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After the arati at the samadhi-mandirs, the devotees proceed to the main Sri Sri Gupta Govardhan temple of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharva Govinda Sundarjiu, Sri Sri Laksmi Varahadev, and Bala Gopal.
Sri Gupta Govardhan Morning Songs: (1)
kali-kukkura-kadana yadi chao he If you want to tame the dog Kali, then chant 'Sri Sachi Nandan!' He is the saviour and destroyer of fear in Kali-yuga.
gadadhara-madana nitai-era prana-dhana, He is Gadadhar's joy, and Nitai's life and wealth. He is worshipped by Advaita Acharya. He is known as Nimai, and is the maintainer of the universe. He is Srivas Thakur's Lord, and He steals the devotees' hearts.
nadiya-sasadhara mayapura-isvara, He is the moon of Nadia, the Lord of Mayapur, and the inaugurator of Hari-nam-sankirtan. He is the teacher of the householders and the leader of the sannyasis. He is Madhava replete with Radha's heart.
sarvabhauma-sodhana gajapati-tarana, He is the purifier of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya and the deliverer of Maharaj Prataparudra. He is the maintainer of Ramananda Ray and the hero of all. He is the guardian of Srila Sanatan Goswami and the joy of Srila Rupa Goswami. He is the delight of Haridas Thakur and is perfectly sober.
vraja rasa-bhavana dustamata-satana, He is absorbed in Vraja's rasas. He is the dispeller of misconception, lust, and deceit. He is the maintainer of the pure devotees and the dispeller of dry knowledge. He is the eradicator of pseudo-devotion and the reservoir of all pleasure. Composed by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur
yasomati-nandana vraja-vara-nagara Sri Krishna, who is known as Kan, is Yasoda's darling son, Vraja's paramour, Gokula's delight, the gopis' life and wealth, the enchanter of Cupid, and the conqueror of Kaliya.
amala hari-nama amiya-vilasa His Names and nectarean Pastimes are all transcendental. He is the king of Vraja's forests and the best of young paramours. He beautifully plays the Flute.
vraja-jana-palana asura-kula-nasana He is the guardian of Vraja's residents, the destroyer of the demons, and the keeper of Nanda's cows. He is known as 'Govinda'—He who nourishes the cows, senses, Vedas, and world—and 'Madhava'—Sri Radha's consort. He is Nanda's beautiful cowherd boy and a butter thief.
yamuna-tata-chara gopi-vasana-hara He is a spy on the Yamuna's banks and the stealer of the gopis' garments. He is the relisher of the rasa-lila and the embodiment of mercy. He is Sri Radha's beloved, Vrindavan's great dancer, and Bhakti Vinod's shelter. Composed by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur
jaya sachi-nandana sura-muni-vandana All glory to Sri Sachi Nandan, who is worshipped by the demigods and sages! All glory to He who destroys all fear of material existence! All glory to the inaugurator of dancing and chanting the Lord's Names! All glory to He who removes the contamination of Kali!
nayana-purandara visvarupa snehadhara Sri Sachi Nandan is the delight of everyone's eyes and affectionate to His brother Visvarup. He is the maintainer of the world and the embodiment of its good fortune. All glory to Laksmi Priya and Visnu Priya, who are dear to Visvambhar's heart! All glory to His dear servant Isan!
sri sita advaita raya malini srivasa jaya All glory to Sita Thakurani and Advaita Acharya! All glory to Malini Devi and Srivas Thakur! All glory to Chandrasekhar Acharya! All glory to Nityananda Ray! All glory to Gadadhar Pandit! All glory to the Namacharya Haridas Thakur!
murari mukunda jaya premanidhi mahasaya All glory to Murari Gupta, Mukunda Datta, and Pundarik Vidyanidhi! All glory to all the associates of Sri Sachi Nandan! I offer my obeisance at their feet. By their mercy upon this fallen soul, I serve Srila Prabhupad and his associates. Composed by Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Devi-Goswami Maharaj
"Jaya Sachi Nandana":
Sri Sada Siva
Sri Sada Siva
Sri Sada Siva |
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