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Revealing Sri Nityananda Prabhu

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham
26 January 2018, part 4


I am trying to give some glorification of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu because today we have come to Nityananda Prabhu's appearance place.

Sriman Nityananda Prabhu wanted to meet Mahaprabhu, so He came to Sri Dham Mayapur. At the time when He came there, there were not so many temples and houses also in Mayapur, the population was also very little. Nityananda Prabhu first stayed in a house of a householder family—Nandan Acharya's house. Mahaprabhu is antaryami, He knows everything, so He knew that a great personality had come to Sri Dham Mayapur, so He told the devotees (His associates—Chandrasekhar Acharya, Srivas Pandit, and others), "I know a great personality has come to Mayapur. Please go and find Him. Find where He is staying and tell Him to come here." Chandrasekhar Acharya and Srivas Pandit went to search for Him, but they were unable to find Him because Nityananda's glories are actually very guro (গূঢ়, esoteric, profound)—His glories are very sacred and of a very high level. It is not easy to find Him.

So, the devotees came back to Mahaprabhu and said they had not found that great personality. Mahaprabhu told, "All right. You have tired but failed, now I will go Myself. One way or another I will find Him." Mahaprabhu knows everything, so He went directly to Nandan Acharya Bhavan and saw Nityananda Prabhu sitting there. They hugged each other, paid obeisance to each other and spoke for some time. Then, Mahaprabhu brought Nityananda Prabhu to His house (Jagannath Misra's house).

When Sachi Mata saw Nityananda Prabhu, she was very surprised. She cooked very nice preparations, offered the bhog, and Sriman Nityananda Prabhu and Sriman Mahaprabhu took prasadam together.

Then, we can understand easily that Nityananda Prabhu is not simple. He is very highly qualified. "Ek dehe dui vartaman": it means that just as there is Krishna and Balaram, there is also Gauranga and Nitai. Nityananda Prabhu is mul sankaran, He is the possessor of the main power, and He is the ashraya vigraha—He is first to give us shelter. Nityananda Prabhu is non-different from Guru-tattva, that is why He is actually more powerful than Mahaprabhu.


— : • : —




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