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Ego and Ginger—Watch Out!

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj,
Speaking to devotees in Venezuela
29 July 2012, part 7


So, I am telling to everybody: please give respect to each other. Be humble, tolerant, and give honour to others. Be respectful, always give respect to others. This is our conception.

The management can actually sometimes tell you to get out, and I have also told this to devotees many times, I have kicked devotees out many times. This is not the management's fault. If they have power, they can do that. When the management tells me to get out and not to come to the temple, they can do that because they have some authority, but at the same time the Guru also has some power and he can give mercy to me, but that does not mean that I am not guilty, that I am innocent. It is not so.

If somebody is doing some wrong, they must get some punishment, it is necessary, but at the same time we always try to keep all the devotee at the lotus feet of Gurudev, it is also necessary. In this way, we must harmonise with everything—management is one thing and spiritual matters are another, and we must harmonise both. When the manager is giving a lecture, he will speak spiritually, but when he does the management, he will do his duty...

You can make some little festival on Thursday (2 August 2012), it is Baladev's avirbhav day. If you do not bring many devotees on a festival day, you can make some good offering. You can also make a good offering tomorrow also, it is Srila Rupa Goswami and Gauri Das Pandit's disappearance day—you can offer some arepa, some paneer [His Divine Grace laughs]...

But do not use ginger in subjis. It is not good for health, and not good for the devotional life also. OK? If you can use only cumin, cumin powder, some tumeric, that is good for health and also your mind, your brain, your heart, everything will become cool. When you take ginger, ego comes and angry mood comes. Do not use it. If you eat a lot of ginger, more ego will come to you. If we take the prasad that Nityananda Prabhu and Mahaprabhu like, that is good for us. Also, we can cook what we like and offer it to Nityananda Prabhu, that is also good for us. Do not cook your own things and eat it yourself, this is bad for your spiritual life.


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Reaching Honey
'If you chant the Holy Name without offence, if you serve the Lord sincerely, without being a hypocrite and without deceit, if you follow Krishna consciousness and practise properly, you must get the taste of the honey.'


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'If anyone comes to you, their sins go away. Where can such a merciful master be found?'
এইবার করুণা কর

If we do so many things and Guru is not happy, that is not service, that is
karma—some reaction will come and we will lose our service.