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Power of Good Association His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
[Before handing the microphone over to other sannyasis present at the stage:] Please do not leave. Maharajs will speak now, you must all listen to them attentively. I have told you before, you must see the sadhu with your ears. Sripad Shanta Maharaj reminded me about one story recently: Every day you sing in a song, "Ramachandra-sanga mage Narottama Dasa: O Srinivas Acharya Prabhu! Be merciful! Narottam Das prays for the association of Ramachandra Kaviraj." What does this mean? Why does Narottam Das always ask for the association of Ramachandra? One day, Acharya Srinivas and Narottam Das Thakur were sitting one place and they saw a palanquin pass by. Ramachandra was getting married and was going by that palanquin. Seeing the groom, Acharya Srinivas said, "Oh, just look, this man has been attacked by maya, the illusory environment!" Ramachandra heard it. He looked through a hole in the palanquin to see who had said it and saw a sadhu sitting on the street. The whole night he did not sleep—he kept on thinking, "What is maya? Why did maya attack me? What does it mean? I must ask that sadhu!" The next day he came to Acharya Srinivas and asked him, "Prabhu, I heard yesterday from my palanquin you said something about maya. The whole night I was thinking about it and I have now come to you." He heard some Hari-katha from Srinivas Acharya and in the end took initiation. Then, Acharya Srinivas said to him, "You have taken initiation from me, now you must return to your home." He came back to his home and new wife, but he does not like his life anymore—he liked what he had heard from Acharya Srinivas. So, soon he came back to him again. Acharya Srinivas again sent him away, but Ramachandra returned again. In the end, he stayed with Acharya Srinivas and Narottam Das Thakur. So, you can see how Ramachandra became a sadhu through hearing. It is necessary to listen properly. So, please listen carefully to what Maharajs are going to tell you.
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