day. But at present it is very difficult to understand this movement of Krishna consciousness or the divinity of Lord Jagannath and Mahaprabhu. It is very rare to find this kinds of soul who will listen to the conception of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu properly.'

Who Is Mahaprabhu?
'Who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? I will quote you some examples of verses from many scriptures that appeared before Mahaprabhu came in this Age of Kali that prove that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the Lord. This Gaurahari is eternal. His name is eternal. His beauty is eternal. And His every associate is eternal. Everything about Him is eternal.'

Understanding Lord Jagannath
'We use Lord Jagannath, we use Lord Nrisingha for our own interest, that is why we cannot see understand, we cannot realise, we cannot understand Lord Jagannath or Lord Nrisinghadev. "We only want to serve You" – this should be our only ardent, earnest request.'

Mahaprabhu's Mystic Pastimes
'You are all very honourable persons, and I would like to tell you about Mahaprabhu. So many of His pastimes took place in Puri and during the Ratha-yatra time.'

Small Service, Great Heart
'There are so many pastimes that Mahaprabhu showed in Puri. One time, Mahaprabhu sent Pradyumna Misra to Raya Ramananda to hear Krishna-katha. There is also another Mahaprabhu's pastime that I would like to remind you of.'

Love and Appreciate Mahaprabhu's Gift
'Mahaprabhu gives His own devotion, His own wealth and property. He is ready to distribute this kind of mercy, that is why He appeared in this Age of Kali. He comes to distribute the real sweet mood, divinity, and all transcendental wealth. This is the external cause. There is another, internal cause also.'

Highest Devotion
'Krishna Himself showed the example of how much love and affection Vraja gopis have for Him when Narad Goswami came to see Him in Dvaraka. So, in short, we can say why is Vraja gopis' devotion the highest? Because Krishna Himself established this.'




1 December 2020 (Preaching programme in Sirajpur)

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Duration: 31 min • Size: 13 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Traversing Unconscious Lives
'Even though the souls born in a human body have more intelligence, they still behave like dogs and jackals. I feel much pain to see it. We took birth in this country to help others, but we do not even know what is good for us.'

Detach Yourself from Maya
'This life is not eternal, it will pass, and it is full of dangers – so many problems will come. But even amidst all the problems, try your best to take shelter of the Holy Name and carry on your life.'

Escape Parasitic Existence
'The Lord says, "I have created Maya, and through her, I will keep you away from Me. But I will also give you something by practising which you can reach Me and your home." Which will you take?'

Path of Aural Reception
'If your phone battery does not have charge or if there is no network, then you will hear no sound. In the same way, if there is some adulteration, or impurity, in your chanting – if your chanting is not pure – you will not be able to reach the Lord. Pure chanting means chanting without offences.'

Searching for Maya or the Lord?
'Therefore, we must search for the right thing. If we want to know something good, we must come to the person who knows it. You come to the programmes, you listen to Hari-katha, but none of you come to this line... Being controlled by some trifle greed, you cannot leave your material life and come to this line.'


4 December 2020 (Preaching programme in Kalarait, Kolkata)

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Duration: 96 min • Size: 40.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Demolish Wall of Ego
'The sun rises in the east, but if there is a wall in some place, the sunlight will not come there. So, we all have such walls within us – they are the walls of ego. Just as the sunlight cannot enter a place that is blocked by a wall, devotees cannot set their foot into the houses of proud people and cannot stay in the hearts of such people.'

Live in Hari-Katha
'Spend whatever time you get listening about the Lord, then you will see that your heart will become purified. Then, if your heart becomes pure – if all impurities leave your heart – the Lord, or Vaishnavs, will stay in it.'

Do Not Waste Time
'We work so hard day and night always thinking how to protect and save this body. We are so busy that we do not get time to chant the Holy Name of the Lord, what to speak of serving the Lord. We have got this body from the Lord, but we do not have time for Him.'

Waiting—Not Wanting
'When we get old, we cannot do much. It is necessary to practise Krishna consciousness from a young age. When you hear Hari-katha, when you hear these things, wasting time or waiting will not do you any good. '

Focus on the Lord
'The Lord says, "I have given you a tongue and a mouth only so that you can chant the Holy Name, but you are not doing it! I will send you into a body where you can only eat! You will become a cow and only eat grass the whole day." So, stop all your idle talks and only chant the Holy Name of Krishna.'

Stepping over Liberation
'We do not want heaven because we know that if we go to heaven, we will have to come back once our pious merit finishes. So, we do not want to go to heaven, neither do we want to attain liberation...'

Beyond Karma-Misra Bhakti
'People pray to the Lord for material happiness, and the Lord gives them much happiness. If you ask Krishna for enjoyment or liberation instead of devotion, the Lord will give you everything, but He will not give you devotion.'

Evading Maya's World
'Maya Devi herself does not have any power, but when she gets power from Me, she takes living entities away from Me and engages them in her own service – she makes everyone forget Me.'

Descend of Scriptures
'I have told you about the origin of Srimad Bhagavatam briefly. The whole story is much longer. You can read it in the small book we have recently published. I have written Upadesh 1, 2, 3 and 4 in plain language. If you read these four volumes, you can learn everything. Read these scriptures, you will get benefit.'

Please Come Home!
'Return to the Lord! Come back to your home! Loving search for the lost servant: Lord is search for you all because we are His lost servants. When a father loses his child, the father cries for his son, and the son also cries for his father. We too must cry like that for the Lord.'

Do Not Live Like Outside People
'Do not live like people from the outside world. According to them, the Lord must sleep until ten o'clock. They go to sleep at midnight and sleep until nine–ten o'clock in the morning. This is all bad habits! You must go to bed early, not later than ten o'clock, and wake up at four o'clock in the morning for mangal-arati.'

Fruits of faith
'When a jiva's faith grows strong, Maya will leave it and goes away. Where there is light, there can be no darkness. Where there is Krishna, Maya has no right to be there. Wherever there is Hari-katha, Maya goes far away from that place.'

Pure Sankirtan in Pure Association
'Chanting in bad association may sound like the Holy Name, but such chanting can never be the real Holy Name. Brother, if you want to chant the Holy Name, then you must have good association.'

Covet All, Lose All
'When people hear about the rasa-lila, they think that the pastimes of Radha-Krishna are the same as when boys and girls in this world fall in love. But this is not the same! This kind of conscousness only cheats people out of devotion.'

Kali-Yuga Brahmans
'All Vaishnavs are brahmans, but brahmanism stands on the lowest steps of the ladder of Vaishnavism. Vaishnavs' qualities are much greater than the qualities of brahmans. If a brahman practises Krishna consciousness in realisation of sambandha-jnana, he can become a Vaishnav—by the mercy of Vishnu, he can be saved from the hands of impersonalists and become an unadulturated brahman, or a Vaishnav.'


6 December 2020
Soul's Ultimate Happiness
"It is important and necessary for us to hear these things—how we must practise, how we will get our real benefit. These are the main things in our spiritual life. Sixty thousand rishis asked Srila Suta Goswami a question, 'What is ultimately good for a jiva soul?'"
Download / listen to the audio (8.6 Mb, 21 min)

Burning One's Own Fortune
"If somebody thinks they came to the temple and wasted their life there, it means they do not see their own fault. Use your eyes to see your own faults, not others'. Those who have tolerance can stay longer, can practise more, whereas those who stay at the temple but think about material things, material enjoyment, leave the temple and go to another life."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 10 min)

Dhenukasur's Fate
"If you have the means (the capacity) to spend money for the Lord, you must do it. Otherwise you will reap the fate of those trees that were cursed and had to be born in a forest where not even birds or beasts entered, only some demon donkey lived there."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

Internal Purity
"Mercy is always necessary, and we must always try to be good. We must listen properly from our Guru, we must give ourselves to the service of our Gurudev without any second thoughts. Gurudev always says that you must have a good character, you must always tell the truth, and follow his instruction, you must not follow your mind."
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min)

Stay In Gurudev's Heart
"You must try to stay in Gurudev's heart through your service, good behaviour, and good practice. We are alive in this world now, and we are suffering from so many diseases and elements, so we must always practise Krishna consciousness—we must always remember our Gurudev, Guru Maharaj, Prabhupad, as well as the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min)


8 December 2020 (Preaching programme in Bhagavanpur)

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Duration: 27 min • Size: 11 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Refine Your Destination
'There is something that you can get and all your desires will go away – we must go back to our homes, to the Lord. You think that whatever place you are staying in at present is your home because your father or grandfather has built it. But this is not your home.'

Devotional Clothes or Devotional Heart?
'You must learn how you must behave when sadhus, gurus and Vaishnavs come to you all the way from Nabadwip. You must think how you will make an effort to serve them, how you will give prasad to them, how you will arrange everything for them.'

Inside and Outside
'We do not worship Gora to impress others. It is necessary to awaken your consciousness. Who am I? Why am I suffering? I am a servant of a servant of a servant's servant.'

Beauty of Kirtan
'We are souls ruined by Kali, we do not understand anything. But even those who have taken initiation also forget that we must be humbler than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, and it is necessary to give honour to others.'

