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Sri Guru: Medium and Shelter

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 24 February 2013


Do you know why you want to take initiation?

—I have been going to the temple for a couple of years, and have come here to meet you and take initiation...

I mean do you know what you take initiation for? It is actually a question not only to you, but to everybody. You must know who the Guru is, what the meaning of the Guru is, who should be the Guru. Many scriptures describe the Guru, and many scriptures describe the Guru in many ways.

Some scriptures say that the Guru is actually saksadd-haritvena (nondifferent from Krishna), some scriptures say that the Guru is kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya (the dearmost of the Lord). So, there are different kinds of activities and different kinds of expressions, just as there are different kinds of devotees and different kinds of expressions. Some devotees also say, "My Guru is nondifferent from Radharani." Who is Nityananda? Who is Radharani?

Krishna can attract everyone and everything, but who can attract Krishna? Who can make Krishna happy? Who has that much beauty, that much glory? Who can give that kind of joy, happiness, that kind of ecstasy and paramour love to Krishna? Radharani. Krishna said, "I am forever indebted to Radharani. I bow my head at Radharani's lotus feet." That is why we can say that sometimes Krishna cannot manage someone, but Radharani can find a way to take them to Krishna. With asraya vigraha (shelter of Gurudev) you can 'manage' Krishna.

Actually, what is the Guru's duty? The Guru is nondifferent from the Lord and brings a message from the Lord. Krishna cannot always come in this age, but He send His message to the fallen souls like us with His associates. What should we pray to the Guru for? If I surrender to the Guru, I should not pray for my own interest, for my own enjoyment, but if we ask something earnestly, the Guru can bring and express Krishna's message to us.

Just as when you make some paneer rasa, there is only the rasa (juice) on top, but all the paneer and subji is down—when you scoop it and take the subji out, then you get a good taste. So, Gurudev's duty is like that. The Guru sends our prayer and desires to the Lord.

So, for all these reasons, we take shelter of the Guru...


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