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(3/6) At Sri Gambhira His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Jay Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj ki jay Where have we come? To Gambhira. Will you remember it? You must keep it in your heart, not just in your memory, or mind. Why is this place called 'Gambhira'? 'Gambhira' means a room within a room. I know that everybody was not able to go inside to offer their obeisances and have the darshan of Gambhira. Those who were walking next to me went there with me, but you should all go there one by one and offer your obeisances when we are leaving, all right? This is the room where Mahaprabhu stayed. It is a very small room. When Guru Maharaj (Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj) was in Puri, I remember he said something. At that time, I had not taken sannyas. He was sitting in a chair, and I sat on the floor near him. Suddenly, he asked me, 'Vinod, you know that Mahaprabhu was 7'6 (seven foot six inches, 228.6 cm).' You can see that our Deities in Ekachakra are also of the same height: Nityananda Prabhu is 7'4 and Mahaprabhu is 7'6; and They are ajanulambita-bhuja, Their long hands reach below Their knees). So, Gurudev asked me, 'You know that Mahaprabhu was 7'6, but Gambhira is such a small room. So, how did Mahaprabhu chant and dance with His arms upraised in that room?' I said that I did not know. Then, Guru Maharaj said, 'Who will I tell it to you and who will be able to understand it?' These are very profound things. When it comes to the Lord, everything is possible. When Mahaprabhu danced, the ceiling could expand to make room for Mahaprabhu's dance. In this room, Mahaprabhu manifested His vipralamba pastimes (the pastimes of divine separation).
অয়ি দীনদয়ার্দ্র নাথ হে
ayi dina-dayardra natha he 'O gentle-hearted Lord, ever-gracious upon the destitute, O Lord of Mathura, when shall I see You again? In Your absence my broken heart trembles. Beloved! what shall I do now?' (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.4.197) He would lament, 'You have given Me your darshan once, but You are not giving it to Me again.' Who is Mahaprabhu? When Krishna was sitting in meditation at Imlitala in Vrindavan, He saw His reflection in the Yamuna (Imlitala, a tamarind tree, is situated on the bank of the Yamuna). He thought, 'How beautiful I am! Why does Radharani cry chanting My Name? What sort of happiness does She feel serving Me? I must find it out! I must garb Myself in Her heart and halo and come to this world.' Making this promise, Lord Krishna appears in Kali-yuga in Nabadwip as Gauranga, accepting Jagannath Misra and Sachi Mata as His parents and stealing Radharani's heart and halo. Going door to door, Mahaprabhu urged everyone,
জীব জাগ, জীব জাগ, গোরাচাঁদ বলে ।
jiva jago, jiva jago, gorachanda bale 'Sri Gorachand says, "Wake up, souls! Wake up! How much longer will you sleep in the lap of the witch Maya?"' (Sri Gitavali, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur) 'O jiva! Wake up! You have lost your address! You have lost your home! I have come for you! I have come to send you home!' What do Sri Guru and Vaishnavs do? We have fallen into illusory bondage, coming to this material world again and again. We have been born as trees, plants, animals, birds, cats, goats, cats, sheep and many other species, and we will have to go through these births again if we do not chant the glories of Mahaprabhu and Lord Hari – if we do not practise Krishna consciousness.
কয় বার এলি কয় বার গেলি
kaya bara eli kaya bara geli 'Coming and going, coming and going, you never learnt anything. You have been eating your own brain—who will you blame now, brother?' Who fault is it? Mine. Yours. Who will you blame? We are our own enemies, and we are our own friends. So, it is not anybody else's fault – the fault is mine. Even having heard what Sri Guru and Vaishnavs say, I do not listen to what they say – I only continue struggling in my material life, material bondage, thinking only about Maya. We need the mercy of Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! They tell such beautiful things to us. Grasping us by the sikha, Sri Guru and Vaishnavs pull us out of this material life and engage us in the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in Vrindavan. Do you understand?... This is Mahaprabhu's place, and we must sing Mahaprabhu's kirtan here. I remember Guru Maharaj beautifully sang one kirtan written by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur. There is also a kirtan written by Srila Sridhar Maharaj (Jaya Sachinandana sura-muni-vandana) – we were singing it and dancing as we were coming here. This kirtan is chanted only in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, not in any other missions. There is so much more that can be said about Mahaprabhu and Gambhira... Here, Mahaprabhu relished the pastimes of vipralamba during twelve years, showing that Radharani becomes crazy for Krishna. When Mahaprabhu was still living in Mayapur, Nabadwip, Sachi Mata noted, 'Vishvarup has left, and now my second son has become mad. He is talking gibberish.' Out of her motherly concern, she prepared a tub filled with cooling oil for Him. At that time, Srivas Pandit, who was staying nearby, came and said, 'Didi, what has happened to Him, no oil can do anything! Oil will not calm Him down. I too want to become mad like that. I do not know if I can be so fortunate or not, but I want to become like Him too.' Hearing this, Mahaprabhu grasped Srivas Pandit's feet, saying, 'Srivas! There is nobody in this house who can understand Me except you. I have become mad but mad for what?'
