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— { HARI-KATHA IN KULGACHIA } — His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
We want saranagati (surrender). Always read the Saranagati kirtans—there are very beautiful kirtans in this book by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur. I can remember one kirtan now, it is the most beautiful kirtan:
sarvasva tomara, charane sapiya, "I have offered everything at Your feet and taken shelter in Your home. You are my Master; please consider me Your dog."
badhiya nikate, amare palibe, "Tie me up nearby and maintain me. I will remain at Your doorstep. I will not allow any inimical persons to enter; I will keep them on the far side of Your moat." "Tie me to your door, keep me near you." You know how faithful a dog is. "When your enemy comes (somebody who is not a devotee of Krishna), I will bark and chase them away, and if your own men come, I will affectionately see to them and give them a seat."
tava nija-jana, prasada seviya, "Whatever remnants Your devotees leave behind after honouring Your prasad I will eat every day with great joy." And when we go to distribute prasad, we look how much paneer or sweets we give because we are afraid nothing will be left for us. This is not service to devotees. It is said here, "With great joy, I will take whatever remnants your devotees leave after honouring your prasad."
basiya suiya, tomara charana "While sitting up or lying down, I will always think of Your feet. I will come to You whenever You call me, dancing all the way." "I will come to you dancing when you call me." It is such a beautiful kirtan...
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