Search for Your Original Home
'Back to God, back to home. Please come back to the Lord, come back to your home! Search for your own home. If we are to return to the Lord, we must accept Mahaprabhu's teachings: the Harinama maha-mantra.'


8 December 2020 (Evening class at the Midnapore temple)

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Duration: 42 min • Size: 19.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Road to Home Is Paved with Hari-Kirtan
'This life is uncertain and full of many kinds of danger. We may have to leave this world at any time. At the same time, it is no use living for one hundred years. Even if you live here for only ten years, it is sufficient if you chant the Holy Name during this time.'

'Wake Up!'
'You promised that you would serve the Lord, but what did you do instead? You did not do it! Then, as you sow, so you reap. You have got this fleeting lifetime, this fleeting human birth, so please worship the Lord genuinely, think about the Lord.'

Appeal of Spiritual World
'We want eternity, we want love, we want affection, we want mercy and ecstasy. These are our hankerings, but this mundane world cannot successfully give any of these things to us. You can find some love in this world, but it is temporary and selfish. Real love comes from above, from the spiritual world.'

Search for Reality the Beautiful
'Only when it comes to believing in God are we very unfortunate. Come to the faithful level and try from there. Srnvantu visve amrtasya putra: you are all the sons of nectar; you must search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful, and you will get everything.'

Faith Is Not Idleness
'Search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful, and you will get everything: the transcendental world will manifest itself to you, and you can get one of the five kinds of relationship with the Lord.'


13 December 2020 (Vaishnav-seva programme in Basirhat, noon)

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Duration: 51 min • Size: 40.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Spiritual Sincerity and Chastity
'Gurudev often spoke about is chastity and sincerity. Sincerity means, "I am doing this service, so I will do it every day." "Today I do it, tomorrow I will not do it." You cannot be like that. You know what chastity means in its material sense, in relation to the material world. But in the spiritual sense, it means being chaste to your gurudev.'

Half-Hen Ill Logic
'We say that we respect Srila Govinda Maharaj, but we do not respect the person whom he seated as the guru – we do not respect and do not listen to the person whom he left to nurture and take care of you all. What is this? How does this work?'

Purpose of Birth
'There is another thing you must always remember. Having gone through all those births, we have now got this birth in India. The meaning of this life is to do good for others. What does it mean? "Doing good for others" means that we must practise Krishna consciousness.'

Transform Your Life Inside and Outside
'It is my prayer to you all to leave your petty attachments and practise Krishna consciousness. If you serve the Lord, then whatever you do, you will do it for the Lord, and your whole life will become Krishna-centred. It is necessary to become Krishna conscious.'

Run behind Krishna
'Genuine devotees do not run behind money – rather, money run behind them. Devotees have the Lord. By seeing Him, you will not want to see anything else. He is so beautiful and so merciful that the whole world is mesmerised by it.'

Power of Kirtan
'If you chant the Holy Name earnestly, loudly, your kirtan will reach Goloka and the Lord – then the Lord will pull you out of here and bring you to Him! If we can attain this, we will not have to return from there to this world ever again.'

Become a Servant
'The Lord will certainly know you! If you can become His servant (das), the Lord will bring you to Himself, but if you call yourself Goldar, the Lord will not recognise you. Become a servant (das), not a Goldar, then the Lord will know you.'

Beg for Spiritual Life
'Our minds should always stay in holy places, where there are talks about the Lord, where there is Hari-katha, where Vaishnavs are. Our minds must be in the kirtan of the guru and Vaishnavs, in the Hari-katha of the guru and Vaishnavs.'


13 December 2020 (Preaching programme in Basirhat, evening)

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Duration: 23 min • Size: 11.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Uncling from Maya
'We may hear only two things from our gurudev, but that can, and must, guide and mould our whole life. But the problem is that we cannot leave material world... We only want to eat well, dress well, live well, sleep well. This is how we are becoming deha-rami – we live only for pleasing our senses.'

Surrender or Lose
'You have your mind, heart, body; what else do you have? Money, wealth, houses, cars – these are all temporary things. You must surrender your mind, heart and body to the Lord, you must surrender to the holy feet of the Lord, then only will we get genuine benefit. There is no other way to get such benefit.'

Control Yourself
'If you cannot control the urge of speech, the urge of anger, the urge of lust, the urge of stomach, what to speak of getting any result – whatever you have earned, or achieved, will all be destroyed.'

Purged Perpetrator
'First, an offence is made to Vaishnavs; when that offence grows, it becomes an offence to the holy feet of the guru; and when it grows even more, it becomes an offence to the holy feet of the Lord. The example of this is Ramachandra Puri.'

Disciples' Pitfalls
'If you try to show off your pratistha or try to glorify yourself – it will be an offence. You must never behave defensively. Never argue to prove that you are right. Never do this with your guru: whatever gurudev says, that is right and that is the final decision.'


13 December 2020
Do Away With Gossiping
"We do service, we have so many good qualities, we worship the Lord and His devotees, but if we at the same time nurture some bad qualities inside us, we cannot progress in our spiritual life. Never speak bad about anybody. It is not necessary to say such things."
Download / listen to the audio (6.1 Mb, 15 min)

Be Part of Krishna Consciousness Movement
"You always charge the battery of your phone, and in the same way you must charge your spiritual 'battery'. I am telling this to everybody through you. Every country must have programmes in this way. Everybody must join Krishna-sankirtan movement."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

Humility—Not To Misconceptions
"If we do not expose other conceptions' faults, how will we prove the superiority of our consciousness? When I told you not to criticise, I mean not to criticise Vaishnavs and not to gossip or discuss others. If you can understand these things, you can harmonise it."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Initiation: Beyond Formality
"If you only take the initiation and a few days later forget your guru, forget the service of your guru, then how can you be happy through that? If you do not think about all this and just take initiation, what will be the result?"
Download / listen to the audio (0.9 Mb, 2 min)

Fight Your Ego
"They are Gurudev's devotees, they must do something for their practising life. If you always search others' faults, the whole life will finish and one day death will come and you will not be able to overcome it. If they think, 'We know everything!' they have a big problem."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)

Sober Interaction
"If you follow our guru-varga, then 'sweet relationship' means you sometimes talk with others, but you talk for service. Except for Krishna-katha, everything else is nonsense talks. So, it will be better if you talk with others only about Krishna-katha. Try to avoid other kinds of relationship, it will be good for you, good for everybody also."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min)

'You Are My All-In-All'
"Everybody should remember Gurudev's appearance day, always think about it every day. When Gurudev left this world, I thought my head, shoulders, everything was gone, I was like a doll, or a statue, but when I see you all, I get back my life, my heart, etc."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min)


14 December 2020 (Basirhat, noon class)

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Duration: 83 min • Size: 42.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Grave Warning
'A bona fide guru gives a danger signal – he gives the right advice at the right time. If you listen to the advice or guidance of your guru, you will be benefitted. Those who do not listen to it fall down.'

Pull of Material Life
'You have fallen into the burning agony of the misery of material life, have you not?... The more material life attacks you, the stronger its hold is. When you stop serving the Lord, Maya uses you in her service. You understand that material life is temporary and untrue, that is why this life is full of suffering.'

Awakening Inner Longing
'Many people worship Deities out of fear, but some people worship the Lord with their hearts and souls. Do you think it is the same? Somebody loves gurudev with all their heart, keeping a loving relationship with gurudev with all their heart and soul; and somebody waits for gurudev to leave and then does whatever they want. This is not love.'

Private Service Stays Private
'A devotee asked me recently, "Why do you not worship the yugala-murti (Deities of Radha-Krishna)?" I told him, "Who told you that we do not worship Them? Do you think that we will show this worship openly, like you all do?"'

Universal Religion
'Many people say that vaishnav-dharma is just a part of sanatana-dharma (eternal, universal religion). It is not so. Vaishnav-dharma is the main religion, and all religions came from it. We should not come anywhere close to any other religions – we should show them respect from far away; and if they come close to us, we must explain to them why vaishnav-dharma is the highest and main religion.'

On Others' Offences
'Those who make offence to a Vaishnav get the result of their actions. Do not worry about it. But you must make sure that you do not make offence yourself. If you hear somebody criticising Vaishnavs, this is bad and those who do it make an offence, but if you tell somebody about it, you will be also committing an offence. '

Unburden Yourself
'Who am I to make anything? Am I the owner or the master? He is the master of the whole creation, so He will do everything. When I face some trouble, I pray to the Lord, "O Lord, this is all Your arrangement – You have created this problem, so You sort it out."'

Benefactor's Gift
'People tell me, "He is an acharya, but he does house to house?" What of that? Will I become impure by going house to house? Mahaprabhu Himself went door to door. It is my duty to go to people, door to door. We must always do small service.'

Exclusive Path
'Those who say that they are devotee of Krishna are not genuine devotees. It is not so easy to become a devotee of the Lord! How can you become a Hare Krishna bhakta if you have not become even a Vaishnav yet? Many people chant Hare Krishna, but it is not the real Holy Name – it is only external letters.'

