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At Sri Yogapith (3)

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama, Day One
Antardwip, 23 March 2021, part 7
Translated from Bengali


Every year, when we come here, we read from Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya about Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu and the glory of Nabadwip. Please listen carefully.

[His Divine Grace is reading from Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya, Chapter 5, 'Sri Mayapur and Antardwip']

jaya jaya sri-chaitanya sachira nandana
jaya jaya nityananda jahnavi-jivana [1]

All glory to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya! All glory to the life of Jahnava, Sri Nityananda!

jaya jaya navadvipa-dhama sarva-dhama-sara
yatha kali-yuge haila gaura avatara [2]

All glory to Nabadwip Dham, the best of all abodes, where Gaura descended during the Age of Kali!

nityananda prabhu bale, "sunaha vachana
sola-krosa navadvipa yatha vrndavana [3]

Nityananda Prabhu said, "Listen to My words! The thirty-two miles of Nabadwip are nondifferent from Vrindavan.

ei sola-krosa madhye dvipa haya naya
asta-dala padma yena jalete bhasaya [4]

"Within these thirty-two miles, there are nine islands, which form an eight-petalled lotus that floats on water.

asta-dala asta-dvipa madhye antardvipa
tara majhe mayapura madhya-bindu-tipa [5]

"In the middle of the eight petals—the eight islands—is Antardwip. At its centre is Mayapur.

mayapura yoga-pitha sada golakara
tatha nitya chaitanyera vividha bihara [6]

"The circular Yogapith in Mayapur is eternal. There, Sri Chaitanya performs various eternal Pastimes.

trisahasra-dhanu tara paridhi pramana
sahasreka-dhanu tara vyasera vidhana [7]

"Its circumference is six miles, and its diameter two miles.

ei yoga-pitha-majhe vaise pancha-tattva
anya-sthana haite yoga-pithera mahattva [8]

"The Pancha Tattva reside at the Yogapith, whose greatness exceeds that of all other places.

ati sighra gupta habe prabhura ichchhaya
bhagirathi-jale habe sangopita praya [9]

"Very soon it will be hidden by the will of the Lord. The waters of the Ganga will almost entirely conceal it.

kabhu punah prabhu-ichchha habe balavan
prakasa ha-ibe dhama habe diptiman [10]

"Someday, when the desire of the Lord becomes strong, the Yogapith will be revealed and the Dham will shine again.

nitya-dhama kabhu kale lopa nahi haya
gupta haye punar-bara haya ta udaya [11]

"The eternal Dham is never lost at any time—it only becomes hidden and then emerges again.

bhagirathi purva-tire haya mayapura
mayapure nitya achhena amara thakura [12]

"My Lord is eternally present in Mayapur on the eastern bank of the Ganga.

loka-drstye sannyasi ha-iya visvambhara
chhadi' navadvipa phire desa-desantara [13]

"In the vision of common people, Visvambhar became a sannyasi, left Nabadwip, and toured other places.

vastutah gauranga mora navadvipa-dhama
chhadiya na yaya kabhu mayapura-grama [14]

"In truth, however, My Gauranga never leaves Nabadwip Dham or the village of Mayapur.

The pastimes of Gaura are continuing to this day. He is living in the hearts of devotees. Those who have eyes can see that. The problem is that our eyes are blind, and we cannot see this.

অধ্যাপিহ সেই লীলা করে গোরা-রায় ।
কোন কোন ভাগ্যবানে দেখিবারে পায় ॥

adyapiha sei lila kare gora raya
kona kona bhagyavane dekhibare paya

Gora Ray continues performing His Pastimes, and those who are fortunate can see it.

অন্ধীভূত চক্ষু যার বিষয ধূলিতে ।
কিরূপে সে পরতত্ত্ব পাইবে দেখিতে ॥

andhibhuta chaksu yara visaya dhulite
ki rupe se para-tattva paibe dekhite

"Our eyes have become blind by the dust of visaya, the material world—how can we see the transcendental world?"

dainandina lila tanra dekhe bhakta-gana
tumio dekhaha jiva gauranga-nartana [15]

"The devotees see His Pastimes here daily, and you too, Jiva, will see His dancing.

mayapura ante antardvipa sobha paya
gauranga darsana brahma paila yathaya [16]

"Mayapur shines within Antardwip, where Brahma saw Gauranga.

ohe jiva chaha yadi dekhite sakala
parikrama kara tumi ha-ibe saphala" [17]

"O Jiva, if you want to see everything, then circumambulate the Dham, and you will be successful."

prabhu-vakya suni' jiva sajala-nayane
dandavat haye pade prabhura charane [18]

Hearing the words of Nityananda Prabhu, with tears in his eyes Jiva bowed at His feet.

