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Maya Family or
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
This family's name is Chaitanya Saraswat Family. If you can stay in this family, then you will be able to chant the Holy Name together, as a member of the family, in the place where this family is. You must stay within this family. If you want to go where this family is, you must stay with this family. Do you understand? What is the name of the family? Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Family.
অসাধুসঙ্গে ভাই কৃষ্ণনাম নাহি হয় ।
asadhu-sange bhai krsna-nama nahi haya "Brother, the Name of Krishna never appears in bad association: the letters of the Name may appear, but the Name never does." (Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 7.1) You must listen to the sadhus with your ears. If I wear a policeman's uniform, do I become a policeman? No, I do not. You see somebody wearing saffron clothes and you think this is a sannyasi, but do you become a sannyasi just by wearing the sannyasi clothes? No, you do not. If I give you sannyas clothes today, do you become a sannyasi? No. You must always listen to Hari-katha, always practise. Does anyone study in the college first? First you must go to the primary school, then the secondary, then the high school, then only you can go to college or university. So, practise, always practise—always engage in Hari-kirtan, in Krishna-kirtan, take prasad. When you come to the temple, do not listen to gossips and bad talks. I have told it to you before—the temple has a Deity, the temple has devotees, and the temple also has a drain. Take good things, do not take bad things. You have ears, hear good things; you have eyes, see good things; you have mouth, speak good things. Ku-boliba na, ku-dekhiba na, ku-suniba na (কুবলিব না, কুদেখিব না, কুশুনিব না)—do not say bad things, do not see bad things, do not hear bad things. Remember it.
ভক্তি-অনুকূল মাত্র কার্য্যের স্বীকার ।
bhakti-anukula matra karyera svikara (Saranagati, 1) "We will accept what is favourable to devotion and we will reject what is not favourable to devotion." If you always see the drain (if you are a drain inspector), then you will fall into the drain and you will only get a bad smell, but if you come to the Deity, you will get the smell of incense and sandalwood. So, see good things and avoid bad things. Always remember it, do not do bad things. What is a sadhu's character? If a sadhu comes to the bank of the Ganges to take bath and somebody throws stool at him, what is the duty of the sadhu? If somebody throws stool at you, you must go and take bath again; they throw cow dung at you, you must again go and take bath; they throw dog's stool at you, you must go and again take bath. In the end, when that person comes to you and asks, "Prabhu, I have done such a big offence to you, why do you not get angry?" what must you say? The sadhu will say, "You did not do anything wrong. You actually did me good. Every day I take bath in the Ganges one time, but today, thanks to you, I have taken bath in the Ganges ten times." You must be like this. When a sadhu sees a scorpion going to the Ganges, where it is sure to die, what will a sadhu do? He will pick the scorpion up and save it. People in this illusory world are bound by maya...
কৃষ্ণ যদি ছুটে ভক্তে ভুক্তি মুক্তি দিয়া ।
krsna yadi chhute bhakte bhukti mukti diya "If a devotee wants liberation or material enjoyment, Krishna immediately bestows it, but He keeps pure devotion hidden." Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 8.18 We are like foolish babies. We are crying and asking our mother and father to give us poison, what will the mother and father do? They cannot give us poison, instead they give us some water or some chocolate cake, perhaps. The child cries so much, "Father, I want to go with you," but when the father gives something to the child, the child forgets all about going with the father. So,
কৃষ্ণ যদি ছুটে ভক্তে ভুক্তি মুক্তি দিয়া ।
krsna yadi chhute bhakte bhukti mukti diya "If a devotee wants liberation or material enjoyment, Krishna immediately bestows it, but He keeps pure devotion hidden." Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 8.18 Gurudev always told this to me. If you ask Krishna for something without devotion, what will He give you? You ask Him for name ad fame, you ask Him for a house, for some kanak, kamini, a wife, etc. Krishna will give you everything, but He will hide devotion from you. If you want a wife, Krishna will give you a good wife; if you want a good husband, Krishna will give you a good husband; if you want a car, Krishna will give you a mercedes car—He will give it to you and you will forget everything... If you want an A/C house, Krishna will give you an A/C house, but you will not be able to come to the mangal arati... Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay!
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