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(3/5) Escape Parasitic Existence

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Preaching programme in Sirajpur,
30 November 2020, part 3
Translated from Bengali


'কৃষ্ণ-নিত্যদাস'—জীব তাহা ভুলি' গেল ।
এই দোষে মায়া তার গলায় বান্ধিল ॥

'krsna-nitya-dasa'—jiva taha bhuli' gela
ei dose maya tara galaya bandhila

'The jiva soul forgot that it is an eternal servant of Krishna. Because of this mistake, illusion threw its ropes around the soul's neck.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.22.24)

We have forgotten the Lord, and amidst this situation, we are suffering so much. Why do we suffer? Do you think those who have millions of rupees live a peaceful life? Never. They may have money, but they have no peace, no happiness in their lives. Where are you to go to get happiness? You all have some shelter, do you not? All of you have some kind of a house. If you had no house, you would have to rent some place...

[His Divine Grace notices a devotee chanting on their beads] Do your mala later. Listen to the class and kirtan now. You cannot do two things at a time. Listen to what I am saying attentively. It is not necessary to chant on your beads during the class – do it at other time. There are five main limbs of devotion: sadhu-sanga (good association), Nama-sankirtan (congregational chanting of the Holy Name), Bhagavata-sravan (listening to Srimad Bhagavatam), Mathura-vasa (residing in a holy place), sraddhaya sri-murti seva (serving Deities with faith). When you do Nama-sankirtan, you should chant the Holy Name, and when there is sadhu-sanga, you should listen to Hari-katha. You cannot do two things at a time. There are sixty-four limbs of devotion (bhaktyanga), and one of them is Bhagavat-sravan – listening to talks and narratives about the Lord.

...So, suppose you are staying in a rented place. You stay there for two–four months, then some problem occurs, and you have to find another place to rent. After some time, this story repeats, and you have to again look for a new place. How will you like that? You will not. You will not get any peace living like that. Eventually, you will think, 'If I could arrange some money, I would buy my own place – even if it was a small thatched room, I could live there happily.' When you rent a place, you will always face some problems – this will happen, that will happen. One day, you will get fed up living like that.

In the same way, we have been travelling through 8,400,000 species, living like parasites (we live in somebody else's place). We are all children of one father – we are children of the Lord. According to one's individual fortune, somebody becomes a mango tree, somebody becomes a palm tree or a pawpaw tree, and somebody becomes a goat, somebody becomes a cow, somebody becomes a wheat plant, somebody becomes a cabbage, somebody becomes a flower, somebody becomes a Tulasi tree, somebody becomes a human, somebody becomes a girl, somebody becomes a boy, and somebody is born as a hijra [intersex, born without gender features]. But there can be a permanent solution. Until and unless we reach our own home, we will always have to keep coming back and keep being born again and again. There is no other way to get peace and live a happy life.

If we are to reach our home, we must make some effort. The Lord says, 'I have created Maya, and through her, I will keep you away from Me. But I will also give you something by practising which you can reach Me and your home.' Which will you take? Do you want to keep coming to this world? Do you want to be again born as dogs, cats, cows and goats? Or do you want to reach your home and get a permanent solution? 'O Lord, because of my actions, I have somehow left You, but I want to come back now. I want to stay with You.' That is why we must make the effort, and we must practise Krishna consciousness; otherwise, we will not get any result.


— : • : —





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Size: 13 Mb
Length: 31 min
Language: Bengali




1) Traversing Unconscious Lives
2) Detach Yourself from Maya
3) Escape Parasitic Existence
4) Path of Aural Reception
5) Searching for Maya or the Lord?




Vaishnavs' Wealth and Glory
''Singing the glories of the Vaishnavs rescues and protects the jiva soul. I heard this from the mouth of sadhus and my Guru.' If we give some honour, give some glorification to the Vaishnavs, it is actually for our benefit, for our spiritual life.'

We must not be fickle-minded: today we go to this Math, tomorrow we go
to another temple... This is not chastity.