"krpa yadi kara prabhu ei akinchane
sange laye parikrama karao apane" [19]

"O Lord, if You are merciful to this poor soul, then please personally take me with You on a circumambulation of the Dham."

jivera prarthana suni' nityananda-raya
"tathastu" baliya nija manasa janaya [20]

Hearing Jiva's prayer, Nityananda Ray answered, "So be it."

Nityananda Prabhu first made this parikrama of Sri Nabadwip Dham together with Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu.

prabhu bale, "ohe jiva adya mayapura
karaha darsana kalya bhramiba prachura" [21]

He said, "O Jiva, today see Mayapur. Tomorrow we will tour extensively."

eta bali' nityananda uthila takhana
pachhe pachhe uthe jiva praphullita mana [22]

Having said this, Nityananda arose, and with a joyous heart Jiva rose after Him.

chale nityananda-raya manda manda gati
gauranga-premete deha suvihvala ati [23]

Nityananda Ray moved slowly, His body completely overwhelmed by divine love for Gauranga.

mohana murati prabhu bhave dhala-dhala
alankara sarva-dehe kare jhalamala [24]

Nityananda Prabhu's enchanting form swayed to and fro in ecstasy, and the ornaments all over His body shone.

ye charana brahma siva dhyane nahi paya
sri-jive kariya krpa se pada badaya [25]

The feet that Brahma and Siva cannot attain by meditation mercifully walked in front of Sri Jiva.

Lord Brahma and Siva, at whose feet everyone is sitting, went together with Nityananda Prabhu, Srila Jiva Goswami, and all the other devotees. Nityananda Prabhu took everyone on this parikrama.

pachhe thaki' jiva laya padankera dhuli
sarva-ange makhe chale bada kutuhali [26]

Remaining behind, Jiva collected dust from their footprints, smeared it all over his body, and proceeded with great delight.

jagannatha-misra-grhe karila pravesa
sachi-mata sri-charane janaya visesa [27]

They entered the home of Jagannath Misra and spoke carefully at the holy feet of Mother Sachi.

"sunago janani ei jiva mahamati
sri-gauranga-priya-dasa bhagyavan ati" [28]

"O Mother, listen! This is Jiva, a dear servant of Sri Gauranga. He is very intelligent and very fortunate."

balite balite jiva achhadiya pade
chhinna-mula taru yena bada bada jhade [29]

As Nityananda Prabhu spoke, Jiva threw himself down like a tree uprooted by an intense storm.

sachira charane padi' yaya gadagadi
sattvika vikara dehe kare hudahudi [30]

He bowed at the feet of Sachi and rolled on the ground. Divine ecstasy surged through his body.

krpa kari' sachi-devi kaila asirvada
sei dina sei grhe paila prasada [31]

Sachi Devi mercifully blessed him, and that day he received prasad in her home.

visnu-priya sachi-devi-ajna yabe paila
nana anna vyanjanadi randhana karila [32]

Receiving the order of Sachi Devi, Visnu Priya cooked rice, various vegetables, and other things.

sri-vamsi-vadanananda prabhu kata-ksane
sri-gaurange bhoga nivedila sayatane [33]

Sri Vamsi Vadanananda Prabhu then carefully offered the preparations to Sri Gauranga.

isana thakura sthana kari' atahpara
nityanande bhunjaila harisa antara [34]

Isan Thakur then prepared a place and fed Nityananda, with joy in his heart.

putra-snehe sachi-devi nityanande bale
"khao vachha nityananda jananira sthale [35]

With motherly affection, Sachi Devi said to Nityananda, "Eat, my child. Nityananda, You are in the home of Your mother.

ei ami gaurachandre bhunjanu gopane
tumi khaile bada sukhi ha-i ami mane" [36]

"Privately, I fed this to Gaurachandra. If You eat it, I will be very happy at heart."

jananira vakye prabhu nityananda-raya
bhunjila anande, jiva avasista paya [37]

