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As Soon As Possible

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj,
27 May 2012, Skype to Salt Lake City, Utah


You must always 'wait and see', in everything—you will get everything, but you must wait and see, you cannot force anything. That day will come one day and mercy will automatically come.

There are three devotees getting initiation today, and I am very happy to give initiation to them.


Actually, you already know the rules and regulations. Gurudev would always say, "You must accept the supathya (সুপথ্য, wholesome things), and reject the kupathya (কুপথ্য, unhealthy things)." It means when a doctor gives you medicine, he also tells you what to avoid—otherwise you will take the medicine, but it will not work. In this way, Harinam is the medicine for our spiritual life, for our Krishna consciousness life, for our practising life. Take this medicine and avoid kupathya, bad habits (intoxication, illegal sex, bad association, etc.). If you have acidity problem and you take an antacid, but at the same time you eat much sour and spicy food, your acidity will not be removed. So, if you chant the Holy Name and eat meat, fish, and smoke with the same mouth, it will not work. That is why the sastra, the scriptures, say that you must take supathya and you must reject kupathya—accept good things and reject bad things. We must reject these four things—gambling, intoxication, illegal sex, killing other souls (জীব-হত্যা, jiva-hatya)—and practise properly, then we will get the result quickly. If we do not practise properly, the result will not come quickly—it will take time and slowly-slowly it will come.

You are going to get the Holy Name, and this Holy Name comes from a Guru parampara:

krsna haite chatur-mukha hana krsna-sevonmukha
brahma haite naradera mati
narada haite vyasa madhva kahe vyasa dasa
purnaprajna padmanabha gati

"Through Krishna, Brahma became devoted to Krishna's service. Brahma inspired Narad. Narad inspired Vyasadev. Madhva Acharya is a servant of Vyasa. Thus, the line continued through Purnaprajna (Madhavacharya) and Padmanabha."

This Holy Name came from Krishna to Brahma, from Brahma to Narad, from Narad to Vyasadev, from Vyasadev to Madhva Acharya, and in this way it comes down our Guru parampara line, or sampradaya—Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya. It came to Madhavendra Puri, from Madhavendra Puri to Ishwar Puri, from Ishwar Puri to Mahaprabhu.

Mahaprabhu Himself took initiation. He is the Lord Himself and does not need to take initiation, but He taught us by His own example. Nija achari' dharma jivke sikhaya (নিজে আচারি' ধর্ম্ম জীবকে শিখায়): if we do not practise properly ourselves, we cannot teach others properly. So, Mahaprabhu Himself took initiation from Ishwar Puri in Gaya—He showed to us that to increase your spiritual life, you must take initiation from a bone fide Guru.

We also took initiation from our Gurudev, and Gurudev gave me this position, he said, "If somebody is a sincere seeker, they got good association and want real chanting, want to practise properly, you can initiate them." You have been waiting for so many days, you are getting association from many of the Salt Lake City devotees, so I consider you a good devotee, a good practitioner and that you can take initiation and practise properly.

Now I am giving you the beads. Start from the big bead. First touch the beads to your head and give 'jay' to Gurudev, then chant Pancha-tattva's name:

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ ।
শ্রীঅদ্বৈত গদাধর শ্রীবাসাদি গৌরভক্তবৃন্দ ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura-bhakta-vrinda

Ask Them for mercy because They have brought this Holy Name to this abode and without Their mercy we cannot chant.

This big bead on top is the sumeru bead, and these are the big beads. Chant in this way, I am showing you:

হরে কৃষ্ণ হরে কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ হরে হরে ।
হরে রাম হরে রাম রাম রাম হরে হরে ॥

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

Chant from the big beads, take turn, and from the big beads to the small beads, and from the small beads to the big beads—in this way chant sixteen rounds or more, but if any day you are busy with service chant not less than four rounds. Sixteen rounds or more is good, and you can also chant without the mala—when you are cooking, when you are doing another service. You can chant at any time: ki sayane, ki bhojane, ki va jagarane (কি শয়নে, কি ভোজনে, কিবা জাগরাণে, Cb, 2.1.242), even at sleeping time, at bathing time, in the bathroom, when lying down, driving, or sitting in the car. You can chant any time without the beads, the result is the same. OK? Always chant—সেবোন্মুখে কহে কৃষ্ণনাম, sevon mukhe kaha Krsna Nam: when you are serving with your hands, you can chant with your mouth.

They will also give you the Nama aparadh book, that is Dasa-vidha Nama aparadha. Do not do sadhu ninda, criticising the sadhu, Vaishnavs, do not think the Holy Name is equal to any other name—you must read about these kinds of Nama aparadh (offences to the Holy Name) in this book and avoid them. Chant without offence and you will get the result quickly, as soon as possible.




You have heard everything... You are a fortunate soul, you are getting the Holy Name:

ব্রহ্মাণ্ড ভ্রমিতে কোন ভাগ্যবান্ জীব ।
গুরু-কৃষ্ণ-প্রসাদে পায় ভক্তিলতা-বীজ ॥

brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva
guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija

Having travelled throughout the universe and got the mercy of Guru, Krishna, a fortunate soul receives a seed of the devotional creeper.

Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 19.151

You are getting the seed, but it is not enough to only get the seed—you must take care of it. You must always chant properly and practise properly. That is my advice. You think you are getting initiation and will go to Vaikuntha, but it is not possible without you practising.

