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About Sri Dehi Kunda

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Mathura District Parikrama
10 November 2018, Uchagaon, Dehi Kunda


Srimati Lalita Devi ki jay
Jay Uchagaon ki jay
Jay Dehi Kunda ki jay

One day, Krishna Himself assumed the form of a begging brahman and came to Srimati Radharani. He asked Her,

"Please give Me some money."

"I have no money," answered Radharani.

"Must I leave empty-handed then?"

Unable to refuse the brahman and send Him away without a donation, She said,

"You can take Me in lieu of money."

The brahman (Krishna) was very pleased and eager to take Radharani, but when Radharani's parents, Raja Vrisabhanu and Kirtida Mayi, heard about this, they became very sad. They begged the brahman,

"How can we give You our only daughter? Please do not take Her away!"

"I cannot give Her up! But, all right, you can give Me the amount of gold equal to Radharani's weight, then I will not take Her."

Radharani's parents gave Him that amount of gold and got their daughter back. The brahman (Krishna) took that gold and left.

After that, Lalita Devi and other gopis made this pond here in memory of Srimati Radharani who wanted to give Her body (deha) instead of gold.

You have come to Vrindavan and you must be very careful—this place, as well as actually all places in Vrindavan, are places of Krishna's prem, love and affection, and this love is niskama-prema (devoid of any selfishness or mundane desires). You can see in our country that a woman gives her body (deha) to her husband, but this is not the same as what happens here.

Jay Dehi Kunda ki jay



Sri Dehi (Deha) Kunda.



— : • : —





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