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(3/5) Inconceivable Mercy

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
6 January 2020, part 3


When somebody glorifies and chants Krishna's Name (Nama), glorifies His beauty (guna), pastimes (lila), if somebody always serves the Lord's associates and subordinate devotees (parikara) and remembers His features (vaisistya), the result is the same because all these attributes of Krishna are non-different from Krishna Himself.

Therefore, through the Holy Name, we can get service to the Lord—we can get the right to cook for the Lord, to worship the Lord, to worship and serve Vaishnavs. This is the highest path in this Age of Kali, and it is not some small fortune, it is not some small sukriti to receive this opportunity—it is necessary to have the greatest fortune to receive this kind of service.

You can see that when Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nimai, was about two years old, He was playing in the yard. His body was decorated with many gold ornaments, and two thieves, who were passing by, noticed His jewellery and wanted to steal it. The thieves came up to Nimai, and one of them put Him on his shoulder. Then, the thieves quickly went away. As they walked, one of them was thinking, "Oh, I will take the ornaments from His hands!" and the other one was thinking, "Oh, I will take the ornaments from His neck!" They walked and walked the whole day, and Nimai did not do anything—He did not cry or make any noise. In the end, the thieves had walked so much that they could not even find their own house. They ended up returning to the same place, Nimai's house! Bewildered at what was going on, the thieves put Nimai down and quickly ran away. Everybody had started looking for Nimai by that time, so when they say Nimai was again at home, they were very surprised. Sachi Mata said, "Who has brought my Son? Please come! I want to reward you!" The thieves had already run away and they had already got their reward—Mahaprabhu had already given them His mercy because they could touch His body.

Nimai showed so many pastimes to us. When Nimai was born, it was the day of lunar eclipse, and when He had just appeared, He cried all the time because He saw that in this Age of Kali, nobody chanted the Holy Name. Everybody tried taking Nimai in their arms to pacify Him, but no matter what they did, Nimai did not stop crying. Everybody was puzzled, "What has happened? Why is He crying non-stop?" Then, some lady said, "Hare Krishna! Hari bol!" Then Nimai stopped crying. After that, everybody understood, "All right, we said 'Hare Krishna, Hari bol', and Nimai stopped crying. Good!" This is how Nimai engaged everyone in chanting the Holy Name.

Our Nimai, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, came to this world, and He showed so many miraculous pastimes:

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য-দয়া করহ বিচার ।
বিচার করিলে চিত্তে পাবে চমৎকার ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya-daya karaha vichara
vichara karile chitte pabe chamatkara

"Consider the mercy of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! If you consider it, your heart will be wonder-stricken."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.8.15)

Nitai and Gaura are so kind—They have given us so much that it is inconceivable. That is why we must always remember Their pastimes.



— : • : —





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Size: 8.7 Mb
Length: 20 min
Language: English




1) Madhava Tithi
2) The Pride of the Prideless
3) Inconceivable Mercy
4) Learn from Lord's Pastimes
5) Appreciate Service




Mahaprabhu Enters Sri Puri Dham
'Atharnala is the place through which Mahaprabhu first entered Puri after He took sannyas. Engrossed in the thoughts about Lord Jagannath, Mahaprabhu began to run from there. He was actually walking, but walking so fast that the devotees had to run to follow Him.'

Problems come, this life is always like this. What can you do? It is the will of Krishna,
but all problems will be removed, we must not stop.