A chair has four legs, and actually I am your one leg, but a chair cannot stand with one leg only—three more legs are necessary. You must practise and avoid bad things—this is left up to you. If you do not practise properly, your Guru cannot do anything. If you follow your Guru, that is good for your life. Follow everything I am telling you properly and you will prosper in your practising life, you will be successful in your spiritual life. I am giving you medicine, and if you do not take this medicine, your disease will not be cured. Take the medicine and avoid bad things.

Now you can take the beads in your hand, and start from the big bead called sumeru. First touch the big bead to your head and say,

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ ।
শ্রীঅদ্বৈত গদাধর শ্রীবাসাদি গৌরভক্তবৃন্দ ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura-bhakta-vrinda

Chant Their name, remember Their name, and ask Them for mercy—without Their mercy we cannot chant because They have brought this Holy Name to this abode. Then start chanting from the big beads, one by one,

হরে কৃষ্ণ হরে কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ হরে হরে ।
হরে রাম হরে রাম রাম রাম হরে হরে ॥

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

In this way, chant from the big beads to the small beads, turn the mala, chant from the small beads to the big beads, turn the mala, and again from the big beads to the small beads. Do not cross the sumeru bead.

Sixteen rounds or more is good for you. If any day you are busy with service, not less than four rounds must be chanted. Your Harinam mala, beads, must not fast. Chant in this way and you will have success in your spiritual life. You will be happier.

Also, read the ten offences book and avoid the offences. There are many offences—main ten offences to the Holy Name, seva aparadh, Vaishnav aparadh, etc.—you must avoid these offences and chant the Holy Name without offence, then you will get the result quickly, as soon as possible. Krishna will reveal Himself in your heart, and you will be successful in your spiritual life.




You have so much anxiety... Only think about Krishna, surrender to Krishna, and all anxiety will be removed from you. It is not necessary to think about anything—Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and you must just surrender to the Lord and your Gurudev, then your anxiety will be removed.

We are suffering from adhibhautik (আধিভৌতিক, others), adhidaivik (আধিদৈবিক, nature), and adhyatmik (আধ্যাত্মিক, ourselves)—we have so many mental problems, but if you chant and engage yourself in service, all kinds of anxiety will be removed. The more time you are engaged in service, the more time you chant and think about the Lord, about your Guru, Vaishnavs, Bhagavan, the sooner all kinds of mental diseases, tri-tapa-yatan (three-fold miseries), will be removed from you.

That is what is necessary. Do not follow what your mind is telling you, follow your Guru, Vaishnavs, Bhagavan, and everything will be OK for you.

You are a very fortunate soul, you are getting mercy from Gurudev, and you have mercy from the Vaishnavs, Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu. It is a new life for you. Forget everything that was in your past—your past is past. Forget everything you have done in your life before, from today your life is suddha (শুদ্ধ, clean). Chant and start a new life from today. OK?

Chant every day on the Harinam mala that I have chanted on and sent there, it is the bhakti-lata-bij (seed of the creeper of devotion). First always remember your Guru's name, remember Vaishnavs and Bhagavan—"তিনের স্মরণে হয় বিঘ্নবিনাশন, tinera smarane haya vighna-vinasana, always remember them and everything will become clear (Cc, 1.1.21)."

First give 'jay' to Gurudev. Always chant Gurudev's name, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Name, Nityananda Prabhu's Name, always chant the Holy Name, and you will be cured.

Then chant Pancha-tattva's name:

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ ।
শ্রীঅদ্বৈত গদাধর শ্রীবাসাদি গৌরভক্তবৃন্দ ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura-bhakta-vrinda

This is Pancha-tattva's name. Chant Their name, ask Them for mercy. They have brought the Holy Name to this abode, and with Their mercy only we can chant the Holy Name—without Their mercy we cannot.

হরে কৃষ্ণ হরে কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ হরে হরে ।
হরে রাম হরে রাম রাম রাম হরে হরে ॥

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

There are beads on two sides from the sumeru bead, on one side are the big beads, on the other side are the small beads. Start chanting from the big beads and chant to the small beads, then take turn, and chant from the small beads to the big beads, and so on. In this way, chant sixteen rounds or more, it is good for you.

If any day you do not get time, you can always chant with your mouth and chant only four rounds on your mala. That is not a problem. If you do get time, chant sixteen, fifteen, twenty rounds, sometimes you will chant only four rounds, sometimes five, or ten. There is no timetable, you can chant at any time. Whenever you get time, you can take the chanting beads and chant. Without mala also: you can chant with your mouth only while you are doing some service: সেবোন্মুখে কহে কৃষ্ণনাম, sevon mukhe kaha Krsna Nam.

Chant in this way, and Krishna will reveal Himself in your heart, you will succeed in your spiritual life—but you must read the ten offences book and avoid these offences. If you chant without offence, you will get the result quickly, as soon as possible.


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Pure Line: Disciples,
Quarrels, and Prasadam
'We joined the Krishna consciousness line, and our line must be very pure: we will be most humble, most tolerant, and give all honour to others. It is very important.'


Jaya 'guru-maharaja'
'Your form is adorned with tilak, tulasi beads, sandalwood paste, saffron cloth, and golden radiance like that of the sun.'
জয় ‘গুরু-মহারাজ’

If you fully surrender to the Lord, surrender to your Guru, your sadness will go away because you will depend upon him in everything.