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Preaching: Unalloyed Heart

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Speaking online to the devotees in Ukraine
20 September 2015


The main thing is that we must preach Mahaprabhu's teaching, Gurudev's teaching, Guru Maharaj's conception.

You can open a hatha yoga centre, or another yoga centre, but you must avoid karma-yoga, jnana-yoga—you will always practise only bhakti-yoga. Bhakti-yoga is the main practice. Without proper devotion, you cannot get the real connection—through jnana-yoga, through karma-yoga you can only get liberation; but liberation is not your destination. Your destination is Vraja Dham, Goloka Vrindavan—this is your home, and you must go back there. How will you go back to your home? Through constant practice.

You can open a yoga centre, but you must know what you do it for. The outside people cannot properly understand Krishna consciousness, that is why you can bring them to the yoga centre, and after that you will give them the main conception, you will tell them what Srimad Bhagavad-gita told:

সর্ব্বধর্ম্মান্ পরিত্যজ্য মামেকং শরণং ব্রজ ।
অহং ত্বাং সর্ব্বপাপেভ্যো মোক্ষয়িষ্যামি মা শুচঃ ॥

sarva-dharman parityajya, mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo, moksayisyami ma suchah

"Give up all kinds of religion and surrender to Me alone. I will liberate you from all sins, do not despair."

(Srimad Bhagavad-gita, 18.66)

This is how you must run the centre.

Even here in India also, you can see that it is a big country, but how many percent follow the advice that Krishna gives in Srimad Bhagavad-gita? They worship so many demigods and say that Krishna told in Srimad Bhagavad-gita, "If you do puja of the demigods, you are actually doing My puja." But what they are doing is not right, it is wrong. Krishna says, "You worship Mother Kali, Mother Durga, and so many other demigods, but actually you are worshipping Me in this way, but you are doing it in a wrong way, this is not the rule how it should be done. If you are doing something and think you are doing it for Me, it is karma-misra bhakti."

Krishna first told Arjuna about karma-misra bhakti, then jnana-misra bhakti, then so many other things like karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, etc., but what did Mahaprabhu say? He said, "Eho bahya age kaha ara (এহো বাহ্য, অগে কহ আর). Leave it! Leave karma-misra bhakti, leave jnana-misra bhakti! Go forward, go deeper!" What is the main conception? Radha-Krishna's paramour love (Radha-Krishna antaranga prema).

If you get this main conception in your heart, then you can understand everything easily and you will be not so much interested in karma-yoga or jnana-yoga...


— : • : —




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Jaya 'guru-maharaja'
'You are the mine of the siddhanta revealed by Sri Gauranga and Srila Saraswati Thakur. You discovered the divine meaning of the gayatri mantra.'
জয় ‘গুরু-মহারাজ’

If someone does not consider it necessary to faithfully follow their Guru and the Vaishnavs, their endeavour to serve the Lord is not service to the Lord—it is service to maya.