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Advent of Gaura-Saraswati

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nrisingha Palli, evening class
2 January 2021, part 7, translated from Bengali


Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj wrote:

জয়রে জয়রে জয় গৌর-সরস্বতী ।
ভকতিবিনোদান্বয় করুণামুরতি ॥

jayare jayare jaya gaura-saraswati
bhakativinodanvaya karuna murati

'All glory, all glory to Sri Gaura–Saraswati, the holy embodiment of mercy in the line of Sri Bhaktivinod Thakur'.

প্রকাশিলে গৌরসেবা ভূবনমঙ্গল ।
ভখতিসিদ্ধান্ত শুদ্ধ প্রজ্ঞান উজ্জ্বল ॥

prakasile gaura-seva bhuvana mangala
bhakatisiddhanta suddha prajnana ujjvala

'Revealing service to Sri Gaura, which spreads auspiciousness in this world, you presented devotional teachings (bhakti-siddhanta) that radiate self-effulgent pure transcendental knowledge'.

রাধা-শ্যাম একতনু দক্ষে গোরা রায় ।
বামে রাধা মধ্যে স্বয়ং শ্যাম-গোপ জয় ॥

radha-syama eka-tanu dakse goraraya
bame radha madhye svayam syama-gopa jaya

All glory to the combined form of Sri Sri Radha-Syam, Sri Gaura Ray, on the right, Sri Radha on the left, and the dark cowherd boy Himself in the middle!

This is a very beautiful description: In the centre, there is the Lord Himself, and on His left is Radharani.

ব্রজরস নবভাবে নবদ্বীপে রাজে ।
উদারে মধুর রাগ অভিনব সাজে ॥

vraja-rasa nava-bhave navadvipe raje
udare madhura raga abhinava saje

Vraja's rasa manifests in a new way in Nabadwip: madhura-rasa dresses newly in benevolence.

The mood that exists in Vraja is now present in Nabadwip.

মাধুর্য্য কৈবল্য রাগ ব্রজের নির্য্যাস ।
প্রাপ্তি পরাকাষ্ঠা তাহে গৌরাঙ্গ বিলাস ॥

madhurya kaivalya raga vrajera niryasa
prapti parakasthatahe gauranga vilasa

Sweet divine love, Vraja's essence, reaches its climax in Sri Gauranga's Pastimes.

রাধা ভাব-কান্তি অঙ্গিকরি’ ভাল মতে ।
দক্ষিণে আসন রস গরিমা দেখাতে ॥

radhabhava-kanti angikari' bhala mate
daksine asana rasa garima dekhate

Sri Gauranga earnestly embraces Sri Radha's heart and halo, and takes His place on the right to show His rasa's glory.

Krishna took Radhrani's heart and halo and appeared as Mahaprabhu. (There is Srila Sridhar Maharaj's book also titled Heart and Halo.) Does a person have only their mood (bhava) and halo (kanti; colour)? No. There is also a body. So, when Krishna took Radharani's heart and halo, the rest was taken by Gadadhar. That is why it is said that Gadadhar is an incarnation of Srimati Radharani. A question can arise, "If Radha-Krishna's combined form is Gauranga, then how can Gadadhar be Radharani's incarnation?" It is correct. Krishna takes Radharani's heart and halo and They become one as Gauranga. Halo means the colour, or complexion, and mood means Radharani's inner devotional mood. She is always mad about Krishna—She is always feeling separation from Krishna. Mahaprabhu tasted and relished this mood in Gambhira. If you read Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, you can find it described there. He always cried, "Where am I to go to get Krishna?" He would hit his head against the wall until blood started to fall. He would become completely intoxicated—garbed in Radharani's mood, He was searching for Krishna. During the last years that Mahaprabhu spent in Puri, and He would every day crush His head. He slept on some banana leaves and then on a plain cot. He would pull His hair (sikha) out and do so many other things... Just as Radharani became mad for Krishna, Mahaprabhu also, garbing Himself in the mood of Radharani, became mad for Krishna. And as for the complexion, you can see the colour of Mahaprabhu—He assumed a golden complexion. After that, Gadadhar took the rest what was left of Radharani...

This is what we must worship. I will not go into further detail, we are talking about Srila Prabhupad today. There is one more beautiful thing written:

শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ-পারিষদ ঠাকুর ভক্তিবিনোদ
দীনহীন পতিতের বন্ধু ।
কলিতমঃ বিনাশিতে আনিলেন অবনীতে
তোমা' অকলঙ্ক পূর্ণ ইন্দু ॥

sri-gauranga-parisada thakura bhaktivinoda
dina-hina patitera bandhu
kali-tamah vinasite anilena avanite
toma' akalanka purna indu

"Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur is an associate of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and a friend of all low and fallen souls—to dispel all darkness of this dark age, he brought to this earth you [Srila Saraswati Thakur], a spotless full moon."

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur is an associate (parsad) of Sri Guaranga, and he is the friend of all poor and bereft souls. If he had not come as our friend, he would not have prayed to Bimala Devi for Bimala Prasad—and if Bimal Prasad had not come, where would we have found our Param Guru Maharaj and Gurudev then? Not only that, where would you have found Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad also? That is why Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur is extremely merciful. He is the friend of all the poor and bereft souls like us. He brought a spotless full moon to dispel the darkness of Kali. Even the moon has some spots, but Srila Prabhupad was stainless, spotless. These are very beautiful words. We must always remember all these things about Srila Prabhupad.


— : • : —





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Sincere Enquiry
'Life is always temporary, but how can you during this temporary life attain something eternal? This is what we must all understand. You must search for the eternal things, you must find where the original source is.'


Nitai gunamani amara
'Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, my Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, brought a flood of divine love and inundated the earth.'
নিতাই গুণমণি আমার

You have to think that Krishna exists within every jiva soul, and you have to
give respect to everybody, to every jiva soul just as when driving a car you
try to avoid running over some street animals.