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Relief of Surrender

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama Adhivas, evening
Sri Nrisingha Palli, 22 March 2021, part 3
Translated from Bengali


We have come here to practise Krishna consciousness. We have not come to this line to pretend. To become a sadhu and to dress as a sadhu is not the same thing. There many people in this world who only dress as sadhus. I have told you about it. Gurudev also said, "Be a sadhu, do not just dress yourself as a sadhu." It is very difficult to become a sadhu, but it is very easy to pretend or dress as a sadhu. You do not need to tell anyone about service, you must do service.

So, we have come here for Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama. I have heard many times from many devotees that if we do this parikrama, there will be an outbreak of coronavirus, but we believe that "Marabi rakhabi, yo ichchha tohara (মারবি রাখবি—যো ইচ্ছা তোহার): whether the Lord kills me or keeps me, it is up to Him. If He wants to kill, He will kill, and if He wants to save, He will save." (Saranagati, 1.11) Despite the coronavirus I did not stop preaching. I have been going house to house to so many places collecting rice, dal, etc., preaching and speaking Hari-katha. Sometimes a police car stopped us, but then I would speak to them, explain it and continue the way. Despite coronavirus, I will speak Hari-katha, I will speak about the Lord. This is always my mood. This is how, through continuous speaking about this Hari-katha to you all, I have brought you here for this Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama. Therefore, you must try to do this parikrama well, do not fight with each other about the rooms, food, etc. ("I have not got a place!", "I have not got a room!", "I have not got this!", "I have not got that!") How long more will you sleep on the lap of witch Maya?

You know, many think, "This is my husband, this is my son, my child, etc."— they always think "this is mine," and they obstruct their husband or son from coming to this path. They think, "My husband is my thing. I will enjoy with him." But you may enjoy with a body, but you cannot enjoy with the person—he can leave you and come here. The Lord can take him away from you. I keep on telling you—my parents have given me this body, but they have not given me that who I am. Those who know or have studied some science, can understand this. Even in science, they call this "biological father," "biological mother." They give us this body, some genes in our blood. If you check your blood group, you will see that you have your father's and mother's blood mixed in you. So, yes, they have given us this body, but they have not given us that which we are. I have come to serve the Lord, but I fell into illusory bondage and forgot this. We have forgotten it since time immemorial. Yet sadhus, gurus, and Vaishnavs come to us out of a great mercy,

তব নিজ-জন কোন মহাজনে
পাঠাইয়া দিলে তুমি
দয়া করি' মোরে পতিত দেখিয়া
কহিল আমারে গিয়া ।

tava nija-jana kona mahajane
pathaiya dile tumi
daya kari more patita dekhiya
kahila amare giya

"You have sent a great soul, Your associate (to rescue me)! Seeing me so fallen and being merciful, he came to me and said...."

Therefore, I pray to you all—do not obstruct those who want to practise Krishna consciousness. I have tested so many people. I have brought so many people to the temple, to take shelter of Gurudev, but then I see that many wives take their husbands as objects of enjoyment, and in the end their husbands leave them (leave the world). The Lord says, "Do you think you are going to enjoy My property?" and He takes the soul away and throws the body at them. What will you do with the body? A few hours after death it starts to stink! You think so much about this body—the skin, nose, ears, etc., but this is only a body; the inner substance, the life force, is given by the Lord. The Lord gives it of His own accord, and He can take it away also of His own accord. So, you must not obstruct those who want to serve the Lord. When somebody has got back this fortune to serve the Lord, you must never obstruct such people. The Lord cannot tolerate this. If you do this, the Lord will teach you a good lesson. This is Krishna consciousness—you must understand that you and your body are not the same things.


— : • : —





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Odds and Ends
'Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur told that you can chastise somebody at any other time but not to chastise, not to use bad language when taking prasadam.'


Krsna haite chatur-mukha
'Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is nondifferent from Sri Sri Radha-Krsna and is the very life of Sri Rupa's followers. Srila Svarup Damodar Goswami, Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu, and Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu are most dear to Visvambhar.'
কৃষ্ণ হৈতে চতুর্ম্মুখ

If we take that mahaprasad, our senses will be controlled and bad elements can be removed from our heart—our tongue will be clean and we can start chanting properly.