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(3/3) Immerse Your Life in Kirtan

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, morning class
16 February 2019, part 3
Translated from Bengali


[His Divine Grace chants 'Parama karuna pahu dui jana', 'Dayal Nitai Chaitanya bale nach re amara mana', 'Are bhai Nitai amara dayara avadhi', 'Nitai mora jivan-dhana']

How beautifully Srila Lochan Das Thakur wrote:

nitai mora jivana dhana, nitai mora jati
nitai bihane mora ara nahi gati [1]

Nitai is my life, my treasure. Nitai is my family. I do not know anything except Nitai.

samsara-sukhera mukhe tule diba chhai
nagare magiya khabo gaiya nitai [2]

I will throw ash into the face of material happiness and will go begging in town, chanting Nitai's Name.

ye dese nitai nai, se dese na yaba
nitai-vimukha janara mukha na heriba [3]

I will never go to the places where there is no Nitai. I will not see the faces of those who are averse to Nitai!

ganga yanra pada-jala, hara sire dhare
hena nitai na bhajiya duhkha peye mare [4]

Lord Siva (Hara) holds on his head the water of the Ganges that washes His feet. Those who do not worship this Nitai live and die in misery.

lochana bale mora nitai yeba nahi mane
anala bhejao tara majha-mukha-khane [5]

Lochan says, 'Throw fire into the mouths of those who do not respect my Nitai!'

How beautiful these words are!

[His Divine Grace continues chanting 'Daya kara more Nitai daya kara more', 'Jaya Jaya Nityananda Advaita Gauranga' and 'Jaya Jaya Nityananda Nityananda Rama']

There are many more kirtans, we will chant again in the evening. Have you read this book, Sri Nityananda-mahimamrita? If you do not read it, how will you chant these kirtans? It is necessary to chant these kirtans.

Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay.

You have heard glorification of Nityananda Prabhu, and you must also chant these kirtans yourself. You think, 'You all sing, and I will listen.' It will not do. You must sing yourself. If I eat, will your stomach be full? You bring some hired singers to chant kirtans and think that you have got everything. This is Nama-bale papachar: you commit all kinds of sins and think that the power of the Holy Name will remove all your sins. You must chant kirtans yourself. When you chant these kirtans, you will be remembering Nityananda Prabhu. You worry that you do not know the tune, but no tune is necessary. Because we have drums and karatals here now, we are playing them, but when I am alone, do you think I sing it like that? I do not. I recite them. Chanting kirtan is not playing drums and karatals – even if you read them, that is also kirtan. So, always chant kirtan. I have some service now (you know what it is), so I have to take your leave now. Let us chant 'Hari Haraye' now and finish.

[After the kirtan, His Divine Grace retires to his holy quarters to give initiations.]


— : • : —





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Size: 23.5 Mb
Length: 46 min
Language: Bengali




1) Genuine Advice of Genuine Guru
2) Sincere, Firm and Ardent
3) Immerse Your Life in Kirtan




Kali-Yuga's Treasure
'In Dvapar-yuga Krishna thought, 'How will people be rescued from this environment in Kali-yuga?' Krishna Himself came in this world in Kali-yuga as Gauranga Mahaprabhu and said, 'I have come here, so I must give them something.' What does He give?'

What is your work, you do that, what is your service, you do that,
and all other time you only chant Hare Krishna maha-mantra.