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Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Kolkata—Worldwide, 24 January 2021, part 6


Somebody lives a brahmachari life but then thinks, "Oof, it is very difficult to remain a brahmachari! I would rather become a grihastha!" They go to grihastha life and now they repent, "What have I done! What a mistake it was..."

I thought before that *** would be brahmacharini because I have taken her to preaching and she knows good Hari-katha, but after that she entered householder life... Now they can understand how much austerity there is in that householder life. First, they think it is very sweet, but after that everybody sooner or later realises that it is actually very bitter. I spoke to two girls yesterday. Both are quite young, one is twenty-five or twenty-six, and the other one is twenty-three or twenty-four; both are graduates. One of them was married last year on Ratha-yatra day at one devotees' house, but after that she could not tolerate it—she said she was not allowed to cook there, or even make garlands, etc., so she left that house and joined the temple. Both of them now cook at the temple (one cooks and the other one helps—she is not fully initiated). They have already understood how austere that householder life is.

One time, Gurudev's servant (koka) had made some mistake, and Gurudev told him with folded hands (I saw Gurudev pleading with him so much), "Please, koka, forget the mistake you have made. I can manage it, it is OK. Please do not leave service." He did not listen—he left his service, went abroad and made many babies, then that woman kicked him out, and he got married again! What kind of life is this? And he is an Indian boy...

To be able to stay within service full time is very rare—it is necessary to have a very great fortune to be able to serve from childhood. I am also trying to make full-time servitors from some boys... I gave sannyas to two brahmacharis when they were very young (Sripad Niriha Maharaj and Sripad Vishnu Maharaj), they were not even twenty-four years old at that time, but they are still serving very nicely—they do proper service, following all rules and regulations, doing everything properly. Now they go for preaching and doing very well. There are two more brahmacharis, one of them, Abhay Chaitanya Prabhu, is a very good boy. He was the pujari at the Tarakeshwar temple, and now he preaches, and he is very happy to preach. He is very nice too. There are two more new devotees who came to Nrisingha Palli, I initiated them yesterday. And another boy came from ISKCON, but he says he is not interested ISKCON, he likes Gaudiya Mission, Gaudiya Math, so he came to our temple and does service there.

Proper soul will come—Krishna will send somebody from His place to serve this mission. I am becoming old day by day, but I still have to watch everything to this day—to this day I have to see to all the kitchen needs (I must see how much oil is necessary, how much rice is necessary, etc.). I have to do everything with my own hands.

Gurudev also wanted a helping hand—he needed somebody on whose shoulders he could transfer the burden. When I joined the temple in 1992, Gurudev told me, "I am making you the security guard—take care of my temple. My Guru Maharaj placed me in charge of this Mission in 1985. He left in 1988, four-five years have passed now and foreign devotees want me to visit their countries, but I could not go before because I worried who would take care of this temple." So, when I came to the temple, Gurudev kept me as the security guard of Sri Chaitnaya Saraswat Math, and to this day I still think that I am a security guard of the devotees.

I sometimes chastise you, but who can chastise? Only a family member, the guardian of the family can chastise one. I sometimes chastise devotees—I tell them what is bad, what is good. If I do not chastise you as your younger brother, elder brother, as your father, or as your guardian, who will chastise you? I sometimes tell harsh words to you, but actually everything I tell you, I tell it for your benefit, for your own good. I want all Gurudev's devotees, all Gurudev's family members to be good and to be going in the proper way because they are the ones who will carry the flag of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math all over the world, in every country of the world. That is my vision. I have not taken up any other flag—Gurudev gave me his flag, and I am proceeding and going everywhere carrying that very flag.

When an opportunity comes, I will also visit foreign countries. I too want to reach out to everyone, I want to see every country. I only went abroad to Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico in 2009 or 2010—but I have not visited Colombia, South America, I have not visited many countries in Europe, I have not been to Turkey, Mauritius, South Africa, etc. I want to go to every country and preach. Yet everything depends on the mercy of Gurudev, on the will and mercy of devotees. How many days I will be alive in this world depends upon the Lord, depends upon Gurudev—as long as Gurudev keeps me in this world, I will try my best. That is my desire.


— : • : —





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Raghav's Bags
'In Mahaprabhu's times, Damayanti, the sister of Raghav Pandit, would make so much food for Mahaprabhu during the whole year, and at the Ratha Yatra time, on the Gundicha marjan day, they would bring bags full of food for Mahaprabhu.'


Ki jani ki bale
'Abandoning everything, I have come to Your feet, O Lord! I am Your eternal servant, and You are my maintainer and protector, O Lord of the universe!'
কি জানি কি বলে

Mercy means kripa, and kripa means 'kore-paba': you must do something to get something. What will you do? Service to Guru.