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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama, Day Four
Evening class, 27 March 2021, part 8
Translated from Bengali


*** was a boy from a 'big house' [wealthy], but now he says that he wants to practise bhajan (secluded practice of Krishna consciousness). He came here the other day and said that he wanted to continue with his own bhajan. I said, "OK, practise. Later you will understand and come back. No problem."

When Param Guru Maharaj's (Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj) Gurudev left this world, went away to Vrindavan at first, but later he returned... You know, we also had much pride and ego at first—we were first in class, studied very well; but when we came to the lotus feet of Gurudev, seeing his vast knowledge we said, "In front of him, I am just a baby." Gurudev did not go to school, but I saw Gurudev's handwriting on some bank cheques—his handwriting was so beautiful. Even having studied for a Master's Degree, I could not write like that. I still keep some cheques with his handwriting. I also have some letters that Gurudev sometimes wrote to me. There used to be no mobile phones before, and Gurudev would wrote letters to me, and some others also. Those letters are my priceless wealth—Gurudev himself wrote them. I always take them with me wherever I go. There is always a danger of dacoits attacking me, so I always keep those letters with me.

"Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, chittete kariya aikya ara na kariha mane asa (গুরুমুখ-পদ্মবাক্য চিত্তেতে করিয়া ঐক্য আর না করিহ মনে আশা)—make the teachings from Sri Guru's lotus mouth one with your heart, and do not desire anything else within your heart." It gives pain. I am revealing my heart to you—many come to take initiation, but what do they practise? The other day one man said to me (we were in Subarna Bihar at that time), "Oh, I have done dry fast, I will take paran now." How much ego the person has—he has to come and tell everyone he had done dry fast. If he fasted, it is OK, but why tell it to everyone? You think you dry fast and will go to Vaikuntha. OK, just do nirjal ekadasi, nothing else is required, and you will go to Vaikuntha, and we all sit and take anukalpa, so we will go to hell...


— : • : —





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Enthusiasm for Service:
the Yajna-Patnis
'One of the qualities that are favourable to devotion is enthusiasm. 'Oh, when will the day come? When will the day come? When will I do my service? When will I go to the temple?'—this kind of enthusiasm, utsaha, is necessary to have.'


Janama saphala ta'ra
'Beholding Krishna's form, which surpasses the beauty of a sapphire, beneath a kadamba, my heart was overwhelmed. My feet could not move. I forgot the world.'
জনম সফল তা'র

Krishna has given us time for serving the Lord, but, unfortunately, through illusory environment maya takes our time away: maya uses Krishna's time for herself.