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Mercy vs Sukriti His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Question: Is mercy higher, above sukriti? I have told many times how it is possible to get sukriti. Without sukriti, we cannot come here. But mercy means kripa—if you do some service, through that service mercy will come. Sukriti comes in another way. For example, there is one flower. It does not know anything, somebody picks it, offers to the Lord and the flower gets some sukriti. To get mercy, you must do something, then you will get mercy. What must you do? Service for the Lord. Mercy and sukriti are almost equal, but these are two different ways. In Bengali, mercy means "kripa"—"kri-yog-pa." "Kri" means "do", "pa" means "you will get"—you must do something, then you will get something. What should you do? Service to the Lord. And sukriti? Sukriti can be ajnata (unconscious) and jnata (conscious). Maybe, before, in our previous birth, you were in a cow's body and your milk was used for some sweet rice for the Lord, and as a result you have got the human body. In another way, sukriti also means "Tad vastu tadiya sevaya." "Tad" means his. "His things for His service." That is called sukriti. Everything in this world is His things, everything in this world is for Him, it is not my things. Everything is His property, not mine. So, using His property for His service is called sukriti. If you do not use His property for His service, that will be either good karma (punya) or bad karma. For example, if a flower is used at a birthday ceremony, it is not used for the Lord's service, it is used for your own service. It is then called good karma, punya. You get some good result, and the flower gets some good result—but not sukriti. Good karma is punya, and through punya you can go to heaven.
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