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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
10 May 2015, Sri Nabadwip Dham, part 3


Sadhus, Guru, Vaishnavs go house to house, come to your house and call you to come with them for the parikrama of the Dham, they call you to come to the Dham, to take sadhu-sanga, but you come and go so many times and do not learn anything... You are born in India, but you do not understand the proper practice and behaviour. But look at them—they come from abroad, they do not know Mahaprabhu's conception, do not know Krishna consciousness, do not know the language (Mahaprabhu spoke Bengali and Sanskrit, they do not understand these languages), but they come, chant kirtans, listen to Hari-katha, they speak about the Lord. You should look at them and think about it. What will become of you? Next life, you will have to take birth in the land of mlechhas, and they will get the Lord.

You can see how many people come from Muslim countries—they used to be Muslims, but now they chant the Holy Name. They forget Allah and now call out, "Krishna! Krishna!" They forget Allah and chant the Name of Krishna. They wear tilaks, they wear Tulasi mala on their necks, they become vegetarian, they follow Ekadasi; and you have taken birth in this Bharata-bhumi (India), but you kill jiva souls and enjoy meat so much. One day, you will get reaction for this.

সংসার ভজিলি শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ ভুলিলি
না শুনিলি সাধুর কথা ।
ইহ-পরকাল দুকাল খোয়ালি (মন)
খাইলি আপন মাথা ॥

samsara bhajili sri-gauranga bhulili
na sunili sadhura katha
iha-parakala dukala khoyali (mana)
khaili apana matha

You worshipped your family (material life), forgot Sri Gauranga, and never listened to sadhus' words. O mind, you wasted both this life and your next life—you are eating your own brain (you are your own enemy).

('Avatara sara Gora avatara' by Srila Lochan Das Thakur)

"Samsara bhajili": you are worshipping your family life, your material life, but life is very short, life is so transient—we can leave at any moment!

When the demigods and the demons were fighting and the demigods won the battle, they came to Khatvanga Maharaj, paid their obeisance to him and said, "We have won the battle, and we want to give you something. We will give you whatever you say. If you say, we can give you heaven, it is not a problem." Khatvanga Maharaj replied, "Can you tell me how many days my lifetime is? How many more days will I be alive?" When the demigods said, "Your lifetime is only one moment (only forty-eight minutes)," Khatvanga Maharaj told straight, "I will leave my body in forty-eight minutes? Then I do not want anything!" He rejected everything and surrendered his whole mind, body, life, everything to the lotus feet of the Lord. During that last moment of his life, he got the Lord.


— : • : —




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