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(6/7) Deep Faith and Service

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Nrisingha Palli, 26 December 2020, part 6
Translated from Bengali


I remember also how Govinda Kunda was being built. My rule was that I would always go to see Gurudev at three o'clock in the morning – Gurudev told me that if I came at that time, there would be nobody there, so he could talk to me at ease.

One day, I went to the bathroom early in the morning (before three o'clock). Suddenly, Gurudev called me on the phone and said, 'Come at once.' I threw some water and went in a gumcha [thin towel] to see Gurudev.

'Why have you come wearing a gumcha? Where were you?' Gurudev was surprised.

'I was in the toilet and have not taken a shower yet,' I explained.

'Eww! Could you not have taken a shower at least? All right, stand over there since you have already come.'

Then, Gurudev told me, 'Today is your last day!'

(This story was later printed in one of the English magazines of our temple.)

I was surprised, 'What does it mean "my last day"?'

'If you can make the foundation of the temple in Govinda Kunda today, then it will work; otherwise, you will never in your life be able to make it. See the pujari in the morning and tell him to offer paramanna (sweet rice) to Kurmadev. After the bhoga is offered, you can start the work.'

In addition to the hundred people already working there, I brought three hundred people more that day, and those four hundred workers started throwing first three–four lorries of boulders and hundreds of sacks of sand at the bottom of the kunda. After that, they were able to establish a foundation for the temple. Before that, no matter how much pebble and sand we threw in, everything was eaten up. This is how I did that service. It is not like Gurudev was pleased with me just like that – he was pleased with what I did. I was always alert and eager to do service, and I always waited for Gurudev's order.

Gurudev went abroad many times, and I would organise receptions with musical instruments for him, to welcome him back to the temple...

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur also says that it is necessary to have faith. We must always be alert towards what makes Gurudev happy. I have come here today to make Gurudev's festival, why have I brought so much bhoga? For my guru's festival. Not for myself. I do not care about the coronavirus, I always make Gurudev's festival nicely and arrange everything with my own hands. We must please our gurudev in this way. If we cannot serve our guru, we will not be able to get anywhere. That is why I do not worry about anything: I know that Gurudev has given me service and, wherever Gurudev is, he has a room kept for me in Goloka Vrindavan. Whether I die today or tomorrow, I have a place there. I will certainly get there. That is why I am carrying on my service and do everything with my own hands to this day. There is nobody created or prepared yet... They do not understand anything...


— : • : —





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Size: 22 Mb
Length: 49 min
Language: Bengali




1) Serve and Study
2) Eagerness to Study
3) Watch Your Activities
4) Serve with Love
5) Exemplary Service Mood
6) Deep Faith and Service
7) Service Acumen




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is coming to you towards your Guru and your Guru's mission, then you can think
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