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(7/9) Devotees' Wealth

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Vasanta Panchami, Tarakeshwar,
10 February 2019, evening, part 7
Translated from Bengali


Why should we become devotees? What is wrong with being a non-devotee? 'We may think that someone may be a devotee, and someone may be a non-devotee according to their liking, what is wrong about that? If we are non-devotees, then there appear several problems – various miseries (caused by one's body, the nature, other souls, etc.). The only cause of suffering is aversion to the Lord – no matter what we do, if it is not devotion we will suffer.' I told you about it yesterday also. Why do people suffer so much? Why do their minds give them so much anxiety? The only cause of suffering is averse to the Lord. We are suffering because we engage ourselves in everything else besides devotion. 'When, instead of worshipping the Lord, jiva souls exercise their independent free will, Maya Devi turns them into her slaves. Thus, we pose as masters, but as soon as we get some good association, we can understand that we are not masters – our only duty is service to the Lord.' Some of us pose as masters – as masters of the house, 'I am the owner of the house', 'I own this house', 'Everybody must do as I say'. This is ego. We forget that the only master of this whole world is the Lord. He is the master, and everything happens by His will. By His will, we are getting sunlight, moonlight, air and everything else. Whenever you do something that ignores His will, such activities are called non-devotion. When you come in connection with saints and get their association, you can understand that you are not the master: the Lord is the master of this world, and our duty is to serve Him.

Who can give the Lord? You have heard that Vaishnavs (devotees) can give the Lord. 'Vaisnavera hrdaye sada govinda-visrama (বৈষ্ণবের হৃদয়ে সদা গোবিন্দ-বিশ্রাম). Krishna always rests in the heart of devotees.' The Lord is the eternal wealth of devotees; therefore, devotees can give the Lord. 'If the Lord were to personally give Himself, there would be something more left, but a devotee of the Lord can give the Lord without withholding anything. Service to devotees is higher than service to Vishnu, and it is everyone's duty to serve devotees.'

How can one become a devotee? 'Many people want to become devotees without becoming servants of devotees, without serving devotees.' I told you yesterday also that many want to become devotees of Krishna without serving Krishna's devotees (they want to become Vaishnavs without serving Vaishnavs). 'But it is impossible to become a devotee without becoming a servant of devotees. Many of us are non-devotees, but we think we are devotees. What is my position? I am not a devotee – I cannot constantly serve the Lord. Sometimes we have a male ego and are drawn to female beauty, sometimes we have a female ego and are drawn to men – can such an atheist, sinner and the lowliest of men as myself ever become a devotee?' These are Srila Prabhupad's words. But many claim, 'I have become a devotee!' But Srila Prabhupad says, 'How can such an atheistic, sinful and lowly person as myself become a devotee?' This is the humility of a devotee – devotees never think that they are great.

Why is it said that the paths of karmis, jnanis, yogis, etc. are wrong? 'Bhagavatam says that those who have accepted the path of karma, jnana or yoga have taken to a wrong path. If there is devotion, one can get the Lord.' It is not possible to come to the Lord through any mystic powers, material activities or knowledge. Only devotion can bring you to the Lord. 'You may get something you like (preya), but it does not mean you get what is good for you (sreya), but it is necessary to turn sreya into preya.'

What is the difference between karmis and devotees? 'Karmis (materialists) want to enjoy in this life and in next life. Devotion is the propensity of a pure soul. If we can re-establish ourselves in our real healthy state, we will be able to easily separate ourselves from the material world.'


— : • : —





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Size: 30.7 Mb
Length: 62 min
Language: Bengali




1) Conquering the Conquerer
2) Two Phenomenal Personalities
3) Srila Raghunath Das Goswami's Pastimes
4) Mukunda's Faith
5) Sri Raghunandan Thakur
6) Remembering Lord's Associates
7) Devotees' Wealth
8) Do As You Please
9) Remember Great Souls




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