কবে নবদ্বীপে, সুরধুনী-তটে
kabe nabadvipe, suradhuni-tate 'When will I wander along the banks of the Ganges in Nabadwip, dancing, singing and running about, without any thinking as though mad? When will this day be mine?' [His Divine Grace chants 'Kabe habe bolo se dina amara'.]
কবে হবে বল, সে দিন আমার ।
kabe habe bala, se dina amara 'Please tell me, when will that day be mine? When will my offences be removed? When will I get such mercy that the taste for the pure Name intensifies within my heart?'
তৃণাধিক হীন, কবে নিজে মানি,
trnadhika hina, kabe nije mani, 'When will I relish the very gist of the Name's divine taste, considering myself lower than a blade of grass, bringing the quality of tolerance within my heart and becoming eager to honour everyone, desiring no honour from anyone?'
ধন জন আর, কবিতা সুন্দরী,
dhana jana ara, kavita-sundari, 'When will I say that I do not want any wealth, followers, erudition, beautiful women or any other bodily happiness? O Gaurahari! Birth after birth, please give me unconditional devotion to Your holy feet.'
(কবে) করিতে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ- নাম উচ্চারণ,
(kabe) karite sri-krsna- nama uchcharana, 'When will my hair stand on end, my voice falter, my complexion turn pale, my body tremble and tears pour incessantly from my eyes as I call aloud Sri Krishna's Name?'
কবে নবদ্বীপে, সুরধুনী-তটে,
kabe navadvipe, suradhuni-tate, 'When will I roam the banks of the Ganges in Nabadwip, sincerely calling out, "Gaura-Nityananda!", dancing, singing and running about, without any thinking as though mad?' When will I become mad and roam the banks of the Ganges like a madman, chanting, 'Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna! Nitai Gaura!' When will this day come?
কবে নিত্যানন্দ, মোরে করি’ দয়া,
kabe nityananda, more kari' daya, 'When will Nityananda be compassionate to me and relieve me from the mundane illusion? When will He give me the shade of His holy feet and grant me the right to enter the marketplace of the Name?'
কিনিব লুটিব, হরি-নাম-রস,
kiniba lutiba, hari-nama-rasa, 'When will I buy and scatter the nectar of the Lord's Name? When will I become intoxicated and overwhelmed with that nectar? When will I touch the holy feet of relishers of that nectar and become forever immersed in that nectar?' I will buy this wealth and scatter it then all around. What does 'scatter' mean? Some people throw the Lord's prasad into the crowd – they made so much offence. When we go on a parikrama, they also throw some sweets at our feet – children pick them up and eat happily, but they do not understand how much offence those people make. 'Buy and scatter' means that I will take the Holy Name from Gurudev, and I will preach about it to others, going house to house. 'Krsna bala, sange chala, ei matra bhiksa chai: I am begging you for one thing only—come with Me and chant the Holy Name of Krishna!' This is all I am begging you for – I am not coming to beg for rice, money or anything else; I am begging you only: Say 'Krishna' and tell others about Krishna! Tell others about Krishna and arrange it for them to tell others about Krishna also.
কবে জীবে দয়া, হইবে উদয়,
kabe jive daya, haibe udaya, 'When will compassion for all souls arise within me? When will I become destitute at heart and forget my own happiness? When will Bhaktivinod, receiving an order, wander around and preach humbly?' There is no point of thinking about your own food, house and so on. You must serve devotees. As for yourself, all you can think is, 'When will compassion for all souls arise within me? When will I become destitute at heart and forget my own happiness?' We are all selfish, we always think only about ourselves – we always think what is best for us, what we like. But the Lord, Sri Guru and Vaishnavs never think about themselves. This kirtan of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur is very beautiful. You should sometimes recite this line and rememeber:
কবে নিত্যানন্দ মোরে করি' দয়া ।
kabe nityananda more kari' daya 'When will Nityananda be compassionate to me and relieve me from the mundane illusion?' When will the Lord set me free from this material illusion?... So, now we will chant Guru Maharaj's kirtan and leave. We will go to the house of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya from here. After that, we will go to the Jagannath Temple, offer our obeisances and come back to the temple.
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