Behind Closed Doors
'The other day, a devotee who stays at one of the temples asked me, "Maharaj, why should we do archan behind the closed doors? What is the problem if I do it when the doors of the Deities" altar are open?"'

Unbending Stance
'I know I have taken a lot of time, but it is necessary to say these things as they are – I cannot bend the truth. If somebody says that Rama and Krishna are the same, we will not accept that. We do not disrespect Lord Rama, we do not deny that He is the Lord. Rama is the Lord, but Krishna is the Supreme Lord: He is the Lord of all Lords.'


14 December 2020 (Basirhat, evening class)

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Duration: 53 min • Size: 23.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Subdue Your Tongue
'We are always wasting time on various other nonsense things and nonsense talks. Therefore, it is necessary to have a suitable environment to hear and speak about the Lord. Where will you get this opportunity to hear about the Lord seated at the holy lotus feet of sadhus and Vaishnavs?'

Surrender or Suffer!
'Do you not like hearing these things? There is no way out. These things must be said, it is inevitable. Everybody must come to this line one day, but instead of coming to this line now, we choose to suffer so much...'

Eternal Benefit
'The whole of Srimad Bhagavatam tells only one thing – the only way to attain benefit is by chanting the Holy Name. But the Holy Name does not come to our mouths. We speak so much, but the Holy Name does not come to our mouths...'

Family Matters
'I have brought you to this path only so that you can practise Krishna consciousness. I do not want money or any things from anybody. The only thing I want from you all is that you may come to this line and practise Krishna consciousness in a pure way.'

Search Beyond Maya
'If my driver does not know the way, then he will not be able to deliver my body to the destination. The driver must know which place he must go. Gurudev is the captain, the helmsman who takes us across this material world, and if we allow him to take us to his destination, we will be able to get there, too.'

Mining Innermost Humility
'I am poorer, lower than grass! I pray that I can tolerate everything. Gurudev, please help me tolerate everything. Somebody can insult me, somebody can say bad things about me, but may I not harbour any bad feelings.'

What Is Your Substance?
'You think that you can recognise or know a Vaishnav, so you start seeing their faults and criticising them?! What is your capacity? What do you know about who is a Vaishnav and who is not?'

Live and Learn
'If somebody asks you something, you should be able to answer questions. So, try to ask questions to learn more. Foreign devotees always ask questions, even small boys and girls do.'


15 December 2020 (Basirhat, morning class)

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Duration: 24 min • Size: 10.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Eternal Memory of Nabadwip
'You must learn these things by heart. If anybody asks you about the nine islands of Nabadwip and which kind of devotion resides where, you must be able to tell it. Otherwise, it means that you do the parikrama of the nine islands, and you only walk and look around, gaping at nice buildings.'

Siksastakam in Nutshell
'If our hearts are not clean, we cannot understand who we are, neither can we give place to the Lord in our hearts. We chant so much, we hear so many things from our guru, we hear so much about Krishna, but our hearts do not change even after hearing it.'


15 December 2020 (Basirhat, noon class)

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Duration: 33 min • Size: 14.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Trials and Aspirations
'The Lord has sent you to this world to preach about Him and to hear about Him, to speak about Him to others, to go door to door and deliver the message about Him to everyone. But as you do it, you will be tested...'

Strongest Conviction
'If gurudev has said something, it must be true. Gurudev said that I can reach my home if I practise Krishna consciousness, then there can be no doubt. If gurudev has said something, it is the end of question.'

Everything Is His Will
'Even that which is to happen may not happen, and that which is to happen may not happen; and in the meantime, something else may happen. Everything is His will. It is necessary to keep faith.'

Eternal Path
'It is necessary to call the Lord with love. If you do not listen to the main conception, if love for the Lord does not come to your heart, then you can never come to this line.'

Sadhus' Mercy
'The purpose of real sadhus' begging is giving mercy to jiva souls, not imposing a tax on jiva souls. There is no question that you must give any amount of money. If you cannot give money, it is fine. If you can listen to some Hari-katha, that is sufficient.'

Jewels of Your Life
'When you come to the market, you can buy many things with money, but do you see anybody selling devotion at the market? There are some people in this world, however, who actually sell devotion at the market, but you will not get real devotion from them – you can get deceitful devotion from them.'


15 December 2020 (Basirhat, evening class)

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Duration: 79 min • Size: 33 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Do Not Overstep Your Limit
'It is said that only three and a half devotees served Mahaprabhu: Svarup Damodar, Ray Ramananda, Sikhi Mahiti and his niece, Srimati Malini Devi. Not even Nityananda Prabhu or Rupa-Sanatana are among them, and only three persons were with Mahaprabhu in Gambhira. So, how can we dare enter there?'

Do You Ever Think of It?
'A day without Hari-katha is a bad day, and we must always try to reduce the number of such days in our lives. The water that is necessary for the seeds to grow is sravan and kirtan. We must always practise it. It is necessary to read scriptures more, it is necessary to hear Hari-katha more.'

Glories of Great Souls
'You must always glorify Vaishnavs; never criticise them. We must glorify their qualities (engage in guna-kirtan). You cannot get anywhere without attaining the mercy of gurus and Vaishnavs. We must speak about all their great qualities.'

Do Not Deflect
'Unless you praise somebody, it is not necessary to say anything about anybody. We must not say anything except for praise about them. If you say anything, you must speak about the siddhanta.'

Preserving Purity
'In those days, Gaudiya Vaishnavs' line had very great devotees, but now there are many sahajiyas among Gaudiya devotees who corrupt this line by chanting lila-kirtans, who speak without siddhanta, who chant "Radhe Radhe" without having this right.'

Appreciate Prasad-Seva
'We are alive, so we have to eat something, but what should we take? Prasad. If you make something yourself and offer it the Lord, the Lord will be happier. So, you can bring something from the market, cook it and offer it.'


16 December 2020 (Basirhat area, morning class)

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Duration: 30 min • Size: 12.3 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Change of Mood
'After He took sannyas, Mahaprabhu's mood became different. Even when He took first initiation, His mood also changed. When Mahaprabhu went to Gaya and took initiation from Ishwar Puri, His whole mood and nature changed.'

Baladev's Care
'Baladev is asraya-vigraha, the giver of power. His position is such that He is present within the temple and all service paraphernalia of the Lord. Whatever is required for the Lord's service, Nityananda Prabhu assumes the required form and serves the Lord.'

Mahaprabhu Settles in Puri
'Mahaprabhu visited various places, arranged everything with Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Sanatan Goswami; having settled everything all over India, He lastly came to Puri and stayed there. He spent His last eighteen years in Puri, performing His internal pastimes during the last four years.'

Spread Gurudev's Mercy
'When a devotee receives Vaishnavs' mercy, they extend, or spread, the influence of that mercy onto others. It is necessary to preach about our gurudev, about his glories and qualities.'

Old Service, Spoilt Service
'Whatever the situation is, you must always give up what is unfavourable to devotion. You want to drink milk to get nutrients and you also eat tobacco – you will not get any benefit like that. We must always remember what is unfavourable to devotion.'


16 December 2020 (Basirhat area, noon class)

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Duration: 26 min • Size: 10.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Beyond Material Bondage
'If everyone could come to the temple, it would be good, but you are living in material bondage. That is why, whether you are staying in a house or in a forest, whatever your situation is, you can practise Krishna consciousness.'

Missing the Substance
'Wake up in the morning, offer obeisances to Gurudev, to the Lord and pray, 'My Lord, please guide me down the path of devotion. Please give me unswerving devotion to your holy feet.' If you think about the Lord, the Lord will think about you.'

Enthrone the Lord in Your Home
'You must enthrone the Lord at your house. Keep the Lord in your house. Wake up early in the morning, offer worship to the Lord, offer obeisance to the Lord. What problem is there for you if you do it?'

'I Want Your Love'
'In this life, if you do not give something, how can you get something? You must give something if you want to get something; otherwise, you will not get anything. What must you give? Not money and wealth. The Lord says, "I do not want money. I do not want your paisas, rupees, your house or your home."'

Save Yourself
'We have got this human birth having crossed 8,400,000 species. We have got the highest birth, and none of us wants to go back to all those species again. We all want promotion, not demotion.'


17 December 2020 (Basirhat area, noon class)

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Duration: 74 min • Size: 31 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Gurudev's Great Mercy
'Bestowing a great mercy on me, you have given me a place in Sri Godrumdwip amidst the forests of Gauda and ordered me to chant the Holy Name. My Lord, when will you grant me the qualification to do that?'

Thwarted At the End
'Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur is telling the truth very nicely. We say, "Oh, I am practising Krishna consciousness!" but what does Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur say? "I cannot practise Krishna consciousness!"'

Unfavourable Urges and Thorns
'We always say that there are things favourable to devotion and things that are unfavourable to devotion. There are also thorns on the path of devotion – thorns and unfavourable things are virtually the same. Do you know what is unfavourable to devotion?'

