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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Speaking online to Venezuela & Colombia
Caracas Deity installation anniversary,
23 June 2013


এ ঘোর-সংসারে, পড়িয়া মানব না পায় দুঃখের শেষ ।

e ghora-samsare, padiya manava na paya duhkhera sesa

"When one falls into this terrible world, there is no end to their suffering!"

('E ghora-samsare' from Jaiva-dharma by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur)

This is the main song.

নিতাই চৈতন্য, চরণ কমলে, আশ্রয় হইল যেই ।
কালীদাস বলে, জীবণে মরণে, আমার আশ্রয় সেই ॥

nitai chaitanya, charana kamale, asraya laila yei
kalidasa bale, jivane marane, amara asraya sei

"I will serve those who take shelter of Nitai-Chaitanya, who serve Nitai-Chaitanya. That is the main thing. I will take shelter of those who serve Nitai-Chaitanya. I do not have any quality or qualification to serve Nitai-Chaitanya, but I will serve those who are serving Nitai-Chaitanya." This is what Kalidas said.

You heard also from Chaitanya-charitamrita about the Panihati danda-mahotsav that Raghunath Das Goswami made. Raghunath did not go directly to Nityananda Prabhu, he first asked Raghav Pandit, "Prabhu, please could you speak to Nityananda Prabhu? Could you ask Him how I will come to Mahaprabhu? Please! I am a very fallen soul, can you please arrange some mercy from Him?..."

"Danda-mahotsav" means a punishment (danda) festival, but I always say it is a mercy mahotsav (festival), it is not punishment.

When Raghunath came to Panihati, Nityananda Prabhu said to him, "Ai, chora, ai! Come here, thief, come here!" (Chora means a thief.) Why did Nityananda Prabhu call him a thief? Because when Mahaprabhu took sannyas and came to Santipur to the house of Advaita Acharya, Raghunath Das Goswami went there to see Mahaprabhu without first getting mercy from Nityananda Prabhu, secretly like a thief he went there to meet with Mahaprabhu. That is why Nityananda Prabhu said, "Raghunath! You are a thief! You have not got permission from Me and you directly went to Mahaprabhu! How is it possible?? That is why I am giving you punishment. You must feed all the devotees today. Arrange for some flat rice, jackfruit, mango, banana, yoghurt, etc. and feed everybody, then you will get some relief from your offence."


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Odds and Ends
'Krishna's devotees are always addicted to Krishna's service, not to arepa..'


'All glory to the son of Yasoda, Krishna, Murari. Glory to He who holds the flute and lifts the Govardhan Hill!'

Have we become a Vaishnav or do we only wear the dress of a Vaishnav? Do we practise
properly or do we pretend and show false renunciation? We must ask ourselves.