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Varaha Avatar

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
31 January 2015, Sri Ekachakra Dham


Today is the day when we must worship Varahadev. He is the adi-pati of Koladwip (the master of Koladwip), so today at the time of His worship we must make a special offering.

In Vaikuntha, Laksmi Devi and Narayan had two gate keepers, Jaya and Vijaya. One day, when they were standing on their guard outside Laksmi Devi and Narayan's door, four brahman sons of Brahma came there naked.

"We would like to see Narayan," said one of the brahmans.

"It is not possible to see Him now, Prabhu is resting now," answered Jaya and Vijaya.

Everything happens by the will of the Lord—the Lord was disturbed by His gate keepers and by His will Jay and Vijay could not stay as gate keepers any more. Hearing their reply, the sons of Brahma cursed them, "You will have to take birth on the earth! You will not be able to stay in Vaikuntha!"

In the meantime, Narayan heard some noise outside.

"What has happened?" the Lord asked His gate keepers as He came out.

"Prabhu," said Jaya and Vijaya, "we are Your gate keepers, and these four children come here naked to take Your darshan... We told them You were resting."

"You do not know who they are—they are Brahma's sons! You have stopped them, so they cursed you, and now cannot do anything, you have to go to the earth. But I can give you some relief."

"Please tell us, Prabhu, how can we get relief?" prayed the gate keepers.

"I give you two options. If you come to earth and worship Me, you will be born seven times; if you become My enemies, then you will be born only three times, after that you can come back. Which do you choose?"

"Prabhu, we want to come back to You soon, so we will be Your enemies."

So, in Satya-yuga they became two brothers Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa, and the Lord took the form of a boar and killed Hiranyaksa.

There are ten avatars (incarnations) of the Lord, and one of them is this incarnation in the form of a boar, that is Varaha avatar.


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New Life
'You have come to take initiation from me, but actually you are going to become a member of the Lord's family. The illusory environment will always want to remove you from this family, but through practising you must always renew that membership.'


Ki jani ki bale
'There is no one on earth who has the power to deliver me. O merciful Lord! It is Your declaration that You deliver the lowest, most sinful persons.'
কি জানি কি বলে

It is not necessary to read volumes of books, not necessary to accumulate volumes of knowledge. If you only have faith in your Guru, have faith in Krishna, that is sufficient for you.