Five Diseases
'What I am explaining now is the pancha-roga, the five material diseases. How does one remove these five diseases? If you honour prasad (the Lord's food remnants), all material diseases will go away from you.'

Live as Servant
'"O Vaishnav Thakur, please be merciful to me – I want to worship the Lord knowing the relationship." What kind of relationship should there be? This is not a relationship between a father and a son, a brother and a sister or other relatives. We must understand what kind of relationship we have with Vaishnavs. "I am his servant, and he is my Lord."'

Pure and Foul Ego
'Somebody can give up kanak, somebody can give up kamini, but one cannot give up pratistha. We are told that we must establish ourselves in the ego of a devotee. What does this mean?'

Worshipping Prasad
'Do you know that Mahaprabhu never allowed anyone to touch His feet? We also tell everyone not to touch our feet – this is what Mahaprabhu taught. But Mahaprabhu gave one person the right to touch His feet: to Kalidas. Why did He allow Kalidas to do it? There is a reason.'

Guru-Varga's Hidden Treasure
'We must practise Krishna consciousness (serve the Lord) earnestly (without duplicity). In our country, people always practise spiritual life to show off in front of others. We must never become gurus – we must always remain disciples.'


19 December 2020 (Uluberia Vaishnav-seva programme)

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Duration: 68 min • Size: 28.8 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Last Rites
'Gurudev always said that if Vaishnavs leave this world, various common rites and ceremonies (kriya-karya) are not very important for Vaishnavs – what is important is vaishnav-seva and vaishnav-hom.'

Gist of Fire Sacrifice
'There are many things that can be done if there is time and place. If not, it is not a problem too. I have done today the main work, which is the most important work: wherever Hari, guru and Vaishnavs are present, everything is automatically auspicious.'

Remembering Departure of Haridas Thakur
'Whoever we may be in this world, what is the use for us living for one hundred or two hundred years? Even if we live for ten years, if we chant the Holy Name properly during these ten years, we can get all benefit.'

Seek Devotion
'You cannot buy devotion at the market or with any amount of money. You can buy many things, but you cannot get the Lord through anything except devotion. What must you do to have devotion? Devotion comes from devotion: you must live in the association of devotees.'

Nought in a Knot
'There is no mercy for you yet. First take service. When I give you seva-adhikar (right to do service; service qualification), then you will get mercy. Do not think about yourself, leave everything to the Lord. He is the master, but we do everything bypassing Him.'

Knowledge of Relationship
'If you imbibe this kind of relationship in your life, your ego will go away – you will not think that you have become a Vaishnav. if you worship the Lord and practise establishing yourself in this relationship, your ego will go away. This is what real relationship is.'

Worshipful Mood
'Who is called a Vaishnav? It is the one who can give up money, women and fame. When fame comes, it contaminates the heart, and you will clear your road to hell. Do you understand what kind of devotee one must become?'


20 December 2020 (Uluberia, noon programme)

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Duration: 97 min • Size: 40.7 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Take Advantage of This Chance
'Submit your heart, mind, everything at the holy feet of the Lord. Our mind is fickle, and it is always swayed in different directions. Our mind says many things, it does not want to sit still in one place – it is always restless. But you do not get an opportunity to hear Hari-katha all the time; therefore, having got this opportunity now, we must take advantage of it.'

Die to Live or Live to Die?
'To become a devotee, you must sacrifice something, you must give up something. Life is not only for eating and sleeping. Nobody prohibits you to eat, but do live to eat or do you eat to live? Param Guru Maharaj said, "Die to live." Do we live to die or do we die to live?'
Immerse Yourself in Hari-Kirtan
'We must practise Krishna consciousness. When you want to pass some test, you must first study or practise a lot, and if you stop practising and studying, you will forget everything. That is why we must always live thinking about these things.'

Attachment to Sri Guru
'If you have attachment to the holy feet of your guru, to the service of your guru, then all your aspirations will be fulfilled. You will not have any other desires. You will get all fulfilment in a complete way, not partially. Attachment to the holy feet of the guru is the real path.'

Highest Gift, Highest Pastimes
'Even Brahma and Siva hanker for and always think about getting this kind of divine love, but this divine love is rolling in the dust of the courtyard of Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaj's house. It is this divine love for Krishna that devotees always feel and that we, too, must taste.'

Mahaprabhu's Teachings
'There is no comparison between His teachings and any other teachings in this world. Who did Mahaprabhu say can chant the Holy Name? Who has the right to chant the Holy Name? Do you know whom Mahaprabhu gives this right?'

Maintained by the Lord
'The Lord hears the prayers of those who surrender in all six ways. The third limb of surrender is goptrtve varan: Krishna is the protector, Krishna is the maintainer. Krishna takes care of everyone. We say that our parents are our guardians, but if they are our guardians, then why do they die?'

Life beyond Ego
'"I am doing farming", "I am running a business", "I am going to the office" – you must give up this "I" mood. Give up your ego. "Dear Lord, if You do not make it possible, I cannot even move my leg and make a step. If You wish, You can even finish me off this instant."'

Control Six Urges
'It is necessary to give up the six urges, six defects, and it is necessary to show six good qualities. And before you can do that, you should first ask, "What are these six urges, defects and good qualities?"'

Subjugate Six Faults
'It is necessary to be humble. Do not be fickle-minded. You must always be very tolerant, do not be fickle or restless. We were singing, "Please subjugate the six urges and rectify the six defects." What are the six defects, of faults?'

Six Good Qualities
'When you get old, your legs will not move, your teeth will fall out, your nose will be leaking. Have you seen an old person? You say that you will worship the Lord when you are old, but you will kick the bucket in two days. No. You must come to Krishna consciousness when you are young, then the Lord will be happy with it.'


23 December 2020 (Kolkata, online initiation)

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Duration: 11 min • Size: 4.7 Mb • Language: English

Read the text:

Initiating Sacred Connection
'We keep coming to this world and going, taking birth and dying, and after that we have got a human body. We have actually got a human body many times before, too, but when somebody wants to preach and practise, Krishna arranges a perfect time for them to become connected with holy association and a perfect, pure devotees.'

Take This Name
'If you chant the Holy Name without offences, you will get the result quickly. Everybody chants the Holy Name, but because they are always doing nama-aparadh (offences to the Holy Name), they are not getting the proper result.'


20 December 2020
Perfect Time For Preaching
"It is necessary to practise. Always practise Krishna consciousness, always remember the Absolute. Everything has its proper time and it is necessary to do things in good time. In this world, people say that the young age is for enjoyment, but this is completely incorrect. If you do not try to preach and practise from your young age, what will become of you in your old age?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min)

Preaching Plan and Programme
"I have been attending some programmes before Gurudev's appearance day and I will have more programmes after the festival. I want to make an assembly Sri Dham Pracharani Sobha dedicated to the preaching of the glorification of Sri Nabadwip Dham, guru-varga, as well as the glory and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This is my view and my idea."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 10 min)

Keep Yourself Busy With Service
"You may have seen something, but it is not necessary to broadcast these things. This is called gramya-katha and prajalpa. This is not good for any devotee. Actually, devotees are always busy with their service, when will they get time for all this? Do not waste your time on others' faults."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min)

Practical Choice
"(1) We cannot stop our spiritual practice. Otherwise time will pass and our life will finish while we are waiting for all the problems to go away. (2) Gurudev always thinks in a practical way—the worship of Radha-Krishna is very high, but the worship of Nitai Gaurachandra is simpler."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)

Embody Proper Conception
"Devotees must be always humble, it is necessary for everyone. Learn to be humble, tolerant and to give honour to others from Mahaprabhu and Gurudev. You must apply all these things in your life. These are the main things in one's life."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min)

Real Relationship
"It is not necessary to become a great guru—we must become great disciples. If you worship the Lord understanding your relationship with Him, then your ego will be removed. We must understand that we are servants of devotees. When this relationship comes, your ego will be removed."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min | 19&20 December 2020)

Try to Forget
"How can I tell you it is easy to forget it. It is not easy. Even I cannot do that, then how will you do it? When somebody abuses you, it is not something you can forget. It is not that easy... But at least you can try."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min)


26 December 2020 (Sri Nrisingha Palli, evening class)

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Duration: 49 min • Size: 22 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Serve and Study
'I compose nice books. If you keep these books with you and read them all the time, it is good. It is necessary to always read and study books. You must both do service and always study. Always work hard.'

Eagerness to Study
'You must consider the temple as a school or college. Gurudev called it a 'transcendental university'. If you try to cheat – if you think that Gurudev is not here, so you can bunk the lessons and sleep in your room, wasting your time – you will be harming your own self.'

Watch Your Activities
'In Krishna consciousness, those who join this movement must fight against illusion, Maya. Just as an ant will always look for a hole to enter, Maya Devi is also always waiting: she is always waiting to attack you as soon as you move away from service.'

Serve with Love
'When you serve, you must do it with love. Love must come. You must serve with love! If you do something without love, it cannot be service. You feel drawn to your father and mother, to your wife, but this kind of attraction and pull must come to your guru, Vaishnavs and the Lord. If it does not come, then you will not get the supreme result.'

