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"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
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Closing Appeal

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Kulgachia Gram, Howrah District
6 May 2018, part 23 (last)


When Mahaprabhu came in this Kali yuga, He said,

জীব জাগ, জীব জাগ, গোরাচাঁদ বলে ।
কত নিদ্রা যাও মায়া-পিশাচীর কোলে ॥

jiva jaga, jiva jaga, gorachanda bale
kata nidra yao maya-pisachira kole

Sri Gorachand says, "O souls, awake! O souls, awake! How much longer will you sleep in the lap of the witch Maya?"

"Do not sleep, souls! Wake up! Worship Krishna! Give up your sleep! You must come to Me, you must come back to Me!" How can we come to Him? The scriptures give the prescription, "If you worship Me, you will come to the abode where I live." If you serve Lord Siva, you will go to Siva-loka, if you serve people, you will go to the human plane, if you serve the jiva souls, you will go to an abode of jiva souls, but if you serve the Lord, you will be able to enter the abode of the Lord—the abode of service to the Guru, the abode of daily, perpetual service.

Krishna comes in this Kali-yuga as Mahaprabhu, Radha-Krishna's combined form, to tell everybody, "Wake up! You have lost your address, you have lost your home. This is not your address, you must come back to Me." We are searching for the Lord, and at the same time the Lord is searching for us, His lost sons. We must go back to Him, otherwise we will never be able to get the Lord.

We must listen to Hari-katha from the sadhu, Guru, and Vaishnavs. There are many sadhus in this world, but the scriptures give a description of symptoms of a sadhu, and this is how you can see if one is a sadhu.

It is said, "I have had a great hope to become a Vaishnav, but here is the stumbling block—the sloka 'Trnad api sunichena...' (to be humbler than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, give honour to others without desiring it for yourself)."

তৃণাধিক হীন দীন অকিঞ্চন ছার ।
আপনে মানবি সদা ছাড়ি অহঙ্কার ॥
বৃক্ষসম ক্ষমাগুণ করবি সাধন ।
প্রতিহিংসা ত্যজি অন্যে করবি পালন ॥

trnadhika hina, dina, akinchana chhara
apane manabi sada chhadi' ahankara
vrksa-sama ksama-guna karabi sadhana
pratihimsa tyaji' anye karabi palana

"Give up your false ego, and always consider yourself lower than grass, poor, needy, and mean. Practise the tolerance like that of a tree. Do not ill-treat others, instead nurture them."

Do not be cruel to others—if somebody does something bad to you, you must not do something bad to them in return.

জীবন-নির্ব্বাহে আনে উদ্বেগ না দিবে ।
পর-উপকারে নিজ-সুখ পাসরিবে ॥

jivana-nirvahe ane udvega na dibe
para-upakare nija-sukha pasaribe

"Live without causing anxiety to others; do good unto others without considering your own happiness."

You must forget your own happiness for the sake of others. You must be humbler than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree and give honour to others. If you do not follow this, you will never get the result, you will never get the Lord. It is necessary to understand this, to know this and to explain it to others. Others must know this.

তৃণাধিক হীন দীন অকিঞ্চন ছার ।
আপনে মানবি সদা ছাড়ি অহঙ্কার ॥
বৃক্ষসম ক্ষমাগুণ করবি সাধন ।
প্রতিহিংসা ত্যজি অন্যে করবি পালন ॥

trnadhika hina, dina, akinchana chhara
apane manabi sada chhadi' ahankara
vrksa-sama ksama-guna karabi sadhana
pratihimsa tyaji' anye karabi palana

Give up your false ego, and always consider yourself lower than grass, poor, needy, and mean. Practise tolerance like a tree. Give up vengeance and nurture others.

জীবন-নির্ব্বাহে আনে উদ্বেগ না দিবে ।
পর-উপকারে নিজ-সুখ পাসরিবে ॥

jivana-nirvahe ane udvega na dibe
para-upakare nija-sukha pasaribe

"Live without causing anxiety to others; do good unto others without considering your own happiness."

Forget your own happiness and try to help others. This is my prayer to you all—always chant the Holy Name of the Lord, offer bhog to the Lord, take His prasad, and take shelter of a bona fide Guru. Without service to the Lord you will never get rescued—you will have to keep coming here again and again.

কয় বার এলি কয় বার গেলি
তবু তত্ত্ব না শিখিলি ।
নিজের মাথা নিজে খাইলি
এ দোষ দিবি কারে ভাই ?

kaya bara eli kaya bara geli
tabu tattva na sikhili
nijer matha nije khaili
e-dosa dibe kare bhai?

"Coming and going, coming and going, and never learnt anything. You have been eating your own brain, who will you blame now, brother?"

It is my fault, not yours—I am my own friend, and I am my own enemy. If I cannot help myself, I will not be able to help others (if I cannot save myself, I will not be able to save others). Always remember this.

জীবে দয়া, নামে রুচি, বৈষ্ণব সেবা ।
ইহা বহি সনাতন নাহি আর ধর্ম্ম ॥

jive daya name ruchi vaisnava seva
iha bahi sanatana nahi ara dharma

"Be merciful to the souls, chant the Holy Name, and serve the Vaishnavs. Sanatan, besides this, there is no other religion."

There is no other religion except mercy to the jiva souls, chanting the Holy Name and service to Vaishnavs. Be merciful to the souls, bring the souls who turn away from Krishna to this path, then you will get super benefit, you will get super result. This is our prayer to you all. We have not come here to chant the Holy Name, we have come here to make you chant the Holy Name. We have not come here to sing songs, to sing lila kirtans, we have come here to make you chant the Holy Name. If even one of you comes to the Math, this would be good. It is a great fortune to be able to stay at a temple and serve the Lord...

You must all chant the Holy Name, come to the Math, always serve the Lord, then I will feel great peace and joy. If you feed me well, if you give me nice food, it will not make me happy. If you chant the Holy Name of the Lord, if you preach Gurudev's message, then I will be much happier. Even if you give me millions of rupees, it will not make me happy. How can you make me happy? Serve the Lord, serve with the Ganges water and Tulasi leaves. Serve through Vaishnav seva, Ganges water, and Tulasi leaves, and the Lord's Deity...

Ganges water, Vaishnav and Tulasi are always self-manifest. Wherever you get Ganges water, you must take it on your head; wherever you see Tulasi growing, even if it is somewhere on the street, you must pay obeisance; and whenever you see a Vaishnav or a Deity of the Lord, you must always pay obeisance. It is not necessary to make installation for Tulasi or Vaishnavs. When Gurudev gives somebody a certificate, it is not necessary to give them any further certificate. So, when you hear that certificate, take shelter of a real Guru, and serve the lotus feet of the Lord, then I will be extremely happy.

Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay!
Harinam sankirtan ki jay!
Nitai Gaura premanande Hari bol!

Devotee: Jay Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Sri Srimad Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj ki jay! Harinam sankirtan ki jay! Nitai Gour premanande haribol!


— : • : —




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Do not follow your mind: surrender to your Guru
We cannot follow our mind. We do not know what will be good for us, so what instructions Gurudev gives, what is Gurudev's desire, and what will happen—depend on him, give up everything to him.


Parama karuna
'Is there anyone as as merciful as Nitai and Gaura? They are beaten and yet bestow divine love.'
পরম করুণ

If you want to see your Guru, your Guru's form, you can see him by his mercy,
and you must understand that chastity is necessary—chastity is above all.