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The Wealth of Service Happiness

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
29 July 2013


If somebody has got seva-sukha-sampada (সেবা-সুখ-সম্পদ), the wealth of the happiness of service, it will remove all kinds of illusory environment in their heart. "Nasaye avidya duhkha" (Saranagati, 16.4): through service the illusory environment will be destroyed and removed, but it is necessary to do service with full-hearted attachment.

People ask for liberation, but why do devotee not ask for it? Because through their service they get so much happiness, they get the association of the Lord—why would they then ask for liberation? They will not ask for it because liberation is temporary.

There are many kinds of service, and it is necessary to understand it. When Gadadhar Pandit wanted to go with Mahaprabhu, Mahaprabhu asked,

"I have given you service in Puri, why do you want to come with Me?"

"If I can stay with You, I can serve You, this is also service."

"Do you want My happiness or your own happiness? Do you want My interest or your interest? What do you want?"

Think about it, this is the main point.

Also, when Sanatan Goswami wanted to commit suicide, Mahaprabhu told him, "You want to leave your body, but it is not your property. It is My property, so why do you want to destroy My property? You cannot do it, it is not your duty. I will use your body for many things, I will use it for service in Vrindavan!"

You must understand what service is.

Service means acting under the guidance of Guru and Vaishnavs. If you are not following the guidance of Gurudev—even if you do sixty-four bhatyanga, if you visit the holy places, you chant, do whatever—it is not Hari-bhajan (worship of Hari), it is not practice of Krishna consciousness; it is mayara-bhajan (worship of maya, illusion) and self-deception, you are cheating yourself. It was said by Srila Prabhupad, and I have asked to place that 'Bhakti Siddhanta Vani' in the Internet. You can understand the meaning clearly.


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