Exemplary Service Mood
'This was my mood. Learn from me. Learn from how I served Gurudev. What does Gurudev need? What does Gurudev like? A real disciple should know this. I always kept Gurudev happy, and he was always pleased with me.'

Deep Faith and Service
'It is necessary to have faith. We must always be alert towards what makes Gurudev happy. If we cannot serve our guru, we will not get anything. That is why I do not worry about anything: I know that Gurudev has given me service and, wherever Gurudev is, he has a room kept for me in Goloka Vrindavan.'

Service Acumen
'Gurudev always wants to help the disciple get spiritual benefit, but the disciple must be able to take that help. I can give you some milk, but your must be able to hold that milk – if your pot has holes, will the milk stay in it? You must learn to use your intelligence.'


27 December 2020
Bound by Loving Service
"It is necessary to understand how one should serve their Guru. You will serve your Guru with much love and affection. They do not know how close the relationship between Gurudev and me was. Gurudev gradually started to depend on me—when he came to Nabadwip, he would always depend on me in everything, and he said, 'I am coming here only because I know I can come and you will take care of everything.'"
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min)

Deep Service Mood
"Chatak bird always waits for rain, and we too should have this hankering for service. By hook or by crook, I always wanted to please Gurudev. It is necessary to have service mood, and to have service mood you must have love and affection and always engage in sravanam, kirtanam, smaranam, etc."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min)

Ideal of Surrender
"Sri Sri Prapanna-jivanamritam is an important book in our line. There are so many highest things written here in a very beautiful way. I read it today again after many years, and I liked it a lot, I am thinking I must read it again and again."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)

Spiritual Chastity
"Actually, Gaudiya mission is very big, and our line is the line of Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj—we find all perfection, all fulfilment in this line. Do not bring other conceptions to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Be chaste to our Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (4.3 Mb, 11 min)


30 December 2020 (Sri Nrisingha Palli; evening Bengali class)

Come to Give, Come to Take
"You must not only come, take prasad, and go. Learn something. Take something with you from here. When you come here, you must take something—what should you take? The dust from the devotees' feet and devotees' Hari-katha. There are no other talks. Except the talks about the Lord, everything else is gramya-katha!"
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 8 min | Bengali)

Beyond Enshrouded Life
"Many do not want to practise Krishna consciousness because of all kinds of circumstances, but how many more days you are going to live like that? We have not come to this world to become brick-layers and carpenters (to run behind money and wealth). What have we come to this world for?"
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min | Bengali)

Fatal Procrastination
"You must pray to Gurudev every day, 'Gurudev, when will my heart become steady? My mind, my heart are always fickle! My mind never knows any peace. When will I be able to tolerate everything? Sadness, austerity, pain, suffering—come what may, I will never leave you. Whatever comes in my life, even if I die, I will never leave your lotus feet!'"
Download / listen to the audio (5.5 Mb, 14 min | Bengali)

At Sri Nrisingha Palli: Evening Kirtans
 Sri Krsna Chaitanya daya kara  Ohe Vaisnava Thakura dayara sagara  Niti-pada-kamala  Emana durmati  Jaya Radha Madhava  Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
Download/listen to the audio (10 Mb, 24 min | Kirtan)

Be Conscious
"Life is passing and we can leave at any moment, but we must think what is the purpose of getting this human birth? If we do not practise Krishna consciousness, if we do not serve the Lord, then such a life devoid of religion is an animal life."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min | Bengali)

Resting on Illusory Laurels
"You think you have got initiation and now you are free, you have no duty. It is not like that. If you do not practise, if you do not live in Krishna consciousness, you will not get any result. How much time do you give to the Lord? How much time do you give to chanting the Holy Name? How many times do you think about your Guru during the day?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)

The Way Out
"Maya also gets power from the Lord and does her job. People cry, shout, sleep, walk around, live a family life—what makes them do all this? Maya. The Lord says, 'I have created Maya, and you cannot overcome her. Yet there is a way out...'"
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 2 min | Bengali)

A Long Journey
"We have wondered throughout 8,400,000 species. It means we have been born 8,400,000 times. It is written in the scriptures, especially in Srimad Bhagavatam. Vishnu Purana says..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)

Foul Feast
"There are many bizarre places in India—Garo, Khasi, Naga. In Nagaland, people eat cats and dogs! We were such people before, but now we have got wiser—we have taken birth in India..."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)

What Is Good for Me?
"We turned away from Lord Krishna a very long time ago, but if we really practise Krishna consciousness, then we will have no other desires. Those who have got taste for chanting the Holy Name of the Lord, who have got real taste for practising Krishna consciousness, they will not like to do or take anything else."
Download / listen to the audio (6.3 Mb, 15 min | Bengali)


31 December 2020 (Sri Nrisingha Palli, morning class)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 61 min • Size: 27.5 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Surrender Yourself
'Those who are humbler than a blade of grass, who can be more tolerant than a tree, who can give honour to others has the right, the qualification to chant Krishna-kirtan (glories and the Holy Name of Lord Sri Krishna). Therefore, if you want to practise Krishna-kirtan, you must be humble, tolerant and give honour to others. You do not practise just by singing after others.'

Be Genuine
'This is the influence of the Holy Name, but we cannot genuinely chant the Holy Name – we never get time to chant the Holy Name with mind, heart and soul, giving full attention... Gora will catch up with us – He will expose our thievery. Do you understand it? What we do or not do, Gora is always above us, watching.'

Deity Is Not a Doll
'It is necessary to serve the Deities with much love. If you think that the Deity is an idol made of stone or wood, you cannot serve like that. He is not an idol – He is Lord Vrajendra-nandan Himself! We all want to stay in a nice marbled room, in a clean place. The Lord is also like that. You must think about it.'

'Gurudev is non-different from Nityananda Prabhu, and he is so merciful. He bestows his mercy upon everybody, but the problem is that we cannot keep that mercy. You offer some flowers to a photograph, put a garland on a photograph – you serve in this way, but this is external. You must give bhoga to the Lord with love.'

Nimai's Mercy to Devotees
'It was to bestow mercy upon devotees that He went door to door. Have you see Sridhar Prabhu's house in Mayapur? Both Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu visited Sridhar Prabhu. Nityananda Prabhu went there together with Srila Jiva Goswami...'

Remember Lord's Mercy
'Nimai rescued many souls, even Keshav Kashmiri (Digvijayi Pandit) and two thieves. The Lord is so merciful that He bestows His mercy even upon thieves. He was very small at that time...'

What Are We At?
'The Lord is extremely merciful, He has bestowed so much mercy upon us, allowing us to sit in Godrumdwip. Do not use the Lord for your own self. Serve the Lord, and the Lord will take care of you. You must have faith in this.'

Imperishable Truths
'This body is perishable: we come one day to this world, and one day we will have to leave this body and go away – our soul will get another body. But if we can practise Krishna consciousness genuinely, then we can reach the Lord. Whatever place there is for us there, we will be able to reach it, and once you come there, you do not have to return.'

Do Not Serve Misconception
'I have written many questions and answers in Guidance, Volume 3. Many people say that we must "serve poor Narayan". This is a lie and big heresy. It is a misconception. Narayan can never be poor, and a poor man can never be Narayan. How can Narayan, who is the husband of Laksmi Devi, ever be poor?'


31 December 2020 (Sri Nrisingha Palli, evening class; Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Vyasa Puja adhivas)

DOWNLOAD / LISTEN to the recording
Duration: 129 min • Size: 62.9 Mb • Language: Bengali

Read the text:

Spiritual Conscience
'If you want to hear about the Lord and glorify the Lord, you must listen to it with a clean, unobstructed mind, with your heart and soul and with faith. If somebody does not have faith, they will not be able to hear these things.'

Trust the Lord
'We will not stay in this world for a long time, then why be so proud? Why all these false attachments? Why must you think about your own happiness and enjoyment? It is not necessary to do this. We are not afraid to commit sin for our own enjoyment. Do not be like this. Always remember this.'

Service Is Not a Chore
'It is so difficult to serve Gurudev! It is necessary to think with far-reaching profundity (very deeply and intimately). You must serve the Lord, your guru and Vaishnavs with love. There must be love, but not everybody has this kind of love. This is not a simple matter.'

May You Live Clean Life
'It is my prayer to you all that you may spend this day in an auspicious way, and when the new year comes, may you live your lives in a clean, nice way. I pray for this to the Lord and Gurudev. The festival in honour of Gurudev's holy appearance has come, so may all obstacles and hurdles in your life go away.'

Four Biggest Hurdles
'Thousands of Gaudiya devotees have fallen down, going astray. There were very great gurus who had thousands of disciples, but in the end they fell down. Why did this happen? Falling down is not death, but, in another sense, it is similar to death.'

Internal Meaning of Initiation
'I think that all of you have taken initiation and beads from Gurudev. One time, Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur was asked, "Is everyone who has taken the mantra called a disciple?"'

