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"Bhajahu Re Mana" His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
This song was written by Govinda Das. There were two brothers who used to always fight—one brother, Govinda, worshipped Mother Kali, and the other brother worshipped Lord Krishna. Once, Govinda planted so many flowers in his garden. His brother did not have a big garden, so when one day he wanted to give some flowers to Lord Krishna, he came to his brother's garden, but Govinda chastised him, "Do not come to my garden! These are Mother Kali's flowers, not Krishna's!" The next day Govinda picked some flowers and went to give them to Mother Kali, but when he came in, Mother Kali withdrew her hands and said, "I cannot take these flowers. They have already been offered to my Master, Krishna!" Govinda's brother only asked for some flowers, but Mother Kali said, "This all garden belongs to my Lord, my Master, so first flowers will go to Him." After that day Govinda wrote this song, "Bhajahu re mana sri-nanda-nandana."
বজ হুঁরে মন শ্রীনন্দনন্দন
bhajahu re mana sri-nanda-nandana O mind, serve the son of Nanda's lotus feet, which make one fearless. Having attained this rare human birth, cross over the ocean of material existence by associating with sadhus.
শীত আতপ বাত বরিষণ
sita atapa vata varisana Day and night I remain awake, suffering from the heat and the cold, the wind and the rain. For a moment of flickering happiness I have uselessly served wicked and miserly men.
এ ধন যৌবন পুত্র পরিজন
e dhana, yauvana, putra, parijana What is there in having wealth, youth, sons, and family? Life is tottering like water on a lotus petal (it is here, and then it is gone). O mind, serve the Lord's feet.
শ্রবণ, কীর্ত্তন, স্মরণ, বন্দন,
sravana, kirtana, smarana, vandana Govinda Das desires to engage in the nine practices of devotion: hearing about, glorifying, remembering, praying to, attending to, serving, worshipping, befriending, and surrendering to the Lord.
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