At the request of Mother Sachi, Nityananda Ray joyfully ate, and Jiva received His remnants.

jiva bale, "dhanya ami mahaprabhu-ghare
painu prasada anna ei mayapure" [38]

Jiva said, "I am so fortunate to have received prasad at the home of Mahaprabhu in Mayapur."

bhojana kariya tabe nityananda-raya
sachi-devi sri-charane ha-ila vidaya [39]

After eating, Nityananda Ray took leave of Sachi Devi's holy feet.

yaibara kale sange vamsike la-ila
sri-jiva vamsira pade pranati karila [40]

As He was leaving, He took Vamsi Vadanananda with Him. Sri Jiva bowed at the feet of Vamsi.

jiva prati bale prabhu, "e vamsi-vadana
sri-krsnera priya-vamsi jane bhakta-jana [41]

Nityananda said to Jiva, "This is Vamsi Vadanananda. The devotees know him to be Sri Krishna's dear flute.

ihara krpaya jiva haya krsnakrsta
maharasa labhe sabe ha-iya satrsna [42]

"By his mercy, souls become attracted to Krishna and desire to join the Rasa Dance.

dekha jiva ei grhe chaitanya-thakura
ama saba laye lila karila prachura [43]

"Jiva, look! Lord Chaitanya performed many Pastimes with us in this house.

ei dekha jagannatha misrera mandira
visnu-puja nitya yatha karitena dhira [44]

"See here. This is the Temple of Jagannath Misra, where Gaura would earnestly worship Visnu each day.

ei grhe karitena atithi-sevana
tulasi-mandapa ei karaha darsana [45]

"In this house, the Lord would serve guests. See here His tulasi courtyard.

sri-gauranga-chandra grhe chhila yata kala
pitara achara palitena bhakta-pala [46]

"When Sri Gaurachandra, the maintainer of the devotees, was present at home, He would perform His father's duties.

ebe saba vamsi-thakurera tattvadhine
isana nirvaha kare prati dine dine [47]

"Isan Thakur now performs these duties each day under the direction of Vamsi Thakur.

ei sthane chhila eka nimba vrksa-vara
prabhura parase vrksa ha-ila agochara" [48]

"In this place, there was a great neem tree that disappeared upon being touched by the Lord."

yata kande nityananda kariya varnana
jiva vamsi dunhe tata karaye krandana [49]

Nityananda wept as He described all of this, as did Jiva and Vamsi.

dekhite dekhite tatha aila srivasa
chari-jane chale chhadi' jagannatha-vasa [50]

Just then, Srivas arrived, and the four of them then left Jagannath Misra's home.

sata-dhanu uttarete srivasa-angana
jive dekhaila prabhu anandita mana [51]

Three hundred and twenty metres to the north, Nityananda Prabhu joyfully showed Srivas Angan to Jiva.

srivasa-angane jiva yaya gadagadi
smariya prabhura lila preme hudahudi [52]

Jiva rolled on the ground in Srivas Angan. Remembering the Pastimes of the Lord there, he was overwhelmed with divine love.

sri-jiva uthibamatra dekhe eka ranga
nachichhe gauranga laye bhakta antaranga [53]

Jiva immediately had a vision: he saw Gauranga dancing with His intimate devotees.

mahasankirtana dekhe vallabha-nandana
sarva-bhakta majhe prabhura apurva nartana [54]

Jiva saw the Lord's maha-sankirtan and wonderful dancing amidst all the devotees.

nachichhe advaita prabhu nityananda-raya
gadadhara haridasa nache ara gaya [55]

Advaita Prabhu, Nityananda Ray, Gadadhar, and Haridas were dancing and singing.

suklambara nache ara sata sata jana
dekhiya premete jiva haila achetana [56]

Seeing Suklambar and hundreds of other devotees dancing, Jiva fainted in divine love.

chetana paile ara se ranga na bhaya
kandi' jiva gosvami karena haya haya [57]

"kena mora kichhu purve janama nahila
emana kirtanananda bhagye na ghatila [58]

When he regained consciousness and this vision disappeared, Jiva Goswami wept and lamented, "Why was I not born a little earlier? I was not fortunate enough to be part of such ecstatic kirtan.

[His Divine Grace starts kirtan and continues the parikrama of Sri Antardwip.]


— : • : —





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