Amidst What Are You Sitting?
'You must be anxious to make Him happy and always be alert and conscious of His happiness. Sacrifice your selfish interests for His happiness, serve for His happiness. Just as people sit near a fire to keep themselves warm in winter, sannyasis also always sit amidst fire blazing on all four sides. What is this fire?'

Karma-Misra Bhakti
'"I will serve the Lord, and I will get something from Him in lieu of that." This is their hope. Many of us also think that if we serve the Lord, we will go to Goloka Vrindavan. Even this is also not necessary. Even this should be given up. "Bhog tyag, tyag tyag": renounce enjoyment and renounce renunciation.'

Beyond Jnana-Misra Bhakti
'The next kind of devotion is jnana-misra bhakti. Such devotees strive to accumulate some knowledge. They chant the Holy Name because they believe that the Holy Name can give them some knowledge. The followers of this line can also believe that man is God.'

Indomitable Power of Mercy
'We often chant, "Seva-adhikara diya, ei bara more kare daya. Please be merciful to me this time, give me the right to serve." Service is like that. If you have Gurudev's blessing, if you have Gurudev's mercy, nobody can do anything to you. Always remember this.'

Learn to Behave as Sadhu
'One can bite, one can swear, one can say and do all kinds of things, but a sadhu's duty is to protect and save everyone. Sadhus must not change their nature. It is necessary to learn this kind of saintly behaviour. We must behave as devotees.'

Preparing for Festival
'We serve gurudev every day (we try as far as possible), but tomorrow is a special day, my gurudev's appearance day. I am praying to gurudev that the festival goes well tomorrow. Many came to me and said they wanted to take initiation, but I told them that I would give them initiation another day.'

External and Internal Opulence
'I do not want anybody's money and wealth. All I want from you all is your love and affection. If you have love and affection for your guru, if you have devotion and faith, then I do not need anything else. You have taken initiation, and if you have faith in your guru and love for your guru, I do not need anything else.'




OTHER YEARS  :   2001  |   2002  |   2003  |   2005  |   2009  |   2010  |   2011  |   2012
2013  |   2014  |   2015  |   2016  |   2017  |   2018  |   2019  |   2020
বাংলা  উপদেশ


Krishna-Centred Renunciation
Live for Guru
His World, His Will
Escaping Foreign Land
Non-Sectarian and Non-Liberal
Adjust Your Faith and Priority
Internal Relationship with Sri Guru
Do Not Delay
Golden Opportunity
Joy of Sankirtan
Beacon Light for Lost Souls
Our Dear and Near
Uncompromising Chastity
On Dawdling and Patience
Hijacked Souls
Main Goal
Keep Sankirtan Fire Ablaze
Sacrifice Your Life
Now Is the Time
Leave Maya's Service
Before Too Late
Sincere Service Mood
Come with Us
"I Am Saranga's Murari!"
Not Just Words
Purity of Heart
Run After Devotion, Not Visaya
Surrendered Service
Seva Opportunity
My Last Word
Courtyard of Vrindavan
Entering Higher Study
Outdoors Preaching Campaign
Madhava Tithi
The Pride of the Prideless
Inconceivable Mercy
Learn from Lord's Pastimes
Learn from Lord's Pastimes
Sincerity in Service
Love and Preaching for the Lord
Wrong Vision
Root of Unhappiness
Increase Glory of Temple
Coming to Ganga Sagar
Service Eyes
Know Your Place
Cannot Have Your Feet in Two Boats
Our Exclusive Duty
Gift of Pilgrimage
Daily Duty
Unfaltering Determination
Live Within Service
Clouded Intelligence
Play of Maya
Answers to Many Questions
Remember Where You Belong
Acquire Transcendental Vision
Eradicating Aversion
Symptoms of Spiritual Practitioner
Exclusive Devotees Have No Complaints
Serve with Heart and Soul
Are You Drawn to Service?
Be Exclusive and One-Pointed
Pure Kirtan Springs from Heart
Loving Relationship and Obedience
Stumbling Along
Build Service Relationship
Repairing Bad Fortune
Chastity and Purity of Association
Extent of Sincerity
"Please Wake Up"
Ten Offences
If You Want to Get Right for Service...
Align Your Mind, Words and Deeds
Golden Chance
Proper Attachment to Service
Can You Not or Will You Not?
Opening Temple—Opening Your Eyes
Live As a Member of Krishna's Family
Meaning of Surrender (1)
Meaning of Surrender (2)
How to Pray to Vaishnav Thakur
Orphaned and Blind
Satisfying Lord and Your Soul
Trade Secret of Krishna Consciousness
Taste for Hari-Katha
Eternal Nourishment
Align Your Life
Two Keys to Success
Ekadasi Vrata (1)
Ekadasi Vrata (2)
Practise Day and Night
If You Want, You Can
Futile Efforts
Immerse Yourself In Kirtan
Serve with Care
Travel Light
My Nearest and Dearest
Thrive Spiritually
Greatest Hindrances
No Place for Whimsies
Staunch Stance
Be Firm
Clean Your Mind
Search for Reality
Greatest Conquest
Wasted Love
Go Beyond Your Mindset
Faith Must Come from Heart
Bizarre Life
Lord's Liberal Mercy
Deepest Distraught and Desire
Can We Ever Do It?
Find Evidence
Living in Mathura
Make Your Heart Pure
Run Behind Genuine Krishna Consciousness
Serve with Love
Deep Renunciation
Perverted Taste
Life of Awakened Consciousness
Genuine Spiritual Life
Service Through Self-Abnegation?
Service Is Not a Play
Brahmans' Position
Hari-Katha or Self-Deception?
"I Have Come to Help You"
Do Not Be Duped
Penniless Life
Have Proper Motive
Leave World of Stool and Urine
Serve with Love
Repeated Prayer, Repeated Plight
Watch What You Wish For
Lord's Mercy
Pure Ego
Beautiful Pastimes (1)
Beautiful Pastimes (2)
Beautiful Pastimes (3)
Take Service Serious

Facing Austerity
Distinction of Sri Rupanuga Line
Treacherous Desires
Inconceivable Mercy
Victory over Visaya
Power of Sukriti
Zest for Service
Service Quality
Deeply Anxious to Serve
Spiritual Trade-Off
Greatest Wealth
Never Too Early, Never Too Late
Capturing Lord's Heart
Life of Loving Service
Our Dearmost
Worshipful Mood
Eternal Life Membership
Spiritual Diligence
Perfect Chastity
Follow Mahaprabhu's Teachings
Lord Varahadev's Appearance
Embracing Hardships
Service: Labour of Love
Parikrama Plans
Service Plans
Spend Your Time Wisely
Chasing Away Ghosts and Nonsense
Devotion Is Not Cheap
Hens, Bats, and Bananas
Nityananda Prabhu's Arrangements
Importance of Hearing and Listening
Fighting Prejudices
Eagerness and Enthusiasm
Clean Hearts
Material Perils
Learn to Rely on the Lord
Digesting Mercy
Our Primary Need
Value Your Time
Gaudiya Vaishnavs' Service
Perverted and Transcendental Charm
Our Greatest and Only Friends
Faith vs Acceptance
Pull of Maya
Wrong Preoccupation
World of Uncertainty
Inglorious Life
Life in Sadhu-Sanga
Immerse Yourself in Kirtan
Path to Promotion
Service Is Not Formality
Eternal Service Consciousness
Giving and Taking Prasad
Control Your Urges
Sinful Souls' Scrape
Two Unexpected Questions
Do Not Lose This Pull
Great Mercy for Great Hearts
Kali-Yuga Servants
Why Have You Come?
Practise and Pray
Grand Festival
My Gratitude
Guard Your Service Life
Do Not Fear Sacrifice
Hidden Service
Spiritual Promotion
My Question to You
What Will Become of You?
Our Golden Chance
Detach Yourself from Mental World
Awaking from Lethargic Sleep
Become Aloof to Material World
Calling Out for Mercy
Cultivate Your Heart
Imperilling Imprudence
Take Shelter
My Question to You
"Theirs Not to Reason Why"
Move Forward
Gift of Willpower
Ultimate Remedy
Life Suffused with Kirtan
Listen with Your Heart
Internal and External Transformation
Create a Relationship
Always Think about Hari-Katha
Connection with the Transcendental
Inane Interests
Bhakta-Vatsala Krishna
Become Pure Servant
Come to Worship the Lord
Our Mistake
Spiritual Diet
"Does It Cross Your Mind?"
Unload Yourself
Universal Remedy
Test of Attachment
Wrong Employment
Step Forward
Value of Faith
Ignorance Is No Excuse
Where There Is No Will There Is No Way
Mind Over Matter
Choice Is Yours
Load of Luggage
Internal Poison
Deposit Your Heart
Special Price
Watch Your Step
Primary Realisation
Full-Hearted Appeal
'My Constant Sadness'
Become Devoted
Decision Is Yours
Be Serious
Result of Proper Practice
Keep Your Vision Clean
Awake, Arise
Nature of Niskinchan Vaishnavs
Purifying Engagement
Be on Guard
Serve Attentively
Power of Association
My Soul's Well-Being
Unhealthy Mindset
Sincere Faith Does Not Come from Knowledge
Best Birth
Faith and Determination: Foundation of Krishna Consciousness
One-Pointed Life
Chanting or Vomiting?
Examine Yourself
Be Honest and Sincere
Assimilate the Substance
Getting Older but None Wiser
Senses vs. Soul
Desires and Forgetfulness
Irresistible Service Drive
Devotees Are Devoted
Lord Is Always Merciful
Detach Yourself from Illusion
Tenacious Tenants
Nurture Natural Devotion
Eternal Loving Worship
Essential Admonition
Where Is Substance?
How to Capture the Lord
Pillars of Spiritual Life
Undiluted Spiritual Life
Power of Sambandha-Jnana
Worship Is Not Doll Play
Believe and Surrender
Intoxicated with Animal Life
Cherish Your Service
Love Your Lord, Love Your Service
Think About Yourself
Walk the Walk
Are You on the Right Path?
Become Good Listener
Eternal Engagement
Serve Intently
Worse Than Death
Increase Your Devotion
Real Substance of Devotion
Exclusive Self-Realisation
Keep Your Focus Straight

