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(2/8) My Mission

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Hooghly District, preaching programme,
21 February 2019, evening, part 2
Translated from Bengali


Always listen attentively – do not allow any other thoughts into your mind. Do not sit here and think about your house, do not gossip or talk about mundane matters. Only listen to what is being said attentively. It is not enough to only hear to these talks with your ears – you must listen to these talks with your heart.

I come here every year for your benefit. ** Prabhu has spent much money to arrange this programme and prasad for everybody so that people can come to this line. But do you know what makes me sad? We go to each and every house inviting people, 'Come to Nabadwip. Even if you cannot come at the Gaura Purnima time, come at any other time. Do dham-parikrama, stay at the temple. We arrange many festivals throughout the year, come and join any of the festivals.' But it is sad that here in Hooghly there are only one–two devotees, nobody else has been able to come to this line. A Virtually 100% people only think about their material families, and because we are so busy thinking about our material lives, we do not get time to think about the Lord. But one day, you will have to give an answer.

I have just told you that I am not part of some hired kirtan party – I am not coming here on any contract. I am not coming to sing lila-kirtans or pala-kirtans. I come here to say a few words for your spiritual benefit – I come here to tell you who you are, why you have come to this world, and what is the purpose of human life. Everyone who has come to this world must think about it. Otherwise, you will keep coming and going in this world. Therefore, you must live always thinking about it. I come here for your benefit, to do you some good – to teach you about your own selves (atma-tattva-jnana). Do not live thinking only about your temporary bodies. I do not come to give you any temporary help – to give your money, food, medicine, to help your daughters get married. I come here with a very high conception. I come here to tell you about your own souls.

The soul is a part of the Lord. When the body dies, the soul, which lived inside the body, goes away to another place. You can see that I am moving my arms and legs and speaking now – the manger, or the 'driver', of this body is the soul. This soul comes from the Lord. Be it a fish, a fly, a dog, a sheep, a cat or a tree – there is a soul within all living entities (the Lord animates all creatures in the world). The Lord creates dogs' bodies for some soul and goats' bodies for other souls. According to the result of our own actions, we enter the bodies of various species on earth or in water.

ভারত-ভূমিতে হৈল মনুষ্য-জন্ম যার ।
জন্ম সার্থক করি' কর পর-উপকার ॥

bharata-bhumite haila manusya janma yara
janma sarthaka kari' kara para-upakara

'One who has taken birth as a human being in the land of India should take advantage of this birth by bringing benefit to others.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.9.41)

Bringing benefit to others means mercy to other jiva souls, but this is not the 'love for others' that people speak about in this world. The genuine mercy, or compassion, for others is such that when you get that kind of mercy, you will not have to worry about this world anymore. The Lord manages and arranges everything.

We think that we manage everything, but we do you take on this responsibility? We think that we are managers, but there is already a manager who runs this world. This is Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. The problem is that we have forgotten Him. We have forgotten the relationship that our souls have with the Supersoul and the Supreme Lord. Why do we forget about it? Because of the influence of Maya.

Maya is also created by the Lord. Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad-gita:

দৈবী হ্যেষা গুণময়ী মম মায়া দুরত্যয়া ।
মামেব যে প্রপদ্যন্তে মায়ামেতাং তরন্তি তে ॥

daivi hy esa gunamayi, mama maya duratyaya
mam eva ye prapadyante, mayam etam taranti te

'My supramundane trimodal illusory potency (alluring those who are averse to Me) is extremely difficult to overcome. However, this insurmountable potency of Mine can be overcome by those who exclusively surrender to Me.'

(Srimad Bhagavad-gita, 7.14)

The Lord has created Maya. Getting her power from the Lord, Maya keeps souls away from the Lord's service and turns them into her own servants. She tries her best to curb us. That is why you are struggling so much in this world only to procure some food, clothes or money. Because we do not have faith in the Lord, we end up in this situation. Leaving all this labour, when will you become free to serve the Lord?

This is what I have come to tell you.

When will you leave Maya's family and start to live as members of Krishna's family? Right now, you only come out of your mother's womb and go to enter another mother's womb. But you must enter Krishna's family.

We are all members of Krishna's family, but we have forgotten about it. All trees, plants, insects, beasts, birds, cows, goats, bulls – all living entities in this world are children of Lord Krishna. Because we forget about this, we live suffering so much from the threefold miseries in this world now. Therefore, you must leave this world of Maya and try to enter Krishna's family. 'Kariya Krsnera samsara chhadi' anachara (করিয়া কৃষ্ণের সংসার ছাড়ি' অনাচার). You must make your family Krishna's family and give up all unwanted and unfavourable habits.'


— : • : —





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Size: 21 Mb
Length: 43 min
Language: Bengali




1) Your Necessity and Interest
2) My Mission
3) Hari-Kirtan Comes from Heart
4) Come Forward
5) Do Not Cheat Yourself
6) Soul's Shelter
7) Genuine Devotion Comes from Genuine Devotees
8) Leashed and Lashed Life




Continue Your Service,
By Hook or By Crook
'I am always with you all, and I always want to serve Gurudev's mission together. This is my wish. I want us to run this mission together and want the preaching to go on happily everywhere.'

We must not be fickle-minded: today we go to this Math, tomorrow we go
to another temple... This is not chastity.