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Using / Serving

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Talking online to the devotees in London
21 May 2016


We should learn from Srila Gurudev:

One time, in Gurudev's time, a Western devotee went to Nrisingha Palli and came back wearing a tabiz (a kavacha) with the Nrisighnadev mantra inside it. Gurudev noticed it and asked him, "What is this?" The devotee answered, "It is the Nrisinghadev kavach." Then Gurudev asked him, "Are you serving Nrisinghadev, or are you using Nrisinghadev?"

You cannot use Nrisinghadev for your own purpose, for your own benefit—you must serve Nrisinghadev. That is our main target, main focus. We must follow Gurudev's words and Gurudev's teachings.

You have heard about the main teachings of Prahlad Maharaj. Nrisinghadev, the Lord Himself who came in a combined form of a lion and a man, said to Prahlad Maharaj, "Ask Me for some boon," but Prahlad Maharaj replied, "What boon shall I ask? You have already come in this form to protect me and the devotees. It is sufficient for me. What more can I ask for?" Still, Nrisinghadev pushed and pushed Prahlad Maharaj to ask for a boon, and finally Prahlad Maharaj asked Him for a boon. What boon did he ask for? He said, "Prabhu, please you must remove from my heart all desire to ask You for anything—please remove from my heart this asking mood."

It is necessary to have such mood. Our mood must always be the 'giving' mood and never the 'taking' mood—our mood must always be to give something, not to take. We must give something to our Guru and the devotees, we should not take so much from our Guru or take anything from the devotees—we must give more than we take. This is the kind of mood that is necessary to have. This is the main point, the main lesson that we must understand.

You can see what Prahlad Maharaj told (what he learned from Narad Goswami and taught others) in the seventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Read it very carefully and you will understand it easily.


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