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The Aanyor Village

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
11 November 2015


Krishna Himself said, "I am Govardhan"...

During the parikrama, we pass a village called Aanyor when we go to see Govinda Kunda. One day, Madhavendra Puri was sitting there and chanting all day. He was ayachita-vrtti, did not ask anybody for anything (if he got something, he would take it, otherwise he would fast). That was his nature. One day Krishna Himself came to him: a boy came up to him and said,

"Sadhu, drink this milk!"

"How do You know I have not eaten anything? What is Your Name? Where is Your village and where do You stay?"

"If somebody wants something, I give it to them, and if they do not want it, I also give it to them... You drink this milk, and I will come back later for the pot."

Madhavendra Puri drank the milk and thought, "I have drunk milk many times in Bengal, but it was nothing like this kind of milk! This is like nectar!" So, he sat and waited, waited, waited, and soon he felt drowsy and fell asleep. Gopal came to him in a dream and said, "My Name is Govardhan-dhari Gopal."

ময়ূর-মুকুট পীতাম্বরধারী ।
মুরলীধর গোবর্দ্ধনধারী ॥
জয় যশোদা-নন্দন কৃষ্ণ মুরারি ।
মুরলীধর গোবর্দ্ধনধারী ॥

mayura-mukuta pitambara-dhari
murali-dhara govardhana-dhari
jaya yasoda-nandana krsna murari
murali-dhara govardhana-dhari

"Krishna's great-grandson established my Deity, but when the Muslim were breaking the temples, the pujari hid Me in the forest, and since that day I have been suffering so much from hot, cold, rain, etc. When I brought you milk, you asked Me where I stayed—this is where I live. Rescue Me and keep Me in a safe place!" And Madhavendra Puri woke up. (You worship a Deity, but it is not a doll!) The next morning, Madhavendra Puri called the villagers and said that their Deity was hidden in the jungle, and with their help he took the Deity out and established His worship on top of Govardhan.

When Mahaprabhu went to Govardhan, He did not climb Govardhan to see Gopal—Gopal came down to see Him, and to this day, that Gopal is still there, on the bank of Govinda Kunda...

Why is the village called Aanyor? Tomorrow is the Annakut mahotsav of Govardhan Giriraj. On that day, all Vraja-basis brought so much food, and a mountain of rice, Govardhan finished everything, but still He was hungry. He said, "Bring more! Bring more! Ara anna!" Aanyor: "আর নিয়ে আসো, aro niye aso" ("bring more"). Hearing it, all gopis were about to go back home to bring more, but Govardhan stopped them, "You do not have to go back to your homes! I will make My hands longer and take it." And Govardhan made His hands longer and took everything from their houses. That is Giriraj Puja.


— : • : —




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