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Seeking Mercy

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham
26 January 2018, part 3


আর কবে নিতাইচাঁদ করুণা করিবে ।
সংসার-বাসনা মোর কবে তুচ্ছ হ'বে ॥

ara kabe nitaichand karuna karibe
samsara-vasana mora kabe tuchha ha'be

"When will Nitaichand give mercy to me? When will all my material desires become insignificant?"

('Prarthana' by Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

"When will Nityananda Prabhu give me some mercy? When will material attachment leave us? When will it go out of us, forever." This is necessary. If you have even a little attachment to material things, you will not be able to reach your goal, you will not be able to reach the proper way, you will not get the proper things. You must always think how merciful Nityananda Prabhu is:

কবে নিত্যানন্দ মোরে করি' দয়া ।
ছাড়াইবে মোর বিষয়ের মায়া ॥

kabe nityananda more kari' daya
chhadaibe mora visayera maya

"When will Nityananda be compassionate to me and relieve me from the mundane illusion?"

("Kabe habe bolo se dina amar" by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur)

"When will Nityananda be kind to me? Chhadaibe mora visayera maya: I have so much attraction to the illusory environment—when will it be removed from my heart?" Even some pratistha ("I am a big sannyasi," "I am a big guru," etc.)—when will these material things be removed from us?

Gurudev says that to be a sannyasi you must be a soldier. Only the cloth does not make you a sannyasi; a sannyasi must be humble, tolerant, give honour to others, not be envious, must speak sweetly—then everything, all environment will be harmonised.

Temple life is not so easy. You can all understand it—even two brothers sometimes cannot stay together, they quarrel, fight and go to stay in different houses. We are born in many different families, in so many different castes and classes, we are coming from many different cultures, but we must all live together. We think we are coming from this family, we are coming from that education, we are coming from this and that, but we must leave our ego. Be humble and try to understand the proper teachings that Gurudev gave you, and preach in this way. This is the main thing for our spiritual life.

How will you learn? If you even sing one song and explain its meaning, you can learn so many things.

কবে হবে বল, সে দিন আমার ।
অপরাধ ঘুচি' শুদ্ধ নামে রুচি
কৃপা-বলে হবে হৃদয়ে সঞ্চার ॥

kabe habe bala se dina amara
aparadha ghuchi suddha name ruchi
krpa-bale ha'be hrdaye sanchara

"Please tell me, when will that day be mine? When will my offences be removed? When will the taste for the pure Name arise in my heart by the power of mercy?"

('Kabe habe bolo, se dina amar?' by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur)

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur cries, "When will that day come?" When will the day come when my offence is removed? Aparadha ghuchi suddha Name ruchi: when will Vaishnav aparadh, Dhama aparadh, Nama aparadh be removed from me?

অপরাধ ঘুচি' শুদ্ধ নামে রুচি
কৃপা-বলে হবে হৃদয়ে সঞ্চার ॥
কবে হবে বল, সে দিন আমার ।

aparadha ghuchi suddha name ruchi
krpa-bale ha'be hrdaye sanchara
kabe habe bala se dina amara

"Please tell me, when will that day be mine? When will my offences be removed? When will the taste for the pure Name arise in my heart by the power of mercy?"

('Kabe habe bolo, se dina amar?' by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur)

"When will my offences be removed? When will I get mercy from my Guru?" This is the main thing for us. "Yogyata vichare kichu nahi pai (যোগ্যতা বিচারে কিছু নাহি পাই)—we always sing it, saying, "I have not got anything. Kichhu nahi pai, I have not got any qualification." What is the main thing? "Yogyata vichare kichhu nahi pai, tomara karuna-sara: mercy is above justice. Through vichar (seeking qualification) you will not get anything. Only your mercy is necessary, Prabhu." You must think in this way.

We did not come to this world for buildings or many other things—it is nothing for us. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu preached around the whole India—how many temples did He make? Did He have His own house? No, He did not. He did not have any house. He left Nabadwip and went to South India, North India, everywhere, after that He finally stayed in Gambhira, in Kashi Misra's house, and that too was not His own house—He lived there and preached from there. Even when Mahaprabhu was in Nabadwip, He also preached and went everywhere, place to place—He did not have His own house. We too must preach in this way. We must have no attachment to any particular house or building—we only want to serve you, Prabhu. Wherever we live, we must follow spiritual practice, that is the main thing in our spiritual life.


— : • : —




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Krsna haite chatur-mukha
'Sri Rupa's dear followers are the great souls Sri Jiva and Sri Raghunath. Their dear follower is Srila Krsnadas Kaviraj. His dearmost follower is Sri Narottam, who is ever engaged in divine service. His feet are the aspiration of Sri Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur.'
কৃষ্ণ হৈতে চতুর্ম্মুখ

You will not get Krishna directly without serving His devotees, but if you serve
the devotees of Krishna, then you can easily get mercy from Krishna.