Sri Nabadwip Dham Pracharani Sobha
Importance of Sri Nabadwip Dham
Watch Your Step
Material Greed
Undaunted Devotion
Complete Engagement
Our Target
Loving Service
Selfless and Unconditional Service
Double Lock Your Mouth
Concentrate On Your Life
Hanuman's Service Drive
Plane of Faith
Parikrama Plan
Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (1)
Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (2)
Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (3)
Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (4)
Parikrama: More Than Pilgrimage (5)
Charity Begins at Home: Practise Yourself First
Stay Within Service Line
"Give Me Your Mercy"
Soul-Searching and Hole-Searching
Service Hardships
Careless Life
Bankarai Krishna's Trick
Stench of Barren Hearts
Chitraketu's Example
Live In Sadhu-Sanga
Entering Line of Devotion
Qualities in Vaishnav Domain
Preparing for Parikrama of Antardwip
World of Spiritual Practice
Take Care
Sri Guru's Shelter
Tolerate and Manage
Be Studious, Be Serious
Tolerate and Manage
Be Strict and Straight In Your Behaviour
Niskam Bhakti
Remembering Devotees (part 1)
Remembering Devotees (part 2)
Run from Maya, not from Home
Challenging Choice
Always Keep in Touch
Grand Assembly
What Is Your Greatest Joy?
Messengers of Highest Giver
Love Your Service
Service Foundation
Guru–Disciple Relationship
Preaching Guidance
Meaning of Surrender
Demons Among Devotees
Practise Daily
Our Necessity
Seal Your Life
Keep Your Ears Open
Live for the Lord
Move Forward
World Pandemic: Use Your Time Wisely
World Pandemic: The Only Relief
Nurture Faith and Faithfulness
Where There Is a Will There Is a Way
Advice to Householder Devotees
"Try Your Best"
Proper Service Is Chaste Service
Be Careful and Wise

Peculiarity of Lord's Pastimes
Unthinkable Situation
"Gurudev Is My Everything"
No Quarantine in Practising Life
Heart of Devotional Life
Proper Receiver and Proper Mother
Meaning of Chastity
Embarking On New Life
Go Forward

Your Golden Opportunity
Pass Your Life in Service
How to Increase Surrender
No Such Thing As Personal Affairs
Everything Has Its Limit
Affection for Devotees
Life Sacrifice
Sri Nrisingha-Chaturdasi: Auspicious Day
Devotional Lifestyle
Undevotional Lifestyle
Six Good Qualities
"May I Always Remain a Disciple"
Be in Good Association and Be Good Association
Krishna's Arrangement
First Requirement
Mahaprabhu's Teachings (1): No False Renunciation
Mahaprabhu's Teachings (2): Never Stop Your Krishna-Sankirtan
Mahaprabhu's Teachings (3): No Caste Consideration
Mahaprabhu's Teachings (4): Pillars of Renunciation
Mahaprabhu's Teachings (5): Exclusive Dharma
Questions and Answers
Our Mantra
Exclusive Devotional Life
Dealing with Misconception
Sri Ramananda Sambad
Questions and Answers (1)
Questions and Answers (2)
Your Love and Affection
Sacred Chamber of Devotional Mood
"How Much Will You Sacrifice?"
Service Abode of Eternal Happiness
Simplicity and Duplicity
Practitioner's Pure Pride
Questions and Answers

Srila Raghunath Das Goswami's Exemplary Pastimes
Give Your Life for Service
Perfect House Life
Pride and Devotion
Gaudiya Siddhanta
Practise More and Better
Latest News
Initiating and Self-Declared Gurus: Open Address to Members of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
Permanent Solution
Chaste Service Consciousness
Service Without Sahajiyaism
Perfect Vision
Service Code
Love for Guru, Not Yourself
Service Eagerness and Attachment
Our Greatest Aspiration
Treasure of Devotion
Questions and Answers
Without Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur Our Line Is Nothing
Mandakini Dhara
Spiritual Safety
Ignore and Avoid Misconception
Practise and Keep Faith
Family Consciousness
Uncover Yourself
Opportunity to Serve
Live in Seva-Kunja
On Astrology
Be Sharp
Sincere, Keen and Humble
Observing Gundicha Marjan
Special Day of Special Mercy
Follow Rules and Regulations
Serving Gaura Nitai Deities
Eternal Humble Prayer
Dangerous Query
Asadhu-Sanga Saps Spiritual Strength
Be Responsible for Your Spiritual Life
Turn Your House Into Temple
On Ego and Envy
Emotion and Devotion
Applying Intelligence
Waning Values
Abode of Highest Pastimes

Sri Guru Purnima: Remembrance Day
Sri Guru Purnima Address
Will-O'-the-Wisp of Worldly Wishes
Eternal Priorities
Questions and Answers
Beyond Surface Understanding
Read and Apply In Your Life
Be a Disciple
Deities' Pastimes
Love for Service
Practise and Preach
Remember Your Nitya Svarup
Life in Remembrance
Priorities in Life
Price of Mercy
Disciples' Plight
Plane of Adherence
'How Much Do You Hanker In Your Heart?'
No Hopscotchy Devotion
Simple Service, Earnest Heart
Debunking Proximity Complex
Devotees' Humility
Relation With Guru: Watch Out
Maintaining Gurudev's Legacy
Worshipful Stance
Emotion and Devotion
Exclusive Devotional Vision
Kali-Yuga's Saviour
Reaching Devotees' Hearts
Perfect Result Comes Through Perfect Practice
Our Programme
Sanctity of Initiation
Cooking: Integral Part of Practising Life
Adjustment of Consciousness
Royal Road to Success

Increase Your Spiritual Life
Pillar of Surrender
Shift Your Focus
Give More Energy and Time
Step Up Your Service
Disciple's Core Quality
On Cows and Baladev-Tattva
Sweeter Than the Sweetest
Prasadam—Pivot of Practising
Clear Conception
Ideal Service Mood
Appearance of Lord Baladev
Understanding Baladev's Glory
Sticking with Pure Life
Spiritual Balance and Maturity
Understanding Gurudev
Festival of Sheltered Souls
"I Am Very Proud of You"
Blossomed Relationship
Realm of Inconceivable Pastimes
Primary Advice
Service, Karma, and Devotion
Prayerful Meditation
Misconceptions about Lord Krishna's Appearance
Entering Another Plane
Approaching Krishna's Pastimes
Account of Krishna's Appearance
Devotees' Character
Always Remember, Always Serve
Thorns of Spiritual Life
Surrendered Existence
Practising Deficiency
Do Not Get Swayed
Priorities In Spiritual Life
West London Temple: Auspicious Day
Spiritual Sustenance: Association and Service Mood
Spiritual Sustenance: Exclusive Mood
Fruits of Inconceivable Mercy
Absorbed in Service
Corrupted Life
Worshippable Sita Thakurani
Service Succession
Radhastami: Careful Worship
Sri Radhastami
Attainment of Divine Love
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Sri Radha-Tattva
Perfect Service
Lord's Avatar
Kasyap Rishi's Advice to Aditi Mata
Appearance of Lord Vamanadev
Satisfying the Lord
Early Pastimes of Srila Jiva Goswami
Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu's Mercy
Appearance of Universal Guru
Great Desire for Service
Online Assembly of Dham-Bhusana Vaishnavs

Proper Service Life
Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (1)
Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (2)
Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (3)
Glories of Srila Haridas Thakur (4)
No More Wasting Time
Guru-Varga's Prasad
Devotion to Devotees
Service Zest
Supreme and Inconceivable Glories of Sri Guru
Entering Transcendental Plane
Purposeful Preaching
Devotees' Core Principle
Sustaining Mahaprabhu's Line
"I Am Proud, I Am Astonished, and I Am Grateful"
Ekadasi Struggle?
Redundant Rituals
Primary and Paramount Necessity
Continuing Service Movement
Keep Your Guru In Your Heart
Unparalleled Vairagya
Pillars of Devotional Life
Best Behaviour
Repository of Nectar
Awkward Medicines and Health Issues
Adjusting with Others and Yourself
Proper Line—Proper Success
"My Nature"
Good News
Father-Son Pastime

