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"My Gratitude"

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, evening class
8 February 2020, part 2


When we want to do some service, our mind always takes us in the opposite direction:

নিদ্রলস্য-হত সুকার্য্যে বিরত
অকার্য্যে উদ্যোগী আমি

nidralasya hata sukarya
virata akarya udyogi ami

"I am ruined by laziness and sleep. I do not like to do what is good, I like to do what is bad."

Our lifestyle is always laziness, sleep, etc. We do not get the energy to serve Vaishnavs, we do not get the energy to chant the Holy Name, we do not get any enthusiasm to serve the guru and Vaishnavs because we still have some bad things in our hearts.

বিষয় ছাড়িয়া কবে শুদ্ধ হ'বে মন ।
কবে হাম হেরব শ্রীবৃন্দাবন ॥

visaya chhadiya kabe suddha habe mana,
kabe hama heraba sri-vrindavan

"When will my mind, leaving the material world, become clean? When will I see Sri Vrindavan?"

When will I be able to leave my material attachment? When will my mind be pure? When will I always think about Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's pastimes, Mahaprabhu's pastimes, Gurudev's and Guru Maharaj's pastimes, the pastimes of Radha-Krishna? When will we be always able to remember this? Everybody should always think about it.

So many devotees are helping us with this festival—somebody cannot help physically, but they are helping through their mind, through their funds, money, etc. I am not only thanking them, I am very grateful to them because they are doing so much for Gurudev. One time, Gurudev told me, "Do not worry, when some door closes, another door will open." Therefore, I am thinking that it is all happening automatically, on it own accord.

I started construction in nine places last year (in 2019), and almost all construction is finished, The construction in Ekachakra finished, in Nrisingha Palli finished, in Bankura finished, in Mednipore finished, in Tarakeshwar finished, in Ganga Sagar finished, only there is still some construction due in Mayapur, Bangladesh, and Uluberia—in these three places, the construction is not finished yet it is still going on...



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Appreciate Your Fortune
'We come and go, come and go, but the fortunate souls get good association. Good association comes through faith: the kind of benefit you get from the Lord depends on how much faith you have for your Guru.'


Ei-bara karuna kara
'O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the fallen, without you there is no one.'
এইবার করুণা কর

Problems come, this life is always like this. What can you do? It is the will of Krishna,
but all problems will be removed, we must not stop.