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(3/6) His World, His Will

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Preaching programme, 1 January 2020, part 3
Translated from Bengali


Sravan means 'sreyo' plus 'van': it is that by hearing which you can get supreme benefit. This is not preyo, something that gives pleasure. Lila-kirtans, melodious kirtans with various tunes – the Lord does not like all this. You chant kirtan and dance today, but the next day you sit quietly and not chant – this will not do. You must chant kirtan every day. Chant every morning and evening, and if you get time during the day, you can chant kirtan the whole day. Kirtan must be eternal, regular. Kirtan pleases the Lord most of all. Chant glorification (vandana) of gurudev, Vaishnavs, Pancha-tattva, Nityananda Prabhu, Mahaparabhu. Always remember this.

The kirtans we sing are so beautiful. We sell small kirtan books for twenty rupees – these small books have all the kirtans that we chant every morning and evening. People do not buy books, that is why we have printed wall calendars: we give free calendars to those who buy books, and people then buy books because they want to have the calendar... But when you go to a tea stall, you waste money on biscuits and other snacks – you eat some rotten eggplants fried in batter and get sick after that... And at night, people indulge in alcohol, smoking, etc. I told today in the morning that you can have a doctor's room or a pharmacy open at the corner of your house, but does it mean that everybody is healthy in your house now? People invent new medicines, but then new diseases spring up. They say that they have invented cure for cancer, but then another disease has appeared now and many people are dying from it. No matter how many kinds of medicine scientists may invent, the Lord will invent more disease. When I attended a science programme in Purulia, I told them, 'You, scientists, have invented an atom bomb and so many things, but can you defeat even one tiny mosquito? Can you produce a single grain of rice?' They fell silent, unable to reply.

We cannot do anything. Only those who are made to do something can do something. 'Kartavya na akartavya anya ta kartama (কর্ত্তব্য না অকর্ত্তব্য অন্য ত কর্তম): He can cancel that which is to happen, and He can do even that which is not to happen.' Everything happens by the will of the Lord. By His will, the sun gives light; by His will, there is light; by His will, the wind blows; by His will, there are storms; by His will, there are clouds; by His will, there are rains. Everything happens by His will. Nothing can happen without the will of the Lord. When a train comes, you can see a thousand people getting on the train – this one thousand people come with one thousand of thoughts in their heads, they are busy with their work; but if the train meets an accident, all those thoughts comes to an end – all their work is finished. The Lord arranges everything, and in one moment you may not need to go anywhere anymore, all your work may finish. We do not have any power. We only think that we can do something because we are possessed by ego:

অহঙ্কারে মত্ত হৈঞা নিতাইপদ পাসরিয়া
অসত্যেরে সত্য করি মানি ।

ahankare matta haina nitai-pada pasariya
asatyere satya kari' mani

'Maddened with pride, forgetting Nitai's feet, I accept untruth as truth.'

(Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

We take falsehood for truth. 'My house', 'my room', 'my son', 'my family', 'my wife' – they were my wife, my son or my daughter, why do they leave me and go away then? If my father was mine, then why does he leave me and go away? If my wife is mine, why does she leave me and go away? If these people were my own, they would not leave me. 'Se kabhu na haya para (সে কভু না হয় পর): He never leaves me' (Siksastakam Giti, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur). Who never leaves me? The Lord. He is always there – He always existed, always exists and will always exist in the future.

ঈশ্বরঃ পরমঃ কৃষ্ণঃ সচ্চিদানন্দবিগ্রহঃ ।
অনাদিরাদির্গোবিন্দঃ সর্ব্বকারণকারণম্ ॥

isvarah paramah krsnah sach-chid-ananda-vigrahah
anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam

'Krishna, who is known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, for He is the prime cause of all causes.'

(Sri Brahma-samhita, 5.1)

These are Brahma's words. Krishna created Brahma, and Brahma then created all this world. We were chanting just now in a kirtan:

কৃষ্ণ হৈতে চতুর্ম্মুখ, হন কৃষ্ণসেবোন্মুখ,
ব্রহ্মা হৈতে নারদের মতি ।

krsna haite chatur-mukha hana krsna-sevonmukha
brahma haite naradera mati

'Through Krishna, Lord Brahma became devoted to Krishna's service. From Lord Brahma, Sri Narad Goswami received devotional propensity.'

Brahma is the master of the universe. Krishna has entrusted him to run this world as a manager. He also entrusted Vishnu to take care of this world and Siva to annihilate it. Everything happens by His will. He creates everything, He maintains everything, and He destroys everything. Nothing can happen without His permission. Kali, Durga, Laksmi, Ganesh and other gods do everything taking His permission first, and if somebody does something without His permission, you can remember what happened at Govardhan. When Indra became angry and tried to flood Vrindavan, he could not do anything. Brahma also tried to do something independently, but he also failed. In the end, they came to the Lord and ask Him for forgiveness. Because of his offence, Indra arranged great worship, a big fire sacrifice and abhisek of Lord Krishna with the milk from a surabhi cow...


— : • : —





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Size: 16 Mb
Length: 36 min
Language: Bengali




1) Krishna-Centred Renunciation
2) Live for Guru
3) His World, His Will
4) Escaping Foreign Land
5) Non-Sectarian and Non-Liberal
6) Adjust Your Faith and Priority




Ganga Mata Goswamini
'There was once a young girl, a daughter of a good Odisha king, who got much mercy from Jagannath. She always served in the Jagannath temple—made garlands and did whatever other service there was..'

Those who have material attachment, who think, 'This is mine, this is yours,'
always wander throughout the fourteen worlds.