"Try Your Best"
Surrendered Soul's Solace
Approaching Bhagavatam
Disciples' Dedication
Restaurant Devotion vs Pure Devotion
Loving Care and Service
"Please Be Careful"
Sincere Chanting
Parts of Service Life
Cruelty-Free Service Life
"If You Love Me..."
Service Aspiration
"Inconceivable, Unbelievable, and Unimaginable"
Clearing Contradictions
A Very Busy Day
Service with Full Enthusiasm
'You Are My Great Friends'
'I Am at Your Service'
Enriched with Service
Internal Inconsistencies
Big Temple Is Not All
Servitor's Pride
Practise, Preach and Proceed
Serve Carefully
'My Actual Happiness'
Always Chant
My Fortune and My Promise
Rare Jewels
Root of Devotion
Remembering Right Things
Shifting Priorities
Loving Service
Do Not Jump Into Maya
Srila Lochan Das Thakur Mahasay
About Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhar
Fundamental Mood of Kirtan
Sincere Ego-Free Relationship
Nonsense Sacrifice

Our Main Problem
Search For Original Source
Vyasadev's Gift (1)
Vyasadev's Gift (2)
Leave Questioning Mood
Fancy Living, Shallow Thinking
Service Hankering
Search Out the Source
Unique Gift to the World
March On
Intense Service Life
Patience, Faith and Affection
Worship Gauranga
Keep Your Fire Ablaze
Happiness Is Service
Make Kirtan Your All-In-All
Qualification for Kirtan
Sadhus' Surrender
You Must Want To Learn
Damodar's Pastimes
Cannot Have Foot in Both Camps
Our Highest Treasure
Two Books for Preaching
Clear Message
Srila Prabhupad's Appeal
Our Great Fortune
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Appearance and Early Days
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Powerful Preaching
"Service Is My Vow"
Forgetting Yourself
Joy of Good Association
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Expanding Gaudiya Math
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Scriptural Expertise
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Emporium of Greatness
Sincerely, Conscientiously and Without Offences
Greatest Benefactors
Learn to Call the Lord
Loving Service Connection
Exclusive Enquiry
Rare Birth, Rare Gift
Devotional Progress
Step on Clean Path
Sri Vraja-Mandal Tattva
Appearance of Sri Giriraj Govardhan
Sri Govardhan Puja
Do Not Play With Fire
Gupta Govardhan and Other Esoteric Pastimes
Internal and External Evolution
Satiating Hunger for Hari-Katha
Service Arrangement
Humble Service Mood
Attaining Unattainable
Advent of Govardhan
Worship of Govardhan
Govardhan-Dhari Gopal
Search and Surrender
Result of Great Fortune
Beyond the Walls of Your Ego
Hanker and Try
Govardhan's Arrangement
Krishna, Stealer of Pride
Annakut Mahotsav
Who Are You? Where Are You?
Enter Service Plane
Taking the Holy Name
My Worst Misfortune
Live for Service
Remembering Gadadhar Pandit
Advaita Acharya's Mystic Personality
Core of Life
Sri Gadadhar Das Goswami
Appearance of Acharya Srinivas
Acharya Srinivas: Collecting Mercy
Acharya Srinivas: Rescuing Scriptures
Take Care of Yourself
Kirtan – Highest Practice
Three Pillars of Spiritual Life
Outer and Inner Surrender
Drowning in Maya
Still Waters Run Deep
Ongoing Agenda
Sober Householder Life
Learn, Practise, and Preach
Duare Duare Prachar
Superficial Speculation
Cow's Milk
Danger of Deviation
My Solace
Understanding Religion of Kali-Yuga
Who Is Mahaprabhu?
Understanding Lord Jagannath
Mahaprabhu's Mystic Pastimes
Small Service, Great Heart
Love and Appreciate Mahaprabhu's Gift
Highest Devotion

Traversing Unconscious Lives
Detach Yourself from Maya
Escape Parasitic Existence
Path of Aural Reception
Searching for Maya or the Lord?
Demolish Wall of Ego
Live in Hari-Katha
Do Not Waste Time
Waiting—Not Wanting
Focus on the Lord
Stepping over Liberation
Beyond Karma-Misra Bhakti
Evading Maya's World
Descend of Scriptures
Please Come Home!
Do Not Live Like Outside People
Fruits of faith
Pure Sankirtan in Pure Association
Covet All, Lose All
Kali-Yuga Brahmans
Soul's Ultimate Happiness
Burning One's Own Fortune
Dhenukasur's Fate
Internal Purity
Stay In Gurudev's Heart
Refine Your Destination
Devotional Clothes or Devotional Heart?
Inside and Outside
Beauty of Kirtan
Search for Your Original Home
Road to Home Is Paved with Hari-Kirtan
'Wake Up!'
Appeal of Spiritual World
Search for Reality the Beautiful
Faith Is Not Idleness
Spiritual Sincerity and Chastity
Half-Hen Ill Logic
Purpose of Birth
Transform Your Life Inside and Outside
Run behind Krishna
Power of Kirtan
Become a Servant
Beg for Spiritual Life
Uncling from Maya
Surrender or Lose
Control Yourself
Purged Perpetrator
Disciples' Pitfalls
Do Away With Gossiping
Be Part of Krishna Consciousness Movement
Humility—Not To Misconceptions
Initiation: Beyond Formality
Fight Your Ego
Sober Interaction
'You Are My All-In-All'
Grave Warning
Pull of Material Life
Awakening Inner Longing
Private Service Stays Private
Universal Religion
On Others' Offences
Unburden Yourself
Benefactor's Gift
Exclusive Path
Behind Closed Doors
Unbending Stance
Subdue Your Tongue
Surrender or Suffer!
Eternal Benefit
Family Matters
Search Beyond Maya
Mining Innermost Humility
What Is Your Substance?
Live and Learn
Eternal Memory of Nabadwip
Siksastakam in Nutshell
Trials and Aspirations
Strongest Conviction
Everything Is His Will
Eternal Path
Sadhus' Mercy
Jewels of Your Life
Do Not Overstep Your Limit
Do You Ever Think of It?
Glories of Great Souls
Do Not Deflect
Preserving Purity
Appreciate Prasad-Seva
Change of Mood
Baladev's Care
Mahaprabhu Settles in Puri
Spread Gurudev's Mercy
Old Service, Spoilt Service
Beyond Material Bondage
Missing the Substance
Enthrone the Lord in Your Home
'I Want Your Love'
Save Yourself
Gurudev's Great Mercy
Thwarted At the End
Unfavourable Urges and Thorns
Five Diseases
Live as Servant
Pure and Foul Ego
Worshipping Prasad
Guru-Varga's Hidden Treasure
Last Rites
Gist of Fire Sacrifice
Remembering Departure of Haridas Thakur
Seek Devotion
Nought in a Knot
Knowledge of Relationship
Worshipful Mood
Take Advantage of This Chance
Die to Live or Live to Die?
Immerse Yourself in Hari-Kirtan
Attachment to Sri Guru
Highest Gift, Highest Pastimes
Mahaprabhu's Teachings
Maintained by the Lord
Life beyond Ego
Control Six Urges
Subjugate Six Faults
Six Good Qualities
Initiating Sacred Connection
Take This Name
Perfect Time For Preaching
Preaching Plan and Programme
Keep Yourself Busy With Service
Practical Choice
Embody Proper Conception
Real Relationship
Try to Forget
Serve and Study
Eagerness to Study
Watch Your Activities
Serve with Love
Exemplary Service Mood
Deep Faith and Service
Service Acumen
Bound by Loving Service
Deep Service Mood
Ideal of Surrender
Spiritual Chastity
Come to Give, Come to Take
Beyond Enshrouded Life
Fatal Procrastination
Be Conscious
Resting on Illusory Laurels
The Way Out
A Long Journey
Foul Feast
What Is Good for Me?
Surrender Yourself
Be Genuine
Deity Is Not a Doll
Nimai's Mercy to Devotees
Remember Lord's Mercy
What Are We At?
Imperishable Truths
Do Not Serve Misconception
Spiritual Conscience
Trust the Lord
Service Is Not a Chore
May You Live Clean Life
Four Biggest Hurdles
Internal Meaning of Initiation
Amidst What Are You Sitting?
Karma-Misra Bhakti
Beyond Jnana-Misra Bhakti
Indomitable Power of Mercy
Learn to Behave as Sadhu
Preparing for Festival
External and Internal Opulence


Setting on the Right Track (Part 2)
'I am praying to you all that you do not forget your service to your Guru, to the Vaishnavs, Bhagavan. I am bowing at your lotus feet: if you serve my Guru, I will serve you my whole life; if you serve my Guru, I will sacrifice my life to serve you.'


By service we can prove how much attachment, how much love and affection
we have for our Guru.