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Who Will Understand This?

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham, translated from Bengali
22 March 2016


When Krishna left Vrindavan and went to Mathura and Dvaraka, Vraja gopis cried so much that everything around had become the same to them. Wherever their glance fell, they only wept and lamented for Krishna. They embraced the trees and said, "His feet walked down this path! Here are His broken ankle bells scattered around! Has our Lord forgotten us? How cruel it is that we cannot die! How cruel it is that He has left us! We love Him so much, we know nothing except Him, we understand nothing except Him, but He has left us!"

When Mahaprabhu took sannyas, He went to Puri and alone tasted this vipralambha lila (বিপ্রলম্ভ লীলা, separation). He felt so much pleasure—you cannot get this kind of pleasure through union. In separation, hankering for union brings a great pleasure. The pleasure of the union is momentary, but in separation you can feel pleasure at every moment, all the time. When you have a strong relationship with Krishna, when you have a connection with your Guru, then you will be able to understand everything.

This is sambandha (the nature of the relation), you must understand these main things very well. If you read Ramananda-sambad, you can see that it is an extremely high conception...

When we were today at Champa-hatti, you saw they were singing from Gita Govinda but we did not sing it. After that, we spoke about Gita Govinda there, about the line "Dehi pada pallavam", but who will I actually tell about it to? Who can understand it, tell me? Who will be able to understand these words of Jayadev Goswami about separation?

Jayadev Goswami started composing this Gita Govinda in some other place, but he could not finish it there, so he came to Nabadwip to finish it. He sat there in Champa-hatti, but then he suddenly forgot what to write next, "What should I write next? What is the next line?" (Yes, who will write it? Who will write "dehi pada pallavam"?) He could not think of anything, so he went to take bath in the Ganga and asked his wife Padmavati to prepare prasad in the meantime. Then, Bhagavan Gaura Hari, Sri Krishna Himself, came in disguise of Jayadev and said to Padmavati, "Padmavati, is the prasad ready?" She answered, "Yes, you said you will take bath and take prasadam, so it is ready. Come, take it." He took prasad. What did He do after that? He went to the room where Jayadev sat and wrote Gita Govinda, wrote the next line, and left. When real Jayadev came back after taking bath, he asked his wife, "Padmavati, where is my prasad?" Padmavati was surprised, "What are you talking about? You have just taken prasad! You took prasad and went to your room, I saw you writing something there." "What do you mean? Who was it? I did not come here!" Then Jayadev went into his room and saw the words written in the book, "Dehi pada pallavam udaram" (দেহি পদপল্লবমুদারম্, "place Your tender feet on My head"). The Lord came Himself to write it. What did He write? What is written there about Radharani? Krishna says to Her, "Please place Your feet on My head." Krishna Himself wrote it.

Do not forget this sambandha (relation)! This relationship is not a two-day connection! This connection is not just to take initiation and go away, no. You must not only think like this, but you must understand it. What can the Guru give you? What is the love of Guru? What do you receive from your Guru? You must always think about it.

দীক্ষাকালে ভক্ত করে আত্মসমর্পণ ।
সেইকালে কৃষ্ণ তারে করে আত্মসম ॥

diksa-kale bhakta kare atma-samarpana
sei-kale krsna tare kare atma-sama

"At the time of initiation, when a devotee fully surrenders unto the service of the Lord, Krishna accepts them as His very own."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Antya-lila, 4.192)

Diksa means divya-jnan (transcendental knowledge)—those who take initiation, who surrender, the Lord takes them as His own! This mood, this feeling must come. And it is for this mood and feeling, for this lila that Sri Gauranga came here. He came to tell everyone about the separation that Srimati Radharani feels, about the agony of separation that She feels.

...Krishna said to His friend, "O Subal! Today Balaram is not here, I will not go to herd the cows today!" Balaram also sat at Radha Kunda and said, "Krishna is not here now, I will not go herd the cows today..." This is separation, it is necessary to understand this, it is necessary to think about this.

Gurupad is the Lord's very own! We cannot forget him, we cannot do bhajan on our own like Mirabhai. It is not our line! We do not sit and just chant, "Krishna, Krishna."

রাধা-ভজনে যদি মতি নাহি ভেলা ।
কৃষ্ণ-ভজন তব অকারণ গেলা ॥

radha-bhajane yadi mati nahi bhela
krsna-bhajana tava akarana gela

"If you do not worship Srimati Radharani, your worship of Krishna is nothing."

If you do not worship Srimati Radharani, your worship of Krishna will give you nothing. Without Nityananda you cannot get Gaura; without Gurupad-padma (the lotus feet of Sri Guru), you will not get Krishna! If you serve the Lord without the Guru, you will not get anything. Always remember this.


— : • : —




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Other parts:
My Grief
Who Will Understand This?
Adopting the Process
Exclusive Line—Exclusive Dedication



Do Not Fear Service
Some may be afraid they can be given service that they cannot do, but is there anything to be afraid of?


Krsna haite chatur-mukha
'Nrhari Tirtha and Madhava Tirtha were also disciples in Madhva Acharya's line. Madhava Tirtha accepted the paramahamsa Aksobhya Tirtha as his disciple. Aksobhya Tirtha's disciple was Jaya Tirtha. Jaya Tirtha's servant was Jnanasindhu.'
কৃষ্ণ হৈতে চতুর্ম্মুখ

How much do you think about yourself, about your pratistha, establishment,
and enjoyment? Then you can realise whether you are increasing
your devotional life or decreasing.