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(1/8) Satiating Hunger for Hari-Katha His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
By the mercy of Sri Gurupadpadma and Vaishnavs, we have come here today. It is the Damodar Month now, the Kartik Month, which is the favourite time of Sri Kirtika-nandini (Srimati Radharani). Choosing this Damodar Month, we have come here. The thing is that you must understand why sadhus come to people's houses. I do not come to anybody's house to waste their rice. I come hoping that I can help you in some way, hoping that you can get some help through me. I know that I am an ordinary man, but I cannot deny what my Guru Maharaj, my Gurupadpadma, has given me. My Guru Maharaj is a very great personality, he is the wealth of my heart (prana-dhan), and he is a close associate of the Lord. I cannot deny what I have got by the mercy of Gurudev and the Lord. So, I go house to house, door to door and distribute it to everyone. By the wish of the Lord, there are some instruments. For example, I told you that you should arrange an microphone because when I come, I do not come so that only twenty–thirty people can hear what I say – if there is a microphone, then everybody can hear Hari-katha. After all, everyone is a beggar for Hari-katha. We come to speak about the Lord to those who are destitute and begging to hear it. Then everyone will get benefit through that. You can understand it yourself. Which is better, eating yourself or eating and sharing with others? If you can eat sharing with others, it is better. It is necessary to share with others. Therefore, we come to give something to others. We do not come to take anything from you all. The Lord has not given me a very loud voice, that is why we use microphones that scientists have invented by the mercy of the Lord. The main thing is that this microphone is necessary so that people from other neighbourhoods and villages can hear us. For example, you come here, but your husband did not want to come, so he stayed at home. At least he can hear something about the Lord, can hear some kirtan from his room; he can get benefit through that. Even plants, trees, insects, animals and birds that cannot speak can get some benefit through this Hari-katha. That is why wherever there is a programme, I tell everyone to arrange for a microphone (if you all do not have it, then you can rent it). Anyhow, it is the Damodar Month now. Every morning, when we wake up, we sing this kirtan (I do not know if you do it or not):
নমামীশ্বরং সচ্চিদানন্দরূপং
namamisvaram sach-chid-ananda rupam 'To the Supreme Lord, whose form is the embodiment of eternal existence, knowledge, and bliss, whose shark-shaped earrings are swinging to and fro, who is beautifully shining in the divine realm of Gokula....'
রুদন্তং মুহুর্নেত্রযুগ্মং মৃজন্তং
rudantam muhur netra-yugmam mrjantam '[Seeing the whipping stick in His mother's hand,] He is crying and rubbing His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His eyes are filled with fear, and the necklace of pearls around His neck, which is marked with three lines like a conchshell, is shaking because of His quick breathing due to crying. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, whose belly is bound not with ropes but with His mother's pure love, I offer my humble obeisances.' In this Damodar Month, a very dear month of Kartik, Mother Yasoda tied Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. At first, she could not bind Him. Is it possible to bind the Supreme Lord with some ordinary rope used for cows? Even when Mother Yasoda gathered all the rope that was used for all their 900,000 cows, it was still two fingers too short. She used one piece of rope first, it was two fingers too short; then, she added more rope, and it was again two fingers too short. One finger means desire and effort, and the other finger means mercy. If you have a strong desire, you can hear about the Lord and you can serve devotees.
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Satiating Hunger for Hari-Katha
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