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Luchi Fried in Kerosene His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Devotee: If a devotee from another line comes to our temple and feels very inspired by our Gurudev, would it be a lack of chastity from the side of this disciple to come here and abandon his own line and Guru? No, it is not a problem, it is not a matter of chastity or anything bad. If somebody comes to get association, we do not mind it. We allow everybody to come unless they are offenders to our Guru. We must see, however, how sincere they are, and whether or not they are pretending or showing false renunciation. After Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Srila Prabhupad expired, many of his disciples came to our society because Srila Swami Maharaj himself said that after him they could go to Srila Sridhar Maharaj. So, it is not a matter of being unchaste. Somebody goes to primary school, then they go to high school, then to college, and after that to university. We have no problem with that. You must understand, however, that I will not give initiation to somebody if they are a disciple of my Guru-varga. We must think why they have left their temple, why they have left their Guru—we must examine them. Our temple management of that particular country should find this out. Do you eat luchi, or puri, sometimes? Devotees: Yes. Do you fry it in kerosene oil or in good oil? Devotees: In good oil. Gurudev told me, "You can take puri, but do not fry it in kerosene oil." It means that if anybody comes from another temple, or another society, and you are giving initiation to them, or you are recommending them for initiation, you must think first and clarify them. Do you understand? We will not take puri fried in kerosene oil. I do not want to make so many disciples, you know that. One disciple is sufficient if they follow perfectly, if they serve their Guru, Vaishnav, Bhagavan perfectly—it is not necessary to make so many disciples. One pure Vaishnav can rescue the whole world—the whole visva brahmanda, chaudda bhuvan (the fourteen worlds). One bona fide Guru, one bona fide pure Vaishnav is sufficient. We do not want to impress others, "Oh, he has so many followers!" That is not right. We want quality, we do not want quantity.
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